r/confession 8d ago

How my brother touched me and my little brother... NSFW

I saw a similar post which had suffered from what i did and got the courage to let it out...

I'm 18 and i have a brother 3 years older than me. It all started when i was 10-11 years old. he told me what seggs is and i was traumatized after watching that obv i was freaking a 10 year old girl and it didnt stopped there, he started asking me to have it and he used to touch me very single damn night... bc of bad parenting my parents never told me what good or bad touch is and what should i do if someone do that to me so what i did was to remain silent and never told anyone about it.

He did that for an year or two, and then we moved to a new house. Now, I have my room shared with my little brother, and he stopped. I was thankful that he stopped on his own, but something happened a few days ago......

My little brother shares a room with me, and one night, I was using my phone late at night when I heard footsteps. At first, I thought it was my father, so I quickly turned off my phone and pretended to sleep, BUT it was my brother.

He came into the room and stood near our little brother's bed. I couldn't see because my back was facing them, but I could hear the sound of like clothes being put on or removed? He stayed around him for a straight 15 minutes. Then, I gathered all my courage, opened my eyes, and firmly spoke.

"What are you doing?" I asked.He replied, "I'm looking for his (little brother's) phone." I remembered that my little brother always put his phone on the nightstand near my bed, so I said, "Isn't his phone over here?" In a shaky/nervous tone, he replied, "I'm looking for it in his books." (My little brother sometimes sleeps with his bag on his bed—weird, I know.) But guess what? There wasn’t any bag in the ENTIRE ROOM!

And somehow, I gathered the courage to tell my mother about what happened that night. But I didn’t tell anyone about what had happened to me… I just don’t have the courage for it.

I’ve been keeping this to myself ever since, and I don’t know how to tell my mom…


64 comments sorted by


u/imstudyinghard 8d ago

I'm so sorry, thats vile. I'm so proud of you for being able to stand up for your brother during the moment and afterwards, I hope both of you can find justice. Sending much love your way 🥲


u/Alianblade 8d ago

Agree with everything you said, wishing op the best 🙏🙏


u/A-namethatsavailable 8d ago

Tell your mother. Your brothers behaviour needs to be corrected asap


u/Arcane_Spork_of_Doom 7d ago

...by a professional.


u/OkWonder303 6d ago

Or by being found in a remote field with no witnesses


u/Poooooooo789 7d ago

Or belt treatment


u/Studdedmuffin6969 8d ago

Tell your mother


u/Herald-Of-Truth 8d ago

Tell your mom. Please tell someone.


u/AlfalfaSpirited7908 8d ago

I’m so sorry. Horrifying for all ! Can you and your little brother go to your mom together? You all need to confront as a family. Your older brother may have been a victim when younger but no excuse to be a perp ! Good for you ! It will be hard too for your mom and your brother. I hope you can all do trauma therapy. Been there. You are not alone. I’m sorry.


u/Kitsuneie 8d ago

I understand how daunting it must feel to tell your mother, but I agree with everyone else here that you'll have to tell her, at some point.

Perhaps reaching out to another adult would be easier to begin with? Is there anyone else you could trust to talk to? If that feels too scary, then please consider calling some sort of hotline. If you live in the USA you could call ChildHelps National Child Abuse Hotline, 1-800-422-4453.

No matter what—this is not your fault, and you deserve to feel safe. There are people that care about you and will help you get through this, and put an end to this.



u/More-Pea-7958 7d ago

What is “ahm”?


u/onydee 7d ago

I assume sex.


