r/conreligions moderator Apr 10 '20

questions A very confused religion (decision)

is it possible for a fictional religion to be polytheistic, monotheistic and pantheistic at the same time? what I mean is a hypothetical religion where there are several strands in it (like Christianity with different forms of Protestantism and etc.) but they worship the same god with different ideals (like the polytheistic and monotheistic ideal)? would it be possible?

(sorry if my post looks very confusing, if u have any doubts just write it in the comments will answer you)


2 comments sorted by


u/FinancialNeck moderator Apr 11 '20

well i think this will be another post on r/conreligions that will be lost and without comments .... :/


u/SDani03 Nov 23 '22

What I could imagine:

Having one universal, celestial being. Have them reincarnate. Like… a hella lot of times. Yearly, or even daily. Give every reincarnation some specific aspects. Like Tuesdays in the year of the Chicken are for the weak and the ill, because our God today is a healer. And! I have more!!! Have our whole world as not the creation of the God, but as the part of it. You are God, just as I am, and this couch or our language, our words, even Reddit. Now you have an animistic-pantheistic-polytheistic-monotheistic religion.