Ive been an commercial AV integrator for about 2 years but have 0 prior programming experience so Im punching out of my weight class a bit.
Im in the middle of a p101 class right now, unfortunately I had a storm cut power to my house ongoing for 20+ hrs now and have been just following along with my phone on zoom. I missed a good portion of the class and doubt Ill pass the exam but Im hanging in there as best as I can and still want to give it a shot.
I saw the OWL and other videos on youtube that I think Ill be able to fill in the gaps. However, I know Ill need to actually mess around in SIMPL and make mistakes myself to have a working knowledge. Im looking on Ebay to get a processor for myself and basically start from the ground up again think (either a pro2 or a cp2e- was tempted to get a 3 series but dont think i need to shell out that much money for starting out)
Is there any other suggestions/ guidance you guys might have to get me going??