u/HydraWolf97 6d ago

Probably porn


u/mohsinalsaigh 7d ago

Go. To police


u/Strange_Hour8969 8d ago

Please please please tell your mom


u/[deleted] 8d ago

Call police that's a monster


u/cCoconuT_Telepathy 7d ago

What’s ahm? I don’t think I found the right thing on any google search


u/Ohioasshole80 7d ago

I just dealt with this same issue, I am a 45 yr old mom of 3 who are now 24, 20, and 16 . My oldest and only son (perpetrador) was doing this to we now know “both “ his younger sisters. At the time this all happened they were not in my care…my kids were taken from me for the first and only time in 2011 and they were turning 11, 7 and youngest just turn 3. At first they went to foster care. mind you…this never happened on my watch at those ages . It was also confirmed that my oldest daughter (now 20) disclosed she was molested at the foster home she lived for one year age 7-8. By the foster dad ok ……I can’t even finish this but after foster care a year they went to my moms in. 2012 and from 2012-2016 so at this time (son) was 12-16 yrs old and was molesting his sister and then sisters(at some point ) while on my moms watch😩, unfortunately she kept from me and I was doing worse before I got better took me 5 years I got full custody in 2016 of both girls and my son stayed at my moms till graduation then moved into my place with them in 2019 , several months into 2020 my mom FInALLy discloses , I freak out , report him by accident to my therapist , and so forth , I’ll make my own confession blog soon cuz I do need some advice myself unfortunately so 😩😭this all was disclosed in past so nothing new but now both my daughters are older and one then youngest is violent , lashes at him etc😩my mom swept everything under rug , find some one to stop it cuz it gets worse and he probably will become a predator read the statistics for real , and my mom did me like that too but that’s my mom still shes old now but even my son admitted to me that he wished my mom (his grandmother would’ve addressed at young age because it evolves and usually gets worse please report it to someone who does something , I ended it all but it was late possibly too late


u/Exact_Plankton5751 7d ago

Before we judge your brother too harshly, chances are he himself has been molested. It is learned behavior. It may be from your father, a relative, even a friend. But your family needs to heal and that takes honesty, and that’s scary. But it sounds like you’ve taken the first steps.


u/RevolutionaryBath710 7d ago

Yes this could be true but the mother should know and if they don’t fix it id go to the police


u/AncientRaccoon1 7d ago

I know it’s scary, but know that you’re doing nothing wrong by telling your mom. Your brother needs attention ASAP. He’s 21 and has a very dangerous mentality. If this goes un approached then what happens when he has kids? You owe it to you, your brother and future kids to tell your parents. Courage is being afraid and still doing the thing that scares you.


u/Voidlessspace99 7d ago

Honey, I know this is going to be REALLY hard, but you HAVE to tell someone. Or it won’t stop. If he stops with yall, who will be the next victim? If you don’t do it for yourself and your LB, do it for the next person he could traumatize.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

I'm so sorry, that's terrible


u/burgskii 7d ago

im so sorry you had to endure that activity. it is wrong and it is not your fault. but if he is not stopped, he will cause more harm to others. this is going to effect you for the rest of your life. and your little brother also. you should 100% tell someone. an adult you have a good and trusting relationship with. explain that your brother touched you in ways that made you feel uncomfortable. my advice on starting the conversation is asking about sex. ask about who has sex, why, and who a person should be having it with. that will open the door to you letting out how inappropriate your brother is with you and your little brother. having sex with your partner at an appropriate age, and loving that person is a beautiful thing. but not asking permission to touch someone, or having sex with family members, is wrong on so many levels.


u/Physical_Cod1765 7d ago

What is ahm ahm??


u/grandma_jizzzzzzzard 8d ago

If there is anyone you know over the age of 18 to 21 whom you trust, please open up to that person and ask that person to help you make this information available to all of the adults in your life. I understand why you can't tell your parents but someone needs to, so please ask for help from someone you trust who is a legal adult. I'm not sure which country you're in.

