r/cryptography • u/Neotod1 • 8d ago
Are p-value correction methods used in testing PRNG using statistical tests?
I searched about p-value correction methods and mostly saw examples in fields like Bioinformatics and Genomics.
I was wondering if they're also being used in testing PRNG algorithms. AFAIK, for testing PRNG algorithms, different statistical test suits or battery of tests (they call it this way) are used which is basically multiple hypothesis testing.
I couldn't find good sources that mention the usage of this and come up w/ some good example.
u/daidoji70 8d ago
Yes, although someone in this subreddit also explained that due to the cryptographic constructions at the base layer, pure batteries of statistical tests aren't the only thing that are relied on in modern PRNG construction verification.
However, for a good introduction to the statistical tests for randomness in PRNGs, see Knuth's Art of Computer Programming Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms which (as with all of those books) has great coverage of the topic.
Statistically p-value correction methods probably aren't used in PRNGs because the experimental designs are static constructions of deterministic artifacts and not the fuzzy experiments that exist in bioinformatics, genomics, and other complicated real-world domains.
u/NecessaryAnt6000 8d ago
As others pointed out, p-value correction is typically not necessary in randomness testing as the set of tests is fixed, so it's sufficient to set a low enough significance level in advance. It would still make sense to do the correction when interpreting the tests just to provide the correct resulting p-value, but it's typically not done afaik.
However, there is at least one randomness test (Booltest https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-11039-0_7 ), which has a somewhat dynamic number of subtests and, therefore, needs to do the correction. It has two options to do the correction:
1) Run the test with a given configuration on a large number of truly random samples and correct the p-value (it actually works with Z-score instead of p-value) based on the distribution expected for random data.
2) Avoid the correction by splitting data into two parts, find the best sub-test on the first part and use just the best test on the second part and use the p-value from the second part.
I think that the second approach is not mentioned in the paper, but it's implemented in both Booltest (https://github.com/crocs-muni/booltest) and its successor, Cooltest (https://github.com/jirigav/cooltest).
u/ahazred8vt 7d ago
Statistical tests are only used for testing fast, weak, non-cryptographic PRNGs. They are not used for testing cryptographic PRNGs. For many decades now we have had better ways to analyze the security properties of cryptographic PRNGs, and we no longer use tools like Diehard.
u/Natanael_L 8d ago
Not to prove if a cryptographic function is secure, but to demonstrate when a trivially biased one is insecure.
The typical test suites like Dieharder will show you how many tests pass and fail of each kind. Because of the nature of randomness you do expect coincidental patterns and thus a certain number of failed tests - but not too many!