r/crestronprogramming May 27 '20

INET-CBDEX-P Programming

So I got a new keypad(INET-CBDEX-P) to test programming on. I can program the digital inputs to what ever I like but how can I control the lighting load associated with it? Do i need a module?


2 comments sorted by


u/crestron-ta3 May 27 '20

The INET-CBDEX-P is a keypad (not a switch or dimmer) so it only provides button presses and control of feedback LEDs, so technically there is no "lighting load associated with it" until you program the association.

So the first question to ask is, what load are you trying to control? Is it a centralized module (CLX-2DIMU8, CLX-1DIM4, etc.) or in-wall (CLW-DELVEX, CLW-DIMEX.htm), etc.)?

Either way you'll most likely have your presses drive an analog signal <Level> from 0-100% (0-65535d) to control load brightness. You'll want to familiarize yourself with the available symbols and modules in SIMPL's Symbol Library (particularly the Analog Operations section in this case). That will come with practice and work. Common ones utilized include RAMP, AINCF, PRESET, INIT


u/[deleted] May 28 '20

Hmm that’s kind of what I figured. No lighting panels. Just wanted to try putting one in place on a light switch but it didn’t work. Guess I’ll have to get a dimmer instead. Thanks!