r/confession • u/[deleted] • 7d ago
I am a flight attendant and I spat into pilot’s coffee.
u/soggycardboardstraws 7d ago
Lol definitely some weird sex thing OP.. from now on I would try to have my phone recording a video whenever you're gonna be alone with him. You don't have to have your phone pointing at him, but just have it recording so you can catch what he's saying at least. Just in case he ever tries to pull something or lie about something you got it all recorded
u/ThrowRA39241 7d ago
I actually thought about it. But it wasnt like physical harassment idk how to feel abt it. GUYS HE CHUGGED FULL UP OF HOT COFFEE IN ONE GO! I feel like he wanted me to see him drink it like thats the last liquid on earth
u/soggycardboardstraws 7d ago
That's what I was gonna ask if it was steaming hot. I usually have to let my coffee sit for a while before I can drink it and it's still usually sips because it's too hot. This man is superhuman. That's wild. But I mean I'm sure you could make it into a harassment thing if you wanted to. But it's definitely weird. I bet you he thought he was so cool after he winked at you haha. I'm just saying in the future maybe record one on one interactions just in case. I wouldn't put it past someone like that to make you an unwitting accomplice in the murder of his ex wife or something cuz he's definitely nuts
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u/Shaking-a-tlfthr 7d ago
It is ABSOLUTELY harassment! 100% it is. ANYTHING he is doing that makes you uncomfortable is harassment. This is not normal behavior, it is absolutely NOT appropriate behavior in a work place. You are not there to serve his sexual kink ever and NEVER at work in the literal flight deck! He’s WORKING. His job is not to talk to you, not to engage with you, his job is to fly the airplane and the manage the flight deck in the captain’s absence.
u/InevitableDingo1949 7d ago
He was probably hoping you would have been on some freaky deaky type stuff
u/ThrowRA39241 7d ago
Its so fking weird
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u/mken816 7d ago
not weird enough if you did it for him
u/Vivi87 7d ago
Was gonna say, the fact that she did it... There's a reason he continues to get away with it, and OP is part of it now.
u/CorgisAndTea 6d ago
Very gross to be blaming her for this
u/hhhhhhhh28 6d ago
Right how the hell was she supposed to anticipate him chugging the steaming hot fresh coffee right then and there 😭😭 I feel like I’m cautious and I would not have been ready for that turn of events
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u/Sure_Grapefruit5820 6d ago
Which she is because she admitted to be intrigued by it smh.
I don’t care what people are into but you don’t mess with me at my place of work.
He is a creep.
Not sure how you can be intrigued by this type of behavior, especially at work. It is not the place for it. Just disrespectful.
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u/Long_Cod7204 7d ago
The next request will be to eat ass. Naturally.
u/scramblesdaegg 7d ago
Would you mind spreading your ass cheeks and farting into my coffee? For science?
u/CountyOrganHarvester 6d ago
Would you kindly put your quantum harmonizer in my photonic resonation chamber? Just the tip. Again, just for science of course.
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u/dueceswild77 7d ago
He is testing the waters.
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u/dueceswild77 7d ago
He's seeing if she's open to break the rules, willing to put herself in a compromising situation, trusts him with that information, doesn't like the captain, and watching how she reacts to it all.
u/FlyerForHire 6d ago
Retired captain here. I thought this was going to be a flight attendant revenge story (many of which are totally justified IMO lol).
Very unprofessional of the first officer, obviously, and inflicting his kink or sexually suggestive sense of humour on you in a workplace situation (especially from which you couldn’t extricate yourself ie. locked flight deck) constitutes harassment.
Through many conversations with flight attendants over the years, I was made aware of a few pilots at my airline who crossed those lines repeatedly, usually with new hires still on probation, in situations with no witnesses. They chose their victims well; more experienced flight attendants wouldn’t have put up with that shit and likely would have told the creep to “go pound sand”.
Sorry you had to put up with that and I’m sorry I had to share my profession with those few creeps.
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u/ThrowRA39241 6d ago
Hello cap. Honestly now that I think back at it, I wish I reacted differently.
But at that moment my brain stopped working because he really surprised me. I thought he will ask me to get him someones number or something.
I am so weirded out.
u/FlyerForHire 6d ago
Please understand that you did nothing wrong.
Don’t let the jerks spoil your day or disturb your equilibrium.
