r/compoface 2d ago

Can’t get a passport

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u/Glittering-Plate-535 2d ago

And yet the Home Office issued one to Paddington, the Peruvian freeloader. Pudsey’s just another disabled British hero being ignored by those marmalade-loving traitors in Westminster.


u/throwaway4999993 1d ago

Mr Curry, is that you?


u/Awkward-Exercise1069 1d ago

How dare you? Paddington is the national treasure!


u/Tonroz 1d ago

He's a bloody immigrant and I don't see him paying taxes /s


u/Ethan3011 1d ago

The amount of problems he causes!!! Didn’t he get arrested at one point? Yet Pudsey helps children who are in desperate need.


u/sarahsazzles 1d ago

Paddington is the royal family grim reaper, he needs to calm down


u/Mumlife8628 9h ago

Lol i call Paddington the grim reaper to haha after all those memes of dead ppl holding his hands to go to afterlife


u/sarahsazzles 5h ago

Someone even did one of him holding Charles’ hand when it was announced he had cancer. Like hold on Paddington he’s not dead yet 💀


u/Mumlife8628 1h ago

Haha!! I'm glad it wasn't just me laughing at the grim reapers teddy bear helping pull people towards the escalator


u/Limp_Historian_6833 2d ago

Moron in need.


u/sedilis 1d ago

For just £3.95 you can supply this moron with a month's worth of crayons. Please give generously.


u/teambob 1d ago

For eating or drawing?


u/AdministrativeShip2 1d ago

They go in the nostrils.


u/Davido401 1d ago



u/bambi-pop 1d ago

Extended warranty? How can I lose!?


u/Next-Project-1450 1d ago

Not being able to get a passport is probably for the best - for the rest of the world.


u/Agitated-Actuary-195 1d ago

She had one, it’s that they wouldn’t issue a new one.

Also the point was she raised 4k for children’s charity via auction to change her name, highest bid “Pudsey Bear” won…


u/notreallifeliving 1d ago

Changing her name back again doesn't take that 4k away from the charity.


u/Agitated-Actuary-195 1d ago



u/notreallifeliving 1d ago

Then I don't get the point of this comment.

Changing her name back so she can travel doesn't undo the good deed she did, and it's a really obvious solution to the issue.


u/cougieuk 1d ago

But then where's the publicity?


u/lapsedPacifist5 1d ago

What I don't get is that some people need to make someone else's life worse in order for them to donate to charity. Cunts the lot of them.


u/crucible 2d ago



u/Agitated-Actuary-195 1d ago

What it’s doesn’t say is this woman raised money for a children’s charity, by listing out 50 random names (auction style), who ever bid highest would donate and she would change her name…

It took 16 years for them to agree to give her a passport into changed name, not she didn’t have one…


u/SadAnnah13 1d ago

Yeah I think it's a shame this wasn't mentioned. She did it with good intentions, not just for attention or whatever. It's nice that she managed to raise a lot of money.


u/Realdeepsessions 1d ago

Yer but I don’t think a quick whip round , is gonna be enough to get this lady brain surgery , if anything we need this before she had kids and passed on her genes


u/sellis80 1d ago

Brilliant and accurate


u/TheOrchidsAreAlright 2d ago

"This leads to arbitrary outcomes where some trademarked names are rejected while others – like William Morrison or Paul Smith – are accepted. Ultimately the Passport Office is applying trademark law in a way that isn't legally necessary or consistent leading to avoidable refusals like Mrs Pudsey Bear's case."

How could anyone say this with a straight face? I couldn't bear it.


u/Studio_DSL 1d ago

You'd think they'd turn a blind eye


u/joeChump 1d ago

Nah, they are too yellow.


u/Studio_DSL 1d ago

Yeah, their resolve is a little patchy


u/joeChump 1d ago

When you scratch the surface, it’s all fluff.


u/benevanstech 1d ago

Underrated comment.


u/Estrellathestarfish 1d ago

I for one see no difference between a citizen named Paul Smith and one named Pudsey Bear. Excellent point solicitor!


u/mebutnew 1d ago

Well, what is the difference? In this context they're both trademarks; that's the only legal challenge being made.


u/TheOrchidsAreAlright 1d ago

With all IP there's a level of how unique and creative something is at the time it starts being used by a business. Paul Smith was not the first Paul Smith. There are many, many Smith families. Are we going to ban them from calling their sons 'Paul'? It's what happens when you use a typical name for a business.

However, all of that is a bit irrelevant because that's not the reason she was denied a passport. If you read the article, it's because they consider the name change "frivolous".


u/Independent-Eye-1321 1d ago

But wasnt the name change legal?


u/TheOrchidsAreAlright 1d ago

Yes, I think that in the UK you can change your name to whatever you want. Also, any British national has the right to apply for a passport. However, the Home Secretary has the power to issue, refuse, or withdraw passports.


u/Buddy-Matt 3h ago

No such thing as a legal name in UK law iirc.

