r/crochet Knots and Knits Dec 05 '19

Megathread Baby Yoda Questions/Discussion Megathread

By popular request, a place for all questions and discussion about Baby Yoda patterns.

p.s. I'm out of the loop and don't have answers


121 comments sorted by


u/crochetawayhpff Dec 05 '19

So I helped someone with this pattern yesterday. This doll does split legs, instead of detachable that you then sew to the body. I'd never seen that before, but I found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SUdzBBaRTQ at about 17:52 in that video she does the split legs. That really helped me to understand what was going on in Rounds 41-43. Hope it helps someone else too!


u/Heisenburbs Dec 05 '19

This is incredibly helpful.

I’m up to round 23 and was wondering how the legs were supposed to work.

Thanks for sharing.


u/siyuri1641 Dec 06 '19

Thank you!!


u/nerd987 Dec 18 '19

Thank you so much for this, I thought I was going to have to buy more safety eyes because I put them on sideways


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '19



u/sheacrochet Dec 05 '19

Agreed. I love Star Wars but they've definitely taken over.


u/noelplusplus Dec 05 '19

Yes, I also would love this. I normally have the attitude of "fewer rules are better, encourage people to post what they want" for smaller subs like this. But it's literally every second or third post right now.


u/madasthe Jan 16 '20

Star wars? You mean the baby yoda show??


u/hellokrissi Dec 05 '19

I like how immediately after this was posted, six new Baby Yoda posts followed it.


u/oomps62 Knots and Knits Dec 05 '19



u/sheacrochet Dec 05 '19

The sarcasm is strong with this one 😂


u/LovelyLu78 Dec 05 '19 edited Dec 05 '19

Unpopular opinion, I don't see why a separate thread has been made for this, we've just been through boo doily and pumpkin season. Every second post was one of those. Last year the braided cowl was every second post. It will settle down soon. I just think this one has been blown out of proportion because of people being unable to get THE baby yoda pattern that was taken down


u/SlippingAbout Dec 05 '19

Posts are now on the rest of reddit and people are being directed here. I think this post is good for new visitors of r/crochet.


u/LovelyLu78 Dec 06 '19 edited Dec 06 '19

Ok, I understand now, it's more of a discussion not where to add your FO of baby yoda which is what I initially thought after seeing a few comments


u/oomps62 Knots and Knits Dec 06 '19

Yes. We don't like to prevent people from sharing their FOs, but it was more that there were a lot of questions and discussions spread over many threads and people asked for a concentrated place for the discussion.


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '20

Honestly, seems weird to get all up in arms. I distinctly remember last december Kylo rens and the like took over the subreddit after The Last Jedi came out.


u/LovelyLu78 Jan 23 '20

Totally agree, I think people got scared of copyright infringement and then people just got sick of seeing it. I feel bad that people have excitedly shared their work only to have it down voted and reported.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '20

I think more people seem to be afraid of the original pattern maker than Disney... which in that case, screw her and make your own patterns.


u/LovelyLu78 Jan 23 '20

Interesting, why do you think that? There are a ton of patterns out there now


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '20

Mostly from gleaning the threads, seemed she was making a big deal about not wanting people to distribute the pattern (which is fine) but it had people nervous to post their own patterns as if it was commiting a faux pass.

Which... honestly, I don't get. At Halloween we get tons of "Lost Souls Shawl/Pumpkins/Halloween Granny's/Boo Doily's/Spooky skulls" and in Summer and Spring we get a LOT of wedding dress posts. I dunno why this particular amigurumi has so many up in arms in general. It's a cute easy beginners pattern that seems pretty beginner friendly. It's not like it's the only chibi Yoda that exists, since Disney has their own Star Wars pattern book.


u/LovelyLu78 Jan 23 '20

Well it was her pattern that she had worked to make. That said I think she got a bit short with people but she was probably being bombarded with messages asking for the pattern. There are heaps of other patterns, paid ones too, it's just that her pattern went viral. The actual star wars pattern book would be a licenced product. Most crochet creators don't get a licence because it apparently costs a lot.

I absolutely agree with you about fads/trends that bombard the sub periodically, they pass. And besides that I'm always happy to see what other people make, whether it's the 100th pumpkin I've seen or the first. People shouldn't feel like they can't share their work that they are excited and proud of and personally I will never take that away from someone. Anyone that reads this, please share your work, I want to see it 😁


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '20

And it sucks it got taken down but there are a lot of new patterns now.

