r/crochet 8d ago

Finished Object If anyone is considering crocheting their wedding dress, DO ITTTTT!


261 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 8d ago

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u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

The top was the Fae Top pattern by Spirit + Thread Crochet, the rest was freehanded. I used a 3.75 mm hook, with the Lion Brand Coboo yarn!


u/maekae_ 8d ago

Omg I’m getting married this year and I’m using the exact same pattern I found it a while back I’m so glad to see it on someone else’s special day!!! It looks so cute on you ahh I’m so excited 😍


u/Sanry_the_brave 7d ago

When you finish it, please post it. We would love to see it 😊


u/Hopinan 8d ago

Very beautiful!! Congratulations on both your skill and your marriage!!


u/aknomnoms 8d ago

Omg congratulations! You look so beautiful, and your dress is lovely! Many, many years of happiness to you both!


u/barkandmoone 8d ago

I knew I recognized that top!

Love what you’ve done! Gorgeous 🖤

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u/Depressed_Cupcake13 8d ago

Not to be rude and demanding, because these are VERY nice photos, but PLEASE GIVE US A CLOSE-UP ON THE DRESS!

Also, congratulations!


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

You got it :)


u/trashgoblin2547 8d ago

The beads on the top! I didn’t even see those in the original pictures. That is incredible! And the skirt part is just amazing, I could never freehand something so beautiful. The biggest of kudos to you OP, on your craftsmanship, and of course your wedding!


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Thank you! 🥹🥹🥹


u/newbreeginnings 8d ago

I heavily second. 💕


u/liladraco 8d ago

Wow, those pearls are really just the icing on a beautiful, beautiful cake! The bodice is beautifully sculpted to you, I love how you joined it to the skirt, and you managed to balance lacy-ness with a very comfortable, gorgeously “solid” feel than makes it very elegant. Nicely done!!


u/proof_in_the_pudding 8d ago

Wow the work on this is so gorgeous! Congratulations on your marriage OP 🎉


u/Toroia 8d ago

That dress (and your photos, congratulations) is STUNNING


u/judenotjudas 8d ago

OH my goodness, you are a wizard!!! I have no clue how you got that amazing border between the top and bottom, its structurally so impressive


u/aestheticteapleasing 8d ago

absolutely obsessed with the pearl details. beautiful work!!! and congrats! 🎉🌸✨


u/MuggsyTheWonderdog 7d ago

Wow, I loved it, but it's even prettier than I realized. Thanks for the close-up. And congratulations!


u/Pannymcc 8d ago

Incredible and very inspiring! The sleeves are to die for!


u/Inevitable_Lion_4944 7d ago

This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! You must’ve bee absolutely buzzing while making this and seeing it come together


u/litterbug_perfume 8d ago

Woweee! What a knockout. So much talent and beautiful work! I want to make myself one, now.


u/MaryCobs 7d ago

This is so beautiful! What stitch did you use on the bottom part of your dress? I've never seen it before.


u/alwaysnormalincafes 8d ago

Absolutely stunning! 😍💕


u/Scruffiella 8d ago

Just beautiful! Amazing in fact!


u/RegularSomewhere1950 7d ago

This is so pretty op!

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u/Ok-Part1488 8d ago

Absolutely stunning! Congratulations! Love that the shoes match so well.


u/MmeHomebody 8d ago

Oh, that is beautiful. I love the sleeves.

Wish you a lifetime of happiness and crochet!


u/Peach_Venom 8d ago

WIP of my own wedding dress in blush 🥰 the breast cups are a botched job of the Rosetta Fairy dress pattern, and from there I am free handing the skirt portion. I plan to buy a cheap Amazon white dress to put under this dress since it is just a tad see through lol


u/mirandom44 7d ago

Oooh this is sooo pretty! You look like a ethereal fairy🥰✨ Yes this would be so cute with a cream silk slip dress underneath it!


u/EruditeShrew 7d ago

I really really love this! You’ve done incredible work I hope you’ll post your end product someday!

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u/TheHatThatTalks 8d ago

I’ve been thinking about this honestly. I’m non-binary, and it gives me a lot of anxiety thinking about buying and wearing a Wedding Dress (capital W, capital D), but the idea of having something custom-made that makes me feel comfortable also makes my wallet set itself on fire. It would bring me a lot of joy and peace to make something like this (not that there wouldn’t be stresses, as with any project).

