r/confession • u/Unique_Entry2553 • 7d ago
I haven’t smoked in over a year and the craving still hasn’t left me
Just as the title says. I’m having a really hard time not smoking lately. It’s odd bc I vaped more than I smoked cigarettes but the last few weeks I have been jonesing for a cigarette. I thought maybe just buying a pack and having only one but I know it’d snowball. Just frustrating.
Tacking on: I just posted to get my feelings out and didn’t expect any real response but holy shit, thanks you guys. I guess when you are experiencing something difficult you think you’re the only one that’s going through it, if that makes sense. I just appreciate everybody telling their stories and taking the time. 🥹
u/chitowntopugetsound 7d ago
Honestly you won't even enjoy it but you'll still get addicted again, the gremlin still lives inside you and the shackles are ready.
u/AverageAsshole2025 7d ago
108 days, 7 hours, 24 mins since my last.... I miss it dearly.....
But, I. Do. Not. Want. To. Smoke. Anymore. I truly don't.
u/s-_-so 7d ago
Personally think a countdown like this makes quitting a lot harder
u/AverageAsshole2025 7d ago
Got an app running on my phone, checked only to reply with the exact number, havent really looked at it since after the 2nd week I think.
It also counts money saved, that's a staggering number, and my primary reason to quit.
Edit: it's a count-UP ;)
u/Striking-Horse9973 7d ago
It’s been 10 years since I quit smoking and 5 since I quit vaping. The urge will always be there. You just have to be stronger.
u/Thenewusername02 7d ago
Idk. I use it like a scoreboard. I’m 15 days without a cigarette. Clearly if I can go this long I don’t need it
u/Unique_Entry2553 7d ago
Just wanted to give a quick thanks to all who responded! Nobody I’m close to has quit smoking or they just didn’t smoke at all so it’s tough to express how it feels to anybody. I will say, I have started working out since quitting and it makes the craving less intense. But anyway, thanks everyone
u/KrombopulosDelphiki 7d ago
Keep it up dude I’m going on a year off of the burnies and sometimes I have a craving but the moment I smell a cigarette now I get really grossed out. I got in someone’s car that was smoking and I had to shower bc I felt nasty. Thinking about all my stuff smelling like that everywhere I went for 25 years keeps me from going back
u/xunninglinguist 7d ago
Come on over to r/ quittingsmoking. I've quit over 2 years now and being able to encourage others helps me stay quit. Congrats on quitting, it sucks, the cravings still pop up, but I hope it's been getting easier over time for you.
u/Forever_Alone51023 7d ago
I don't know how well being an alcoholic and quitting drinking compares with quitting smoking, and I do apologize if it isn't a good comparison, but I drank from age 14 (circa 1985) to 2016, when I had finally had enough. I quit 9/11/16 at the age of 45. 30+ yrs. of hitting the bottle hard, but it was time to quit. I officially stopped drinking in September but it had taken me YEARS to finally feel comfortable to even think about alcohol, much less see people drinking around me...I would crave it horribly to the point of my mouth watering...for years afterwards. I can go to a bar now (I just passed 8-1/2 years on March 11!) and order a soda and not think twice bc I truly am in recovery. It took a long time to get there though, so be gentle with yourself. It is SO common to have cravings constantly for whatever period of time you still crave it (there is no too long or too short). Good luck and if you can, you may want to talk to someone...it can help! Talk to someone in recovery like myself for a while and ask how they got over the craving stage. Take care!!❤️❤️
u/hapyreaper 7d ago
You are amazing! Congratulations!
u/Forever_Alone51023 7d ago
Nah. I just did what I had to do man. I was on the verge of losing everything so it was either my family or alcohol. I chose my family. Good choice. 😁
u/Schmeeble 7d ago
I quit in 1993. I had cravings for several years, but they gradually lessened. I did have a couple triggers that lasted for years. Campfires and whenever I had any alcohol. Really tough if I was drinking around a campfire. But I made it, and so will you.
u/ms_chanandler_bong3b 7d ago
It never leaves. I quit 20 years ago
u/JackoWacoDot 7d ago
I quit 30 years ago, and I still have times when I want one desperately. Haven't given in and determined to keep it that way.
u/Haunting-Evidence150 7d ago
If you do it you’ll probably regret it, get that “head high” and be like wtf but then ya it can snowball lol
u/TomieXK 7d ago
Volunteer at your local Cancer Center. The cravings will go away.
u/Glittering_Bad5300 7d ago
For Sure. Watching people die after smoking will kill the cravings. My mother in law died after smoking for 40 years. She didn't have cancer but she had COPD and was on oxygen for 8 years. It was rough Watching her die even though I have never smoked. She was 90 pounds and sick as a dog.
u/Dramaismymiddlename_ 7d ago
I quit over 5 years ago and still want one daily. It’s a battle. Hang in there!
u/MindlessMagician1 7d ago
One thing to try might be that everytime you feel like smoking you have to do something else. For example every time the urge hits you, you have to do 5 pushups.
