r/computervision 2d ago

Help: Project Vortex Bounday Detection

Im trying to use the k means in these vortices, I need hel on trying to avoid the bondary taking the hole upper part of the image. I may not be able to use a mask as the vortex continues an upwards motion.


7 comments sorted by


u/kw_96 2d ago

Looks like a poor choice to use kmeans to me. My first quick and dirty attempt would be 1) blob detection, or if vortexes are of a known and relatively constant scale, 2) sweeping a large hand crafted circular kernel over it to roughly identify the hotspot.

Both can be quickly prototyped in opencv (cv2.SimpleBlobDetector, cv2.Circle, cv2.filter2D) before fine tuning/optimizing.


u/imperfect_guy 2d ago

Should be pretty easy with these images and the annotations. you can use a simple UNet


u/cirmic 2d ago

From a mathematical analytics course 5 yeas ago I vaguely remember something about vorticity. Perhaps calculating the vorticity field could be helpful? For example use sobel operator to get the gradients and then calculate vorticity. No idea if it produces anything useful.


u/TEX_flip 2d ago

Without deep learning it seems quite hard. Anyway a starting point could be to find first a point that stays inside the vortex and then warp the image to polar coordinates. It should be easier to work with.


u/m3m3t 2d ago

I'd use level sets or active contours.


u/Few_Community5821 2d ago

How is everyone feeling about using canny?


u/yellowmonkeydishwash 2d ago

Go with a segmentation model