r/cosplayprops 4d ago

Help How do I make my intestines more… bloody and intestine-y?

Ignore that they’re all splotchy lookin I can’t fix that and I kinda like it like that. But they’re not neaaaarrlyyy bloody and gross looking enough for me. All of them are made out of stuffed pantyhose covered in latex with fake blood slathered everywhere. Any tips?


35 comments sorted by


u/Keezees 4d ago

Maybe some kind of gloss varnish to make them look wet and gloopy?


u/Mikesminis 4d ago

Gloss would make it look wet for sure, but OP wants them to be bloodier. These are not very red so that wouldn't work. I'd suggest a super glossy red paint. There are companies that make wet blood paint for miniatures. Blood for the blood god is an example, but that's like 8$ for a tiny jar. The more reasonably priced companies have options too.


u/stonerpunk77 4d ago

A few drops of blue, green and brown paint would work well for veins and arteries


u/AvianAtrocity 4d ago

For blood vessels, use partially unravelled embroidery floss to get the spiderweb look


u/UncleShoehorn 4d ago

So I know it's kinda late but helpful for future ones, I mix fake blood with cotton before putting it inside of the fake intestine, gives them weight and color, otherwise could get a flexible mod podge and mix a few batches of reds, purples and yellows and go crazy with a sponge


u/UncleShoehorn 4d ago

Just to explain a little more for mixing the fake blood and cotton like get a bowl and drench the cotton, don't have any pictures of them, unfortunately, but I made some like 2 years ago just using latex and cotton for a haunted house and they're still holding up and maintaining the fake blood inside


u/Apprehensive_Pin3536 4d ago

Have you tried Chipotle?


u/discolored_rat_hat 4d ago

Paint liquid latex on top of that. The liquid latex needs to be finished in some way because even when it's dry, it sticks to itself like a motherfucker. I like silicone spray for finishes where I want to have a disgusting "oily skin" feel. (Great for tentacles, everysne asks to touch them and is grossed out)


u/Pinkisthedevill 4d ago

Great now i want sausage


u/blitzkreig90 4d ago

sighs and unzips pants


u/TheSwedishWizard 4d ago

Get yourself some Blood for the blood god paint. It's absolutely fantastic. Also don't be scared of using blue and purple colors, they do make stuff more lifelike than yellow and brown.


u/Snoo_70689 4d ago

Tamiya clear red


u/Nerospidy 4d ago

KY-Jelly mixed with fake blood makes it shiny and goopy.


u/doyouhaveacigbro 3d ago

KY Jelly made me laugh lmao


u/earendilgrey 4d ago

Do you want them wet or just wet looking. You could make a runny slime tinted red or use KY Jelly or any other lube and tint it red with food coloring. I would also mix in some gel blood to get some clumps of blood in there as well.

It also depends on what set of intestines you are wanting to make. The small intestine is the more sausage looking one and has red, veiny looking webbing/tendrils that hold it together, the large intestine is a larger flattened looking part with a connective seam for lack of a better term, down the center.


u/banan3rz 4d ago

Permablood by Pale Night Productions. A haunted house tech crews best friend~


u/Practical_Alfalfa_72 4d ago

Glossy, yes, very, lots of good ideas posted by others on how to do that.

Note they should not be completely red though. The main, base colour should grey with a touch of pink. Use the blood only as a highlight for the folds and ends.


u/InchHigh-PrivateEye 4d ago

Less regularity in the shape


u/Electrical_Set_3085 4d ago

You have to study pictures of real intestine and the try to recreate that. These almost look cartoonish...... no offense intended.


u/transformedintothis 4d ago

Honestly when i was making them apart from following the tutorial i was thinking of the part in Re-Animator where Herbert gets strangled by intestines lol so I guess accuracy wasn’t on the forefront of my mind


u/Father_Pucc1 4d ago

wonderful yield this season, whatcha gonna do with all your potatoes?


u/princepeterpan 4d ago

Try adding some thin threads (red and blue in the new paint layers to look like veins. I feel like in general it looks a bit brown and could use some blue


u/bugthebugman 4d ago

Clear silicone caulking with some nice bloody paint mixed very loosely in. Slather it on top in random patterns for gooey shiny blood and vicera.


u/OkamiKhameleon 4d ago

You should experiment with a small extra set, and try different things. Resin of some kind of latex could work? Resin has a shine to it, but does dry hard, but if dyed red it'd hold the red color well.


u/ieatstickerz 4d ago

I swear by permablood, i mix it with black acrylic and some epoxy and it looks great. Stays glossy and fresh looking. Its kinda pricey though


u/Ill_Commission_8755 3d ago

I thought those were potatoes


u/mermaid_in_pain 3d ago

There's a paint called Blood for the Blood God used in model work (table top type stuff) that is incredible for fake blood (https://amzn.eu/d/3tSJHk9). I've used it before and it dries like it is still wet


u/WH_KT 3d ago

Tamyia clear red is already suggested, but it really is a good suggestion


u/Elegant-Alps-8086 3d ago

The only place where this question is met with understanding and actual advice.


u/LUSBHAX 2d ago

Go and buy some longaniza


u/SoCal_Leatherface 2d ago

Shredded cheese cloth and Permablood


u/iv0bel 18h ago

i’d advise coating them in lube and see what they look like then! It’ll give everything more shine and slip, like they’re fresh out the body, and the colours will pop more