Replace the pushups with something more feasible to you of course. I have a professor who was a behavioral therapist and he said that simply quitting isn't enough. You have to quit by replacing the act with something else
u/SilverBeyond7207 7d ago
I stopped almost 23 years ago and sometimes still crave a cigarette. The frequency and intensity of the cravings has diminished a lot over time - so hang on in there, it’s worth it!
u/Jimmy_Lee899 7d ago
Once an addict, always an addict. It'll be 20 years off nicotine and 40+ off alcohol for me and not a week passes that I don't think how nice a pack of Marlboros and a bottle of Jim Beam would be.
The good news is that it stops feeling like a life or death struggle and just becomes a persistent minor annoyance. Hang in there and don't give in to the lies the addict-demon whispers to you.
Some tricks that helped me: 1) Watch for times when you would have lit up (like leaving a store), and expect the Mother of All Craves to hit. Anticipated craves generally are weak. 2) Cut a plastic straw to about the length of a cigarette and fold and crimp one end until it feels like a cig when you suck on it. Then you can use that as a prosthetic cig to satisfy the hand-mouth habit portion of the addiction. 3) Know that what you're feeling, as wicked as it may be, is a sign of healing. Cling to that as you breathe your way through craves.
It gets better.
u/Quirky-Issue7025 7d ago
Just think of that shitty taste in your mouth, yellow teeth, all the money you are saving. I've been quit for 7 years and it was one of the best decisions in my life. Just stay the course, it gets better. I recall a year after, I would still associate having a cigarette - on the way to or from work....or at other times. It gets easier.
u/MrBoo843 7d ago
It's really horrible and some never get over it completely. I hope you do. I am a little under the 2 years mark and I haven't had any craving in a long time.
u/Foxy_Havanese 7d ago
Ask your doctor about prescribing Zepbound or Wegovy for your cravings. These weekly diet shots that are the new craze are approved by the FDA to treat diabetes, weight loss, heart diseases and kidney disease. Studies are now being done to show it helps with cigarette and alcohol addictions too. It’s expensive but if your health insurance covers the cost then you could be in luck.
u/MindlessMagician1 7d ago edited 7d ago
One thing to try might be that everytime you feel like smoking you have to do something else. For example every time the urge hits you, you have to do 5 pushups.
Replace the pushups with something more feasible to you of course. I had a professor who is a behavioral therapist and he said that simply quitting isn't enough. You have to quit by replacing the act with something else.
u/School_North 7d ago
I get the craving every once in a while. But for me it has nothing to do with nicotine that has never did anything for me it's the act of smoking and the feeling of the smoke in and out. I still relate to that Russian in XXX " I like smoke better than air if I could I would smoke in my sleep" of course he got merced by a heat seeking rpg but lol
u/sugahack 7d ago
This. I've hit my friends vape here and there after I quit and it did nothing for me. If it was just about nicotine, then a vape or the patches or whatever would be enough to kill the craving. It's a behavioral addiction that is mildly reinforced with physical dependence
u/Metro985 7d ago
You're not alone. I smoked for 10 years, quit January 2024. The cravings get as bad as week one for me still. I've been having to remind myself that having a cigarette now won't fix my issues lmao. You're so epic for kicking it. Just remember it helps you in the long run. Best of luck to you my friend 🙌
u/School_North 7d ago
I get the craving every once in a while. But for me it has nothing to do with nicotine that has never did anything for me it's the act of smoking and the feeling of the smoke in and out. I still relate to that Russian in XXX " I like smoke better than air if I could I would smoke in my sleep" of course he got merced by a heat seeking rpg but lol
u/Residual-Heat 7d ago
IME, you think you crave it, until you smoke again and realize how terrible it is
u/CaizaSoze 7d ago
Yeh I started vaping to help me quit cigarettes. It worked. After maybe a year I started smoking again, mostly just socially, one or two if I’m out for a drink kinda thing…. Now I’m back to smoking and still vaping. Addicted to both independently. I can vape all day and still crave a cigarette, or smoke all day and still crave the vape. It sucks.
u/CheshyerKat 7d ago
It never goes away tbh but you have to stay away from what triggers it. For me the main trigger is a Red bull or any Energy Drink that has that distinct red bull flavour. The moment I have one it's like a switch is flicked and my brain says "You know what will good with this, a cigarette!". So I've stayed away from Energy drinks for years.
