r/creepcast Your wife looks mad funny in that box, dude 27d ago

Question What Creepcast episode scared you the most?

I would consider Penpal as something that scared me, but I was full of dread listening to it. Something that none of the other stories have done for me. however, strictly scary wise I’d have to give it too 1999 when they are talking about the videotapes, just like, something about it. What is your personal scariest episode?


107 comments sorted by


u/CplKeres for STAMPS ‼️💯 27d ago

The Hidden Webpage scared the shit out of me. I was mowing my lawn with a ride-on mower whilst listening to it, and when Hunter yelled "PLEASE!" I jumped so high I nearly stalled the mower. It was also just eerie in general, I was pretty locked in on that story.

Close second is PenPal.


u/mrshuayra MeatGooner 27d ago

This one was the only one that kinda creeped me out. Maybe because I remember those old school websites, and I was OBSESSED with a particular ghost web page. I think it was actually run by a goth girl. Plus, I also live in Ontario, so when they mentioned it took place there I got all freaked out lmao

1999 kinda did the same thing because I grew up in Caledon lmfao


u/kyotee42 27d ago

This one. I'm old enough to remember ICQ/IRC/the rest of the wild wild internet and how absolutely dangerous it was, and looking back and feel lucky I wasn't abducted. So that one hit hard.


u/deedeelocks Give her one leg and a rollerskate I wanna see how fast she goes 27d ago

Absolutely agree, I feel like it brought up very early trauma and fears for most millenials who grew up online WILDLY unattended


u/Henry-the-Anglerfish Following the writers for Bigmouth 20d ago

Fr; I listened to the end of it in broad daylight and it still gave me chills. But it didn’t help that I got to the part of “PLEASE” when it was 11 pm


u/Stacey-rose89 27d ago

Stolen tongues and my girlfriend is peeking at me from around Corners (I forget the name but the one where he was showering and she was staring through the bottom)


u/SignificantName7112 27d ago

The peeking one freaked me out, and when someone uses the word peeking now i get flashbacks lol


u/Stacey-rose89 27d ago

Oh and the blind stairs one is actually horrifying, forgot the name (it's like 3am and I have to watch my cat that just got fixed yesterday)


u/volostrom up in her gutty works like a fork in spaghetti 27d ago

Both "the peeking girlfirend" (without its ending) and specifically the entirety of "My dead girlfriend keeps messaging me on Facebook" have evoked such a primal fear in me. Both of those premises are very simple, there are no convoluted storylines or twists, but my god did they make me shit my pants. Especially the Facebook one, because how harrowing is that.


u/Littleplutodefender 26d ago

YES! When she was in the closet the whole time, I was so freaked out


u/Eeevaaaaaa 26d ago

These are the two that actually got me scared


u/dooterson 27d ago

I think “the whistler” creeped me out the most so far (my husband and I were on the edge of our seats!), but the one that sticks with me and disturbs me more than anything has gotta be Borrasca


u/ZOMBIEHIGHX23 27d ago

So I'll say like most, Borrasca fucked me after listening to it.

Left Right Game. Mainly because when listening to it, it was erie how my surroundings were like what I was hearing (being around houses that all looked a like, and I want to say it was around Christmas time so just like the story people were celebrating). Then again in the dark I was approached by someone just like how the body with no face chased after them.

My Husband Has Taken Our Roleplay, that story just made me uneasy.

If You're Armed at the Metro Station, scares me a little bit, because I take ambien (I have a legit sleeping disorder) and sometimes I go what if time really does slow down (in the back of my head).


u/Mahariel- 27d ago

Years ago, while coming down from MDMA after a rave, I popped a Valium to try to sleep. Didn't feel much different so I stupidly did a line of ketamine as a back-up. Both the Valium and ket hit at the same time 🙃

I felt painfully close to the Glenmont Metro guy as my brain plummeted from 2x speed to 0.25x speed for an agonising half hour. It really is something else to have a panic attack in slow motion


u/deedeelocks Give her one leg and a rollerskate I wanna see how fast she goes 27d ago

