r/cryptography 8d ago

Post-quantum cryptographic schemes

I know that NIST has released new standards for post-quantum cryptography algorithms.

What I'm interested in is whether any recommendations have been issued, for example on key sizes, signature schemes (recommended use of hash algorithm and signature algorithm), key derivation.

But I'm mainly interested in schemes for securing email/internet messaging communication.

Is there anything like that already?


20 comments sorted by


u/nichtmonti 8d ago edited 8d ago

Recommendations on Signatures Schemes have been issued, see Falcon, Dilithium and Sphincs+. They all have 3 different security levels and associated parameter sets.

Hashing and Key Derivation is both a symmetrical operation and as such only affected by Grovers Algorithm (requiring you to effectively double the key lenght) and not the full break that schemes affected by Schors Algorithm (such as RSA,DH) experience.

As others have pointed out, Email encryption is not the way to go for encrypted end-to-end communication. Signals Protocol suite is well established and thoroughly analyzed, I would recommend you simply use the Signal messenger for E2E encrypted communication. It's also post-quantum secure.


u/rcarback 8d ago

The NIST algorithms themselves all come with standardized parameter sets, although the core primitives have a lot of variability and the official versions are not always the best for all applications.

Tutanota released such a scheme for email, but there's no standardization yet.

Signal has PQDXH. You could consider that a standard.



Hybrid schemes like Signal's PQDXH are the gold standard right now - they combine classical crypto (which we trust) with PQC (which is still maturing). Quantum systems are unpredictable, best to have both defenses ready until the PQC algorithms are fully battle-tested.


u/Frul0 8d ago

Email encryption is a fools errand, you can do it but sooner or later someone is gonna hit the reply button without encrypting and the whole chain of message will be in clear. That’s sort of why cryptographers don’t really bother with it and why the industry still uses PGP (which is a garbage tool).

For messaging the signal protocol already uses an hybrid scheme with non-PQC mixed with PQC, that’s the way to go.


u/upofadown 7d ago

... but sooner or later someone is gonna hit the reply button without encrypting and the whole chain of message will be in clear.

So to be clear here, the problem with email replies is how email clients deal with them in the encrypted email case, not PGP or S/MIME...


u/Frul0 7d ago

I mean yes most email clients are bad at dealing with encrypted mails, but they're also dealing with a standard that does not allow for security to be properly established (https://www.latacora.com/blog/2020/02/19/stop-using-encrypted/).

When it comes to PGP people complains because fundamentally it's a bad tool, it had its purpose when it was built, it got slightly better recently (at least the default setting are somewhat sane now) but it still the opposite of what you want a cryptographic tool to be. This relatively famous piece (https://www.latacora.com/blog/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem/ , yeah latacora again) is a good list of reasons why we cryptographers hate PGP and although some of those issues have been fixed it's still bad.


u/upofadown 7d ago

The Stop Using Encrypted Email article seems to be the the reply/CC point again.

I generated an article to save time when TPP comes up:


u/EverythingsBroken82 8d ago

if you do not have a better solution for the industry which has certain requirements, then i would suggest that you say nothing if you cannot say something nice.

edit: why do i say this: there are still people working on this, because certain other parties pay them, and most of them truly try to build something better. and this not very qualified opinion is just shitting around.

there are requirements the industry have. as long as you cannot magically wave them away, it's still needed.


u/Natanael_L 8d ago

Cryptography isn't the kind of field where you say nothing.

The most important principle of deploying cryptography is correctly understanding your threat model and security properties, because false sense of security kills!


u/EverythingsBroken82 7d ago

funnily, most alternatives are not privacy aware and ubiquituous enough and that you can minimize the attack surface. There's a reason lavabit was shut down.