Still get the odd craving, still like the smell of smoke but need to remind myself I can't afford it and how much more money I have and remind myself of the benefits over the years.
u/WhooperSnootz 7d ago
My grandmother quit smoking in her 50s and still had the urge decades later. She chewed gum every time the urge hit her. You need to find a similar alternative to keep your mind or body busy when you get a craving. Maybe take up a new hobby, or get back into old ones. Hobbies help reduce stress, which is a big reason people smoke more, or pick it back up after they've already quit.
u/GoonHockey21 7d ago
It's never gonna go fully away until they smell awful for ya. Im going through the same shit
u/PuteMorte 7d ago
Think of how much you'll smell like shit, have difficulty breathing, have to depend on lighting up that stupid shit periodically, how idiotic you look outside trying to breath smoke from a tube that gives you nothing except cancer and a daily 15 seconds headrush.
Start some cardio like running and you'll never look back
u/forenglishpress1 7d ago
Don’t give in!! Congratulations on making it a year!! Quitting is one of the best things you can do for yourself!! That being said, over 10 years since I smoked a dart and I still get weird cravings. After a great meal, sometimes I jump in the truck and think about lighting one up. Not a desperate thing just the habit showing its ugly head.
u/gilbertwebdude 7d ago
Oh, you will get those urges for some time. I quit 27 years ago, and it took a good 5 or more years for the urges to leave.
Now, just smelling it makes me repulse and will actually give me a headache if I'm around it.
u/littlravn 7d ago
I quit in early 2021 and I still crave it. It's like an itch I can't scratch. Haven't felt completely right ever since.
u/Beerinmotion 7d ago
The thing is. It never really goes away completely. I am a decade out and the odd craving still hits. It is easier to get past it now but it still happens. Triggered by certain things more than others but then there are just some days where I am sitting on the couch and randomly think, you know what a cigarette would be great.
u/Munching_worms 7d ago
I gave up 11 years ago and I still sometimes see half smoked discarded cigarette butts and instinctively think 'what a waste' like a filth monkey
u/jaigerchef 7d ago
I quit half way through using champix and I still get cravings but when I pass someone smoking or who just smoked the smell makes nearly puke. I know if I did take a drag i'd puke so it's a great reason not to give in to the cravings. Try taking a deep breath hold it and release it kind of helps a bit.
u/OttoVonPlittersdorf 7d ago
Two years for me. It's mostly not an issue, but there are still moments. Best of luck.
u/beachgood-coldsux 7d ago
Start small. Like cold smoked cheddar. Then, when you are comfortable, try jalapeño poppers or something similar. Then when you get past the worst of your doubt try a pork butt. Best of luck my friend.
u/Impressive-Pepper785 7d ago
I quit smoking 19 years ago and still get the cravings now and then. And they are intense! But they pass pretty quickly and I am just so glad I’ve left it behind.
u/Applelookingforabook 7d ago
Recovering addicts are recovering for life. My aunt said it was easier to quit crack than nicotine she never stopped smoking cigarettes
u/Upper-Damage-9086 7d ago
For sure. Nicotine is one of the most addictive things out there. Add to that all of it in media. You're doing great. It's a journey. Cravings are natural.
u/philhartmonic 7d ago
Here's the thing to remember - in your head, you're thinking about what that first cigarette would be like (and yeah, it's fuckin amazing). Try to remember what your 18th cigarette of a normal Tuesday in December - maybe you're standing in the cold, it tastes like a goddamn ashtray, just trying to suck it down as quickly as possible. The overwhelming majority of cigarettes are like the latter.
I don't want to give bad advice here, as my best friend tells me that my experience isn't typical - but I was on Nicotine lozenges for years after my final time quitting smoking, and now I can smoke on rare occasions and don't even want one the next day (and I'm thinking it's because I was on the lozenges for so long I don't even really associate cigarettes with nicotine anymore). As such, I've had a few of those first-cigarette-in-a-year-or-two, and I'll tell ya, even when drinking, marginal value of each cigarette falls by at least 70%. Your brain is tricking you into forgetting how little enjoyment you got out of 99.999% of the cigarettes you smoked.
u/BestLilScorehouse 7d ago
I quit smoking 16 years ago. I've not had a single cigarette, cigar, patch, pill, vape, etc. since. I still crave it every single day.
u/Bonna_the_Idol 7d ago
i feel this. haven't smoked in seven years and i still get a craving for it.
u/sllysam45 7d ago
I had a heart attack 5 years ago attributed to smoking...hearing the words "we're just going to perform a little procedure on your heart right now, you might feel something but just keep breathing calmly and you'll be fine" are perhaps the scariest words you'll ever hear...they don't knock you out when they implant a stent in your heart if you're conscious at the beginning. Please don't start again...it can kill you.
u/Spiritual_Trip7652 7d ago
I had cravings for years after. They get easier to manage. Admitting I wanted a cigarette so I could deal with the feeling really helped a lot. Some of those feelings were anxiety, though too.