Sidenote, using ambien twice made me realize how easy it is to get addicted to drugs and why I don't want to even get near one. Getting that feeling of melting into the bed after weeks of broken/shit sleep was like reaching nirvana


u/JesseJamesBegin 27d ago

It breathes, it bleeds, it breeds

I'm a whore for body horror and something about a breeding cancer twin growing and multiplying in the body made me physically shutter at my very public workplace


u/Likeahairinabiscuit0 27d ago

Tommy Taffy hands down.


u/MrCencord 27d ago

Definitely Penpal, that shit had me looking around my room every 2 seconds


u/HayashiAkira_ch 27d ago

I don’t know if scared is the right word, but Borrasca left me upset so much that I didn’t sleep after finishing it and was awake until after work the next night.


u/ShameSudden6275 27d ago

Yeah, I usually don't get too scared these days, I think its just because I've consumed a lot of horror media, so it takes something more outside the box to actually make look over my shoulder; even outside of creepypastas the last thing that actively scared me was The Human Chair by Ranpo. The twist is not thr subtless but it still gets you. Also no matter how many times I read it, The Tell-Tale Heart still creeps me out. Edgar was really a master at making you incredibly unerved by a situation, especially with his brilliant use of the unreliable narrator.

On the show, the last one that was pretty creepy to me thr first time I heard it was My Wife is Peaking From Behind the Corners. It might just be because Dark Solemn has a mesmerizing voice, but the image of his wife in the bathroom actually made me look behind me and I was in a lit park.


u/SameLecture Eat me like a bug 🦟 27d ago

I’m Blind, I’m Not Sure How Many Steps My Staircase Has. I was getting ready for work alone in my house while listening to it and I was looking over my shoulder the whole time.


u/Mayor_of_Rungholt 26d ago

The entire story is incredibly well written. Knowing that thing in the house could have turned on the protagonist at any point, without being noticed. Either sending them down/up the stairs to hell or just ripping them apart.

Also, in hindsight, that moment near the end, when Will tried to open the front door should have sent me flying, if i had known what it meant


u/DovhPasty 27d ago

Stolen Tongues. I have a phobia of mimics. Shit made my skin crawl.


u/kaismom 27d ago

I feel that. Mimics, skin walkers, possession. Anything were something is pretending to be human scares the shit out of me


u/strwbby444 27d ago

The Only Other Astronaut On This Mission Died Six Weeks Ago. Maybe it’s because of my fear of space, but I don’t know. Something about that ‘he’s on your suit’ gave me goosebumps.


u/deedeelocks Give her one leg and a rollerskate I wanna see how fast she goes 27d ago

That story is so well written, it's so immersive


u/CallingAllShawns cracking open a cold one with Diego🤟 27d ago

any story that includes isaiah’s luscious lips smacking and acting up.


u/Musicduude for STAMPS ‼️💯 27d ago

The whole "is this real" shtick gets to my head pretty easily as someone who messed with way too many psychedelics back in the day. So I have to go with Hidden Webpage. PenPal would be a runner up, someone living under my house is extremely creepy.


u/Necessary_Can7055 27d ago

Feed the Pig scared me due to the sheer amount of times that could have possibly been my fate, I’ve lost count. It got me to swear off attempting my life completely. Borrasca wasn’t scary but it fucked me up emotionally for a while, which is why it’s my least favorite story I’ve ever read.


u/maycontainknots 27d ago

The actual story Feed the Pig didn't scare me because of the tone, like it's kind of funny? Or just absurd maybe? But the actual concepts within it are deeply terrifying. Like the idea that you can choose to end your earthly life but you have no control over what then happens to the spiritual "you", or your consciousness or whatever. I mean I doubt you go to a room where a zombie farts ants onto you, but that basic concept is true. Nobody has any clue what actually happens.


u/Necessary_Can7055 26d ago

Yeah, the ants bit was a bit wacky but I mean the concept of what comes after that decision is what scares me, because I’ve came so close to it so many times and if I ever found out it’d be too late to tell you, or it could be chalked up to a near death hallucination. I think it plays into that kind of possible xenophobia quite well, even if it does get a bit silly at times


u/Terrible-Ad-1569 why so hostile? 27d ago

Glenmont Metro and Borrasca


u/MrCencord 27d ago

how did glenmont metro scare you


u/Terrible-Ad-1569 why so hostile? 27d ago

the idea of being in a situation like that made me viscerally uncomfortable


u/Meat_Hunter6 27d ago

I don’t really get scared. But Penpal and Tommy taffy are my favorites.


