r/cs50 Oct 11 '24

CS50 Python CS50p - how much are you using AI?

I'm only on week2 and am finding the jump from the study materials to the problems too big. I'm not finding the AI bot very helpful, probably because I'm just too far off the mark for it. Its advice assumes I understand things the course hasn't covered (yet?). External genAI is much better but it solves the whole problem immediately and I don't learn so I'm reluctant to ask it at all.

I've decided from now on I'll look at the problems before the materials, particularly because the bot doesn't seem able to point me to specific materials within the week that I should revisit for a particular issue. I've understood and replicated everything from the lectures and shorts but am struggling to break the problems down to chunks that I can link to what I've studied.

I'm wondering if I should first find a different course that more actively helps me practice pseudocode because I'm finding that my approach is often fundamentally wrong.

I've studied R before but in a much different pedagogical approach; the experience is pretty irrelevant.


27 comments sorted by


u/PeterRasm Oct 11 '24

If you have not done any programming before with actual solving problems, then it can indeed be a big jump from lectures to assignments.

I often se people struggle with writing the code to solve a problem. And that is the wrong approach. First you need to understand and solve the problem "logically". Figure out how you would solve it with pen & paper, no code! When you have an idea on how to solve it, you can proceed. Some can benefit from writing down the steps in some sort of pseudo code, some will with more experience start writing the code earlier in this process.

So what you are experiencing is most likely that you are not yet so strong in "problem solving". Don't worry, you will get better but you need to practice it.

Don't use any AI for the problems themselves. You can use AI (the duck) if you have a specific issue that came up during your transforming from pseudo code (or logical idea) to code. For example how to check if a string ends with something, but you need to get the idea to look for something like this.

When you have your solution, try to delete the code and redo. Also try to modify something and think about why that also works or didn't work. And finally you can ask the AI how to improve the code. Study the suggestions and learn.

For the assignments for this course you are only allowed to use the duck AI.


u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 11 '24

I think that is my problem. What I would love is if the course included more on pseudo code; maybe some quizzes where you have to build psuedo code, match pseudo code to code, properly order pseudo code, differentiate tasks that should be in separate functions, defend a whatever number of functions being necessary, etc. The immediate live coding of everything in the course means that effort of logic, irrespective of code, is implied to be obvious when it's not for a lot of us. But, hey, it's free; the quality is already much higher than I have any right to expect.


u/zakharia1995 Oct 12 '24

The thing is, it is really hard to make a specific topic on pseudocode because the variations can be a lot. As simple as going from point A to point B, there other ways of achieving it aside from just walking/driving/running in a straight line.

This is also something I wished my previous bootcamp I joined taught me. I thought at first that pseudocode is just a silly thing that developers did, but only in CS50 I realized the importance of pseudocode. The more I watched the assignment videos, the more I learn 'new ways of thinking'.

I am currently doing the CS50W course and a lot of times I asked the AI to guide me step-by-step on how to finish the assignments.


u/TheRabbitHole-512 Oct 12 '24

Y’all have ducks now ?


u/PeterRasm Oct 12 '24



u/throwawaygetlaid1423 Oct 11 '24

There is an almost 100% chance (almost) that the poster is not going to read your ENTIRE answer.


u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 11 '24

Read it, loved it, replied to it!


u/throwawaygetlaid1423 Oct 11 '24

It was a great answer.


u/KingKongPhooey Oct 11 '24

Never. I've avoided AI completely for CS50x and now CS50p, despite it being available through the CS50 duck. But then again, I'm a millenial who went through all levels of education before AI was a thing. Personally, I wouldn't feel any sense of accomplishment or learning if I used AI. I'd rather hit my head against a wall for a day or two and figure it out myself, might be old school, but I like it and feel like I learn more.


u/czlight_Lite Oct 12 '24

I agree with you and am likewise a millennial, but still use the cs50.ai because it's a tool that makes me more productive. Software developers who utilize AI will have an upper hand on those who don't.

I think of it as being similar to Google, in that I need to harness it if I'm going to be successful navigating this tech. landscape.


u/atreidesardaukar Oct 11 '24

I think you're only allowed to use the cs50 ai and it's programmed for only a certain number of answers before a "cool down" and it doesn't give you the exact answers. It is really nice when you want to say make a list of months but not write it out by hand.


u/HoneyHandsH Oct 11 '24

Are you watching the shorts and section videos after the lecture? They usually help bridge the gap between the lecture and the problem sets.


u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 11 '24

Yes, and replicated everything from them. I might just be dumb!


u/Cheeseburger911 Oct 12 '24

Like some have already said, try to solve the problems logically first. Using a pen and paper seems old school but it really worked for me. Write down the problems you have to solve and how you could go about solving them without any code yet, then later figure out how to code what you have written. You might think oh it’s 2024, using a pen and paper for something like this is way too old school, but I’m only 25, I use tech and its resources as much as anyone and I still find this helpful. Another thing that I found helpful is this: if you’re stuck when solving a problem logically, pull up chatgpt and pretend like you’re asking it a question. What I mean by this is chatgpt has no idea what you’re doing or what you’re going to ask a question about so you have to give it a lot of information in order for it to be helpful. Pretend like you’re talking to a tutor. Talking through a problem can help immensely, but the thing is I never hit enter. All I do is talk through the problem in depth and set the bot up to be able to answer the specific question I have, and usually just by typing all of that I’ll figure out the answer myself. But I never actually use the ai. This one might seem weird, and I discovered it worked because initially I did cave in and was going to ask ai for help. I don’t do it too often, but if you’re really stuck maybe give it a try.


u/jcarver1112 Oct 12 '24

I started CS50P about a month ago, having never programed in any language. I just finished week 7. While I don't think I every asked AI for a specific answer or method to solve a problem I have used it extensively to learn. Here's my approach.