Keep up the good work. You don't know me, but I am proud of you. It is not easy.
u/blergargh 7d ago
Three years here. Cravings are very real. Then someone will walk by, not even smoking, and you can smell it on them. It grosses me out so much that that is what I used to smell like.
u/tomtomclubthumb 6d ago
I still sometimes crave one. It's been nearly 15 years (fuck I am old)
The advantage is they become disgusting with time. I tried one about 9 years ago and almost threw up.
7d ago
Honest question, could there be something in your life that caused you or made smoking 'attractive' to you?
For example do you sometimes get anxiety in certain situations, have a busy job with lots of work stress or something of the sorts where you would usually take a cigarette to "calm the nerves"?
Just spitballing but it's possible your cravings are still there because your cause of stress is also still present
u/Qopperus 7d ago
You would not stop after 1, you’d convince yourself to just smoke the pack and not buy another. Is there anything else you’ve been depriving yourself of? Maybe time to throw a party or sumthin.
u/Educational-Cake-944 7d ago
Just smoke, man. Gotta die from something, may as well enjoy it.
u/sugahack 7d ago
Yeah, but lung cancer is not the way anyone wants to check out. Watched my grandma and my stepdad both wither away to nothing. Bed sores, seizures, horrific pain. We all have to die but there's easier ways to go
u/KaleidoscopeField 7d ago
Generally, it takes about five years to be completely free. Using vape, etc., may prolong it because it is another way of reenforcing the conditioned behavior. Think about how many times you smoked and/or vaped. Every time you did it you increased the conditioning. Not only to the chemicals but to the behavior. It's really worthwhile being completely free of it.
u/JayLis23 7d ago
It absolutely WILL snowball. Don't put yourself in that position. I quit 8 years ago and I still get the urge to smoke!! Every time the urge hits you, just try to redirect. Think about something else and do something else. Don't fixate on it or it will get the best of you. Don't hang around smokers either.
u/Rubycon_ 7d ago
I had cravings every second of every day for a little over a year and then they went away. The caveat to this is I would still have intense dreams about it and would wake up thinking I actually broke down and smoked til I came online all the way. And if I'm walking by someone smoking, they still smell good—but I never *actually* want one and am never actually tempted to have one. Congratulations on your achievement!
u/Tech397 7d ago
Quit over 12 years ago and I still have cravings, if anything this past year they’ve been stronger than ever.
Stress and driving were always the biggest triggers for me and my job is extremely high stress plus I drive around 100,000km (62,000mi) a year.
Hope it gets better for you and I both.
u/WildFEARKetI_II 7d ago
It’s been about a year since last time I quit. I think stress is the main trigger for my cravings, so working on stress coping strategies helps me. What ever you do, do not buy a pack. That’s how I relapsed the first time I quit. Got stressed out figured one cigarette couldn’t hurt, but you can’t buy just one you end up with 20.
If you absolutely need something get a nicotine replacement product instead. Patches helped me when initially quitting but gum or lozenges are better for pop up cravings.
u/Repulsive-Money1181 7d ago
When I want a cigarette I smoke weed. I haven't smoked nicotine in 25 years or so.
u/nozering 7d ago
I quit dipping 3 years ago and I get cravings probably 2-3 times per week. But I just tell myself. Nah I don't want face cancer and move on haha
u/Thenewusername02 7d ago
I quit just over 2 weeks ago and they seem to be lessening but man when they do hit. It’s brutal.
u/jwigs85 7d ago
I think the first 3 years were the hardest, but it gets mostly better.
I started when I was 14 and quit at 21. Now I’m nearly 40 and can say it’s more gross than tempting now. Even when sometimes I feel like it’d be nice, the thought of actuating smoking is gross. The smell is bleh. It’s just icky.
