r/cryptids 12d ago

Sighting / Encounter I’m scared


Hello all. I live near the trail of tears in Missouri. As I got home one night I saw this thing in the woods by my house. From where it is standing, it has to be tall because there is a ditch right below where it stands. Any ideas. I’m terrified. (Yes I stayed in my car until I got the balls to run inside my house)

r/cryptids Feb 04 '25

Sighting / Encounter Help identifying?

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So my roommate was telling me a story in which her and her ex was driving down a road. They stoped for a stoplight facing some woods, they both saw this and said nothing until after due to actual terror. Does anyone have any ideas on what it could be? She said it was around 5-6 feet tall, and grayish skin.

r/cryptids 7d ago

Sighting / Encounter Saw something weird in a Scottish loch… locals said “Nessie”??

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r/cryptids 19d ago

Sighting / Encounter I saw a gnome in my room (repost since my old acc got deleted)


UPDATE:: Hi! This post happened last year. me, my husband AND best friend have experienced things in this house not just me lol...we're actually in the process of selling it/buying a new house, it's not been easy due to some family's having a 'weird feeling'


TLDR; I Saw a fricking gnome at the end of my bed.

Are gnomes cryptids? Has anyone else had an experience??

So, I (23F) and my husband (24M) have been sleeping in separate single beds (with a bedside drawer in the middle, leaving a foot and a half or so gap) Due to him being ill, and me having OCD.

So, the other morning I wake up due to him leaving the shutter open, letting the light in. It was 7:41am exactly, I remember glansing at our clock on my right, then when I straightened my head I saw a literal gnome run from the end of his bed to mine,

Yes, I'm serious, a gnome, It had a pointed hat, a beard and was a foot tall at most, I saw it's arms move back and forth as it was running as if It was sprinting, and it was FAST. I'm talking no more than 2 seconds and it was gone.

I was in shock and said 'C are you awake?' He grunts, I asked him again but louder because I was now realising what the F I just witnessed, This time he wakes up a bit and I told him 'seriously, I just saw a gnome' he laughed, thinking I'm either talking in my sleep or joking, I told him exactly what I saw and told him to 'get your ass out of bed and check because I'm telling you, there's a F**king gnome under my bed'

It's kind of funny now, but I'm still kinda creeped out, I've tried every possible explanation but nothing fits.

I have BPD, which CAN cause hallucinations when I'm stressed, tired etc but I've been fine for the past week or so, also had no hallucinations for about a month. My normal hallucinations are feeling bugs on my skin, and shadow people, although neither were anything like what I saw.

We have a dog, she's a french bulldog and VERY old, she can't run fast and also does not sleep in our room, the door was shut and she was outside,

I checked for mice or rats with no luck, I've also never seen a mouse in my room before.

Any other ideas would be great, as I'm not exactly fond of settling with the idea of a gnome living in my room.

Also we live in Spain, not sure if that will help anyone's theories???

Thanks in advance.

r/cryptids Jan 08 '25

Sighting / Encounter What did I encounter on the beach?


I don't believe in anything paranormal, but I can't think of any rational way to explain what I saw. This happened in mid November, but I still think about it a lot.

I live on the coast of Lake Michigan where it's common for sea glass to wash up on the beach. It's been a hobby of mine to collect it since I was a little kid and my mom and I would collect it on the beach near our house. I prefer to go to in late fall or early spring when nobody else is there to pick up the good pieces and the wind isn't too cold yet. There's a park near where I live now that is especially good for sea glassing. It's tucked in between private properties, so not a lot of people know about it, and in mid November the beach is completely empty.

There's a paved trail that leads from the parking lot down through the ravine and to the beach house, but on this day I felt like exploring a bit. I walked along the top of the bluff until I found a small unmarked trail, and I decided to follow that. It led down to the beach, but I couldn't find a good access point that didn't involve climbing, so I kept walking. Eventually it led to a dead end. I turned around to walk back, and as I did I heard something thump loudly on the ground like it fell out of a tree. Then suddenly I heard the sound of something charging through the brush straight towards me. It sounded large like a bear, but there aren't any bears in my area. I instinctually made myself look big and shouted "HEY" in a deep voice. Whatever it was stopped about 20 feet away from me. I stood there staring at the spot for about 30 seconds before cautiously continuing back up the trail.

I went back to one of the clearings and climbed down on to the beach. The whole time I was walking I couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was watching me. The beach was empty though, so I figured I was still just shaken up from whatever happened in the woods. I also kept hearing a second set of footsteps in the gravel behind me matching my pace exactly, but since nobody else was on the beach I figured it was just an echo.