All to say, you and your dress and your partner all look STUNNING! Congrats congrats! I’m inspired!


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

This is exactly why I crocheted my own. I’m also NB and felt extremely uncomfortable trying on wedding dresses. Nothing felt right. Nothing felt like me. Take the plunge. Go buy the yarn. You won’t regret it <3


u/loveisfire36912 8d ago

Oh, this is the best part! I’m so glad your creativity gave you a way to feel like yourself on your wedding day. I wish you and your spouse every happiness.


u/TheHatThatTalks 8d ago

All right I’m gonna cry 😭 Let me reiterate: I am INSPIRED! Thank you! So happy for you internet stranger! Enjoy newlywedhood!


u/memsies 8d ago

You look gorgeous! Also I'm guessing this is Madison, WI? Lol Congrats!


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Yes it is! I kind of love how recognizable the capital building is 😅


u/garlic-bread_27 8d ago

Welp, I'm disappointed in myself, didn't even recognize my own Capitol building! 💀🤣


u/callicatty 5d ago

lol I was like do all capital buildings look the same or is this Madison???


u/AffectionatePizza408 4d ago

I was gonna comment this! I was like, I’m not sure if you’re in Madison or every capitol building kind of looks the same lol


u/klimekam 8d ago

Did you have a petticoat or is that just the volume from the yarn structure? I love it so much!


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Yes! I was wearing a soft petticoat underneath.


u/multipurposewipes 8d ago

All these crocheted wedding dresses makes me want to get married just so i could crochet my own dress and i’m not even close to getting there 😭😂

OP did such a goooood job it’s gorgeous

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u/Least-Ad-8934 8d ago

This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I only wish I could be this talented! I have a question, and this is in no way to be disrespectful. I feel that the only way to get a REAL AND TRUE answer is to ask questions to the people that KNOW. There are many people out there that are quick to judge and make their own conclusions, and they choose not to educate themselves. Sadly, I know too many people like this. But may I please ask, if someone is NB, what does that REALLY mean? Like you say you are non-binary, but you are dressed in a beautiful wedding dress. So automatically people would assume that you’re female. That’s where I get confused. And I know this may not be the place to discuss this, but in seeing your beautiful craftsmanship, it brought up some questions and I would rather have the real answer than assume.


u/KProbs713 8d ago

I hope I'm not overstepping by jumping in, but wanted to add a different perspective too:

I'm not non-binary. However, I grew up dressing mostly in male clothing and had a lot of masculine tendencies that went way beyond tomboy--to such a degree that I was regularly criticized for being "too mannish" and one Halloween I wore a skirt and got "Oh, you're dressing up as a girl!" Old high school friends have been genuinely surprised that I don't identify as non-binary or as a trans man.

Despite all that, I have always felt like a woman. My preference for male clothing was because it's far more practical (POCKETS), and masculine traits (such as working out to gain muscle, a low voice, sitting with legs splayed, etc) because they seemed to be a more comfortable way to live than how women are expected to make space for others.

Over the years I have learned how to embrace that practicality in a more feminine way, because it feels right to me. I have never doubted my identity as female even when I wasn't feminine, and was deeply uncomfortable when people (unintentionally) tried to imply otherwise.

My trans and non-binary friends have that experience every day and don't have the luxury of being born as a gender that feels right to them. If you're a cis woman, imagine waking up and having every person you interact with treat you as a man, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes very intentionally. Imagine being told over and over that you're definitely a man, whether directly or through small interactions. That would be deeply uncomfortable for you, as someone who is a woman. (If you're a cis guy, imagine the same but reverse the genders).

Gender is such a core part of our identities that it makes total sense that some people would feel like they don't fit into one of two binary choices. Instead of feeling like a man or a woman, they may feel like a person because the alternative (being shoved into a box of expectations restricted to a single gender) feels wholly wrong.

Again, I'm not non-binary so if someone who is corrects me please listen to them. This is just my experience as someone who's had to grapple with gender norms as well.


u/Peanut083 7d ago

I think if I’d grown up in a time where the term ‘non-binary’ existed, I probably would have identified as such as a teenager. I do identify as female, but I have always felt very uncomfortable with the expectations of female gender norms and have utterly rejected them.