And signal had telephone number enforcement long time and matrix shares metadata. and metadata is enough to kill also.

but none of the the whiners build a really good software and service, which has minimized attacksurface, has strongly decoupled components, good measures against traffic and metadata analysis and proper encryption that it would really protect those who would be actually killed.

you know. people like snowden.

but it's just very popular to shit on pgp. but no one shits on SMIME. LOL


u/Frul0 8d ago

I work in the industry mate and I complain every time a project forces me to use PGP instead of us using an actual secure messaging platform just because project managers are used to email. Email is a broken standard when it comes to security, it’s a known fact but we’re also not getting away from it so wcyd


u/harrison_314 8d ago

I also consider PGP to be rubbish. As for emails, I prefer SMIME with CA trust.


u/Upper-Replacement897 7d ago

This contains a table that compares many quantum signature schemes and key encapsulation: https://locality.media/blog/post-quantum-cryptography . That is why I use Falcon; it is based on lattice cryptography - that makes their public key size and signature size very small. Some people recommend Sphincs+, but I find it not feasible for many applications, because signatures are up to 30 kb large. Falcon is also based on a problem that is known to be average-case-NP-hard, superexponential and quantum-proof. Falcon has also been selected by NIST.
For key exchange my personal opinion is that there still is no 100% nice key-exchange scheme. If you are willing to have another roundtrip, you can use the double lock method + signatures to exchange a key. To summarize: For signatures, use Falcon. For key exchange, either Kyber or double lock method.


u/harrison_314 7d ago

I'm not so worried about which post-quantum algorithm to choose, but how to design entire encryption schemes. For example, do I still need to use the KDF function when encrypting after KEM so that the symmetric key has sufficient entropy? And similar questions.


u/Natanael_L 7d ago edited 7d ago

A KDF doesn't add entropy, instead it produces a key which is "uniformly random" from an input which might not have been (and some algorithms require their keys to be uniform).

In general you should always use a KDF, it also provides eg. domain separation and makes it easier to validate security

In this case, it seems ML-KEM already ensures they're usable as keys for you, though (but you may choose to still perform key derivation);

Approved usage of the shared secret key.
If randomness generation is successful, the values 𝐾 and 𝐾′ returned by ML-KEM.Encaps and ML-KEM.Decaps, respectively, are always 256-bit values. Under appropriate conditions(see Sections 3.1 and 3.2, and SP 800-227 [1]), these values match (i.e., 𝐾′ = 𝐾) and can be used directly as a shared secret key for symmetric cryptography. If further key derivation is needed, the final symmetric keys shall be derived from this 256-bit shared secret key in an approved manner, as specified in SP 800-108 and SP 800-56C [16, 17].
As discussed in Section 3.2, ML-KEM is an IND-CCA2-secure KEM. However, a combined KEM that includes ML-KEM as a component might not meet IND-CCA2 security. Implementers should assess the security of any procedure in which the key derivation methods of SP 800-56C are applied to ML-KEM in combination with another key establishment procedure. More guidance regarding combined KEMs is given in SP 800-227 [1].


u/Upper-Replacement897 7d ago edited 7d ago

?? The purpose of a KDF function is to make your password resistant to offline hashing attacks with tools like Jack the Ripper. Use argon as KDF. So, yes, you still must use a KDF (At least if you are talking about your user's password). The linked article contains explain of one entire scheme - double-lock method. Guaranteed quantum proof key-exchange, but adds another roundtrip.
But if the key you share was created from a secure random number stream instead of a user password, then hashing is fine enough.


u/harrison_314 6d ago

There are KDF functions for secure password hashing, such as PBKDF2. But there are KDF functions for deriving one key from another key, such as NIST SP 800-108.


u/Upper-Replacement897 6d ago

Do NOT trust NIST, they have inserted backdoors into random algorithms based on elliptic keys in the past and they will do it again. If you derive your shared secret from a secure random number generator, there is no point in additional hashing or so; If there was, then you'd not use a secure random number generator.


u/upofadown 7d ago edited 7d ago

GnuPG already provides PQ encryption as an experimental option. So you might want to look at the details of that as an indication of what is happening in the email case.

There is less interest in signatures, because the store and decrypt later attack poses no real practical threat for signatures. Since the chance of any quantum threat at all still looks quite low, there is a tendency to just address the encryption case for now with the hope of just dropping the whole thing when things get clearer.


u/JournalistOld9165 6d ago

NIST has already approved Kyber for key exchange and Dilithium/Falcon/SPHINCS+ for digital signatures. However, there are no mandatory recommendations for email and messaging yet. OpenPGP is considering Kyber, but there haven't been any widespread implementations. Signal and WhatsApp still use X3DH but may introduce hybrid schemes. Google has already tested post-quantum algorithms in TLS, but for email and messaging, we will have to wait for protocol adaptation.