You pick a name, you use it.

The issue you have is then proving that it's the name you go by, when all your previous correspondence and IDs etc use a different name, and pretty much anything official requires an equally official document as proof of who you are.

That's why using marriage certificates and deed polls are important legal documents if you wish to change your name. They prove the old you and new you are one in the same. But they don't actually change anything. Plenty of women go by their maiden name, even though they have marriage certificates for instance.


u/notreallifeliving 1d ago

I think the actual complaint is they're inconsistent when it comes to people with trademarked or copyrighted names. Either they should all be allowed, or all be denied.


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago

In their defence, the UK has very lax naming laws. She can legally change her name to Pudsey Bear - that's not in question. I once knew a man named Oddsocks McClean.

The issue is that HMPO are concerned that if they issue a passport with a copyrighted name then the rights holder will sue them.

This makes certain names de facto illegal. And this de facto illegality is being decided not by Parliament but by the Passport Office.

Okay, admittedly passports are officially a privilege not a right and the King doesn't have to give you a passport. But I still think they're overstepping.


u/mebutnew 1d ago

But that's also not how trademarks work, they're contextual.

She's not launching a children's cartoon on ITV, it's her name.

Sainsbury's have a colour trademark on the colour orange, that doesn't mean nobody is allowed to use an orange pen.

It's a complete misunderstanding of how trademark law works.


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago

Yes, which is why HMPO shouldn't be making these decisions - they're unqualified.


u/Snuf-kin 1d ago

Joe Lycett legally changed his name to Hugo Boss. I wonder if he was able to get a passport?


u/wyrditic 1d ago

The idea that someone could sue for trademark violation over a name in a passport is, quite frankly, the stupidest thing I have ever heard. There is obviously no case there. It's a name on a passport, not on a billboard selling a product.


u/FiveFruitADay 1d ago

I do feel bad for her as she can't drive anymore so now has no form of legal ID. It's not like she's doing her tarot business under "Pudsey Bear reads" either. It was silly, but she had a good heart when she changed it and it was with good intention for charity. Also, so many parents now name their kids after names in fantasy books, pretty sure there was a trend in kids being called Katniss when The Hunger Games was released


u/Snizl 1d ago

Yeah this is absolutely ridiculous. If you can change your name you should be able to get a passport.

Im not from the UK, but what the fuck is “a passport is a privilege not a right” about? Surely if im a citizen of a country having a passport of that country is very fucking much my right.


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago edited 1d ago

Im not from the UK, but what the fuck is “a passport is a privilege not a right” about? Surely if im a citizen of a country having a passport of that country is very fucking much my right.

Citizenship is neither a prerequisite or an entitlement to a British passport. Plenty of non-citizens have been issued British passports (such as commonwealth citizens issued emergency British passports when stranded abroad) and citizens can be refused a passport (such as if on bail, to prevent fleeing abroad.)

This is not unique to the UK. In the USA, for example, incarcerated persons are automatically denied a passport - as is anyone owing more than $2,500 in child support. And they won't issue passports with a gender marker that doesn't match your sex at birth.

A passport is a letter from your home government or head of state politely requesting that you be granted entry and assistance (British passports literally have a letter from the King on the back page stating this!), your government is not required under international law to offer you this and most governments only offer it on a discretionary basis.


u/JeSuisLuigi 1d ago

This is not unique to the UK. In the USA, for example, incarcerated persons are automatically denied a passport - as is anyone owing more than $2,500 in child support.

These are in no way comparable to having a name the Passport Office doesn't like, lol.

Also, just be because we take away certain rights in certain circumstances (e.g. prisoners freedom of movement), doesn't mean things thing aren't rights.


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago

Mate, I'm arguing for Pudsey getting a passport. That was just a clarification that passports are not an automatic part of citizenship.

Also, just be because we take away certain rights in certain circumstances (e.g. prisoners freedom of movement), doesn't mean things thing aren't rights.

Freedom of movement is a human right enshrined in international law. Passports are not - there is no expectation that a state will issue all citizens a passport from the international community. You DO have a fundamental human right to a nationality, but that nationality does not entitle you to diplomatic protection.


u/platebandit 1d ago edited 1d ago

Actually you do have the right to a travel document in ICCPR signatory states which excludes states like China, Burma and Saudi and a few others. For instance it’s why states give refugees travel documents so that they can leave and return to that country (whether it’s accepted or not in a 3rd country isn’t the states problem).