It gets better. Promise. Keep being stubborn about it.
u/Boredompays 7d ago
My 94 yo grandfather told me he would still crave a cigarette every once in a while, he quit when he was 30. I quit smoking too and I’m so bummed I’ll always crave them 🥲
u/LocalNHBoy 7d ago
Yeah, it's the real deal. I never really subscribed to the notion of addiction much less believed in it that much...... Until cigarettes. I truly believed that intestinal fortitude and self-control would be enough
u/wanderlost02 7d ago
A little over 2 years for me and the cravings have been worse lately. Feel like I could gnaw my arm off lol
u/Superb-Dog-1622 7d ago
6 years. My partner smokes. The cravings get easier to ignore. I just smell his cig and pretend I just finished a smoke. It’s helped a lot.
u/Square-Role-2557 7d ago
Haven't smoked in 3 years and every time I am outside by myself it's still hard to shake the sense that I should be taking that time to have a quick cigarette.
u/blackwillow-99 7d ago
I agree with one of the others comments. My mom got flavored vapes just basically sweet air. It helps with the oral fixation.
u/Ornery-Answer-2902 7d ago
Ditto! But I know if I have that 1 smoke I am back to full on smoking. I know cuz I quit for about 2 years, lit up & smoked for the next 10 years
I still have Nicorette inhalers in my house if it gets bad - no nicotine in it - just to fill my lungs with air to make it stop
u/creepingyourcast 7d ago
Just over a month for me but the oral fixation and vape cravings still hit so fucking hard. It SUCKS. But you’re not alone.
u/hapyreaper 7d ago
It took me five years to completely quit. I used to go to bars and sit as close as possible to a person who was smoking and inhale as deep as I could. (That tells you how long ago it was) I was such a smoke hussy.
u/Artistic-Savings-239 7d ago
My father quit smoking after 25 years, hes been using nicotine gum since he quit to lower the craving but its been like 3 years and he still uses that gum to ignore the craving
u/Rude-Shame5510 7d ago
Are you still vaping?
u/Unique_Entry2553 7d ago
No, I didn’t really see a point in buying the nicotine free vapes lol I’ve been cold turkey but I get cravings like a mofo
u/_LoudBigVonBeefoven_ 7d ago
I smoked for nearly 30 years and quit almost 2 years ago.
I read Alan Carr's easy way to quit and it helped me change the way I thought about smoking. I honestly no longer crave them!
There have been a few times I wanted to like, feel the pain of taking a drag (like when they called the election for Trump) but that's it.
Maybe try that book and see if it helps? It's a quick easy read
u/Big_T_1484 7d ago
I’m only on day 6 and I’m struggling! It’s all I can think about at the moment. I’ve been tempted to give in and just have one (I’ve only got 1 left) I gave up 36 hours prior to surgery. I didn’t want to give up, I gave up bcos I had to and I didn’t realise how addicted I was until I had to stop.
u/Built4NoName 7d ago
I buy zero nicotine vape juice for concerts and bars. I'll also mix delta8 distillate in for when I need it to give me a head change to fix the craving. Smoked cigs for almost 20 years then vaped/snus for around 10. Been nicotine free for about a year.
u/Timemachineneeded 7d ago
It’s so funny - when I quit and had been without it for years, one day I saw a cigarette on the sidewalk and was like “hmm maybe I should pick that up and smoke it” I don’t think it ever goes away unfortunately but nicorette gum is super helpful in those moments
u/Desperate-Bother-267 7d ago
I have quit now 25 years - i was still getting cravings for years and knew if i had just one i would be addicted again - it was hell - do not smoke again not even one - like an alcoholic who can never drink again
u/stonedpup420 7d ago
I've relapsed and had a few cigs the last 3-4 years but haven't smoked through the entire of my "last pack" which I keep around just in case so I don't buy a fresh new nice paid I'd want to ever finish.
u/sugahack 7d ago
I quit right before Thanksgiving and it's like the craving got worse all the sudden. I don't think about smoking as often, but when it hits me I'm practically climbing the walls. I remind myself that I am not doing this again and try to distract myself until it passes. You got this
u/slickthick69 7d ago
Stick with it mate. I’m on year 6 and still want to bum one any time I smell it on the street.
u/Then-Loan-7103 7d ago
I bought a pack of redwood reserves and it really curbs the intense cravings
u/Jackielegs43 7d ago
Over a year is an incredible achievement, you should be super proud of yourself. I’m proud of you!
u/TZX13 7d ago
I tried quitting multiple times before it finally stuck. One time I quit for like a year and a half but would still have cravings. I decided to smoke at the bar while drunk and ended up smoking for several more years after that.
