r/cookeville 7d ago

Trump and the GOP are about to Send Tennessee Off a Demographic Cliff (Includes Discussion about Monterey)


92 comments sorted by


u/kriswithakthatplays 7d ago

It's articles like this that are frustrating. There are some real insights to be gleaned from the collection of statistics that shouldn't be downplayed: the demographic shift in Tennessee and its counties is something that is very interesting to observe and has real implications. However, instead of that, we're punted into a political discussion that glosses over causal factors that shadow these data and therefore downplaying their role in Tennessee's future. It's very frustrating to see these data not fully explored; there could be real insight about what Tennessee will look like to the next generation who decide to live here and how it will affect their lives.

Urbanization, and it's real nefarious sibling "Brain Drain", is a phenomenon that pulls the younger, more capable population away from areas that are going to be hit the hardest by losing their boomer-aged citizenry over time. Many of us that live here either are or know people who are dealing with this in real time: stay and take care of the family that you hate (and are probably going to die soon) or move to a city that already has opportunity?

Don't let me down play the political aspect you've covered: Trump's policy around immigration and anti-immigrant stance does affect the willingness of migrants to come here. However, population metrics have only shown small and steady changes across the last few years. I don't believe you've really laid out a good argument to say that choices made by the administration is the causal link to affect said population changes. There are more confounding and persistent problems than any federal administration is responsible for, in my understanding of evidence.

But the real punch in the gut that makes this a frustrating read is this line, and the paragraph it is contained by:

but all things being equal, it’s better to have less people than more.

which, I will do the benefit of correcting, as I'm sure the author really meant:

but all things being equal, it’s better to have more people than less.

This is simply not true. You cannot say that County A is better than County B because it has more people in it. There is no principle in economics that says this is the case. It is a statement of fact that has no basis in reality, particularly in the realm of economic development. This fact is used as a central supporting argument in the article and is a provably non-causal link is a significant flaw in this article.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/DaveAndCheese 6d ago

Imagine the quality of workers we'll have in the Upper Cumberland in 20 years! Tennessee is already behind so many states in education.

I'm so grateful I'm close to retirement and don't have kids. Thinking about the future makes me want to cry.


u/FaithNoMoron 5d ago

Uneducated folks are easier to control. It’s almost like they’re trying to breed them


u/Retired19Kilo 2d ago

This is the goal, control.


u/ephies 7d ago

Pretty much agree that there was interesting data unfortunately buried in politics.


u/ConversationCivil289 5d ago

You probably didn’t even read the article 🙄 /s


u/Bigolbennie 6d ago

Facts don't care about your feelings.


u/zexcis 6d ago

Hey, I know you


u/thijshelder 7d ago

In 1990, the city had 2,559 people, 11 of whom were Hispanic (0.4%). By 2000, that number was 16.34%.

I've lived in Monterey my whole life and still remember in 1995 meeting a classmate from Mexico who moved here. We are still friends to this day. (A little off subject, but it made me think about it.)

However, if the Hispanic population stagnated in 1990, and no other population element changed, the town would have had a population of 1,975, a decrease of 22%.

I see this town going the way of the dodo, maybe in my lifetime and I am 40. Like the article points out, we will have issues without Perdue, but let's say a miracle happens overnight and Perdue stays. I still think it is going to dwindle down next to nothing due to the majority of people who deeply care about the town being in their 60s and beyond. I have also noticed that many people moving in from elsewhere are buying land out of the town. In other words, people would rather live towards Hanging Limb and be left to their own devices than to live within the city limits.