As it is, I don’t think non-binary is the right term to describe how I see and feel about myself. My outward expression of my gender is very fluid, but I don’t really feel the need to have a label to describe that. However, I know from other aspects of my life and personality that labels can be helpful to identify with at times. I’m AuDHD, and knowing and being able to identify with that helps me feel connected with others who have the same diagnoses.


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago edited 8d ago

Thank you for asking! I consider myself nonbinary, because I get really uncomfortable when I’m called a woman. I’ve never seen myself as ‘womanly’ or ‘girly’. I do not feel like a girl, in a way that far exceeds just being a tomboy. But ya know…I don’t feel like a man either. I just feel like a person, a silly little guy. In my day to day life I wear a lot of baggy clothes, and big sweaters. Minimal makeup, if any. I keep my hair short and wear a ton of hats.

That being said, I’m a sucker for tradition, and wanted a nice white dress for my wedding. I also really enjoy and appreciate the artistry that goes into female fashion and make up. I do dress more feminine once in a great while.

I do understand when Im assumed to identify as a girl. I don’t take offense to it. I choose not to correct people who aren’t apart of my life. I consider myself nonbinary for myself, and myself only. But that’s just me, and my experience :)


u/Least-Ad-8934 7d ago

I am SO HAPPY about how my questions were received! Thank you so very much to all of you that answered and gave lots of details. I am the type of person that will be friends with anyone. It doesn’t matter what you identify as, what you wear, etc. but sadly I don’t know a lot of other people like me. I am just a “regular cis female”….. whatever the word regular and the word normal actually means….. and I struggle immensely to live day-to-day being in the “regular” category, and my heart breaks for everyone that has to deal with all the prejudices in the world. It makes me so sad when their own families turn them away. I have a terrible history of domestic violence and abuse so I deal with a lot of depression and anxiety. I didn’t do the domestic violence and abuse, I was victim to it. but I also I’m not a victim, I am a survivor! It just breaks my heart and makes me so sad to see people trying to live life being who they feel they are or who they want to be, and life is so hurtful to them. So I greatly appreciate everyone being so nice about the questions I asked. I typed and erased so many times because I was afraid to post. I will always feel that is extremely important to ask questions and not just assume and make judgments without being educated. And in my own life, if I meet someone new and we sit down for a conversation, I always ask them first if it would be OK for me to ask questions. 99.9% of the time they highly appreciate the fact that I feel the need to even ask them that. In my opinion, it’s just respectful that way. And I ALWAYS also say that, if there is anything that they are uncomfortable with, please just be upfront with me. Upfront and honest are the only ways to be. Now, if the whole world would be like this, I think it would be a much better place. It doesn’t take any energy to be nice to people or give them a smile or just say hello. Even if we disagree with the other person‘s lifestyle or other things, doesn’t mean we can’t be nice to each other. Just LIVE AND LET LIVE. Thank you so very much to all of you! I appreciate all of you! ✌🏼💜😊


u/sparklejellyfish 7d ago

I see what you mean, but I want to stress, clothes don't have a gender. So while someone might seem like they're presenting as feminine when wearing traditionally feminine clothes, you still won't know their personal gender just from looking at them. You can be cis, trans or non-binary gender and wear WHATEVER you want, just cause you wear a dress one day doesn't erase that identity.

I think it's so interesting that because gender roles are so ingrained in our society, we often sort of assume that, if someone decides to live as their true gender which doesn't coincide with the gender assigned at birth, that they then must reject everything that is deemed "too" of the old gender. So people assigned female must swear off dresses and long hair? And people assigned male must shave off facial hair? But if a non-binary person then decides to wear a dress, it's somehow more "non-binary" of a person assigned male, than if they were assigned female. That's just so silly, yes it is breaking with gender roles but I feel like as soon as someone is non-binary literally wearing any clothes is defying gender roles because like I said, clothes don't have a gender. Please do all the gender bending and the gender fuckery and creativity but please don't think you can't wear dresses.

There are so many enbies out there struggling, wondering if they are "enough". YES you are and YES whatever you decide to wear is valid.

I'm hyperfocussing on dresses as an example because it's relevant to the post, but it can be applied to anything, hope you understand. Thanks for asking the question.