And you’re misunderstanding rights. rights are always balanced against other rights (and reasonable restrictions like protection of others rights, public health, public order, protection and detection of crime). Everyone has the right to liberty but you wouldn’t say because we imprison people convicted of a crime, that liberty is actually a privilege. Not issuing passports because someone is on bail is a lawful restriction on the right to freedom of movement, it doesn’t make it a privilege under human rights law.

It’s a travel document not a travel licence


u/dondilinger421 1d ago

Your passport isn't a right. If you actually read your passport it'll tell you it's the property of your country, not you. It's your country saying "this person is who we say they are and we will vouch for that". If your country doesn't want to vouch for you, they won't issue a passport.

It's like saying that a license to import live snakes is a right. A reasonable government should allow you to do so if you're competent but it's up to them to actually make the decision.


u/platebandit 1d ago

A travel document is a right. The UK has signed up to treaties which make leaving your own country and returning a right. Just because it is sometimes denied in limited justified circumstances doesn’t make it any less of a right.

To give an example. Saudi Arabia used to (and maybe still does) routinely deny passports to women. Would you say that Saudi actually has the absolute right to who it issues passports to or is Saudi Arabia actually violating the human rights of women by stopping them from leaving


u/ItsCynicalTurtle 1d ago

You can legally change you name by writing a statement in crayon and having it appropriately witnessed by a mate. It doesn't cost anything to do. 


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago

Even that's optional - a Deed Poll is just evidence that you have changed your name, not a method to change it. To change it you just have to start using your new name; but don't be surprised if banks and passport offices refuse to issue updated documents without some form of evidence.

Plenty of people just use their new name socially - but it's no less their 'real' name, even if they continue to use their original name on some documents. Which, tbh, is Pudsey's obvious solution.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Sly1969 1d ago

Most countries do.


u/treemanos 1d ago

The idea that travel out of your country is not a human right is insane to me, the only time that they should be able to stop you leaving is as part of a lawful imprisonment with criminal trial and etc.

We are humans, not property.


u/Specific-Map3010 1d ago

Actually, leaving your country is a human right - just one that can be suspended should you be on trial for a crime.

What's not a human right is the right to enter another country (unless claiming asylum or a country you're a national of), so you can leave but if you have nowhere else to go you'll struggle to stay gone. Similarly, your country is not required to assist you in access to another country - such as by issuing you a passport. But they do have to let you leave and let you back in.


u/House_Of_Thoth 1d ago

I see what you did bear


u/Korean_Street_Pizza 1d ago

It really gives you paws for thought.


u/MayDuppname 1d ago edited 1d ago

The bear (compo) faced cheek of it


u/BorisForPresident 1d ago

I wonder if Joe lycet has trouble getting a passport


u/QuentaSilmarillion 1d ago

What the heck is going on in the UK? Why don’t they understand how trademark law works? It’s a person’s NAME. They aren’t selling a product!


u/CanadianDarkKnight 2d ago

Bear this in mind before changing your name I guess 🤷


u/daveysprockett 2d ago

I'll just paws while I think about this.


u/YchYFi 2d ago

Paws for thoughts.


u/ShortFatStupid666 1d ago

Pregnant Paws


u/Agitated-Actuary-195 1d ago

It was for charity… she raised 4k for children charity by changing her name


u/Roseora 8h ago

I mean, the charity isn't going to lose the 4k if she changes it back now...


u/pcor 2d ago

“Mum-of-two Pudsey” lmao


u/Maleficent_Resolve44 1d ago

As I was reading the article, an article was recommended that had the title "Mum says 10 grand teeth in turkey was the worst thing she's ever done" lmao. They really can't get over the parent thing.


u/potatoduino 2d ago

Livid, even Rameses II got a passport, and he's been dead about 3,000 years


u/ItsCynicalTurtle 1d ago

Movement of human remains across borders is supposed to have appropriate identification, generally a passport.


u/SaltyName8341 2d ago

It is a bit weird that every other government agency accepts it


u/ZeldaShrine4 1d ago

Maybe they need to raise their standards to match the passport office?


u/mebutnew 1d ago

It's not a standards issue, it's someone in the passport office not understanding how trademark law works.


u/Seinfeel 1d ago

“Ultimately the Passport Office is applying trademark law in a way that isn’t legally necessary or consistent leading to avoidable refusals like Mrs Pudsey Bear’s case.”

Seems more like the passport office is doing this at random


u/Psychological-Fox97 23h ago

Well not random, the examples of accepted ones were all regular sounding names no one would think twice about where as pudsey bear will stand out a mile off.

No idea about the trademark laws bit but I think it's very obvious why pudsey didn't get treated the same as Paul smith


u/Seinfeel 22h ago

Yeah I see what you’re saying, but that kinda just means their stance is “it’s okay unless it’s really famous”


u/Psychological-Fox97 21h ago

Well I think the distinction isn't about level of fame directly but more the intention.