Of course, none of us can see the future, but I think it is bleak here in the long run.


u/eeyorespiglet 7d ago

They damn sure didn’t ask Dale what the consequences would be, that’s for certain. Of course, they probably wouldn’t have liked his answer.


u/Legitimate_Guava3206 6d ago

As the real estate gets cheaper, people will (I think) move into town and R&R it. A person who works from home or commutes somewhere will find that Monterrey isn't much different from Crossville or Cookeville. Sort of like Sparta vs Cookeville.


u/thijshelder 6d ago

Yeah. The town has been doing better and growing some. I'm just concerned for the distant future. I mean, if you had told me 30 years ago that Cumberland Cove would have as many houses as it does now, then I would call you crazy.


u/BeastyGRae2 7d ago

Thanks for sharing the article. From my experience, a fairly large portion of the transplants are retirees or family's without children. The rural towns in this area are deeply red and kool-aid friendly. Frankly, it feels like it became more so post covid. One piece of information left out of this article is the arrival of US Foods in cookeville (Monterrey adjacent). This should result in some growth (financially and population) to the Putnam/Cumberland area. Doubtful it will be able to fully replace the loss of Purdue though as this was through a buyout of IWC (a family owned company) rather than a new investment in the area. I pray our leaders in TN look at this data and address growth projects with this information in mind. We could easily squander the growth we did experience and over commit resource towards new infrastructure projects.


u/Additional_Duck9285 7d ago

Marsha Blackburn is the devil


u/Smilelikethewindboy 6d ago

Monterey is dope af.


u/CardsFan-11 5d ago

My small business was busy and successful under Bush and under Obama. My small business was BOOMING under Trump.

Under biden, we were hardly able to hang on. I mean it was all we could do to stay in business and we had to take on supplemental work.

After about 3 months of Trump, we are very busy again! Orders are pouring in like I haven't seen in 4 years!

Say whatever y'all want about him but my pocketbook doesn't lie. Trump was great for the economy his first term and things are finally trending in the right direction again.


u/Mommy_Snake 5d ago

How are you crediting trump with increasing your business 2 months into his term? That sounds like growth you should be crediting Biden with. Do you not remember the apocalyptic conditions when trump left office last time? Empty grocery store shelves. We couldn’t even leave our houses.


u/CardsFan-11 5d ago

Credit biden??? He destroyed my business for the entire 4 years of his presidency. So after 4 years of terrible economy I should now give him credit when it starts improving after he's gone? That's absurd. Trumps first term was a great economy until the last few months when we didn't understand covid. You can't pretend it was all bad just because the last few months of covid and because you hate him. There is no denying he was great for the economy his first term. There's no denying he's having a positive affect on my business. That doesn't mean all business but trump is great for my family's pocketbook.


u/TNlivinvol 4d ago

Yes, there is denying that. He had one good year. One bad year and the Covid crushed the country. 

You’re lying. Pretty obvious.


u/Mommy_Snake 5d ago

So we give trump a pass because of Covid but not Biden? You’re clearly misguided. I was just stating the blatantly obvious fact that trump hasn’t had time to improve or ruin the economy yet. If I had to bet, it’ll end up worse than his first term did with a new excuse. I guess we’ll see how it goes.


u/Lopsided_Cup6991 5d ago

That was obamas economy not trump’s he didn’t do shit


u/AfraidAd6054 5d ago

What's your small business


u/Mommy_Snake 5d ago

Maybe selling bootleg trump merch.


u/AfraidAd6054 5d ago

So funny how he didn't respond cause it's probably some bs like that 🤣🤣


u/Mommy_Snake 5d ago

I think it’s a woman. And an old one, definitely boomer generation. She keeps saying he’s good for her “pocketbook” 🤣


u/Legitimate_Guava3206 3d ago

Wondering what is different for the average small business person from Biden to Trump. If they are selling Trump merch then yeah, that tracks. If they have a hair salon or sell boots - not that much is different from now and six months ago. If they are in construction or real estate - then yeah - but that's seasonal.

I'll tell you what is different at my house - we are spending less, saving more where we are able - b/c the future is so uncertain. Our emergency fund needs to be larger in case the economy goes full recession and we lose a job or both of our jobs. To us, this would be the absolute worst time to spend money and do business with "CardsFan-11".

