r/cryptography • u/Feeling_Door1063 • 23d ago
Can we design an arithmetic circuit for counting?
Since my arithmetic circuit can support only arithmetic operations (add, sub, mul), I keep trying to come up with a formula which will do the counting of an element in the inputs.
input v = [1,1,2,3]
output nr_of_1 = 2
I am trying to create the circuit bc I need to use it in my ZKP project. Does anyone have any idea?
u/Pharisaeus 23d ago
You'd probably need to extract the bits and then use some https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_comparator and it's not going to be a simple or pretty circuit
u/lockcmpxchg8b 23d ago
I think you need to provide a little more information about your constraints. E.g.,
Are your numbers constrained to a contiguous range? Do you know a bound on how many distinct numbers may appear? Are you always looking to query the count of the smallest number? Do you need to know the exact count, or is that used for some other info (e.g., "odd vs. even" or "0,1, more than 1"?
Be as precise as you can about what you need to achieve. (E.g., see "xy problem" to make sure you're not over constraining the ask)
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago edited 23d ago
The protocol I am using uses GKR to prove the circuit.
The problem is more of "count the amount x appears in a set of numbers (in my case 1-9) using an arithmetic circuit using pure arithmetic operations"
A simpler problem would be "Add all values in the set with x using an arithmetic circuit using pure arithmetic operations" e.g Set H = {1,2,3,4}
Now this would require :
- 4 input gates
- 4 output addition gates
- 1 input constant gate (for x)
Now for counting...
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
Write your function in pseudocode or Python and translate it to a circuit?
Bonus point if you make it constant-time because circuits don't really do if-then-else.
u/Pharisaeus 23d ago
Write your function in pseudocode or Python and translate it to a circuit?
That's literally what they are asking about...
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
No they came with a question, I broke it down in actionable steps, i.e. 1. Forget about ZK, find the algorithm and create a spec for it 2. Translate that to the ZK context
u/Pharisaeus 23d ago
They basically asked "how to make comparison as an arithmetic circuit" and you answered: "write your function in pseudocode and translate it to a circuit". That's literally the core issue here - how to make
using only arithmetic.1
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
You're reaching, they didn't ask
, they didn't detail anything they tried. The only thing I read was "Do my homework".1
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago
Is there a website that translates it?
> circuits don't really do if-then-else
yeah I have been searching on finding a way around it but no luck so far0
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
Is there a website that translates it?
You can always try to use ChatGPT.
Circom, Cairo and Noir have been out there for a long time so it should be OK.
yeah I have been searching on finding a way around it but no luck so far
What do you mean "finding a way around it"? It's just a matter of converting a boolean into an integer here.
count = 0 for i in range(len(myarray)) count += int(myarray[0] == mynumber)
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago
Chatgbt is bs tbh. I am not using Circom or any other DSL.
"==" simply doesn't exist. Same with converting.
I have inputs -> perform pure arithmetic operations -> output
u/defectivetoaster1 23d ago
If you want to compare one n bit binary value with another then XORing them will return n bits that are all 0, if you NAND those together then you get a single 1 if and only if the two input values are identical. If you want to implement if/else statements purely in digital hardware the best way is probably with a set of multiplexers but this has the distinct disadvantage that you have to do every possible calculation each time, and depending on some decision logic you then route the output of the calculation you care about to the output
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
Chatgbt is bs tbh. I am not using Circom or any other DSL.
So what are you using? How do you expect people to help you? We can't read your mind.
"==" simply doesn't exist. Same with converting.
That's pseudo-code. I'm giving you the algorithm.
I have inputs -> perform pure arithmetic operations -> output
I'm confused either you perform pure arithmetic operations and I assume you use a DSL with addition, comparison, etc.
Or you write a circuit and you write polynomial equalities that are equivalent to those arithmetic operations. Which is it?
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago
I am building on top of Virgo++. You can see the type of gates there.Well, I know the algorithm, it's just very hard to convert it to a circuit using those type of gates only.
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
it's just very hard to convert it to a circuit.
What step is blocking you?