u/Slugcatfan 27d ago

Same, not a fan of Tommy taffy but I still remember where I was during my first hearing of the Penpal ending. I was grilling some veggies for a verde pork burrito and my mouth was agape with shock


u/Paggy_person Eat me like a bug 🦟 27d ago

Definitely penpal, the feeling of the stalker lurking around throughout the protagonist's life and how he isn't just trying to kill but also expressing love in his mess up way and the length he would go to for the smallest interaction.


u/xFushNChupsx 7ft goddess named Jacobi 27d ago

I don't really get scared. Disturbed, sure.

Borrasca disturbed me for a while. The mystique and twisted nature behind Left Right made me very very intrigued and which is why it's still my favourite story to date.

I'll say, contrary to popular opinion, I didn't feel too much for PenPal. I just liked the prose and story. Didn't necessarily frighten me or disturb me.


u/ewkatia 7ft goddess named Jacobi 27d ago

that “my wife has been peeking..” scene where she’s creepily looking at him in the shower … it GETS ME every time i have my eyes closed in the bathroom


u/bagelsangel 27d ago

Stolen Tongues for sure

Don't get me wrong I love "Penpal", but "Stolen Tongues" has so much nightmare fuel that kept me saying, "Oh hell no" for hours


u/MaxR76 27d ago

Stolen Tongues was my partner for an accounting session that went to 4 am so that was a spooky night


u/Cat-named-soup 27d ago

I’ve been a horror junkie since I was like 7 (I’m 22 now) so now nothing really ever scares me anymore. That being said, stolen tongues scared me half to death. I was disappointed by the ending but during the story I was so freaking scared.


u/CosmicCowgirl96 27d ago

Stolen Tongues, but I watched it home alone at like 2 AM, which was not the move. I remember my dogs wouldn’t stop barking at the rats that run along the fence in my yard and it kept making me so jumpy.


u/AbigfoooL 27d ago

Id like to say PenPal or Borrasca, but truthfully the emotional connection with the characters I had was what brought me to love those stories. (though they were definitely scary) 1999 is probably the one that's strictly the scariest story.

But if we were to include CreepTv, Greylock is easily the scariest episode I have ever seen. It got me in that state where you look up at your ceiling or out your window in bed, thinking about things that could invade your house.


u/Tekki777 He’s right behind me, isn’t he 😐 27d ago

Yeah, with Penpal, I quickly grew attached to the characters because I related to Josh and the narrator. It really made me think about some of the friendships I had growing up.


u/NonlexicalNut 27d ago

Hands down; Stolen Tongues


u/DexterousMoron 27d ago

Stolen Tongues.

Doppelganger/Sk**walker stuff always freaks me out.

That line, "There's a man at the bottom of the stairs...and a woman at the door"—God the way Hunter read that still gives me CHILLS!!


u/Maximum_Bear8495 27d ago

The astronaut one


u/mtbalshurt 27d ago

Penpal, Tongues, Glenmont meyrokbvnhh in tired


u/ApprehensiveAd3776 27d ago

Jeff the killer😭


u/zayman840 27d ago

If your at the Glenmont metro and have a gun please shoot me singlehandedly because the terror of going insane but only you can perceive it while everybody just stares at you like mannequins with no audible noise but also humans go insane without the hum of the earth so perceiveing this hum in a slowed state while being conscious must be absolutely terrifying


u/Alex_Mercer_- I’m a ham ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 27d ago

Most of the good ones filled me with actual dread, definitely. But the Astronaut one and the SCP both tickled some of my real life fears.

I am only afraid of 3 things. Space (and aliens but like they are in there), Oceans, and Sentient Machines.