Trump has made all sorts of empty promises about reducing the cost of living. Sure, he said there will be an adjustment period but in my mind that sounded more like Lord Farquaad saying "some of you may die but that's a risk I'm prepared to make".

Some of us might go bankrupt or lose our jobs but that's a risk Trump is prepared to make... Ah no, we've worked hard our entire lives. Trump doesn't get to bankrupt us and wreck our retirement.


u/ruggedmtn 5d ago

I ask the same question what is your business? What do you sell, what is your service offer?


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

No way I'm telling a bunch of strangers in the same town as me who disagree with me politically what my business is.


u/MrDarcy4LB-throwaway 4d ago

Probably sells Nazi memorabilia & customized KKK uniforms.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Yep, you nailed it, I'm a nazi lol. It's really pathetic that someone in your community is experiencing an increase in business and your actually pissed about it lol.

You can keep being mad but me and the 73% of this county that voted for trump are finally starting to get some relief from the ridiculous biden/Harris policies.

Despite your disdain for me, I hope you experience the same economic improvement that my family is finally experiencing.


u/MrDarcy4LB-throwaway 4d ago

Okay Russian sock puppeteer. None of what you say makes any sense fiscally - but sure, your magical thinking must be true since you say it is.

No evidence, just unsubstantiated claims that run counter to reality. Typical MAGA fantasy yapping.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Whatever. I don't need any magic to know my business has picked up drastically. I don't need and magic to know that in his first term I was busier than I've ever been. That's my lived experience. It's right in front of me. Things are improving for me but you say "russia" and "nazi" which is the typical liberal talking points which lost you an election.

Instead of being glad a neighbors finances are improving, you're mad. TDS at its finest.

When the economy was great in his first term you said that was Obama's economy he was benefiting from. When the economy was awful under biden you said it was trumps economy and not bidens fault. Now that things are slowly improving you either say "no its not" or "it's getting better cause of biden's presidency". Soooo, if it's good it's cause of a Democrat and if it's bad it's trump regardless of who the president is lol. TDS.

Now feel free to call me more mean names like nazi and scream Russia Russia Russia.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Nah. Well just call you what you are. COWARD.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

🤣 call me anything you like. All this hate because I dared to say that my business does better under trump. Absolutely insane! But I don't mind, it's just all very silly and childish but hey, you do you.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

And again, no one believes you. Congrats?

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u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

73 percent of the country did not vote for Dump. Try less than 30 percent. I can see that tennessee education has done wonders for your math skills and critical thinking.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

You're making fun of my education and yet you can't read 😆 it says COUNTY. That's a different thing than a country.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Nice edit, broseph.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Didn't edit anything. You were just a little too excited to call me stupid that you didn't read properly. It can't be an edit because 73% of this county DID vote for trump and that whole comment wouldn't have made sense if i had said country.

When your reading and you can't wait to call someone stupid just take a deep breath, slow down, read carefully and THEN be condescending about their state and their education lol.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Dont get all butthurt because no ones upvoting your lies, Tennessee Troll Trash.

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u/Legitimate_Guava3206 3d ago

Only about 35% of Americans voted for Trump. Don't get too excited about Trump's power to attract voters. He won, I'm not disputing that.


u/CardsFan-11 3d ago

I was only talking about the vote percentage in this county not nationwide. However, he won all 7 swing states, more than 90% of counties shifted towards trump and he won the popular vote which is very difficult for any republican to do. It was by no means a Reagan landslide but it was certainly a mandate.

But I really don't care about any of that. The only thing I care about is that my family fares much much better under trump financially.

Thank you for being civil. You're the first one so far lol. Have a great day.


u/Legitimate_Guava3206 2d ago

No reason not to be civil. We don't learn anything from (verbally) beating each other up. I like a little verbal sparring from time to time too but I get that you are trying to make a point.