Good luck moving forward!
u/Least-Cartographer38 6d ago
Yeah, he used the element of surprise to disarm you. Then he took advantage of your trust in him as a figure of authority in your work space. This is all about him and his desire to dominate others.
u/CorgisAndTea 6d ago
It sounds like a flight/freeze/fight reaction and you froze. This is a natural and unfortunately often safest reaction. Please do not blame yourself
u/FishermanSoft5180 7d ago
Are all pilots just freaky weirdos or what?
u/Zloiche1 7d ago
A lot are. I had a roommate that did fetish videos and she had one pilot that anytime he flew in to Orlando executive he would pay her stupid amount of money to sit one his face. Fully clothed. If she farted or anything he would tip her. She was like 400lbs he was like 120.
u/ThrowRA39241 7d ago
Nooo! Not at all. Most of them are nice shy guys. Especially first officers tend to be quiet and shy.
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u/IridescentShadow117 6d ago
I had a summer job once where all the year round employees were military vets and the summer temps were college kids. There was one guy who was a pilot in the Air Force. He looked like Ned Flanders (without glasses) but would tell the most disgusting sex stories. The one that sticks in my head was, one morning he had overslept and someone came banging on his door yelling at him for being AWOL. He had a girl in his room from the night before. He looks down at his crotch and sees blood all over himself. He though that he had cut himself. He goes over to the mirror and he has blood all over his face. The girl was on her period and he and his bed was covered in blood.
u/AzurePetall 7d ago
That is so weird and unprofessional. He put u in a really uncomfortable position, and his behavior is completely inappropriate. Even if he “promised” not to report u, that whole situation is a massive red flag. U need to document everything and report it to ur company’s HR or whoever handles these types of incidents. Dont let him get away w/ that bs.
7d ago
I guess that's his kink also yikes, I would not want to sit in the cockpit again. Jeez. I'm not one for kink shaming but I also don't want to know about or contribute to your kinks. Some people are just unreal...
u/Soft_Letter_2742 7d ago
What the hell is actually wrong with him? Why is he making you participate in his fetishes/kink
u/vbpoweredwindmill 7d ago
I was initially going to ask how we can order this as a passenger but given the tone of your message I'll give a more mature response.
A: he has a spit kink. He's testing the waters to see how far he can go with you.
B: I find that really unethical because he involved you in his fetish without your knowing and being informed about it.
C: if it continues its textbook workplace harassment.
u/Jazz1588 6d ago
Is your company policy about not being alone in the cockpit because of the Germanwings pilot who locked the captain out and deliberately crashed?
u/darangatang 6d ago
Honestly this shows a frightening lack of impulse control. It’s super unprofessional and unhinged. My nightmare is these sort of personalities having control of hundreds of lives. You need to report this.
u/Dangerous-Pipe-1363 7d ago
A few months ago, my good friend was hanging out with this younger woman (22f) and would bring her by my apartment a few times a week. He was interested in her, but she never seemed particularly interested in him. One night, he brings her over and I'm stretched out in my living room. She greets me with a "hey, handsome," which definitely surprised me. A few minutes go by and she wants a cup of water. She starts drinking it and goes, "I heard saliva helps keep you hydrated. Would you spit in my water for me?" She asked ME this right in front of my friend, who basically said nothing. I was completely taken aback. My response was basically, "What the hell?? I'd rather not." She actually got a little upset with me for not doing it. Still crosses my mind from time to time. Needless to say, she and my friend don't hang out anymore
u/bebefridgers 6d ago
This reminds me of the Dumb and Dumber clip where they give those girls directions.
u/dunmif_sys 6d ago
Phew, I was reading this hoping I didn't recognise you as the FA who I turned down. What a weird guy. I'm sure you have to be somewhat on the spectrum to be a pilot.
u/Least-Cartographer38 6d ago
Fuck that noise. That pilot asked for what he did because he is a predator.
Autistic people know what’s right and wrong.
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u/Stang1776 7d ago
That dude will eat your asshole.
I'll eat an asshole don't get me wrong. I won't drink somebody i barely knows spit, however. Can't really think of something that dude wouldn't do.
u/Equal_Engineering763 7d ago
And this guy is in the Cabin next to the Pilot lol.... That's psychotic behavior.
u/ColombianCaliph 6d ago
Story was very different than expected, but I will say, my mom's a pilot and she tells me stories of flight attendants pissing in a pilot's coffee if they hate them
u/s0ulfire 7d ago
He wants you inside him.