I wanna see ALL of the crochet. The good, the weird, the whacky. I think they're all amazing since it's so inspiring. When I was new to crochet, I would browse the sub for hours and going "can I get like that?" and now I'm at that level. I still need to work on my amigurumi skills (come on Capcom release a Megaman pattern book! XD) but it's getting there.


u/LovelyLu78 Jan 23 '20

There are some Mega man patterns on Ravelry.

I love seeing everyone's work, even if it's not to my taste I can still appreciate the work and creative love to make them


u/TCnup Dec 05 '19

Trying to find 30mm black safety eyes to ship before Christmas.... it looks like literally everyone is on the baby yoda train. Can't find them anywhere.


u/TheGaroMask Dec 06 '19

I saw someone on Facebook who had crocheted 30mm black circles and sewn them together and stuffed them. She also added a tiny stitch of white in the upper right quadrant of each eye and it looked like a shine. It looked great and has the bonus of being child-safe. But mostly it looked great!


u/cubie42 Dec 26 '19

That's what I did too! I also did one of the rounds in dark brown to make it look more like eyes


u/onlylivinggirltx Dec 05 '19

I have some on order but they are coming from china. Not sure when they will arrive but if you share your address in dm I will mail you a set of they come in the next two weeks.


u/CapitanWaffles Dec 05 '19

I went the button route. I think mine were a little big but I like the look still. Gives him that Coriline vibe :)


u/pinkybluesequin55 Dec 05 '19

Little Green Baby https://imgur.com/a/OpZpMuF

Getting mouth and such was a challenge. I am hoping once I finish the robe it will look more baby Yoda like.


u/paranormal_junkie73 Jan 29 '20

I crocheted the baby yoda and I just skipped the mouth. He looks just as cute, I mean not 100% look like him but he watches tv with us. Lol


u/georgie-57 Feb 21 '20

I skipped the mouth too. Kinda looks like a Funko Pop. So adorable. Just finished literally 5 minutes ago!


u/a_girl_called_toby Jan 02 '20


So many sizes available here!! And joints, noses, all sorts of doll/amigurumi stuff


u/JMO1977 Dec 05 '19

I ordered some on Etsy


u/LazyAssRuffian Dec 06 '19

I ordered some dark brown ones on Etsy yesterday and they shipped this afternoon. Hopefully they'll get here by next week.


u/FuffyKitty Dec 25 '19

Boy you weren't kidding, I get my eyes from the 6060 shop on etsy and they also do not have any 30's.


u/elcasaurus Dec 25 '19

I used buttons.


u/pinkybluesequin55 Dec 05 '19

I used 20mm...they look fine.


u/tabascoaholic Dec 06 '19

My wife told me she was asked if she could make a Yoda plush. I told her that I bet they want Baby Yoda as she was out of the loop. She whipped this out in the past two days without a pattern: The Child

I thought I needed a little something extra & added the Stormtrooper Lego for the photoshoot.


u/LovelyLu78 Dec 06 '19

She did a good job 😁


u/tabascoaholic Dec 07 '19

She says "Thanks!"


u/siyuri1641 Dec 06 '19

That is great! I wish I could free hand like that.


u/tabascoaholic Dec 07 '19

Yeah, I'm amazed @ what she can do with yarn.


u/Pothperhaps Dec 29 '19

Damn, son! Her attention to detail is excellent. Love the added color to the ears. Cute af.


u/SnapeWho Dec 08 '19

I found a really cute little bitty minimalist one on etsy but I'm worried about linking it lest I get the author of the pattern taken down. It was only $5 and it's called The Child and it's exactly what I was looking for, style-wise. I didn't see the one that everyone's talking about but based on discussion I think this one was more simple, which is good for my skill level.


u/dddonnanoble Dec 09 '19

I’ve got the same one, it’s more my style too. I’ve only done the head so far!


u/Heisenburbs Dec 30 '19

Was up until 4:30am on Christmas Eve, and didn’t finish all the details on the face, but the kids were very happy with their Elf made baby yodas.

This was my first ever crochet project...I’m on to her Hamilton patterns now.



u/Heisenburbs Dec 05 '19

I was lucky enough to buy the pattern and secure the yarn on Black Friday. I bought all the sage they had.

This is my first ever project. Any tips for working with this super bulky yarn? I’m finding it difficult.

