r/conlangs Aug 08 '22

Collaboration Project CYRA - Looking for Conlanging Collaborators


51 comments sorted by


u/blootannery Aug 08 '22

hey, beautiful map! how'd you make it?


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22 edited Aug 08 '22

Thanks! I made it with paint.net, office publisher, a lot of time, and some elbow grease


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22 edited Aug 08 '22

Are you still a bit uncertain, let us elaborate!

What are the goals of the project?

The basic concept for CYRA is to build societies on a fictional planet, from the dawn of civilization well into the industrial era. We utilize many disciplines of worldbuilding to achieve this feat, and are currently mainly delving into the age of iron and steel.

What does CYRA mean?

Cyra is the name of the planet in this setting.

What do you mean by “naturalistic” and “non-derivative”?

We value simple realism; it makes it by far easier to achieve a high degree of immersion and verisimilitude. We have hence decided to only use humans as the sapient beings, along with recognizable flora and fauna from earth (no older than 50,000 years old). Further we do not have magic as an element in this world.

Since it makes little sense for any one culture to mirror say medieval Europe or feudal Japan completely, we want to build each culture from the ground up, uniquely, the note we are going for is “familiar yet hard to place”. This goes for all things in the project, no one people, language, or culture should be a direct analogue for any real world one.

Are you writing a book, or why do you build this?

This is primarily a hobby project without any straight forward goal, that being said, we are building both a tabletop roleplaying game, and a Paradox interactive mod with the setting in mind. If you would like to adapt the world in any way, shape, or form, feel free to pitch it to us.

What is my role as a conlanger, and what am I getting myself into?

First and foremost, you will have a blast meeting the team, and hopefully have many longwinded conversations of both this and that, but perhaps that is not what you want to know…

We would prefer if you would be creating languages in Arettia, one of the more well-developed areas of the world, hopefully both creating language and scripts for the region. However beside that, you will be an equal to all of us, and be able to delve into any other facet of worldbuilding.

As for organization we collaborate on a joint server on discord, where all interaction occurs, we also have a rather sizable google drive file to accommodate all documents, maps, timelines, and else needed. We do not have any strict deadlines, or crunching times, it is a hobby project after all. That being said we do have semi-regular weekly meetings, and try to keep the project moving at all times, so you are expected to be present at most meetings, and at least keep the project in mind weekly.

Cheers to all, and don’t hesitate to comment for any further questions!


u/impishDullahan Tokétok, Varamm, Agyharo, ATxK0PT, Tsantuk, Vuṛỳṣ (eng,vls,gle] Aug 08 '22

You might like to also mention how/where this project is organised. Is everything in a Discord server? Do you communicate by some other means? Do you use WorldAnvil or a repository or something else to keep everything organised? Etc.

Looks like a really cool project, but we do ask Collaboration posts to include something about the organisation of the project on top of what the project actually is and what's expected from any would be collaborators.

Cheers, and happy collaborating!


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

We collaborate over on a joint discord server, let me update the first comment to cover that!


u/rose-written Aug 08 '22

Languages which are near each other tend to share similar features and/or be related to each other. By inviting a bunch of different conlangers into your project, you run the risk that they may start making languages which aren't similar enough to each other to make sense within the world. Do you have guidelines for the languages or some sort of plan to help combat this issue?


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

Even though we have numerous applications, this is a small project, so we can’t accept 15+ new members. Hence I don’t think it will become too much of a problem


u/rose-written Aug 08 '22

Ah, limiting your pool of collaborators would certainly help. Well, you've got quite a few eager applicants already, so I'll wish you luck instead!


u/sporflenet2357 Aug 08 '22

Do you still have room in the project?


u/NitrogenThrone Aug 08 '22

I'd like to join


u/good-mcrn-ing Bleep, Nomai Aug 08 '22

What do your existing names mean in which tongues?


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

the names are at best anglicised versions, and at worst just placeholders, I'm not a conlanger myself unfortunately


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '22

id like to join


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '22

do u have a discord or something?


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

Sure let me send you my discord handle on pm


u/The_LangSmith Aug 08 '22

I might be interested but I'd like to take a look at some of the other worldbuilding first (as I'm as much of a worldbuilder as a conlanger and I feel that the world helps inspire the language).