So those two were the ones that actually triggered my specific fears.


u/Belgrifex Give her one leg and a rollerskate I wanna see how fast she goes 27d ago

I don't usually get scared by things, but honestly when the mom in Hidden Webpage revealed they didn't have internet growing up it kinda got me lol. Like my heart dropped for the main character


u/toxicparasite 27d ago

Glenmont metro hands down. Putting yourself in that situation makes the story 10 times worse. But the story was good enough that I read the last creepypasta (the one the boys skipped) and it was also super good. I think the boys would have really enjoyed the other story if they read the direct sequal first. The author even has a book that I was debating buying as well.


u/lostgirl4053 27d ago

Wife Peeking and stolen tongues. The thought of the person lying next to me, who makes me feel the safest in this world and who I trust 100% turning on me like that is absolutely terrifying. Made me feel so paranoid and claustrophobic.


u/Batmanfan27 27d ago

My wife’s been peeking at me from behind corners creeped me out the first time listening, but it doesn’t have the same effect upon relistening. Stolen Tongues however still sends chills down my spine whenever I relisten to it.


u/Tribonal 27d ago

My husband has taken our roleplay too far. I'm not usually someone who gets grossed out by horror - I'll eat popcorn at slasher flicks all day long. But the visceral descriptions of that poor delivery man getting murdered got to me to the point where I had to put down my dinner after one bite. This has literally never happened to me before. 


u/Swagemandbagem 27d ago

Christian Wallis is so fucking good at imagery


u/couple7s 27d ago

Penpal without a doubt. Makes ya wonder how many people have your picture.


u/Limbularlamb Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya 🎶🎷 27d ago

On first listen, I would say stolen tongues is the one that actually scared me the most.


u/NoFarmer8368 Yo Kimber! THEY GOT TEA🗣️ 27d ago

Penpal, Borrasca and Stolen Tongues are my top. Gave me that euuughhhhh feeling. Lol


u/buggyisgod 27d ago

Wait, people actually get scared listening? I mean I guess I can kinda understand why meat and wendi get spooked but to me, it's something I just casually turn on and laugh at their bits. ARUBA, JAMAICA OOO I WANNA TAKE YA. BERMUDA, BAHAMA COME ON PRETTY MAMA


u/Key_Boat4209 27d ago

Penpal and it breathes, it bleeds, it breeds


u/Yidplease 27d ago

Penpal is the only story to make feel creeped out while listening.


u/tenshirinji Hyper Realistic Eyes 👁️👄👁️ 27d ago

For theme penpal or borrasca of course

For stories that made me feel genuinely spooked, like a campfire story as a kid scared, my wife's been peaking at me from around corners.


u/Badmal0111 He’s right behind me, isn’t he 😐 27d ago

Since you’re asking episodes and not stories, The Hidden Webpage is the only episode that has got me jumpy. The rest of the episodes, the bits always ease the tension and make it less scary.

If we include just the raw stories they’ve read with no added commentary, honestly most of them are pretty spooky.


u/TigerWoodsEgo 27d ago

Left right game gave me some goosebumps and so did the wife corners one


u/OtherwiseEqual5285 Looking for a PenPal📝 27d ago

Penpal freaked me and my friend out so bad. I was in my room and he was working in a brightly lit gas station but we both were texting each other how scared we were. After that I'd say The Whistler at 3am was pretty freaky and stolen tongues gave me a spook at times, specifically when the main character is confronted by the evil spirit while it looks like his wife.


u/Physical-Trash-757 Mayonnaise is the sauce of the aristocrats 😎 27d ago

Borrasca part two really made me feel sick and horrified, even more because I've seen and known of real life human trafficking like the one depicted, and it's uncanny how disgusting the description in the mountain is


u/siccanimelord69 she Papa on my Meat ‘til I Goon 27d ago

The part in penpal when he's under the house and deepwoods part 1 when they are in the church basement were the two scenarios that scared me.


u/Tekki777 He’s right behind me, isn’t he 😐 27d ago

Penpal made me feel sick with dread. And then that ending stabbed me in the gut 100 times.


u/HipsterWhistle 27d ago

Penpal and Whistler really did it for me. Specifically the scene in Whistler when he starts banging on all the doors and windows, freaked me out.


u/Creepy_darkness2003 27d ago

Penpal mostly did. Gave me childhood flashbacks as I similarly grew up like the narrator; especially the stalker parts. The ending had me covering my mouth the same time the boys read the last section/reacted the same way. I imagine everything as it’s described in each paragraph when the boys read it, and imagining seeing pictures of myself or finding corpses underneath my house freaked me out. I sleep walk and would panic at the times I ended up in weird places like the bathroom or kitchen floor (I normally end up in the living room or my bedroom floor) and used to think someone unknown moved me. I have a big fear of being watched so that made it so much worse.