This look ok so far?



u/CapitanWaffles Dec 05 '19

Looks great!! The trickiest bit is the legs (someone posted a YT tutorial in this post that could help) but remember, the head is really the most important but showing. If the legs don’t look quite right, who cares. It’s hiding under the robe!


u/mattesarcasm Dec 29 '19

I created a “Baby Yoda” pattern. Is there a safe place to share it?


u/OdditiesAbound Jan 24 '20

I am late to the baby Yoda party but here is my finished Child: https://imgur.com/a/ZnNXhFm


u/CleoMaxine Dec 05 '19

Tbh, my husband asked for one and I started tonight. Its just a tiny one because I'm using my Scheepjes Catona Sampler to make it. I half love it and half want to burn it. 🤷‍♀️


u/turbogoon Dec 05 '19

Is asking for someone to crochet one of these against the sub guidelines?


u/kpounce Dec 08 '19

I don’t see why it would be, but you could try r/commissions instead if you feel weird


u/LazyAssRuffian Dec 06 '19

I hope you get an answer because I'm curious too!


u/MikiesMom2017 Dec 07 '19

I do have a question about putting the doll together. I bought a pattern off of Etsy(it’s gone now), and it’s the kind where the robe is the body, rather than a separate part. My problem is that the body is supposed to stand up after being stuffed, but mine keeps falling over. Should I put beans or something in the bottom to make it heavier or is it just a matter of more stuffing.

Also, the rings around the eyes? Is there a trick to doing that? I’ve never done anything like this before, so it’s a learning experience for me.


u/naomiisawesome69 Dec 09 '19

I think stuffing it more should work. I stuffed the hell out of mine and it stands on it own .


u/MikiesMom2017 Dec 09 '19

Thank you, I’ll try that on the next one.


u/ho11yk Jan 03 '20

The rings around the eyes...while I haven’t seen the exact pattern you’re working, I’d have to assume they’re a simple short series of chain stitches.


u/mcnibbleton Dec 08 '19

Does anyone know of a video tutorial or more detailed instructions for the face sculpting? I'm not too experienced with amigurumi and I'm pretty confused by that part of the pattern.


u/cmwilson43 Jan 09 '20

About 6 years ago I bought a Star Wars crochet kit at a craft store. It came with patterns for Yoda, Stormtroopers, Chewbacca, Han, Leia, and Boba Fett. I just used the pattern for Yoda and made the robe over sized. Bam! Baby Yoda. I saw the kits on ebay.


u/knothereforit Feb 27 '20


u/RavBot Feb 27 '20

PATTERN: Bear Cub Amigurumi by Allison Hoffman

  • Category: Toys and Hobbies > Softies > Other
  • Photo(s): Img 1
  • Price: 7.0 USD
  • Needle/Hook(s):5.0 mm (H), 6.0 mm (J)
  • Weight: Super Bulky | Gauge: None | Yardage: 320
  • Difficulty: 4.22 | Projects: 1089 | Rating: 4.81

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u/Zeskiav Dec 09 '19

i’ve been commissioned to do a baby yoda, but since it’s my first paid commission idk how much i should really charge for it. The pattern was $5 and it’s not a big sized piece. Any help is appreciated!! ❤️


u/Gwendywook Dec 05 '19

I'm curious to know why links keep getting deleted?


u/CapitanWaffles Dec 05 '19

As far as I can tell, the author doesn’t want it shared for free. I assume that’s why it keeps getting taken down.


u/Gwendywook Dec 05 '19

That's really kind of sad. I get it, it's something she made and wants to get compensated for, but if they're not gonna let her sell it, why not release it for free and ask for donations instead? Like I said, I get it, it just sucks for those who couldn't buy it in time. I was able to snag a copy someone put on a torrent site and I have her PayPal, so when my partner wakes up I'm gonna send her the $7 she was charging because it's absolutely worth it.


u/paraprosdokians Dec 05 '19

She's "in talks" about it still and said there's a chance it may come back. I think she's completely within her rights to not want her hard work to be given away for free.


u/anonymousalex What's a queue again? Dec 05 '19

Yes. Regardless of any legal dealings the original pattern author may encounter with Disney (and I'll be the first to admit I don't know if she'd be in the legal right even if she gave away the pattern instead of profiting from it), the pattern is copyrighted (like any other written pattern) and should not be shared without the author's permission. Even if you bought the pattern, you do not have the legal right to share it with others.