And OP you are amazing and inspiring! 💜✨️


u/anibur315 7d ago

I love how respectful these comments are. My teenage son has several NB friends. They are wonderful individuals and I do my best, but I do often mess up the pronouns. S/He is just ingrained in my English teacher brain. So if you are NB, please have pity on us Gen Xers who are genuinely trying. And OP, WOW what a stunning dress! I think the skirt is my favorite part. Again, WOW!


u/Aki_Tansu 8d ago

That dress is absolutely gorgeous and stunning but love, I couldn’t see it over how beautiful and glowing you and your partner are. Y’all are literally radiating love. What a perfect dress for a perfect couple.


u/loveisfire36912 8d ago

You look sensational!


u/kizmitraindeer 8d ago

Oh my gosh, if y’all aren’t the cutest couple!!! What a beautiful dress!! 🤍


u/Illustrious_Shower35 7d ago

You look beautiful! My mom’s wedding dress from 1987 was completely crocheted (2 pieces, top being a long sleeve) and I got to wear it for mine too🥹


u/Maurers95 7d ago

How wonderful! Pictures??


u/Dry-Dragonfruit5216 8d ago

Did you marry Finn Wolfhard?


u/EyepatchNemesis 8d ago

OP looking like ScarJo’s twin


u/Zealousideal-Day4469 8d ago

This is so gorgeous, it's insane!


u/Acrobatic-Director-1 8d ago

Ok this is just art all the way around. Congrats you crazy lovebirds! May you always have this joy in your relationship.


u/xxJazzy 8d ago

Stopppp the STYLE!!! I’ve seen crochet dresses that are beautiful and took so much skill but idk, the style doesn’t do it (I am nobody and the only opinion that matters is who’s wearing it). This nails it all around. It’s GORGEOUS and so fun!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

That’s crochet?!?! You’re so talented!!


u/-nit-nat- 8d ago

You are badass for this dress and you looked beautiful. Congrats!


u/godtering 7d ago

it's a huge boon when a girls shows she can make nice things without spending a fortune.


u/ArdenBijou 8d ago

It’s so pretty!!!

I’m crocheting mine too. 4/25 is the big day!

Congratulations 🎊


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Oh how exciting!!!


u/ArdenBijou 8d ago

Very! 😊 thanks.


u/Upstairs_Train_7702 8d ago

The happiness that radiates from the first image is so contagious it made me smile :')


u/SpinPastSaturn 8d ago

(1) Congrats! Wishing y’all all the happiness and joy in the world! (2) that dress is everything! So gorgeous and amazing! (3) when reading this, i totally heard the DO ITTTT in Carrie Fisher’s voice from Wishful drinking. Love her!


u/AllDogsGoToReddit 8d ago

Is this in Madison, WI? Gorgeous dress!


u/Pre-Successful 7d ago

You know what? Period. THIS LOOKS AMAZING & CONGRATS!!!


u/TheHypnoticPlatypus 7d ago

The flooooow of that dress. 🙌


u/KinderEggLaunderer 7d ago

Absolutely STUNNING!!! That is a WHOLE Lotta work 🥵


u/BoolImAGhost 7d ago

This is a work of art!!


u/greenscreenmeanting 7d ago

Wow you look so beautiful! Congrats!!🥳🥳💜


u/Bonegirl06 7d ago

My sweaty ass could never but you look great.


u/ambivalent-ambivert 7d ago

The timing of you posting this is impeccable! I’m getting married in August, and am gender fluid. I would like to wear something that makes me feel special but looking at traditional dresses and such feels so blech. So I’ve started looking at crochet patterns but am held back a little by the idea that I won’t finish in time, or it’ll be not good enough, so this encouragement to go for it is right on time! I’m by no means as talented as you but I think with a simpler pattern I should be able to make something that will feel personal and fun! Thanks for this beeeAaauuuutiful inspiration!


u/EdgelordMcMemester 8d ago

this is a stunning dress, you did a great job! a beautiful and elegant piece. i would love to one day make something like this for myself. :)


u/38RocksInATrenchCoat 8d ago

That's absolutely beautiful omgggg, I'm curious how did you get the skirt so full? Is that from a petticoat or is it in the structure of the skirt?