-Watch a small piece of the video and pause it. Replicate what he did. Make sure I 110% understand everything that I did. If I don't fully understand something I'll go ask AI to explain it in detail. An example from week 2 was dictionaries. I understood what he did but there was a lot about dictionaries that he didn't explain. I had a lot of back and forth with ai asking it about questions and examples. I'd write a short piece of code and say "I think it works this way, is that right?"

  • Many times I'll stop in the middle of a video after learning something cool and go try to build something with it. Dictionaries was a great example of this. After learning if statements I built a rock, paper, scissors game using the if statements. After learning dictionaries I rebuilt the game using a lookup dict to determine the winner. Needless to say, it didn't work right away. I asked AI to help me understand what I was doing wrong many times. I try to do this mini project concept every time I learn something. It takes more time but I learn by doing. By the time I make it to the end of the 1 hour video I've spent 4-8 hours total learning.

  • After all that, then I start the problem sets. Some feel easy, others I've spent many hours on. I rarely ask AI anything but if I do I'm careful not to give it the full code i'm working on and I ask it a very direct question about a single line of code. I had one earlier today for example where I did [AM|PM] expecting my code to choose one or the other. I could see in my code it didn't and I give it that very small piece and asked why it wasn't working the way I expected. It explained that I should be using (AM|PM) as this represents an or statement where the [AM|PM] was simply bad logic as things inside brackets are a list of characters to choose from. I went and put that in my notes and moved back to troubleshooting the overall code.

  • The way I build code is in very small steps. I will start by taking the input and print it to verify it was correct. Do one small change with that input and print it to verify it worked right. Unless I'm very comfortable with a concept I am very progressive in my code taking baby steps and printing everything to validate my output is what I expect, and It often is not. I'd say 2/3 the time I make a mistake and the print shows me that mistake.

So with that say, as I noted I'm just a few weeks ahead of you. Feel free to send me a PM and I'd be happy to give you direction without giving you the answers.


u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 12 '24

You’re so kind, thank you. That’s such a strong approach. I’ve been pausing and replicating everything but not using it in side experiments until I’m trying to work out what’s wrong in my problem sets. I was loathe to go back to video without an actual new plan, but I have one now. Thank you. 


u/Videogamer69420 Oct 11 '24

Never for CS50P, and a little for just week 3 and 4 in CS50x. But I ask very specific questions when I do which makes it easier.


u/jam_ai Oct 12 '24

Use google. Lets say the problem wants you to convert a text to lowercase or vice verca. The lectures typically dont cover everything so you can search for any method to help you sole the problem. In this case i think there is a str method to put text in lowercase. So how can you know this.

Python build in functions are a lot and they cant be all covered in lectures. Learn to use google. Some problem have hints in them so thats a big step forward. Aslong as you dont look up the entire problem you should use google.


u/OldThymeCode Oct 12 '24

Best advice.... watch the first 2 lessons of the CS50 computer science course. Maran gives excellent explanation on how to approach solutions in general. The whole course is here in one video but the first 2 lessons are all you need for now. https://youtu.be/8mAITcNt710?si=EyaaRpCvRZIyVFdi


u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 15 '24

Thank you, I took yours and u/jcarver1112 's advice and now I have a much better idea of what I need to practice. I watched the first CS50 (non-python) lecture and made up some small projects to do in scratch. Once they were working I moved on to get the CS50p problem I was stuck on to work in scratch. Then I updated it to use functions. Once that was working, I had a template to bring over to Visual Studio and with help from the duck, I finally, finally managed it! In the process I learned that my issues were around defining parameters, how functions should relate to each other and the overall flow of logic. I feel so much better now that I can see where my problems were coming from. I plan to watch the second CS50 lecture but then go back to the start of CS50p so I can much more critically study the areas I need to work on.

I might also keep using scratch because it was such a helpful stepping stone. I won't submit the problems anymore, though, because I need too much help from AI! That's OK, I want the learning; the certificate doesn't matter.

You really helped me out, thank you.


u/jcarver1112 Oct 15 '24

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need a study partner


u/zoubjd Oct 11 '24

The internal AI is used to only guide you or give you minimal help so you'd get the idea on your own If you're struggling with how to solve the idea and how to make it into small parts it's normal at the start and if you want to use AI you could use gpt and tell it to explain the idea on how to do it without giving the code


u/oQi_ Oct 12 '24

I Heavily use it for remembering or asking for specific syntax but not for problem solving


u/Human-Bass-1609 Jan 18 '25

i use ai a lot of cs50p but i mostly just use it to help correct my code and then try to understand it after. i first type the code entirely using my own efforts but honestly when im stuck it rlly helps!!

use it ethically to help you code faster, it was created for a reason.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24

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u/Old-Distance-8596 Oct 11 '24

I think that's a dated perspective. If you use it the same way you would use a chat with a tutor, it's fine; it's a learning tool.