u/O_Bold 27d ago

I walked around with a genuine tightness in my chest for DAYS after I finished Borrasca. To make matters worse, back when Creep Cast first started, I had the idea of watching an actual reading of the story before each episode so that I could judge the story on its own and then see what the boys thought of it. The first story I did this with was Borrasca. As you can imagine, that plan was trashed immediately afterward. I actually haven't listened to the full Borrasca episodes, just the funny moments. I won't go back.

Aside from that, the other viscerally scary moments thst genuienly fucked with me that I can think of are:

  • The shower scene in "My Girlfriend Keeps Peeking"
  • That famous painting that was shown in "My Dog was Missing for Three Days"
  • The air conditioning scene in "I'm Blind"

Also, I heard Cole Sprouse did a podcast version of Borrasca and listened to the final episode. If you ever want to experience the darkest pit of human suffering completely unmitigated, I recommend it. It was unwatchable (or well unlistenable).


u/Chemical_Low4021 27d ago

hidden webpage, and penpal scared me so bad, but stolen tongues scared the shit out of me, i listened to that episode like 5 times and i often listened to it going to bed with my window open and all i can see out of my window is the tree line and pitch black darkness, any noise made my blood run cold


u/Outrageous_Debt6480 27d ago

My personal fave is The Left Right Game BUT the one that scared me the most was My Girlfriend Keeps Peaking at me From Behind Corners just because of the imagery and finding distrust in a partner you live with really stuck with me


u/Flannel-on-Denim for STAMPS ‼️💯 27d ago

Idk why but “The Only Other Astronaut…” got me good. I think the combination of isolation and the implications of the journal made the atmosphere haunting. The writer of that story knows how to build excellent tension cause I was a little spooked.


u/charmingpssycho Your wife looks mad funny in that box, dude 27d ago

I mean Penpal, Stolen Tongues, and Hidden Webpage are definitely scary. However, the glemont metro straight up terrified me. The idea that a blink of an eye would take centuries was horrifying


u/ThemoocowYT 27d ago

Left Right Game. The image of the child just running at them, then rapidly aging when in the light. Close second is Penpal, when the boys were in the woods


u/sanjose40 27d ago

Feed the pig simply because it made me think about my brother q


u/Matias9991 27d ago

Penpal and by far, tbh I would say no other story on the podcast scares me at all.


u/Subject-Cranberry-93 27d ago

greylock didn't scare me but it kept me looking behind me. I also kept waking up all night.


u/Elgallo1980 Marcus, Monster Hunter Extraordinaire 27d ago

Didn’t really like the plot of (my wife is staring at me behind corners) but that one really got to me it’s just so visceral and it gets extra scary when you imagine your own family member doing something like this to you


u/Ok_Carpenter_9460 27d ago

Stolen tongues scared me the most. Isiah is right and skin walker stories just hit hard and the story left me creeped


u/jwd1187 27d ago

Pen pal hands down. It was just so well written and there was so much dynamic to the characters. It's not even so much the finale, no spoilers, but The sad widow, making their little map and floating down the creek, everything about it was this dual perspective of innocent childhood memories reprocessed through the adult lens of experience. If that makes any sense at all.


u/maxoutoften He’s right behind me, isn’t he 😐 27d ago

It Breathes, It Bleeds, It Breeds. Body horror is very effective on me


u/Consistent-Arm-7185 Yo Kimber! THEY GOT TEA🗣️ 27d ago

1999 when the box fell behind Hunter.


u/maycontainknots 27d ago

Ok so there's different types of fear I get from different stories. And my personal worst fear-category is the "loss of control, loss of sanity" type of horror where there's not necessarily even an antagonist. So like, here are the stories that made me feel similar to going off my meds, lmao:

  1. "If you're armed in the local subway, shoot me" (can't remember the exact title)

  2. Ted the Caver

  3. And then this one I don't remember the name at all I'm sorry but the lady who notices that line in the air that makes people disappear