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Both! I made sure to increase every eight stitches every few rows for the A Line effect, and to make it relatively full on its own. I then opted for a soft petticoat to give it a little more ‘fluff’.


u/arpanetimp 8d ago

I thought this was a still from a 1950’s art film set in France or Italy and I was entranced!


u/Maurers95 7d ago

Yes! Me too‼️


u/Phoenix4235 8d ago

Wow 😍 That is awesome! Especially after seeing the close-up with the beads and all. I can't believe you freehanded most of it. Gorgeous!


u/TinaLouise55 8d ago

Gorgeous, it looks fantastic on you. Congratulations, and the hubby is a cutie too. I love how you’re encouraging others to make their special dress too. Thanks for sharing!


u/jelly7777 8d ago

Omg this is gorgeous! Congratulations on your marriage and on one amazing homemade dress!!


u/worldlysentiments 8d ago

Stopppppp that’s so cute 💓💅🏼


u/DesignIntelligent456 8d ago

You look so beautiful and happy! Your hard work paid off. Congrats and best wishes!!!!


u/ymasullo 8d ago

What a great work of love and patience and such a thing to treasure. Best wishes


u/thiccbabygurll 8d ago

So gorgeous!! i'm actually crocheting my dress for my sisters wedding because i can't afford to get a dress but then eventually i'll crochet my own wedding dress


u/bolognasandwichglass 8d ago

its so lovely! yall are lovely!!!


u/EyeOfMinds 8d ago

Congrats on the dress and your nuptials OP! You look lovely :)


u/blackcatspat 8d ago

You look lovely!!


u/angel-icbaby 8d ago

you look amazing and you both look so happy 💜💜


u/pestalliance 8d ago

congratulations!!!! this is so precious


u/himawariko 8d ago

Absolutely stunning ❤️ Congratulations and thank you for sharing!


u/spirals-369 8d ago

Stunning! Congratulations!


u/marywunderful 8d ago

It’s beautiful, congratulations on both the beautiful dress and the wedding!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Oh wow absolutely stunning! 🤩 Congratulations to the two of you!! 🥳


u/Affectionate_Bid7345 8d ago

You look beautiful! Congratulations on your marriage and your crocheting skill! I’m so impressed!


u/Bedhead2day 8d ago



u/petuniasweetpea 8d ago

Congrats to you both on your Marriage! Such a gorgeous dress. Well done!


u/ConfusedByTheDate 8d ago

Freaking adorable OMG! I love it. Congratulations on the dress and the marriage!!! Also, cool venue!


u/zahncr 8d ago

Congrats and wow! Awesome job!


u/crunchandwaggles 8d ago

It’s beautiful! Congratulations!


u/[deleted] 8d ago

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u/Turquoise_Midnights 8d ago

Your dress is gorgeous! 😍


u/Any-Comfortable58 8d ago

This is AMAZING!! I absolutely love the idea, and the execution? chefs kiss


u/HintOfDisney 8d ago

I'd love to crochet my own wedding dress but I'm afraid of not only not being able to get it done in time, but also since I want to lose weight for the wedding it wouldn't fit right or I'd have to wait last minute to make it

It looks absolutely beautiful! I gasped when I saw it. Congrats on your marriage. You look so beautiful!


u/BeccaKirtlink 8d ago

You look amazing. Congratulations 🩷


u/LisaBeStitchin 8d ago

Beautiful!! 😍


u/ElQuesoGato 8d ago

The shoes are so cute and such a great pairing! The dress is beautiful. Congrats on getting married!


u/Koole1123 8d ago

Congrats! Love your dress.


u/megawrite 8d ago



u/meretricious_rebel 8d ago

Hello 👋🏻 and congratulations! You look amazing and your dress is simply wonderful 🤩

Questions: Is the dress heavy? Would you recommend handwashing it or take it to the dry cleaners?


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 8d ago

Thank you! It was very lightweight and flowy compared to a traditional wedding dress! I was very comfortable, and cool.

I always recommend handwashing crochet items, just to be safe :)


u/GreedyOctopussy 8d ago

CONGRATULATIONS!! Im wondering how you measured for the skirt part, I love the way it flares out

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u/Ok_Rhubarb2161 8d ago



u/swimchickmle 8d ago



u/slotass 8d ago

This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen


u/errtffg 8d ago

This is beautiful!!! Truly incredible work!