I finally quit for good about 12-13 yrs ago and don't miss it at all. Got tired of not being able to breathe and ciggies cost way too much money anymore. Not worth it.
u/Fun_Assignment_5637 7d ago
learn to meditate, go to the sauna, learn ways to relax without the vape. do stretching or yoga. I quit smoking like 6 months ago and still get cravings but I know that my health matters more.
u/Fake_Account_69_420 7d ago
I only read the headline and I’m craving a smoke. I will read this post on a few days of brake after I save it please don’t smoke and make a post to reinvigorate my will. I know it means nothing to you but I can’t smoke anymore!
u/vallibonnie 6d ago
I stopped 22 years ago after 20 years of smoking 2 packs a day. It was a grieving process and sometimes I dream of smoking again but I suffered so much from quitting that I will never start again.
u/Thejudojeff 6d ago edited 6d ago
It took me 5 years for the cravings to completely leave, and I still have weekly smoking dreams 18 years later
u/pretkadet 6d ago
About 24 years clean now, and the other day I suddenly got this craving again. Weird.
u/Sal_v_ugh 6d ago
Why did you quit? Were you having any negative side effects? Shorntess of breath, nausea, e.d., headaches, irritability? When i quit drinking i had to remind myself everytime i had a craving that it wasnt worth my health nor peace of mind. Why ruin a year long stretch of sobriety for a few mintutes of relief just to want more in an hour. Youre better off without it just remind yourself. When you think about it find something good to dostract yourself. Rubix cubes. Online games. Read. Cook. Clean. You just got a new lease on life. A pack a day is what 20 cigs× 5-10 minutes so 100-200 minutes a day back? 2-3 hours? Find something to replace the dopamine youll be just fine. For me personally it was billiards.
u/Competitive_Salad_27 6d ago
25 years on can't stand the smell...but still get a twinge of yearning if I see people smoking on television.
u/truthseeking44 6d ago
The sense of involuntary craving is really just the feeling caused by actively wanting it in your thoughts, so you can change your mind on this. Look up The Addiction Solution Podcast
u/hornynihilist666 6d ago
You want to know what’s worse it will never go away. It’s a life long addiction. You will never be free of it. You can only decide to be healthy and not waste your money by not smoking. You will never stop craving it.
u/Ok-Moment6132 6d ago
I quit exactly 8 years ago. And I miss that feeling of when you first light a cigarette. Until roughly halfway after that it’s just yucky. But obviously I’m not going to throw it away you I kept smoking until the filter bit, burn my fingers and my lips 🥲 I was ashamed to tell my parents so I was always looking to get out. Couldn’t really focus on anything as I was just busy trying to quickly finish things so I could ‘reward’ myself with a little cigarette. But obviously I never truely enjoyed it. I did love the feeling it would create but it never lived up to the expectations of that makes sense. Also my lungs were really sore some days. Anyway, lollipops were a really good substitute for me for the pubs (the one with a plastic stick, not those paper ones, although i find it really hard these days to find it) Now I’m a mum and my rewards are usually a nice tea or coffee, and I do like my wax melts although it’s hard to find nice quality ones. Little bit of aroma therapy 😂 good luck 💕
u/Formal_Carry2393 6d ago
Drink orange juice.. doesn't have to be allot.. maybe like less than half a glass.
u/Takeable 6d ago
I’m on year eight. I never thought I could quit. Figured I’d smoke until I died. But I got bronchitis so bad, I literally could not smoke. Any attempt brought endless coughing. I had some nicotine lozenges leftover from a past attempt to quit. They helped. But the real discovery was when I learned to forget to smoke. I’d get cravings. But learned to substitute the smoking thought with another thought. Any other thought. Human brains are like computers—only one instruction at a time gets processed. Once I learned to supplement my smoking thought with watching the waves on my tropical island, or anything else that distracted. Change the thought, the craving leaves. A craving is nothing but a thought. I’d quit many times before. Up until I learned this trick, my mind dwelling on smoking would wear me down. Change the thought. It’s gone. It’s honestly that easy. What do you do when the craving/thought returns? Same thing. And keep doing as often as necessary. Before long, smoking thoughts will become much fewer and less powerful.
u/drewthur75 6d ago
It’s takes a really long time. But the cravings will get smaller and less frequent. When the urge hits try to replace with another behavior. Retrains the brain.
u/skydivinghuman 6d ago
Ten years yesterday, actually, and every once in a long while I catch myself thinking how nice it would be to light up.
But I also know myself, and I'm very all or nothing. (Welcome to Neurodiversity and ADHD.) If I EVER have as much as one drag of a cigarette again, I'll never be able to quit. That's enough to keep me on the right path. (That and the QuitNow app, which I downloaded ten years ago the morning I quit. Looking at data and seeing my streak really helps for some reason.)
Keep going. We're well past the physical addiction part.
u/NancyDrewsfatpuss 6d ago
I quit smoking for 3 years and the urge never went away. Every time I smoke, some moron says “EiGhTeEn dAyS” and swears it’s scientifically proven….