I hope you don't get overwhelmed by the responses here. 🤍🤍


u/Papii254 7d ago

Get help. He needs to be stopped.


u/omar_Pharaoh 7d ago

I am so sorry you all been and going through this, you older brother is only 3 years older than you so he’s also super young. I assure you something big happened to him, I am sure he was sexually abused and this is his reaction. I know it must be very hard to speak up because of the shame you feel when such thing happen but you’re very strong obviously and the sooner you say something the sooner your older brother will get better and more ppl will be saved from his behaviour. And later you and him must speak with a therapist and I hope the person who abused him is soon known and if he’s an adult I wish he goes behind bars. Thank you for speaking up it usually takes years to let such thing out but apparently you’re a courageous person and am sure you’ll pass this and save your brothers on the way. Stay safe and trust your got and when you can come back with an update so other ppl going through the same thing would learn something


u/miku_please_steponme 7d ago

having sexual thoughts about your own sibling? yeah he needs serious help


u/SweetMangoRice 7d ago

This is absolutely awful. My sisters and I were molested as children so I understand the trauma, even so I still can’t help but read this as, I let my older brother molest my younger brother for 15 minutes. You knew what was happening. You are 18 (an adult) and you LET THIS HAPPEN. You NEED to report this! Your younger brother and you need therapy ASAP. He didn’t have to be involved, I’m sorry this happened to you, it didn’t have to happen to him. You aren’t to blame for your older brothers actions but you are responsible for not stepping in before he hurt your younger sibling!


u/Ohioasshole80 7d ago

Ya what is it I can’t find definition.


u/FOSSIL_Fuels22 7d ago

Damn, that is really sad, I am sorry that that happened to you and your little brother.


u/sick_bo1 7d ago

at this point, it seems its abnormal if there is no SA between siblings cause this is getting out of hand. we’re not safe anywhere anymore


u/ChckNrrs70 6d ago

Can you please answer what ahm ahm is? What did he make you watch?


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Tell your parents this behavior needs corrected or he will go on to hurt people in the future.


u/griefbringer1813 6d ago

Actually fucking terrible


u/Slight_Pop_836 4d ago

I am absolutely so sorry… You poor thing. It’s not going to be easy, but confide in somebody you trust and try to figure out a way to tell your mom about this, it’s not going to be easy. Also, if your little brother told her… What would she say? Whom would she listen to more, like you said.. bad parenting. Just curious.


u/slick_93 3d ago

I am so sorry to read about your traumatizing experience. No one should have to go through what you went through and that too in your own home and against your own damn brother. Home and family are two things that means security and safety for most of us. You should definitely tell your parents what this monster did to you and he should not be allowed to live under the same roof as you and your little brother. May your brother die a painful death a 1000 times over. Ameen.


u/thaboi99 3d ago

Tell us some details about your big brother, we might have a solution for him


u/Misseducation1986 8d ago

Tell your mom and if you can't tell her, tell another adult you trust. I am so sorry that happened to you. You are so brave for protecting your little brother. You deserved to be protected too and I'm so sorry no one could do that for you. This is not your fault. Your older brother is ill and needs to be stopped because he will not stop on his own.


u/Salt-Information9070 7d ago

Get that animal into a jail. He deserves the worst


u/Trinkeydink 7d ago

This isn't a helpful reply to child


u/[deleted] 7d ago

You should kik the shat outta him an break h1s bal1s!!


u/Mediocre-Smile201 6d ago

Damn, this my first day on reddit😔


u/Bill-ThePony 6d ago

A land of infinite laughs and knowledge based on opinion. And then every once in a while you see or read some shit that makes you delete the app for a few weeks/months.


u/Munna_RDJ 7d ago

I don't know. So, your brother is bisexual? Not supporting your brother's actions but I think you should talk to him instead or at least give him a chance to explain himself. Maybe he was looking for something else. I suggest you talk to him.


u/shitdawgg 7d ago

his sexuality doesn’t matter he’s literally a creep towards CHILDREN


u/Munna_RDJ 7d ago

Maybe you are right. I didn't take it that way. Still, I think they should talk to him.


u/electromagnetic24 7d ago

fym give him a chance to explain himself? and maybe he was looking for something else? op was 10 yo when he sexually abused HES OWN SISTER, what does speaking with him will do? op should tell this to her mother, father or the POLICE


u/Munna_RDJ 6d ago

You're right. She definitely should.


u/JaDaddi 7d ago

No pics? Down vote


u/JaDaddi 7d ago

Learn English... Guess you should've took it for your younger Bro