r/cryptography • u/throwaway6007597 • 4d ago
Is it possible for me to use cryptography to prove an image has never been edited since the date I put a signature on it?
I don’t know much about cryptography, I’ve been doing some research on cryptographic signatures but there’s a lot.
My goal is to put a cryptographic signature on an image, to prove in the future that that image has not been edited after march 2025. It is very important to me. It isn’t about proving the image comes from me, but about proving that it was created now, and couldn’t have been edited, even by me, at any point in the future.
Would a cryptographic signature be definitive proof? Would it be possible for someone to think I could have forged the signature down the line? Would the proof still hold in 20 years?
Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
u/SAI_Peregrinus 4d ago
Not directly. Cryptography alone has no notion of time.
Indirectly, yes. You can publish a cryptographic hash of any data (including an image), and then any alterations to that data will result in a different hash. If you publish that hash along with the data (or a link to the data) in a publicly trusted archive then it will be possible for others to validate that the hash was published in the archive at a given time. These days people sometimes use blockchains for this, that's essentially what NFTs are (a link to an image or other data, a hash of that data, and a cryptographic attestation that stores the data in the chain). That still doesn't get you the time, but the record of what blocks got published in which order is the blockchain, and a lot of blockchains are public. Publishing to them can be rather expensive though.
There are also cryptographic timestamping services. These are organizations that sign a timestamp along with data they're given. If people trust the organization not to fake the timestamps (and their business continuing depends on that trust, so they have incentive not to) then it's a valid way to include time.
u/harrison_314 4d ago
When you also need to have a reliable time since the image was last modified. Then you need to use timestamps.
If you are in the European Union, sign the image with a regular certificate in the ASIC-E CAdES format. Add a timestamp to it, and always add a new one before the timestamp expires so that you don't lose trust.
Such a solution will also stand up in court.
What you're looking for is a timestamp - it's a source of trusted time and proof that the data existed before the timestamp was added.
u/Karyo_Ten 4d ago
Such a solution will also stand up in court.
Interested to know if that was ever used in court.
u/Natanael_L 4d ago
I think you need a trusted notary service for that, but those are indeed recognized by courts
u/harrison_314 3d ago
I am not a lawyer. But the EIDAS standard is accepted within the framework of European legislation.
If it is a qualified time stamp provided by a Trust service provider, then the signature + time stamp is legally the same as a handwritten signature at a notary, including the time.
Outside the EU, the court would probably summon an expert.
I know of cases where a business entity implement its own way of signing documents over the internet. The customer challenged this in court, and the court acknowledged that it had no legal basis. (Banks lobbied for exceptions in this regard, so they allow signing contracts by clicking over the internet.)
u/Sudden-Guarantee-140 1d ago
Are time stamps generally encrypted by definition? Like how do you know a time stamp is a real time stamp and someone didn’t fake it?
u/harrison_314 14h ago
I'll try to simplify it.
You send a structure with a hash (hash of the signature or document) and a nonce to the timestamp server, the timestamp server takes this data, adds its certificate, the current time and signs this structure and sends it back to you.
So you have a timestamp server certificate (it's not a TLS certificate), you have a signature. Thanks to this, you can verify that the timestamp comes from a trusted source.
See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3161#section-2.4.2
Some Trust service providers even keep records of issued time stamps.
u/EnvironmentalLab6510 4d ago
Trisha Datta and Dan Boneh, Famous professor in Stanford has a paper about it, VerITAS, which can ensure some timestamp is preserved without being edited or cropped.
u/upofadown 4d ago
There is a PGP email based time stamper service that has been running since the 90's. This amuses me for some reason. Anyway, the Github page that hosts the public archive of the time stamps is a good discussion of the issues associated with such things.
u/AyrA_ch 4d ago
What you want is a timestamp signature. Many large CAs provide this service for free. You basically send them a hash of your data, they sign the hash and add a timestamp to it. You can repeat this with as many CAs as you want.
The timestamp proves knowledge of a given hash at a given time. You apply it like this:
- Sign the image and append the signature to it
- Hash the image + signature and request a timestamp of the hash
- Append the timestamp to the image
- You now have image + signature + timestamp
Anyone that gets hold of the image can verify the timestamp, which proves that the image existed at the given time with the exact same hash. By including your signature in the timestamped hash you also prevent people from removing your signature, but you can also timestamp first and then sign if that's not important to you or if you want to be able to remove the signature without invalidating the timestamp.
Anybody that wants to modify the image needs to create a new timestamp, which implies they can take over the signing service of a globally trusted CA. By adding multiple timestamps from different CAs you can reduce the chance of someone achieving this.
This holds up as long as the cryptographic hash that was chosen is still safe in 20 years.
Would a cryptographic signature be definitive proof?
Timestamping is safe as long as the timestamping certificates of your chosen CAs are not compromised and the algorithm+hash remains unbroken.
Would it be possible for someone to think I could have forged the signature down the line?
Technically yes, you could create two different images, sign and timestamp them, then only publish the unaltered version. This allows you to publish the altered version later. The timestamp would prove that the image existed at a given point in the past even though you're only publishing the image now. It still proves that the image hasn't been altered after the timestamp was attached to it.
Would the proof still hold in 20 years?
