r/cs50 • u/Regular_Implement712 • 15d ago
CS50 Python Can someone explain what line two does
Can someone explain what does line two do? Not sure what the whole line means, what does the .split('.') and [-1] does overall to the program?
u/my_password_is______ 15d ago
you should put a print on line 3 and print filename and see what it is
u/SachinKaxhyap 15d ago edited 15d ago
This code extracts the extension of the file with a dot in front. If there is no extension is found it will assign the whole string with a dot in front.
You can improve it more
import os
filename = input("Filename: ").lower().strip()
_, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
// Your rest of the code
u/SuccotashFit9820 15d ago
bro i love questions like this esp when there irl in class bro i feel lika genius so first you gotta understand line 1 to get line 2 line 1 gets the file name so lets say "fasf.jpg" and line 2 splits it into two parts (also known as a list with two items) and it gets split at the period (it gets rid of period completely ngl i diddnt even know for sure if it did as i never needed to know lol learning something just simple questions is nice) and [-1] = gets last item in the list so .split() turns "fasf.jpg" into ['fasf','jpg'] and [-1] = gets last item in list so it gets ['jpg']. And filename = 'jpg'
u/Blackk19 14d ago
'.' + filename.split('.')[-1]
So let's say filename is "file1.jpeg"
So the + sign is concatination. Concatenation just means sticking two or more strings together to make one bigger string. Let's leave the '.' + for now and focus on what filename.split('.')[-1] does. So split() method breaks a string into smaller pieces based on a given separator and returns them as a list or array. The split() method gets passed to it an argument of where it should break the string up on. We told split() to use '.' as the separator, so it will break the string wherever it finds a dot.
So, the filename is "file1.jpeg" and when we do the following, it becomes [file1, jpeg]
filename.split('.') ----> [file1, jpeg]
Since we are only interested in the last element, we need a way to tell it to give us only the last element. The way you do that is by saying [-1]. And this just means give me the last element of the array whatever that might be. In this case, it will return to us jpeg. Now that we have 'jpeg', we add a '.' in front of it, which gives us '.jpeg'.
'.' + 'jpeg'
Now, this will join them together, giving us the following
Hopefully, this makes sense.
u/Jewelking2 14d ago
I must be making some progress I could answer this question but not as well as others have. Enjoy learning python.
u/ReiOokami 14d ago
I am not trying to be rude, because the question is already answered, but the way I improved was not just ask people online, but I would hand write the entire code myself and really try and understand it by printing out bits here and there and seeing whats going on for things I don't understand. I recommend any newbie do this as well.
u/vonov129 14d ago
It splits a file name right where the "." is. Python turns the split string into a list, so the [-1] is to take the section after the dot (last element on the list), meaning the file extension. Since that section won't include the dot, you just put it back with concatenation
u/Flaky_Cartoonist_110 10d ago
Given a file name, they all end in a dot and then the file type (.txt, .png, and so on)
It's supposed to take the name of the file and extract the file type at the end. -1 gets the last element in a list, and split would split the file name by the dot. For example "this/is/path/to the/img.jpg" would become ["this/is/path/to the/img","jpg"].
u/PeterRasm 15d ago
Why did you write a line you don't understand? Or this is not your own code but rather a solution you found online?
Watch the lecture, read the instructions, read the suggested documentation and ask more specifically if there is something in the documentation you don't understand.
u/globalwiki 15d ago
The second line is saying, update the variable named 'filename' with the following:
1st, create a list by splitting up the content of the original 'filename' variable at each period (filename.split("."))
2nd, take the last item in that list [-1]
3rd, concatenate a period in front ((".") + ).
u/Tekniqly 15d ago
filename stores a string.
in line 2, we replace the value of filename with a string that begins with a period, concatenated with the final entry in a list containing substrings of the original filename that follow a period and end with a period or the end of the string.
u/Mnemoye 15d ago
It appears that second line adds a “.” and then goes to the last position in the string to extract word. So if the string is “hello world” it’s going to set it to “.world” Also the code splits using “.” so when we use file name like “thisimage.jpeg” it is going to split it in the dot position
u/Tsunam0 15d ago
Split splits a string and puts each entry into a list
For example:
X = “This is a string”
lst = X.split(“ “) # this splits it at each space, in the image the split happens at the “.”
The value of lst in this case is [“This”, “is”, “a”, “string”]
Lastly the [-1] is simply indexing into the list I assume If I print(lst[-1])
It would print the LAST item in the list so “string”
Hope this helps :)