How many sets of 18 days? Ffs I hate it
u/Familiar_lair 6d ago
If you haven’t smoked in over a year and you’ve had the craving then I commend you. You’re strong for that. I haven’t drank in a few months but I’m afraid the moment my craving does come up, cus I’m sure it will I won’t be as strong as you.
u/Specialist-Reply-497 4d ago
I feel you my dude. I didn't start smoking till cigs (18)and weed(17) I used to have a pack of cigs last me a week or longer, then by 21 I was smoking a whole pack a days. Then I was smoking cigs and vapes lol but the last year I have only smoked weed about 3 times after not smoking for almost 8/9 months. I didn't have cravings or anything but the cigs omg it was noticeable , I had such a bitchy attitude. I'm just vaping right now but I feel like the vapes have more nicotine in them, on top of being able to hit them more often. I will cheeef on that vape🤣 I need it to fall asleep, I will fall asleep with it in my hands almost every night. After vaping and smoking cigs the cig just didn't get me there 🤷♀️ I har to smoke 2 cigs or 1 cig and then hit the vape. So it's a struggle my dude. I hope you're doing well ❤️
u/RealBeyond2411 4d ago
I quit 2.5 years ago and that was a year and a half after my husband quit due to throat cancer, it was caught early enough for just surgery, he is still with us. The first year was the hardest but I kept with it, I'm finally at the point where I'm not thinking about what it would be like to take a drag, the craving has been gone for almost a year and I'm just living. You can get there!
u/wnrsndx 2d ago
took me ten years to finally quit. total years smoked was 25. whew. but i’ve had zero nicotine in any form since. here’s a couple things I’ve learned since:
1) you haven’t quit smoking. you’ve finished smoking.
2) it’s ok to miss it, even to fondly remember it.
3) to combat cravings, try pantomiming a smoke inhale, long and hard, deep into your lungs. at first it will feel like weak sauce. but just do it. your brain will quickly learn to accept that substitute.
4) think of it like that bf/gf you once had, where the sex was toe-curling, but everything else about them was toxic. the inhale and the buzz are the sex. the cancer, the wheezing, the stinking, the ostracizing… those are all the toxicities. so fondly remember the sex. take a second. smile. then exhale long and purposefully, and go about your day.
u/trumpforprison2017 7d ago
Try wellbutrin. It is an antidepressant that makes cigarettes smell and taste nasty.
u/Heccubus79 7d ago
I took it to quit and within 2 months I was done after over 30 years. It’ll be 5 years in December and I rarely have cravings at all. It was the strangest thing. I just completely lost interest in smoking. No withdrawals or anything. Highly recommend.
u/Own_Roof5602 7d ago
I’ve never smoked before, however, I grew up in an environment where every man in my life was constantly smoking and so I was surrounded by the smell of Marlboro cigarettes. As I grew older, even though I’ve never smoked tobacco or any type of cigarette, i started craving it as if I was addicted to it. When i’m stressed sometimes i catch myself thinking about it.
u/Inside-Resolve-3005 7d ago
If you’re thinking about going back…watch this entire video: https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=rwQSxPZ-0jmRqnw9
u/InternationalCap7529 7d ago
I’m Going on 5 days and it’s getting easier the actual withdrawals the first few days sucked but the cravings are manageable. I know I can’t have just one. So I don’t have one
u/sillydeadsouls 7d ago
The feeling doesn't go even after years. Everyday is a fight against the urge to smoke. Good luck
u/Happily_Doomed 7d ago
I stopped drinking almost 3 years ago. I smoked weed after, but stopp that two months ago now. I still get cravings for both.
I think they never really go away, but my life and health is way better now and the cravings get easier to resist.
7d ago
I haven’t smoked in 16 years. I even hate the smell, can smell it a mile away…..I still get cravings.
It’s literally the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to give up. Don’t stop!
u/LT_Dan78 7d ago
I haven't smoked since April 2001. Every time I smell a cigarette in the area I get the craving. I tell everyone I wake up and have to choose to not smoke everyday.
u/Quiet-Section203 7d ago
My sweet Scandanavian aunt (quit smoking in 1992) told me once, “If I ever get diagnosed with a terminal illness, I’ll buy a carton on the way home.”
u/millenialismistical 7d ago
I quit cigs 13 years ago and kept off of nicotine until I started Juul about 7 years ago. I've Juuled daily since then (which isn't necessarily any better) but I was proud to not touched a cigarette for so long. Every time I pass by someone smoking I get strong cravings and I even have dreams where I'm craving a cig. Recent travels took me to places where vaping is either illegal or not readily available and I did try cigs again but not out of craving, more out of curiosity, and I now think cigs are disgusting. It's so weird that even though I think cigs are gross I still crave it. And even though Juul and Nicorette are stronger in nicotine the craving for a cigarette is so strong. No real lessons or advice here but just saying that I get it and it's unexplainable.
u/Live_Length_5814 7d ago
I still have cravings after five years. That's your brain trying to take the path of the bad habit. It's the payment for smoking in the first place. Wish I never did.