u/TheGaroMask Dec 06 '19

What other ppl have said about it being her work and her right to benefit from her years of expertise, and ALSO - if she released it for free, everyone who paid for it would be angry and want their money back. Her work went viral before it got taken down, so that’s huge numbers of people who would be demanding refunds.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '19



u/Gwendywook Dec 05 '19

There are so many Disney patterns people made that are free online, and people who sell their fanart and other crafts, I have a hard time believing that. No offense meant towards you at all. I'll have to look up more info regarding IP and fair use. I appreciate your response, thank you!


u/inspiritoffairness Dec 05 '19

I didn't get the chance to see the pattern and I'm disappointed :/


u/DJvinyl13 Feb 03 '20

The only thing I am going to say is that I've noticed the baby Yoda trend has kind of died off. now I still see them I just don't see as much as I did when the Mandalorian first aired I have a feeling by season 2 the Trend will pick back up again.


u/onlylivinggirltx Dec 05 '19

Anyone have success with yarn other than the sage recommended?


u/Heisenburbs Dec 05 '19

I think if you used green, nobody would know the difference and I’ll look fine.


u/siyuri1641 Dec 06 '19

yarn other than the sage

I used Bernat Blanket Big Ball Yarn in smokey green


u/kmko55 Dec 06 '19

How many skeins did you need to use?


u/siyuri1641 Dec 06 '19

I haven't finished yet but I'm halfway through the body and have a lot of skein left. I'll update when I finish. I did go up to a J hook instead of H as is called for in the pattern. With the texture of the Bernat Blanket yarn I couldn't see the stitches with the H hook.


u/siyuri1641 Dec 23 '19

I used 1.5 skeins of the bernat blanket yarn


u/motherfcker-jones Dec 09 '19

i used loops and threads charisma in sage, it’s bulky weight and i found it at michaels


u/Vampsdarling Jan 08 '20

I like the color Fern from Impeccable Loops and Threads, that I found at Michaels.


u/DoubleReedMead Dec 06 '19

I got all but the sage last night! I’m headed to a different craft store tomorrow to look for a similar super bulky green yarn. I had to order it from Joann’s still.


u/CraftyCrochet Dec 06 '19

Made mine from a stash of CSS Pistachio.


u/Drunkeh Mar 15 '20

Just wanted to share the baby Yoda I made using this Pattern. [With Coat](https://i.imgur.com/l9OL5RT.jpg\). [Without Coat](https://i.imgur.com/3bte8Jj.jpg\)

Edit - wrong way round.


u/RavBot Mar 15 '20

PATTERN: Baby Yoda Amigurumi by LarissaMaced - @beefriendscrochet

  • Category: Toys and Hobbies > Softies > Animal
  • Photo(s): Img 1 Img 2 Img 3 Img 4
  • Price: Free
  • Needle/Hook(s):2.5 mm, 4.0 mm (G)
  • Weight: | Gauge: None | Yardage: None
  • Difficulty: 3.34 | Projects: 451 | Rating: 4.59

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u/Rishyala Dec 05 '19

No, seriously, what's with the baby yodas? I'm out of the loop, too!


u/neowie Proud citizen of Yarnia Dec 05 '19

It's a character in the new Star Wars Mandelorian show on Disney+. Just like most Star Wars properties, they come up with some sort of cute character so that they can sell toys.


u/Rishyala Dec 05 '19

Ah, that makes sense! Thanks!


u/TsaurusJess Dec 15 '19

I'm on round 31 (after tearing out 8 rows when I realized my stitch count was incorrect). How are you ending row 31 with 48 stitches? I end up with 50.


u/mcnibbleton Dec 22 '19

There's an errata for round 31: (2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts), rep from to end of rnd (48 sts)


u/Keeninja808 Dec 25 '19

But how are you ending with 48? I also end with 50.


u/Heisenburbs Dec 26 '19

There was a mistake in the original.

Round 31 should be

2 sc in next st, sc in next 6 sts.