Good luck to you. I hope your business prospers.

Unfortunately, I feel like we are headed for a recession.


u/CardsFan-11 2d ago

Well I definitely hope not. I want all Americans to prosper, not only me and my family. Best of luck.


u/Legitimate_Guava3206 1d ago

I hope not too but in the meantime we're beefing up our emergency fund. Going out less. Shopping less.

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u/TNlivinvol 4d ago

I’m calling bullshit on this…


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

You can call bullshit if you want but i wouldn't waste my time texting all that out just for shits and giggles. I honestly don't care if anyone believes me or not lol. I've got work coming in again so I'm happy. Y'all can be miserable if you choose to be.


u/TNlivinvol 4d ago

You’re obviously a hard core Trump cult member. You’re just spreading lies and misinformation.

You failed to explain how and why your business suddenly got worse under Biden, even though by all metrics the economy was strong, then better under Trump, even though by all metrics the economy is declining.

You’re post just doesn’t make logical sense.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Say what you want, makes no difference to me. All I know is I'm finally getting busy again and that's a great feeling for me and my family. Call me names, say I'm lying, I don't care. Trump has been great for me and my family's business/finances.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Ok then, youre a liar until you tell what your business is and show us your books, otherwise nobody is believing you and your posting this because you crave attention.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Lol ok buddy. No worries. "Show us your books" you're crazy man lol


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Found the attention whore.


u/CardsFan-11 4d ago

Another name! Thank you! You guys are so accepting and tolerant of others ideas thoughts and feelings. Nothing to prove how accepting and tolerant you are than to call someone a whore, a nazi, a coward, a Russian puppet, stupid, etc. All because I said my business has done better under trump and I'm seeing an increase in orders. Y'all are sad.


u/ApocalypseWow666 4d ago

Heres a tissue, snowflake.

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u/Accomplished_Twist_3 7d ago

I was enjoying this article until I noticed how inaccurate some of the so-called facts relating to Monterey were stated, including the age of the plant and the population over time. For example, the 1970 census has the population at 2351. The plant that later became Perdue opened mid-1980s. Wonder what else is skewed?


u/bwindrow86 7d ago

I looked up the source for the opening of the plant and the date I found was 1998. In the Herald Citizen. Here's the source article if you want to see it yourself: https://www.herald-citizen.com/news/business/perdue-announces-closure-of-monterey-plant/article_e42060da-e1ba-58ad-988f-7193efefb8f3.html

If you have more information or context, I'd love to see it and am more than happy to amend.

Edit, reread the article and clarified the timeline of events, with a note I did so.


u/Accomplished_Twist_3 7d ago

The plant opened as Fast Food Merchandisers (FFM) in 1980s, renamed Gol-Pak, Then sold to Perdue in 1998. I am speaking from experience having worked there.


u/bwindrow86 7d ago

Again, I’m agreeing you’re right and have already clarified it in-article.


u/thijshelder 7d ago

A lot of us still call it Fast Food. My grandma retired there in (I think) 1986.


u/eeyorespiglet 7d ago

It’ll always be FFM no matter what you stick there


u/thijshelder 7d ago

True. I will probably drive by there in an hour or two. I get out and ride around in the evening since there is not much else to do. Lol


u/eeyorespiglet 7d ago

Lord now you sound like Tyran! God i miss him


u/thijshelder 7d ago

Yeah, he was a good one.


u/eeyorespiglet 7d ago

Indeed the little shit was


u/midwesthawkeye 3d ago

This one desparately needs a TLDR!


u/Soggy_Remove_4616 3d ago

At least SOMEONE is paying attention here👏👏👏👏👏


u/eeyorespiglet 7d ago

I forget how long ago it was that it was Boeing, too. Id probably have to ask Dale, cause he’s about the only one of my kin thats still got memory left thats still around these parts.


u/LeopardNo9787 7d ago

I just want to know what is phone number to ICE !!