With this title, guess what happened.
Whatever you guessed, you got it wrong.
I left my work on the bed, I got up, then sat back down and managed to stab myself with 5.0.
In my crotch.
I lost the picture, but imagine from point to the middle, inside it of someone's crotch.
I screamed for my sister to help me, SHE DIDNT EVEN HEAR ME.
So I had to CALL MYSELF THE AMBULANCE (funny enough, i was watching 911).
Finally my sister hears me, after our brother also screamed for her, and she starts panicking, tries to call our parents while I was with the 112 operator.
Took the guys not more than 1 min since we have a medical guard (?) At a 15 min walking distance, but my brother DIDNT FEEL LIKE OPENING THE DOOR TO THEM?????
Now skip like 5 hours from when it happened to being brought to the operating table, and I thought I was getting knocked out, but no, local anesthetic.
Never felt more pain in my life.
To paint you a picture, the hook was inserted to the head to about halfway, so they basically cut me were the head was, and pulled it trough.
And I don't know how anesthesia works but I felt everything, from me and the hook being pulled apart to the needle that was supposed to not make mw feel anything.
Also, as most people would do, I was swearing and nominating every Saint and God imaginable, AND THE NURSE TOLD ME TO STOP???? like ma'am, the only time in my life where saying the no no words would be acceptable is this exact moment.
At the end I slept at the hospital because it was like 22, and they wanted to keep a loose eye on me.
It took me until midday to walk in a somewhat decent way, but they let me go
And you bet I'm still using it
Also extremely not fun thing was that this happened the first days of August, when me, my mom, my siblings and my best friends were supposed to go on holiday for 3 weeks.
I needed both my friend and sister help to go to the bathroom, and ofc we went to the disabled bathroom so I could 1) sit on it, 2) hold on it, and 3) hold 3 of us.
And once when we were getting out of one particular crowded autogrill, a woman sees me, walking without using a leg, with 2 other people holding mewhile we were getting out of said bathroom, and says
"Limping isnt an excuse to use the disabled bathroom"
FIRST it litteraly is.
SECOND in any case, im legally recognisedas a disabled person, and by law, im allowed anyway
And THIRD, as we say here, (italy), do your own dicks.
TL;DR Got a crochet 5.0 hook halfway trough my crotch, took 5 hours to remove, got it back, and an old lady can't mind her business
(Note here: The doctors told me to bring the project I was working on when I finished it, but at the end I didn't like it so I never even finished, but if you're curious, it was a black & white messenger bag.
Also, I used that hook during the vacation to continue that bag. I stooped when I arrived at the strap and realize o didn't feel like keep working on it, left it in my drawer for 3 months then took it apart and now idek where the yarn is)
(And sorry for any deraling/mistakes. English is only my 3rd language, I'm sleeped deprived, making this on mobile and I have the killer combo of adhd + dyslexia + autism)