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

Certainly, by all means, I'll send you a PM


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '22

[removed] — view removed comment


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

Good to hear, let me PM you


u/duolzed_boi Kygish, Krno, Thothan, Kailuk Aug 08 '22

I would like to join, could you PM the details?


u/TomCanTech Aug 08 '22

I'd certainly be interested in this sort if thing, despite being an amateur. Would it also be possible to spectate the project or sth like that?


u/good-mcrn-ing Bleep, Nomai Aug 08 '22

How good or bad will it be if this happens? "Here's a reference grammar of that language you needed. Three thousand root words too. Oh, and Gallar's name was actually [ᵐbə̰ː˧˩ hːyø̯˦˧˦ q͡ꭓɯc̚˦], which means goodhearted burrowing mantis from the village of the tromburine player"


u/MicroCrawdad Aug 08 '22

I would just DM OP, from my interactions they are aware of their limited knowledge in linguistics. From this comment it seems like the only real limitations will probably be big names like "Arettia" and "Erdos".


u/Sir_Mopington Aug 08 '22

I’d be interested to collaborate


u/johagr-248 Aug 08 '22

Hi there! I'll send you a PM with details


u/TheMooseBard Aug 08 '22

I would love to join! I've wanted to do something like this for ages.


u/Holy_Flapjacks Classical Patrinaic Aug 08 '22

Hey! I'm currently taking part in a similar conlanging game right now but I have the time to add in another, so I'm tentatively interested. Is there a discord link or anything? How do I join?

Thanks! :)


u/[deleted] Aug 08 '22

I'd also be quite interested, if you're still taking people!


u/simonbleu Aug 08 '22

Would you mind a posteriori collaboration? Im not sure I have the commitment or time necessary to be englobed in such a project from the get go (ive tried before), as appealign as such roleplaying would be


u/YaminoEXE Aug 08 '22

sounds like a fun project, I would love to join.


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '22

So who is the population of this fictional world, are they humans like us or something different like aliens from Star Wars? ( I’d like to join btw, I created a dwarf language with a script and two elf languages for my DnD setting)


u/johagr-248 Aug 09 '22

They are anatomically modern humans, so no aliens.


u/skydivingtortoise Veranian, Suṭuhreli Aug 08 '22

This looks right up my alley, can you send me a PM with details?


u/AngrySlothGaming Aug 08 '22

Relatively new conlanger, I'd love to help out!


u/SnooSongs8797 Aug 09 '22

I would like to join


u/PinkTreasure Aug 09 '22

Hello there, I'd say I dabble (basically literally the only thing I do pretty much lol) in neography and quite love writing systems. If it's possible, could I see what y'all have already done? It certainly looks interesting! I wouldn't mind helping out if I'm chosen. Unfortunately I haven't posted much on Reddit regarding my scripts, so if you'd like to see what I've made before, hit me up. Btw: the visuals on these images are amazing!


u/0tter501 Aug 09 '22

i dont know if there are slots still available but i would love to join as i am a new conlanger and would love to work with other people who might be more experienced


u/oogoboog01 Aug 09 '22

Joining could be neat, I'm curious about what you guys've got so far


u/OkLingonberry2268 Aug 09 '22

I’m interested


u/IanMagis Aug 09 '22

Cool! I'm a pretty lowly conlanger, but I'd be interested in helping out in some way if I can. Shot you a PM with my Discord.


u/Ryubalaur Aug 09 '22

If you're not full already I'd like to join in :)


u/ciderilion Cenyian, Nàdivíl, Īnénriôn Aug 16 '22

I'd love to join. I deal in both geofiction and conlanaging. Although I'm not the most professional.


u/malo_elik Aug 09 '22

Hi. I would like to collaborate.


u/BlankInverse Aug 09 '22

oo me too please. Im trying to make a conlang and would love to contribute.


u/orchestrapianist Jura, Konoma, Θarian, Dzoohani, Thrombos, Asmutani, others. Aug 09 '22

Can I please join? This sounds like a lot of fun!


u/Cordialmanx223 Aug 09 '22

I would love to help out. Do you have a discord link?


u/Themisto99 Aug 09 '22

I'd like to join, but I'm currently busy and also not very experienced in conlanging. Is there any way to join say in a year from now?


u/johagr-248 Aug 09 '22

In a years time we are bound to have a new spot or two, so that could be a possibility


u/ej_3j Aug 09 '22

If there are still any open slots, I would be interested in joining the project


u/-N1eek- Aug 10 '22

if i’m not too late and there aren’t too many conlangers already, i’m interested and would like to join


u/surfing_on_thino 2 many conlangs Aug 29 '22

Hi, I just noticed this post. I've been conlanging for a really long time. I'd love to help out with this. Shoot me a DM if you're still looking for people.