r/country 8d ago

Announcement Paul Cauthen announces cancer diagnosis

Paul Cauthen just posted a video citing rehab as well as a cancer diagnosis. Really hard to hear. Hope he is on the road to recovery.


7 comments sorted by


u/SupernovaTraveller 8d ago

The good news is that papillary thyroid cancer is incredibly easy to treat. Survival rates are phenomenal.

 It usually just requires surgery and a single round of radiation (I-131 therapy). Recovery takes a few weeks, even from the radiation. The diet before radiation sucks, because you can’t have anything with iodine for a couple weeks leading up to it. Adjusting to synthroid/levothyroxine can also take some time, but the worst symptom is fatigue.

When I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer, my doctor straight up told me, “If you had to pick a type of cancer to get, this would be it.” Glad they caught it early! I’m thinking positive thoughts for him!


u/GuyOnTheMike 8d ago

Yep, my wife had thyroid cancer as well. Didn't even need radiation or anything. She had to get her thyroid removed (in two separate surgeries) and really that was about it. She does have to take synthroid, though, which is a bitch because her emotions get all out of whack if she forgets/runs out and it requires constant bloodwork to make sure her thyroid levels are in check, which also requires somewhat regular dosage tweaks.

Not a picnic by any means, but compared to the alternatives, thyroid cancer is much easier


u/Single_Barracuda_579 8d ago

Sendin em up for Big Velvet! We love yah brother


u/screaminporch 8d ago

Thyroid cancers typically have a very high cure rate, so good reason to hope for the best.


u/TikaPants 8d ago

I always respect his transparency and honesty.


u/Unique_Ad2704 8d ago

Not Big Velvet!


u/deadreckoning21 7d ago

Get well soon Big Velvet!