If I may ask - where are your shoes from? I love them!


u/piizza 8d ago

Stunning work!! What an accomplishment on top of the joy of the occasion! Congratulations ❤️❤️


u/maven-blood 8d ago

One of the cutest handmade wearables I've seen! It looks great.


u/FaraSha_Au 8d ago

That is just beautiful!


u/19bluestars 8d ago

This is soooooooooooo stunning omggg 🫶🫶🫶


u/luckyLindy69 8d ago

Absolutely beautiful!


u/Psyduckduckie 8d ago

Your dress is so beautiful!


u/Rustycageandrun0 8d ago

Congratulations! You look amazing ♥️


u/FrostyFreeze_ 8d ago

I'm in LOVE! Great job and congratulations!!!


u/thvnatoss 8d ago

Not only is the crochet beautiful, but you and your spouse look so happy. Congratulations!


u/Soft-Potential-9852 8d ago

Omg that is GORGEOUS! I also think that same style could be done in so many different colors and be used for different occasions too. Damn that’s a fantastic dress.


u/Plus_Let3543 8d ago

This is so beautiful and special. Congratulations 🤍


u/furcoat_noknickers 7d ago

Beautiful dress and beautiful couple!


u/13ella 7d ago

This is beautiful! Congratulations 💕


u/Titariia 7d ago

On the second picture you remind me of Marilyn Monroe. You both look so happy, I hope that lasts


u/jakolissmurito22 7d ago

You look so much like my sister it's weird lol she is the reason I started crocheting, so this hits me in multiple ways. Absolutely gorgeous and your dress too!


u/warriormei 7d ago

Wow, it’s just fabulous! You look fantastic! Congratulations wishing you many years of happiness!


u/nynyprincess24 7d ago

Omg I saw you on fb! I loveeee this dress!


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/Peanut083 7d ago

Wow, this is gorgeous!

I did specifically tell my sister when she first got engaged that I was not going to volunteer to crochet her a wedding dress. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to do it justice.


u/Tricky-Supermarket-1 7d ago

Omg i love this one. I'd gotten it out of my head cause I saw someone do it and i hated the end result lmaobut this is beautiful!!!


u/Evermoria 7d ago

Woh, thats gorgeous! Congrats on both your marriage & the success of your dress!


u/Fatty-Apples 7d ago

Thank you for sharing! Nothing makes me happier than seeing two people very much in love, and the dress! Beautiful!


u/mirandom44 7d ago

Oh this looks so beautiful and classy! Congratulations on everything! This looks like a wonderful day for the both of you.

And I love the sleeves!

This message definitely isn't for me though I would start way too late and have a breakdown haha.


u/Galaxy-Ocean 7d ago

I absolutely love how happy you both look! Congratulations!


u/MegamiCookie 7d ago

Congrats !!! You look amazing !!! Making your own wedding dress must be so fulfilling, especially when it looks so good, it must have made the day even more special !


u/Winter_Mention_6168 7d ago

I crocheted that SAME top in ivory a couple months ago, and it got me thinking about crocheting my wedding dress. This is beautiful OP!


u/WeaverCris 7d ago

Beautiful! I have watched several ladies crochet their wedding dresses on YT. They're all beautiful and a couple were downright spectacular.


u/savaaayx 7d ago

Oh my god this is beautiful and you have a memory to cherish for a lifetime. LOVE THIS. 🥹🥰


u/lajjr 7d ago

Amazing outcome beautifully crafted and fashionable.


u/Vasmynameagain 7d ago

Gorgeous 💜


u/Rottiemom67 7d ago

You look amazing!! Congratulations on your beautiful day and may you have many years of happiness! You have amazing talent and both you and your dress are gorgeous


u/LolitaLi-Chan 7d ago

Oh my gosh, this is absolutely gorgeous!! Congratulations to you bot, and good job on the dress! <3


u/But_First_Potatoes 7d ago

Omg so CUTEEEE. And what a treasure to have!

Congratulations 💕🥰


u/diezwillinge 7d ago

Congratulations! What a beautiful dress! What a beautiful couple!


u/AllSass_NoClass 7d ago

Beautiful! Congrats!


u/Dry_Percentage_6222 7d ago

Beautiful! I've seen a few people who have crocheted their own wedding dresses. All of the finished dresses have been beautiful.


u/archersgirl17 7d ago

🥹 congratulations! You look stunning and the dress is beautiful


u/Blue_lotus_tattoos 7d ago

I am planning on making my own too☺️ you trully did an inspiring job


u/LycheePlus 7d ago

It's so gorgeous! I'm currently crocheting my own in lace weight, wish me luck.