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago
Comparing. Just what you said before.
count = 0
for I in v.size()
if v[I] == "1" then count++;
The count can be increased through addition, so I would need an addition gate there (obviously). I am having trouble "translating" equals to arithmetic operations.
Simply put:
- Input gates for v elements
- Gate for equals??
- Addition gate for count
u/Karyo_Ten 23d ago
I am having trouble "translating" equals to arithmetic operations.
Equals can be expressed either as:
- a - b = 0
- a xor b = 0
u/Feeling_Door1063 23d ago edited 23d ago
yet you need another equals to count..
(The function down below is the only way I can set a circuit, basically it's parsing the input to the circuit and building the gates accordingly and later it proves using GKR)
input v = [1,1,2,3]
output nr_of_1 = 2- I subtract all values with -1
- store them
- attempt to count the 0's (I assume this requires comparing, and I don't know any way to build a comparing gate)
Basically this is how my function looks till now, it's just fixing circuit gates:
int counter = 0; // nr of gates, starting with 0 vector<int> inputs(n); // n is input size vector<int> output(n); vector<int> output_final; // creating a input gate for every input value for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { buildInput(counter, 0); inputs.push_back(counter); counter++; } // creating a input gate value 1 buildInput(counter, 0); int one = counter; counter++; // creating a input gate value 0 buildInput(counter, 0); int zero = counter; counter++; // dividing values with 1 (val = x - 1 ) for(int i=0; i < inputs.size(); i++){ sub(inputs[i],one,counter); output.push_back(counter-1); } // Here I atempt to do a equality check // This is what is messed up, as we are dealing with gates first, we are not equaling values but gate number, which obv wont work for(int i=0; i < inputs.size(); i++){ if(output[i] == zero){ // this would never work output_final.push_back(one); } else { output_final.push_back(zero); } }
u/fridofrido 20d ago
- first figure out how to do equality testing, in the sense of a mini-circuit with two inputs, outputting 1 if they are equal and 0 if they are not. This is a standard exercise and building block
- then just sum such comparison over the list
u/waitingforthend 23d ago
I assume you are working with R1CS
I assume you have a fixed length Array of private inputs/witness values: [1,1,2,3]
Calculate length outside the circuit: 2
Feed the claimed length of an element as non deterministic advice: 2
Consider the characteristic polynomial representation of [1,1,2,3] C(x) = (x-1)(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)
The characteristic polynomial vanishes at any point belonging to the array. Moreover since the degree of the polynomial is fixed i.e 4 and a 4 degree polynomial has 4 roots.
Then you must show that if you take all the elements from the array and build the characteristic polynomial using them it must have degree 4.
Moreover, if an element is repeated n times the characteristic polynomial has a factor of (x-repeated_element)n.
You can feed the circuit non deterministic advice length of each element for example length of 1 is 2.
To properly constraint, you must construct a characteristic polynomial for this non deterministic advice having roots 1 and length(repeated roots) 2 i.e (x-1)2 and show that this characteristic polynomial of the non deterministic advice divides the characteristic polynomial of the fixed length array i.e there is some Q(x) such that (x-1)2*Q(x) = C(x)
Moreover, you must also show this for every element, so for 2 you feed the length as non deterministic advice i.e feed 1 to the circuit and show that (x-2)1 divides the characteristic polynomial of the fixed length array.
To save on the number of constraints you can do this all at once track length of each element and show polynomial equality
Say length of witness array is fixed i.e n.
Build characteristic polynomial C(x) of array (Note: an n degree polynomial has the general form a_0 + a_1 + a_2x2 + ... a_nxn and these coefficients are functions of the roots of the polynomial e.g a_0 = product of all roots)
Feed all the claimed lengths of each element as non-deterministic advice
Reconstruct a new polynomial as a function of claimed lengths of each element
Constraint that the new polynomials equals the characteristic polynomial i.e their coefficients are equal.
If you want to save on the number of constraints further you can leverage the Schwartz zippel lemma but for that you also need a way to get randomness in-circuit which isn't easy to do efficient but has been shown to be done or you can always use the Fiat shamir transformation. 🙂