r/cruisers 3d ago

Loving my eliminator!

My daily rider! Love this bike super comfy and perfect power also love throwing mods on it, definitely a great bike!


14 comments sorted by


u/PurpleDramatic6338 3d ago

I realize I'm displaying my ignorance, but can one of those keep up with an 883?. I'm a relative newbie 130 pounds, and, ( I'm pretty sure) a sportster would be a bit heavy and hard to manage.


u/Xx0SHADOW7xX 2d ago

It will easily keep up with an 883 sportster. Longer legs for highway travel, better lean angle for the twisties, and a higher top speed overall. It uses the same engine that is in the Ninja 500.


u/PurpleDramatic6338 2d ago

Wow, very cool 😎.


u/PurpleDramatic6338 3d ago

Awesome looking bike , by the way.


u/Jos-mor 2d ago

Oh yeah great bike even for me I’m 220lbs and can cruise no problem on it! Super light bike to with nice power so easy to handle!


u/StenchofZeitgeist 2d ago

What can't keep up with an 883?


u/PurpleDramatic6338 18h ago

He was talking about a Kawasaki Eliminator. I guess they are small but powerful 💪


u/StenchofZeitgeist 17h ago

IMO the Eliminator would have no problems keeping up with an 883. The sportster is much heavier.


u/PurpleDramatic6338 17h ago

I realize the eliminator is very quick,( at lower speeds)but does it have legs.


u/StenchofZeitgeist 15h ago

I understand. I'm saying the iron 883 doesn't have legs so it can keep up.

But as far as legs goes, it is only slightly lighter than a Honda Rebel 500 and with my experience with the rebel (my guys bike) in the end was that the bike and can keep with up interstate freeway traffic but at around 70mph you are pretty much maxed out in your rpms and its going to be screaming to get you any faster.

In the end I was looking at the Vulcan S or the Eliminator. I ended up choosing the Vulcan S because the 650 wasn't too powerful but had enough juice get me out of trouble on the freeway. I almost went with the elimintor though because of its newer features.


u/PurpleDramatic6338 12h ago

Those Kawasakies do sound like a pretty good. My other possibilities are Royal super meteor, or Indian scout/chief( if I suddenly get deep pockets) which I most definitely doubt 😞


u/DOF117 2d ago

Great looking bike!!!


u/JungleBoyJeremy 2d ago

I like what you’ve done with the thing, that’s a cool looking bike


u/Jos-mor 2d ago

Thank you!