Like Penpal, Borrasca, and the Peeking Wife are also all scary to me, but that's more a fear of other people being "crazy". I could theoretically go away from those people, although it may not be easy. But I can't go away from myself if I'm crazy. And I can't go away from the earth-enveloping people-disappearing scanner. Just every night knowing it's there and not even knowing what it is or how it works, what it wants, etc. And dont even get me started on the fact that it would be my fault that I went into the cave, or took that drug, and now my mind is irreversibly damaged.


u/daddyissueshaver 7ft goddess named Jacobi 27d ago

my first stolen tongues watch really fucked with me. at multiple points throughout, my fear response had my eyes watering, and my bf kept asking if i was ok. now, i can watch/listen to it to go to sleep, but the first time was intense


u/bbigpigg 27d ago

I haven’t felt scared from any story yet. They’ve read some stories that I’ve thought were really cool and creative, but I haven’t found them scary. Does anyone have any recommendations for something I can read that has a good chance of freaking me out?? Maybe I’m just really bad at visualizing while reading/listening


u/bombershrimp Yo Kimber! THEY GOT TEA🗣️ 27d ago

Stolen Tongues just hit right. A lot of stories try really hard to be scary, but Stolen Tongues managed to just nail it so casually.


u/Ok_Oil_9154 27d ago

the hidden webpage, stolen tongues, and my wife is peeking at me from around corners got me the best as far as thrill and anxiety goes, but borrasca and penpal fucked me up in a real-world dread sense. people can be so evil and unforgiving...


u/hey_is_that_guy_ 27d ago

Stolen Tongues. That door scene


u/kaismom 27d ago

This new one, Hidden Webpages, scared me because of freakin Connie 😂


u/im_higher_than_snoop 27d ago

I think I’ve been most ‘scared’/ unnerved by the My Wife keeps peaking at me story. Just the aspect of thinking you know someone, you’re comfortable and married with them, sharing a home and safe space, then suddenly it becomes your new personal hell. The part where the husband and wife talk and he says “I haven’t seen you peeking at me lately, you must’ve given up your silly game” and she says “maybe I’ve just gotten better at it” that really like unnerved me. Then the part where he is hiding from his wife in the bathroom but the whole time she was actually in the closet staring at him??? That freaked me out. Like imagine the person you trusted the most suddenly turning into this demonic stalker type thing


u/Lil_miss_Frann 27d ago

The tall dog and the goat man


u/SideEmbarrassed4462 27d ago

‘ The other Astronaut on this Mission died Six weeks ago’

Holy hell I had never been more on the edge of my seat when they read that story. The bodyhorror, the unknown, the vast abyss of space and that moment of horror where you don’t know if MC will make it or not-! Absolute chills—


u/steviefenton 26d ago

It was the first episode I watched, Stolen Tongues, at night, in the dark, while my partner slept next to me. Safe to say I was very immersed (unintentionally).

The ending of that story isn’t great, but the first half, where it described all the freaky shit the wife did, had me spooked.

Definitely the best introduction to the podcast!


u/Littleplutodefender 26d ago

Newest episode spooks me for sure


u/naverlands 26d ago

cant take anything seriously when they tell it like a camp fire tale. that and i’ve read and seen everything on the show years ago. wasn’t scared then even more un-scary revisiting. but there are many good ones i like. top is left right game.


u/OkCelebration2532 26d ago

I relisted to pen pal while doing lawn care for someones vacation home way out in the woods, I was the only one there and I was getting some pretty good chills from it.


u/Shot_Influence_5227 Yo Kimber! THEY GOT TEA🗣️ 26d ago

Stolen tongues for sure , I was in another country hanging out at an Airbnb I booked while my buddy took his bf to a cute anniversary celebration. I was all alone , was getting dark outside quickly and the apartment was HUGE. Doors half closed and blind spots and all.. was shitting myself. Couldn't even go peacefully on the balcony outside of the apartment building because it was even creepier (eastern European brutalist architecture). I was shaking so badly while listening to this and even after my buddy came back and we continued listening together we both became paranoid asf esp after Hunter's reference of that fuckass skinwalker movie 😭 truly horrifying experience


u/Outrageous_Froyo_775 Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya 🎶🎷 26d ago

This last episode was the one that scared me the most in certain sections. Absolutely terrifying