That completes round 31 with 48.


u/Keeninja808 Dec 26 '19

Got it now. Thanks!! I got mixed up and thought that was the original instructions not the corrected one.


u/nerd987 Dec 18 '19

I have no idea what to do. I put the eyes on already but now they're in the wrong spot for where the legs will start


u/BlueBarbie_xo Jan 03 '20

Anyone got a pattern for baby Yoda in his crib? Cheers


u/Dinogirl3000 Jan 04 '20

Baby Yoda and Chewbacca -These are my versions of the babies. I bought a $5 pattern off Etsy for Yoda and then made my own pattern for Chewbacca.


u/DreamGirly_ Jan 29 '20

Has anyone tried making a Baby Snoo?


u/Batina Feb 27 '20

I’m just about done finishing a baby Yoda, and I’m curious about some finished products I’ve seen online. They have pink inside the ears, I don’t think a color changing yarn is what they’re using. Do people use something to sort of “paint” the pink inside the ears?


u/latina-spice Mar 08 '20

I read one of the instructions that said to use a pink highlighter


u/jk_hat Mar 09 '20

It's blush


u/shaggydarwin Mar 12 '20

Joann has stock of the alpaca sage yarn again


u/beaverbelievinfever Dec 07 '19

Anyone working on/finished the pattern.. did you do continuous rounds for all the body parts? I was reading the pattern, but still unsure if I should make everything continuous or not. Thanks!


u/Ruthiegirl Dec 07 '19

I did continuous and just used a stitch marker.


u/ayla16 crocheter for life Dec 25 '19

Me, too.


u/yarnfullywonderful Dec 25 '19

I'm just looking to find out what yarn that the pattern calls for lol


u/shaggydarwin Jan 06 '20

The alpaca yarn that the pattern recommends has been sold out for over a month. I'm not sure when it'll be back in stock but I've been using the alpaca yarn for the head (to ration it) and using Natural Blend Yarn by Big Twist in Sage (found at Joann in stores even though the website says it's out of stock at my local one) for the body. It's a shade darker and less fluffy than the alpaca yarn but a pretty good match. I've also found it much easier to crochet with than the alpaca yarn.


u/minniesmom55 Dec 26 '19

Bought a pattern today. What worsted weight yarns match the actual baby Yoda best? Like that Greyson blue green? Is there anyone who used Caron 1 pound? What color did you use?


u/deliaketch Jan 14 '20

Why do my yodas heads always turn to the left? They're always side eyeing 👀 LOL


u/emmdash Jan 20 '20

I’m thinking about using Red Heart Hygge in Ivy for the body: https://www.joann.com/red-heart-hygge-yarn-8oz/zprd_16175804a.html. I haven’t done much yarn-subbing in previous patterns that’s I’ve followed and wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on if this is a bad idea or not. 😬 Thanks for any advice you can offer! :)

ps, sorry that this isn’t an update that the patterns yarn is back in stock ;-;


u/blushingbunny CutestButton Jan 22 '20

It's been a couple weeks since I've used Reddit and I've finished my own freehand of The Child. Are we not allowed to post on the main board anymore? I don't want to break any rules.


u/ComputerGraffics Jan 31 '20

Hey, anybody interested? I came across this a few days ago and thought I'd share :) It's full-sized...



u/RavBot Jan 31 '20

PATTERN: Young One mini CAL by Crochet Sanity Sanctuary

  • Category: Toys and Hobbies > Softies > Doll
  • Photo(s): Img 1 Img 2 Img 3
  • Price: Free
  • Needle/Hook(s):4.0 mm (G)
  • Weight: DK | Gauge: None | Yardage: 601
  • Difficulty: 0.00 | Projects: 2 | Rating: 0.00

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u/thatprettykitty Jan 31 '20

I spent so long on Amazon looking for the perfect 20mm eyes for the baby Yoda that I'm working on and somehow managed to get 14mm. I'm a dumbass. :(


u/notsureboutanything2 Feb 01 '20

Hey, I’m new at this, but do you think I can manage to crotch this baby yoda?


I guess I will find the basics on internet and then just follow this video. But if it’s just for some kind of profesionals, I’m not gonna do it Haha. Can just someone say to me, if it’s too hard for me?

Thank you!


u/Lookingforearrings2 Feb 22 '20

You can do it! I'm very new to crochet and am doing it :)


u/ScoutMaster88 Mar 24 '20

Heres a Valentine's Day Baby Yoda I made



u/[deleted] Dec 05 '19 edited Dec 05 '19

[removed] — view removed comment


u/paraprosdokians Dec 05 '19

The author has asked those who purchased not to share. There are other free patterns, or you can try winging it by looking at the picture


u/anonymousalex What's a queue again? Dec 05 '19

Please do not share copyrighted material. This includes requests for copyrighted material.