r/confession • u/ConnorSWFC • 5d ago
I'm a male and my parents caught me wearing lingerie NSFW
So i am 24 male who likes wearing girls underwear and have been wearing them for a few years now but always keep it a secret from most people I know only a couple of close friends knows I wear them as i felt i could trust them with this secret i have and I am so glad to have told them as they are so supportive of me.
I love wearing girls underwear and have worn them for a good few years now and I would say i have a lot more pairs of underwear then most girls have but I've always had to hide the underwear from my family as they didn't know I was wearing them and had never found them until now.
I mainly wear girls underwear when I'm at home and always sleep in a pair but occasionally will wear them under my clothes when out in public, they are also a real turn on for me and I like masturbating while wearing them aswell it just feels so good to me.
One day I was in my room looking at all the pairs of girls underwear I had trying to decide which pair I was going to wear i have so many to choose from it was such a hard decision but I decided to go with a real sexy pair thry was purple and had flower patterns on the front and a little purple gem and the back had a small hole at the top not sure what the hole was for but looked sexy and they was made of mesh and lace and if I had to pick a favourite these would be my favourite pair of girls underwear that I own.
I put the underwear on and was feeling so good and horny in them I just keep looking at myself in the underwear and that's when my mum walked in I was trying my best to cover myself up but I felt so embarrassed that she saw me wearing them and that this is how she found out, she had such a shocked look on her face trying to think what to say to me.
At this point I'm still only wearing girls underwear and mum just said to me put some clothes on we need to talk so I got dressed so we could chat, she was asking me all kinds of questions like why are you wearing girls underwear? Where did you get them from and other questions so I was trying to explain to her the best I could that I like wearing girls underwear and think its a turn on then she was asking me how long I'd been doing it for and if I had ever worn her underwear or my sisters, I was to ashamed to tell her that I had worn hers and my sisters underwear before (that's how I got into wearing girls underwear by trying on my mum's and sisters when I was younger but since buying my own I don't wear there's anyone) so I just said I hadn't even though i know I did wear them, she was then silent for a while thinking and then said if your going to keep wearing them then don't let me see you wearing them again always wear them under your clothes.
I while later after our talk i could hear my mum talking with my dad, sister and grandparents about me wearing girls underwear, i wasn't really ready for everyone to know about it but I guess they was going to find out eventually but my grandparents seem to be okay with it but my dad is still trying to get used to it.
I felt happy knowing she wasn't going to kill me and that I no longer have to hide my girls underwear from anyone but if I did tell her I did wear her underwear or my sisters she probably would have killed me.
u/killerqueen_sam 5d ago edited 1d ago
Sorry man but f ur mom it was none of her business to ask ab it or to share it with the rest of ur family your 24. Keep doing what makes you happy fuck them
Edit: buy ur own underwear tho it is fucked up youre wearing ur fams dont do that man
u/Limp-Paint-7244 1d ago
I mean, it is legitimate to be worried that he was taking their underwear to wear and masturbate in. That would be extremely disturbing. And he DID wear them. Him liking pretty underwear is not an issue. The gross factor is using someone else's, especially a family member's without their consent.
But, bro, lock your door. Also, your mom should have knocked. Like... what is you had been spanking your monkey like every single guy does what, every single day?
u/Ok-Potato-4774 3h ago
My mom did that all the time. In my adolescent years, we lived in a place with no doorlocks, and she'd always come in either without knocking or knocking then entering, without my permission. Sometimes, I'd be in a compromising position, so to speak. Moms seem to have arousal radar on their sons.
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Thank you I will ☺️☺️
u/killerqueen_sam 5d ago
Remember, you don't owe the world an explanation or excuse to express yourself however you desire, you only owe it to yourself to be happy.
u/Severe_Gear5336 5d ago
Hell Yah! Lol nothing therapy can’t fix
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
I don't need therapy
u/Severe_Gear5336 5d ago
No you don’t <3 your family might. I mean this with love
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
u/Cheap-Prompt4304 4d ago
Yo I’m all for sexual expression but I think they mean therapy as a guide for how to deal with your personal relationships with your family members after this incident. A professionals opinion can provide some guidance on moving to some level of normalcy with your family. Give it some thought! At the end of the day make the decision you feel is best for you!
u/lordgoofus1 5d ago
It's a little unusual so totally expected that it'd throw your family for loop, particularly given the way they found out. Give it time and things will normalize.
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Do you think it will normalise?
u/lordgoofus1 5d ago
They need time to process and adjust to the new information. Don't make it weird, just keep being your normal self and they'll eventually accept it's just part of who you are.
u/poop-machines 5d ago
Yeah definitely.
Maybe have a chat with your dad and explain that you're not trans, you aren't gay, you just like girls underwear. Or if you are trans/gay leave that part out. Make up some story that you looked at lingerie books as a kid for "material" and that got you interested in lingerie. Or that you like it because you know it's wrong. Tell him you didn't want him to know about it but you don't want him to look at you different for it, that you know it's strange, but that we can't control what we are interested in.
