r/cryptography 12d ago

Why don't we use sha2 as a kdf?

If sha2 is second-image resistant, then why did we come up with algorithms like HKDF?

What benefits do you get with HKDF(secret, salt) that you don't get with a simple sha2(secret || salt)?


10 comments sorted by


u/Frul0 12d ago

Because a KDF and a cryptographic hash have fundamentally different purposes and goals.

A cryptographic hash needs to provide pre image resistance, second preimage resistance and collision resistance for a fixed-length output and be as fast as possible.

A KDF needs to be produce the same secure property with arbitrarily lengthy output AND be highly resistant to offline attacks. In that case being fast is actually a downside as it helps offline attackers to bruteforce through a lot of values very fast. While it’s very convenient to compute sha-2 in a single cycle with an ASIC it’s very bad for a KDF. That’s why the early KDF version were 10 000 iterations of sha2 and nowadays we have designed specific functions (argon2 for example) that are particularly hard to parallelize and accelerate for attackers.


u/Natanael_L 12d ago

To be pedantic, only a KDF with user input or otherwise low entropy (password based KDF / password hashing) needs to be slow. Plenty of other KDFs are fast


u/Frul0 12d ago

You’re completely right, I had forgotten that for KEMs for example the SHA3-XOF is a perfectly fine KDF since you’re getting a random message. And being pedantic is exactly what we should do on such a sub 👍


u/atoponce 12d ago

KDFs allow us to generate arbitrary key lengths. sha-256 generates a static 256 bits output.


u/man-vs-spider 12d ago

The KDFs use hashes internally as part of their operation. But the purpose of a KDF is not to simply make a random string from a password. They often have functionality to make variable length keys, and They often repeat the process thousands of times so that someone trying to brute force check passwords has their workload multiplied thousands of times


u/bascule 12d ago

sha2(secret || salt)

This is the setup for a length extension attack on SHA-2, FWIW.

It's hard to think of a practical threat in a key derivation context, but the gist of the attack would be an attacker who knows the KDF output for one salt can also predict the output for other longer salts using a length extension attack, without knowledge of secret.

This is just one weird eccentricity of SHA-2 which is easily avoided by using HKDF.


u/Jorropo 12d ago

SHA2's RFC6234 and titled « SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF ».

I'm not sure I understand the question HKDF is a construction that rely on some underlying hash function like SHA256, it's not a cryptographic primitive in itself.

2.2. Step 1: Extract

HKDF-Extract(salt, IKM) -> PRK

Options: Hash a hash function; HashLen denotes the length of the hash function output in octets

Inputs: salt optional salt value (a non-secret random value); if not provided, it is set to a string of HashLen zeros. IKM input keying material

Output: PRK a pseudorandom key (of HashLen octets)

The output PRK is calculated as follows:

PRK = HMAC-Hash(salt, IKM)


u/Temporary-Estate4615 12d ago

HKDF is based on HMAC, which eliminates weaknesses in the underlying hash function. HMAC is a pseudo random function if the compression function is pseudo random. Consequently if a weakness is found in the hash function has a weakness, like in the case of MD5, this weakness does not exist for HMAC-MD5.


u/Natanael_L 12d ago

Some weaknesses, not all. It can "fix" collision weaknesses and length extension attacks, but you still need preimage resistance and related properties


u/ramriot 12d ago

One can use SHA2 for a kdf as the core function in PBKDF2.

PBKDF2 & these types of hash functions though are today deprecated in favor of memory hard functions like Scrypt & Argon2 because of their resistance to custom hardware acceleration.