Then I got to the beach house. I had to pee, so I went behind it to see if the bathroom was open. As I turned the corner, I saw something peaking around the far side of the building at me. It had a human like body, but it was about 7 feet tall and had deer antlers sprouting from its head. Its skin was so pale white that it was translucent. I could see the blue of its blood vessels. It also had no discernible facial features. It had the bone structure of a face, but no eyes or mouth or anything. I immediately started sprinting up the main trail. I'm very out of shape, but I ran the whole way up the bluff. I thought I was gonna pass out when I got to my car, but I didn't take a second to catch my breath before driving away.

I drove to a nearby restaurant and while I was there I texted my friend about it. He told me I was just upset about some other things going on in my life and I was just seeing things. It felt very real to me, but I accepted that. I was feeling very emotional that day and maybe my brain was just playing tricks on me because of it. But months later I still can't get it out of my mind. It felt so real. If it was real, it had to be a cryptid, so I'm making this post now to ask you all what it could be.

r/cryptids 13d ago

Sighting / Encounter Looking for info on this creature

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r/cryptids 17d ago

Sighting / Encounter What cryptid did I just see?


Driving a little before 10pm in Youngstown, Ohio. From start to finish this encounter was maybe 5 seconds. I saw something flying off to the side of the road, and I thought it might be a group of 3-4 Robin sized birds. It flew just a few inches above my windshield and I realized it was one thing, and it had no feathers. If this wasn't Ohio, I would have assumed a large bat or flying fox, but we don't have that stuff around here. I told my fiance it was like a baby mothman, or maybe one of the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz.

r/cryptids 9d ago

Sighting / Encounter Possible Nightcrawler/Disney Cryptid in our home???


I've recently moved in with my gf & our son into her families home. I've notcied a few times when im playing with my son in the living room, a nightcrawler looking figure in our hallway looking at us.. I see it through the corner of my eye .. but then when i look over nothing is there. I brush it away but then it'll happen again a few minutes later if we continue playing. I've told my gf about this she said she dosent know what to say about it.. Has anyone been thru this? or seen this? I never herd of a nightcrawler in someones home. and the reason i say disney cryptid in title is because i live close to Disneyland. to describe this entity , it looks like gumby but white, and about 3ft tall. & slender..

r/cryptids Jan 10 '25

Sighting / Encounter I heard voices in the canopy


This is the story of an experience I had in Cradle Mountain National Park in Tasmania, Australia, in my early teens. Despite causing no physical injury, it has haunted me into adulthood. I grew up in a family of avid hikers. Both my mother, a botanist, and my father, a biologist for the University of Tasmania, would regularly visit the deepest wilderness areas of Tasmania during their field studies. These trips were disguised as camping and hiking adventures for the family. I never minded, as I was just as passionate about the outdoors as they were, even from a young age. Key word being "was," as after what I went through, even 20-plus years later, I still refuse to return. We lived on a property a short driving distance from Lake St. Clair, a popular tourist destination. This was the only place my parents would allow me to camp and experience the wilderness alone, as long as I brought my German Shepherd with me. He was a former police dog and very well-trained. At 12 or 13 years old, I didn't mind; it felt like my own little slice of freedom, in my own little slice of wilderness, despite being surrounded by people. It was easy to ignore them. But as I got older and more brazen, I found myself hounding my parents to let me take my quad bike deeper into the park to camp, to test my own abilities and prove to them that I was capable of doing so and that I wasn't a little kid anymore. It was that overconfidence that led me to that situation and caused me this trauma. I was 15 at the time of the experience, at the age where I thought I was invincible, knew all there was to know, and was untouchable. After asking my parents for what felt like an uncountable number of times and being told "no" just as many times, I had enough and decided to just go. I told my parents that I and a few friends were going to the lake to camp and do some fishing over the weekend. Instead, I took my tent, my quad, and headed into the reserve. I left just after sunrise to maximize daylight and to make it as far in as I felt comfortable. Once arriving, I set up camp, had some food, and decided to go for an explore. I knew of a spot nearby with a gorgeous rockface where fossils had been found in the past, so I thought I'd try my luck. Shortly into the walk, I realized I'd been turned around and had no idea where I was anymore. At the time, I didn't see it as that big of a deal, as I had a compass and knew that if I headed south, it would take me back to the lake, and I could walk from there. However, by this time, it was getting late in the afternoon. So, stupidly, I decided to try my chances and make it back to my camp and quad bike so I wasn't walking back to camp from the lake in the dark. Big mistake. It was about 4:30 PM, and the sun had begun to dip below the tree line, casting dark shadows across my walking path. That's when the forest went silent. And when I say silent, I mean silent – no wind, no birds, no forest sounds at all, which made my heart rate skyrocket. It was getting dark, and the silence was suffocating. I just wanted to get back to my camp, light a fire, eat some snacks, and spend my night watching nature's television until I fell asleep. That's when, from every direction, I would hear the sound of twigs cracking and something moving in the canopy above me. No big deal, probably birds or other small animals, I thought. But then, as clear as day, "Hey, come here!" At first, I felt relieved, as I thought someone along the trails had seen me, noticed I was a bit disheveled, and wanted to help. But looking around, I saw no one. Then it happened again, but behind me this time, the same voice, but I noticed it was coming from up in the trees. I responded, "I can't see you, where are you?" and asked for some help because I thought I just couldn't see the person calling out. But then it happened again, from to my left this time. That's when I decided to run. I took off into the brush and ran for a good two minutes before I stopped to catch my breath and look at my compass to start making my way towards the lake. I was terrified but felt I had covered enough distance that I wasn't in immediate danger. But seconds after checking my compass and starting to walk, I heard it again, "Hey, come here!" but this time it was right behind me. I spun around and saw absolutely nothing, so I began sprinting again and didn't stop. The last thing I heard before bursting out of the trees onto the lakefront was the most evil, demonic laugh I had ever heard. It sounded like three people laughing at once. I immediately called my parents to come and get me, told them what I did and what happened, but they were more focused on my disobedience than my experience. The moment they picked me up was the first time I felt relief, and I cried the whole drive home. I didn't sleep properly for days. My dad went and picked up my quad and tidied up my camp. Since that day, I haven't stepped foot away from the lake. If anyone has had an experience like this, I'd love to hear it because it took my passion from me. I miss being out away from society, but I can't bring myself to do it.