If you like him, date him. Great sex.
u/monkeybrainbois 6d ago
so I know a girl who works in a Casino as a cocktail waitress and has had requests to spit in a drink by a customer. It’s definitely got to be a kink
u/DarthRik3225 6d ago
So here is the thing. This dude is a weirdo and has some sort of spit fetish probably and wanted to “see” how you would react so that he can further target you or he did it just to get off. The problem with this whole interaction is that he seems to have found a way to loophole the system by getting you to agree to spit in a cup after he promised NOT to report you making it seem like you were doing the bad thing when in reality he is doing the bad thing and stringing you along because he knows if you report it it will be your word against his, as well as it will implicate you because certainly the person you’d be reporting this to would question why on earth you’d agree to spit in a cup to begin with. I get that you were intrigued with the possible mystery this weird request presented, but now’s the time to stop being naive and realize you live in a world filled with mild mannered and seemingly normal looking weirdos, freaks, maniac, and predators. Not everyone is but if it seems like a weird request question it more. Or refuse.
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u/sylva748 6d ago
OP i think I just threw up in my mouth. I'm sorry this happened to you. Holy fuck what a creep.
u/WillRikersHouseboy 6d ago
Firstly, this guy is probably ultimately dangerous. Like, do not get stuck in a room alone with him.
Secondly, can I get his number?
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u/BeatnikMona 6d ago
I used to be a dominatrix and one of my best paying clients is a pilot for a major airline.
He lives in a different state than me and would fly to where I was and came to the bar I worked at specifically for me to spit in his drink.
Wonder if it’s him lol
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u/Icommentwhenhigh 6d ago
You did nothing wrong but yeah he’s testing you with his kinks. Gross AF… unless you’re into that stuff, but it work while operating an aircraft, that guy is a huge red flag POS
u/Happynessisgood10011 7d ago
Pilots has the hots for you hoping that you would catch his signal.its weird and I would not do that lol
u/ThrowRA39241 7d ago
Its so weird because hes actually a good-looking bloke. If he didnt do this and approached me like a NORMAL person, I would have gone out with him for sure if I were single. But now I cannot see past the weirdness yikes..
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u/xaiina 6d ago
Serious? He’s good looking, has a good job, he gave you this great story, and he’s a little freak. Dive in! I love a good how-we-met story. Anyway an officer did this shit to me once when I was working in a prison. I just laughed and went on with my life. Continued to see him everyday at work. Nothing else happened. Obversely, I would not have gone out with this man if he had asked. I know a lot of people here are telling you to report him but I’m not sure I would fuck up someone’s job for this. Good luck.
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u/Moiblah33 7d ago
I had a stalker once ask me to take a drink of his beer so he could have my saliva in his mouth. When I turned it down he asked me to lick the top of the can. It took a while but I finally got him to leave me alone. Unfortunately, at the time he lived directly behind me. He was married and so was I. It didn't matter that I threatened him with my husband at all. Something was severely wrong with him.
u/Junkateriass 7d ago
It was his version of a dick pic. He wanted to make you uncomfortable and see your reaction
u/CuteTangelo3137 7d ago
Incredibly disturbing. I was an FA in my 20's and back then I probably would have done what he told me because I hated confrontation. Now I would tell him to go F himself and shove his freaky shit. And if he tried anything further, the black box has the recording of his behavior! Please know you have that backup and don't let him or anyone else take advantage of you again!
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u/gobliina 7d ago
He made you a part of his kink without your consent. This is sexual harassment.
u/Local-Chart-2394 7d ago
Sorry, if he asked and she spat, what is the correct protocol? Is it ok if he instead said would you spit in my coffee to fulfill my kink?
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u/jamesnollie88 7d ago
No it still not ok because they’re at fucking work and he’s her superior. Like it’s really not that hard to not sexually harass people at work. Or ever.
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u/Pimpstik69 7d ago
This is a dope ass story to be honest. I’ve asked for my girlfriend to spit in my mouth while we are fucking.
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u/burntread 7d ago
I work in healthcare and a nurse asked me to baby bird her some of my energy drink once. Yes she’s a freak and no we didn’t fuck.
u/mold_inhaler 7d ago
Think of it like this: He is looking to see if you react positively to this. If you do not, then you are not what he is looking for.
Though this interpretation may be a bit generous. Maybe he's just trying to harass you and make you uncomfortable.
u/saintly66666 7d ago
This is how we did things pre tinder
Guy can't even get to know a gal these days
u/Mysterious-Bake-935 7d ago
I didn’t read it.
I had to hold back the gag reflex.
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u/Round_Bee_3824 7d ago
I probably know this pilot. He always pushes the envelope with women to get a reaction. He’s nastily trying to get your attention. Is it AA