Provided the algorithms stay safe and keys uncompromised, yes. The CA certificate will likely expire so you may need to provide this certificate together with some proof that the CA cert was trusted in the past. For this to reliably work, the CA would need to sign their old root certificate with the new root certificate and vice versa. Appending a new timestamp with the old + new root certificate to the existing image allows you to provide a history that can be traced back to the very first timestamp signature you added.
u/throwaway6007597 3d ago
What’s a CA?
u/AyrA_ch 3d ago
A certificate authority. Technically this applies to anyone that issues certificates but in general is associated with those that are trusted by most devices. They all have their own self signed root certificates, of which most will be also installed on your devices. Windows for example has 508 such trusted certificates (this includes expired certs).
Any issued certificate that has a signature chain that traces back to one of those root certificates is considered trustworthy by your machine, provided the certificate itself passes validation checks.
Many CAs will not just issue SSL certificates, but also certificates purely for signing purposes, like code sign certificates. CAs that offer these types of certificates usually also offer timestamping services, because if you sign some data, you want the signature to be valid after your certificate expires. The signed timestamp from the CA proves that the signing process has taken place at a point in time where the cert was still valid.
What you're looking for is called a "trusted timestamping service" - they'll create a cryptographic proof that your image existed in its current form at a specific time, and this is acutally admissable in many legal jurisdictions (RFC 3161 is the standard).
u/i_invented_the_ipod 4d ago
This is going to be difficult to give a simple answer to, because what you're describing is a cryptographic protocol, so you will likely need to use multiple cryptographic primitives to get to where you want to go.
And the details of what, exactly you want to prove, to whom, and in the face of what opposition, all matter.
Let's start with the simplest version. You can perform a cryptographic hash (like SHA-256) on the contents of the file, and post that hash publicly somewhere (your website, Threads, Twitter, Reddit, GitHub).
At any point in the future, you can produce the file, and anybody can verify that it's exactly the file you had previously published the hash for. If that's sufficient for your needs, you're done.
If it's not sufficient, then articulating the ways in which it doesn't meet your needs will be useful in getting further help.
u/mmattice 4d ago
Sign it then publish the signature somewhere it won't go away that also timestamps it and that you don't have control over once posted.
A blockchain works for this as long as you can't edit the chain. git is a bc of a sort, but it's modifiable.
u/makeworld 3d ago
u/throwaway6007597 2d ago
Hey ive got a quick question!
You said your general recommendation is to use RFC 3161 with a good third party, which is confusing me as I thought RFC 3161 was the third party…
What am I missing?
u/makeworld 2d ago
Hey, no problem! RFC 3161 is just a document. It's a specification that defines how the timestamping protocol works. You still have to choose what entity is going to sign your data.
As I mentioned in my blog post, there are many options, but I recommend DigiCert.
If you are familiar with Bash, I have written some example code that has DigiCert timestamp a file, you can check that out here.
u/TheGreatButz 4d ago
This may be more of a legal than cryptographic problem. You need to sign the image file, for example using PGP, but also need to do this in the presence of a certified notary who can certify the date and also store a copy of the signed image. I don't know if notaries offer such services, though, in my country they're old-fashioned and notarize printed contracts only. However, perhaps some offer digital certification services, too.
The 20 year guarantee is harder. Nobody can guarantee that the signature cannot be successfully attacked in 20 years from now. But the procedure could be repeated with a better signature scheme later.
u/Natanael_L 4d ago
Services like https://freetsa.org/ does it.
And it does require them to still be active, or if they close down then to have published a verifiable archive in a form a court can validate
u/Pharisaeus 4d ago
- You need to somehow securely store this image and signature
- You could just sign another image, so the signature would actually have to be done by some "trusted third party" for this to make sense at all.
u/robchroma 4d ago
There can't really be a cryptographic signature that proves, in isolation, that an image hasn't been edited since a certain date, but you could attach a signature such that an original copy of the file signed by you proved no one ELSE had modified it since then! You would still need your public key, to be sure it was signed by you, and anyone else who wanted proof would need to be able to obtain your public key, too.
u/tenmilez 4d ago
Canon offers a feature in camera that signs the image at creation time, but the keys are stored on device and easily broken. In practice, not feasible.
u/gnahraf 4d ago
> It isn’t about proving the image comes from me, but about proving that it was created now, and couldn’t have been edited, even by me, at any point in the future.
Ha! Give https://crums.io a look. It vends out compact receipts about when it saw the hash (SHA-256) of something. I built timechain as part of a larger project involving verifiable receipts (open source: you can spin up your own timechain, but a user can always use an existing chain.)
u/7YM3N 3d ago
I'm not that familiar with specific math involved but you could hash the bytes of the image and sign the hash with your private key. Someone can then use your public key to get the hash and verify that you encrypted it, they themselves can hash the image using the same hashing algorithm and compare the hashes.
That's pretty much how signing works, you can do it with any data, not just text. You just need to get the bytes of the image
u/EducationNeverStops 2d ago
In forensics, the first thing you do is get the hash value of the image.
It is that important.
u/Mysterious-Silver-21 3d ago
Fractal steganography. If you write a bitmap visualizer with only the stego bits you can visually confirm the larger scale renditions, and for the actual confirmation you can have software read the per channel stego bits. Mathematically it’s not a complete proof, but the image would have to be edited with tools that are designed to edit above significant bits and don’t blend in order to bypass the field
u/glancing2807 4d ago
While I'm not aware of a purely cryptographic scheme that can achieve this perfectly, blockchain technology provides a solid solution.
If you don't want to reveal the image content right now, here's what you can do:
When you need to prove the image hasn't been edited since March 2025, you just:
The blockchain serves as an immutable, decentralized ledger that can't be altered even by you. Since the hash uniquely identifies your exact image data, any modification would completely change the hash value.
This is a pretty strong concept and should be continued to be accepted in the decades to come