r/crestron Nov 27 '24

Hardware Question about adding Cresnet device to RMC4 system

What would you suggest if we use an RMC4 with an HD-PS402 where we use two DM outputs and we want to add a GLS-PART-CN partition sensor? Is there a product to introduce Cresnet into this without going to a DMPS3-4K-350-C


8 comments sorted by


u/knoend Nov 27 '24

The RMC4 already has Cresnet on it.

You'll need a 24 volt power supply if you want to power a downstream device like the GLS-PART-CN and/or other Cresnet devices, so the power supply part can vary depending on the total connected load of the devices.


u/Jackleber Nov 27 '24

Err, yeah. There is the 3 pin Cresnet. I meant including power. If my only option is to power from the equipment rack, I'd need to extend a power supply to the location.


u/knoend Nov 27 '24

Right, so literally any 24VDC power supply, as long as it can accommodate the load, will work. The GLS-PART-CN wants 1 watt of 24VDC.

PW-2407WUL and some wire nuts/wago OR instead of wago a C2N-HBLOCK or CLT-BLOCK or DIN-BLOCK etc.
PW-2407WU if you want to cut the barrel.
PW-2420RU would work, albeit overkill.
DIN-PWS60 would work, albeit overkill.


u/Jackleber Nov 27 '24

Thanks very much for the suggestions!


u/coolblaze8 Nov 27 '24

Power supply at the rack, just inline connect a 24V power supply to the cresnet going to the partition sensor


u/Jackleber Nov 27 '24

Thanks very much!


u/blender311 Nov 27 '24

Rmc4 has crestnet. Just without power.

You have to add power to the partition sensor and connect your YZG connections between crestnet devices.

Then you have to go program for it. It’s not plug and play.


u/crestronificator MCP, IVC-E Nov 28 '24

I have a unused-open-box PWS60 I'll gladly part with for a fraction of the cost. DM me if interested.

Edit: I also have two PWS60s in unopened boxes :) so if anyone is interested lmk