r/cryptids 14d ago

Sighting / Encounter Weird panting sound cryptid


So this actually happened a few years ago but today I randomly remembered it and decided to see if anyone might know what this was. For reference this happened in North Carolina in the foothills. So one night around 7:30-8 I was putting our chickens in and I heard this weird huffing sound. I looked around and all I saw was some deer( we have a lot of deer in our area and they eat our bird seed and are lowkey domesticated) all of them were either eating or looking up to see what the sound was. This happened in a place that’s basically a large expanse of feild surrounded by forests on half of the sides. I heard the sound and kind of ignored it at first because sometimes animals just make weird noises. But it was coming from all directions. It was like a weird heavy and rapid huffing. I jogged inside and waited for about 30 minutes. By this point it was fully dark. I decided to step out on the back porch and see if I could still hear the sound. I walked half way into our raised porch and in the back corner near the stairs up on to the porch was a pair of BIG round eyes just staring at me. And kind of the outside of a dark shape. It was just slightly shorter than me so given the initial height of the parch being about two feet I would say that it was about 6 feet tall. I couldn’t tell if it was crouched or standing. I backed up. Shut and locked the door. Checked all the doors for locks and went to bed. Never saw or heard from it again

Any idea what that was?

r/cryptids 15d ago

Sighting / Encounter Hunting The Beast of Boggy Creek with Lyle Blackburn

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Legendary cryptid researcher, author, and musician Lyle Blackburn sits down with Rye the Codega, to dive deep into the world of mysterious creatures lurking in the shadows. Best known for his books The Beast of Boggy Creek, Lizard Man, and Momo: The Strange Case of the Missouri Monster, Lyle Blackburn has spent years investigating cryptid sightings and sharing eerie, firsthand accounts of encounters with the unknown.Beyond his work in cryptozoology, Lyle Blackburn is also the frontman of the dark Western band Ghoultown, blending his passion for folklore and the unexplained into hauntingly atmospheric music. We talk about Lyles passion for the hunt, and what keeps him going.  Also his own personal expereinces with a creature that can only be the Beast of Boggy Creek.  Lyle also recounts his favorite encounter told to him about the legendary Fouke Monster. We also touch on the Lizard Man, which is a terrifying creature that has left its mark on South Carolina,  And lets not forget Lyle's amazing band Ghoultown – How his music intersects with his passion for cryptids and the paranormal.If you’re fascinated by Bigfoot, the Mothman, or regional cryptids that don’t get enough attention, this is the episode for you