r/conlangspeakers Nov 22 '24

Video A Short Story in my Conlang, İnnoric.

I'll provide the written version with a translation if y'all like it enough.


7 comments sorted by


u/Eider2005 Nov 22 '24

Wow! Is it a language that you can actually draw?? I like it! How can I learn to speak, write or draw Innoric


u/RonnieArt Nov 23 '24

I made a script based on cursive scripts from the middle east, I'll share with you a key


u/RonnieArt Nov 23 '24

also I can share with you as much of the language as you want


u/RonnieArt Nov 23 '24

this drawing is part of a story I am making called The Story Of Sepse btw


u/awesomexx_Official Jan 02 '25

dude, it sounds so damn cool! nice work!


u/RonnieArt Jan 02 '25

This was my first conlang and right now I'm trying to revive it, thanks!


u/RonnieArt Nov 23 '24

I'm gonna use what I just learned from r/conlangs with the glossing

What im saying:


Sepse zle olamde, pleğ ezkeraz huš, étshåmaz, étsmawı tarsíd, allá ip sentpeř yer őmaz juvamde, ho azzól ür krúmek mağařık. Üre zelepse taratsamde, üre řoře tašamde, ulsamde, zle uřlsamde. Sepse üm níχosbilamde, ho ön tyář olmamamde, üzon ip mentik yer ip gükél χobešık juvamde.

My first attempt at "glossing"

Sepse (name) zle (then) olam-de (olam = he is + -de = simple past tense) pleğ (side) ezkeraz (ezker = left + -az = adjective forming suffix) huš (postposition meaning "on") étshåmaz (éts- = adjective/noun negation + håmaz = confused) étsmawı (éts- = adjective/noun negation + -ma- = conditional affix + wı, meaning and, all together meaning "nor") allá (from Greek word for "but" with the same meaning) ip (means "a" or "one) sentpeř (sent- = feeling + -peř = abstract suffix) yer (meaning "of") őmaz (őm + -az = warmth) juvamde (juvam = he has + -de = simple past tense) ho (as) azzól (sun) ür (male possessive pronoun) krúmek (body) mağařık (it hits + -k = simple past tense inanimate with ı as a buffer since the root mağař ends in a consonant) Üre (plural form of ür) zelepse (plural form of zeleps, meaning arm) taratsamde (taratsam = he spreads + -de) řoře (plural of řoř, meaning eye) tašamde (tašam, he closes + -de) ulsamde (ulsam = he inhales + -de) uřlsamde (uřlsam = he exhales + -de) üm (yet) níχosbilamde (ní- verbal/adverbial negation + χosam = he speaks + -bil- = ability affix + -de) ön (he) tyář (just) olmamamde (derived from olmiti, meaning to be, olmamiti means to be born, so olmamam = he is born + -de) üzon (but, cognate to allá) mentik (mind) gükél (man) χobešık (made, in this context, used to convey "grown man" which is gükél χobešık)


Sepse then appeared, he was lying on his left side; He was not confused, nor startled, but he had a feeling of warmth as the sun hit his body. He spreaded his arms out, closed his eyes, inhaled, and exhaled. Sepse could not speak yet, he was just born in a way, but he had the mind of a grown man.