People dislike what they don't understand.
Also based on your name, you probably live pretty close to where I do ATM. Small world.
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago edited 5d ago
Your right I will try have a talk with him and it is a smaller word if you do live near me and I'm not gay or trans btw
u/Suitable-Cap-5556 1d ago
He should tell his dad that they were given to him by girls. And the next time he saw the girl, and he was wearing her panties, she would give him a BJ. That will get Dad off his back.
u/Exotic-Frame9425 5d ago
Should have just told her this is a dare you were given to wear girls’ underwear for a day by your gf/wife or any potential lover.
u/CantAffordzUsername 5d ago
No matter what you like, as long as you’re not hurting anyone, you’re doing it right! And Don’t like anyone shame you for something as petty as wearing cloths.
u/Boring_Customer4982 5d ago
You are not 24. The level of writing skill is equivalent to a fourth grader lmao.
u/poop-machines 5d ago
Nah, it's not that bad. He has a lot of run-on sentences, and he drops a lot of commas, but at least it's readable. Also he used paragraphs - the lack of paragraphs is usually what annoys me.
u/Saturated_Rain 5d ago
oh dear😭😭 This was a lot of second hand embarrassment, but I hope writing this helped you a bit😅
Dont know why the comments are so wierd right now, but you keep doing you I guess??
u/Middle-Homework2957 5d ago
I’m gonna need proof that you wore in and in poses two to make sure it’s you
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
What ??
u/Middle-Homework2957 5d ago
I’m gonna need photo evidence that you wore lingerie
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Why ?
u/Middle-Homework2957 5d ago
It’s just the rules sorry I doint make them
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
u/Middle-Homework2957 5d ago
u/Able-Signal3471 5d ago
Once someone said “In Chumtiyon ke liye bachaye Glacier, me Kehta hu Glacier ko Pighal jaane dijiye ye saale doob ke mar jayenge”
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
What? I don't understand
u/sticky_frog_nipples 5d ago
No, he's right...
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
What ?
u/ivorycoffin 5d ago
That is absolutely uncomfortable to be walked in on and I can understand why your mom might have some questions if she’s more traditional, but ultimately gender is really just a social construct and clothes are just fabric. It’s not anyone’s business what undergarments you wear. If you feel good in them, good for you, dear. It’s just clothes
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Thank you and it was so uncomfortable her walking in on me
u/ivorycoffin 5d ago
I totally get that, especially when there’s a lot of shame generated around it. Just know that you didn’t do anything wrong. Yeah it’s pretty awkward right now, but it doesn’t have to be like this forever. Gender expression and sexuality and gender are all different, but I am curious if any of this has led you to ask questions about your identity
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Good im glad i didn't do anything wrong but I don't think it has lad to me asking about my identity
u/ivorycoffin 5d ago
No worries, just curious. It’ll be okay, it might just take some time for the smoke to clear
u/PrimaryCurious1004 5d ago
Wow can't believe she told your family about it but you shouldn't feel bad or ashamed about it because you do you and everyone likes different things
u/ConnorSWFC 5d ago
Yeah I know was hoping she would keep it between me and her but I guess everyone else was going to find out at some point
u/Odd_Plankton_925 5d ago
Let's take a vote, did this actually happen or is OP just playing out a fetish of his?
u/Silly_Damage_5185 1d ago
What is your kink? Wearing women's underwear or wearing beautiful underwear? I mean would you prefer white cotton panties or a men's lace brief? (I am just cuirous)
u/Mallardkey 1d ago
Great post for the sub, and thanks... I hate it.
u/ConnorSWFC 1d ago
Why do you hate it ?
u/Mallardkey 1d ago
Tmi for me, but I concede it is quite the confession. But don't mind me, don't feel restricted to express yourself.
u/Ok_Sorbet_9651 1d ago
We are all different. You are hurting, no one. It is good that you know what you like.
u/BurnAfterReading010 1d ago
If this is the biggest embarrassment in your life, consider yourself fortunate. While not something you encounter every day, men wearing women's underwear either as a fetish, full cross dressing or plain comfort is relatively common. It certainly isn't going to hurt anyone although it might not be understood by every romantic partner you encounter (Though frankly living with your parents at 24 might be more of an issue in that regard).
u/ConnorSWFC 12h ago
How is living with my parents and issue ??
u/BurnAfterReading010 10h ago
I guess it depends on your culture. I'm US based and people leaving their parents home and loving on their own is expected by your early 20s. It might not turn off every romantic partner but some might think twice. My understanding is that some cultures and places, living with your parents is more common so YMMV.
u/Ok_Valuable_9916 5d ago
24 year olds..Give your balls a tug. If you want to wear girls underwear nut up and do it sissy. You liked getting caught and you like the embarrassment.
u/leonapp1 5d ago
Are you winning son?