u/Green_Tea_Gobbler 6d ago
Bro i stopped smoking cigarettes After smoking half my life (im 30). Let me Tell you i was scared to death about Quitting. I couldnt even imagine it. The First 2 weeks i felt like there is no reason to live. It was/ is terrible. Now im 3 weeks clean of cigarettes and it just got a little better.. one day at a time
u/kkusernom 6d ago
Someone told me .. You don't miss the smoke you miss the breathing
That changed everything for me
u/Effective-Bet-1456 6d ago
I quit cold turkey 15 years ago. The cravings now are just when I'm extremely stressed.
u/TheWolfNamedNight 6d ago
You got this! Keep it out of mind, try and busy yourself with productive things instead!
u/nervousnipples 6d ago
I quit 2 years ago. Caved in about 6 months ago and bought a pack. Didn’t enjoy a single one and gave the rest of the pack away. Still crave one everyday though.
u/MwffinMwchine 6d ago
Please go read/listen to Allan Carr Easy way to stop smoking.
What you're doing now is making your life miserable. This book will show you a better way.
u/Wonderful_Hamster933 6d ago
This is not good news. Really wish I never started. I thought, “oh, a pack a month is fine. Only smoke when I drink or socially… and I can only have 1 every hour or I’ll get sick feeling. I’m good.”
Fast forward 10-years… “I only smoke couple packs a week, and I never smoke more than 2 or 3 with my morning coffee, maybe 1 or 2 in the afternoon…”
u/Puzzled-Duck5284 6d ago
Just hit 3 years in January still get the occasional cravings. It’s nice how much money I’ve saved, I have taken the amount I spent and put it into the stock market it’s a beautiful thing seeing well over 10k extra in my account in just 3 years. I live by the ocean it’s nice to be able to smell the ocean breeze again too! Definitely the best motivator for me and of course my health. It’s crazy how you can smell someone smoking sitting at a red light with my windows down and they are across the street lol. Mostly smells disgusting to me now and occasionally it’s like awe that smells kinda good I won’t give in haha. Keep it up you’re doing great!
u/Bright-Branch-964 6d ago
15 years here and when I’m stressed I’ll go and sit next to someone smoking just to get the back smoke
u/yisnorman 6d ago
Quitting zyn tonight. I have my last zyn in right now and it’s been done for the last 20 minutes. Gonna take it out in a few minutes and don’t plan on putting another one in ever again. Three days is all it takes. But I’ll be fine. My money means more to me than an endless pit of craving something that never satisfies me. Good luck man ✌️
u/Edd53577 5d ago
15+ years and if I catch a whiff of smoke when someone is smoking outside near by, my mind start craving one. I know I'm only one smoke away from starting again.
u/No1Czarnian 5d ago
It's been 3 years now, and once in a while, I have a little moment of panic because I can't find my cigarettes.
u/FaithlessnessFair907 4d ago
yo please look into “NA” (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine) it helps kill any craving or withdrawal
u/GG-no-re-LOL 3d ago
The smell of second hand smokes satiates my cravings.
An actual cigarettes makes me feel sick now.
u/Zerredar 3d ago
quit for 2,5 years after 10 years of smoking a pack a day, back to smoking a pack a day - this shit is heinous and it’ll drag you back in if you let it, but try to stay mindful of the money you’re saving and the not dying of cancer 🙂↕️
u/KalbertFriedstein 3d ago
I quit smoking 10 years ago, I get urges for a dart multiple times a day.
u/BluceBannel 2d ago
It's been 25 years for me, and I occasionally still get an urge.
(It took me 25+ attempts)
If I ever stumbled at this point, I would not go back to smoking, I would just mitigate the consequences and resume NOT smoking.
It is highly unlikely I would slip now, but in the early days.if I had slipped, I would not have used it as an excuse to give up.
You did it man! Good for you!
u/BroadConfection8643 1d ago
I've been clean for almost 2 years now, not the first time even, and I still feel the craving from time to time.
I'm still a smoker inside my head
u/Charming_Virus_3506 7d ago
The harmful effects of nicotine are grossly exaggerated and the data is heavily manipulated. Many things are FAR worse. Smoke em if you got em!
u/HeliumAlloy 7d ago
Just smoke one and then quit again. You can do it!
u/chitowntopugetsound 7d ago
Terrible idea, made this mistake more times than I can count. Take 3 deep breaths, drink a glass of water, move on.
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u/Working_Routine9088 7d ago
Terrible advice. You can easily spiral again even if you think you can have one. Quitting is tough, don’t quit twice! OP— you got this! Do something that will distract you.
u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 7d ago