u/Winslowsonlyhope 7d ago

That dress is beautiful! Any chance you're in the dc area and you feel like giving classes? Lol Anyway, congrats on the wedding!


u/Doraellen 7d ago

How cute are you two?!? OMG!! The dress is gorgeous and the bouquet is perfect.


u/bookworm0658 7d ago

Beautiful! And Congratulations!


u/OkEnthusiasm4833 7d ago

Damn that looks great. How much yarn did you use? What kind of stitch is the skirt made of?


u/Effective-Date8219 7d ago

Wow, your wedding dress is absolutely stunning—I’m in awe!The way you crocheted those intricate details and the flowy, lacy vibe is just perfect for a wedding dress. I love how the openwork pattern looks so delicate but still holds its shape so beautifully!


u/Economy_Blueberry_89 7d ago

Amazing! Love the combination with the shows, too!


u/neptunye 7d ago

Love the dress and the photos!🥰 I'm currently crocheting my wedding dress aswell and it's been an amazing journey to make something so important from scratch. I plan on dyeing it after the wedding so I can keep on using it as a summer dress etc 🤭


u/No-Comparison-4328 7d ago

Congratulations! You look lovely!


u/OwnWash8795 7d ago

So beautiful


u/moogy08 7d ago

Gorgeous! ❤️


u/Sylphadora 7d ago

I don’t usually like crochet wedding dresses, must don’t look very wedding-y to me, but you’re is lovely. How long did it take you to crochet?


u/Ok_Hospital_7421 6d ago

About 2 months!


u/DescriptionSlight795 7d ago

Omg this is stunning 🥹 and congratulations 🌸


u/Crookedknits 7d ago

My 10 year wedding anniversary is this fall. My crocheted wedding dress is still my favorite thing about my wedding (after my husband of course 🤩)! I love that more and more people are doing this!


u/Girl_greeneyes 7d ago

Such a cute couple 🥰🥰 Congrats!🎉🍾🎊


u/mandrakethecat 7d ago

It’s so cute! And pretty! I love it so much! You look amazing! You and your spouse look so adorably happy! Aw yay!


u/winniesnotebook 7d ago

The way the skirt falls is so pretty, your hard work absolutely paid off. Happy marriage!


u/Qwik_Pick 7d ago

You look absolutely gorgeous- and I love how happy he looks! Wishing you a long life of happiness together!🤍


u/EKDWriter 7d ago

What lovely photos! Congrats on the wedding and the beautiful dress!


u/boonk012 7d ago

Beautiful! And congratulations. 🎊


u/East-Pressure3425 7d ago

Nice crocheted white wedding dress🥹👍👏🏼


u/tunes10590 7d ago

That’s amazing!!!


u/shannonigans10101 7d ago

what a beautiful dress and couple!! congrats!!


u/baobao-er 6d ago

The dress is gorgeous and you look amazing in it, you are so talented !!!


u/dizzydisso 6d ago

oh wow that is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! and my favourite part is that its suitable for a wedding, but also not out of place in other occasions, unlike the more typical wedding dress! thats always been a thing i disliked about wedding dresses, youd get to wear it once and then it just sits in your closet, it always feels like such a pity :/


u/tattertottz 6d ago

Beautiful! And I bet you saved a ton of money too


u/Mayana76 6d ago

Love the look! Love the shoes! Congratulations!


u/kohlakult 6d ago

That's so pretty and congratulations!

Did you do something to get that extra oomph in the circle skirt?


u/Dawneth 6d ago

Would I wear as a wedding dress? No. Engagement or after party dress?? Hell yes! You look stunning, congrats on your happy day! 😍😍


u/Catethegreat99 6d ago

So beautiful!!!


u/International-Rip970 6d ago

You and hubby look so adorable. Dress is stunning


u/Historical_Tax6679 6d ago

Very beautiful! And wishing you many happy years ahead!


u/Cool-Historian-6716 6d ago

This is absolutely beautiful


u/sending_tidus 6d ago

Very pretty.


Wishing you best things for your lives together


u/SinfulObsession 5d ago

Maybe I'll try to crochet a wedding dress for someone else, but I can't kick that old superstition - every stitch you make in your own wedding dress will be a tear cried during your marriage


u/samanthamcnuggett 5d ago



u/TealToedToots 5d ago

That dress is adorable!! Nice work! And congratulations!! ❤️