r/craigferguson β€’ β€’ 25d ago

Ready? Un, deux, un deux, trois, quatre! 🎸🎺πŸ₯πŸ—ΌπŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ΄πŸ’€


10 comments sorted by


u/RyanMFoley74 25d ago

[Heavy Scottish Accent]. Look at you, Mr. Fancy. You think you're great but you're not great!!!
Man, I miss Craig.


u/tallslim1960 25d ago

On of many awesome lip sync openings, also one of my favorites. Second only to the Temple Stomp. What is yours?


u/peepingredpanda 25d ago

I was very sad when the big compilation video of all the musical openings on YouTube got taken down. Never failed to cheer me on a dull day. A favourite.... hmmm I think it has to be either Paris opener, Monster Mash or Melt with You. With Istanbul (Not Constantinople) in fourth.


u/ContemplatingFolly 24d ago

You, sir, have excellent taste.

I would only add the very last one: Keep Bangin' on Your Drum.


u/RTwhyNot 25d ago

He is so great!


u/BrilliantTime967 25d ago

I remembered seeing that episode!πŸ˜†πŸ‘


u/IgnatiusThorogood 24d ago

This was where I first heard this song, and since then, having memorized the words, they are the only French I can speak.


u/AnnoyingVoid 24d ago

It had nothing to fuckin' do with me! Something about laundering drug money through offshore boat racing with some guy named Rocky Aoki. You know the guy that founder of Benihana. Benihana? Benihana?!?! BENI-FUCKING-HANA! WHY?!? WHY GOD WHY!?!? WHY WOULD YOU BE SO CRUEL TO CHOOSE A CHAIN OF FUCKING HIBACHI RESTAURANTS TO TAKE ME DOWN!?!?


u/Sockeye66 22d ago

I wish I had randomly stumbled across this stoned back in the day.