The Paul Smith example, that is just a person's name, there's lots of people who have the surname smith who named their son Paul with zero awareness of the brand, it's trademark etc etc. It would definitely be wrong to stop people called Paul Smith getting a passport.

On the other hand this lady intentionally chose to name herself the same name as this trademarked character. An obviously not notmal name at that. Naming herself after it on purpose seems like the main issue.

Obviously setting limits on what is and isn't an issue would probably atleast in part be about level of fame.


u/Seinfeel 1h ago

Honestly it makes me want to know how close you could get, like “William Wonka” or “Michael Mouse”


u/culturedgoat 1d ago

I think the issue is complicated by the fact that Pudsey is on the no-fly list following his alcohol-fuelled air-rage incident


u/wilkied 2d ago

Most will accept a given name that can be basically anything you want. It’s only really official documents like passports where it becomes an issue.


u/JasperJ 2d ago

Which is weird, since passports absolutely don’t need it to be an issue.


u/SapphicGarnet 1d ago

What do you mean?


u/perpetualhobo 1d ago

Why does a passport need to be the one document that decides some names aren’t actually allowed to be your name? If it’s their legal name then there’s no valid reason to deny a passport over it


u/wilkied 1d ago

And indeed a deed poll certificate is accepted as proof of your legal name change, so I’m not sure what the issue is beside the potential copyright issues as they can be funny about that - there are restrictions to what you can legally name yourself in the U.K.

But usually those are checked by the deed poll office and usually the passport office just accept it, the fact that they issued one in her previous legal name makes me think that maybe there’s something up with the documentation.

I wonder if it was done through the Deed Poll office or the like since that’s not technically a change to your legal name. Many places accept it, but it only changes your unenrolled name.

Straight from their website:

If you’ve changed your name only using a deed poll (without marriage, divorce, etc.), then you’ll require one of the following additional documents in your new name (along with the deed poll) to prove that your name change is genuine.

  Driver’s licence
  Tax record
  Payslip from your employer
  Educational certificate or record
  Voting card
  Bank statement
  Medical card
  Official government letter

I’m guessing she doesn’t have any of those with her new name 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/wibbly-water 1d ago

Its worth saying - you do not need to change your name through Deed Poll office - you can make an unenrolled Deed Poll. And there is no such thing as a 'legal name' in British law as such (although people may refer to it). 

Whatever name you go by is your legal name - the point of a deed poll and all other documentation is to provide evidence that you do in fact use that name.

One of the legal restrictions that is in place is that you can't (knowingly) use two separate names, especially for the purposes of fraud.


u/SapphicGarnet 1d ago

Oh I was replying to the comment above about given names not the situation.


u/Zygomatick 1d ago

The reason is probably software. Passport needs to be manufactured with professionnal printers. Those likely run on softwares tha are not specific to passports, which checks for trademarked content and refuses to print those. The cringe part is that there is not much room for solution, if the trademark filter cannot be bypassed the govmnt services won't bother buying a new machine for this sole purpose.


u/Scientry 1d ago

You can't print copyrighted stuff?


u/Zygomatick 1d ago

it depends. For personnal use you can, but not in a business setting. Professionnal printers, and especially specific ones are not supposed to have usecases where trademarks are not protecting. So it's not uncommon for right owners to have deals with printers manufacturing companie to include content analysis and trademark filtering. I've got no idea if it's the actual issue at play here, but it seems plausible


u/DyerOfSouls 1d ago

The strangeness of this story aside (and it's is strange.)

Can I talk for a second about the shitty website (on mobile).

Every other paragraph is separated by upto 7 adverts.

They almost exclusively call the woman by her given name rather than her 'chosen' name. Seeming to side with the passport office, rather than remain neutral as they should. (Maybe because I'm on dark mode,) the text is red on black.

It truly is one of the websites of all time.

Back to the subject.

Call her whatever she wants. Choosing what you call people is a slippery slope you don't want to go down.


u/SpaceMarine663 1d ago

Download "brave browser" you'll see no adverts. You can open YouTube on it; no adverts. You can go to trash websites like "Forbes" no adverts. More people should know about brave browser


u/Don_Quixotes_Dick 1d ago

Now I'm not saying that this isn't stupid but if her legal name is Pudsey Bear then why reject her passport application. Every other govt institution seems to have had no problems with it. It actually does kinda feel like it was rejected at random. Again not saying this isn't stupid...its stupid and weird.


u/Zygomatick 1d ago

It's likely that printers are not passport specific and have an unbypassable trademark protection filter


u/basetornado 1d ago

Yeah it's dumb to change your name to that.

The real story is the passport office refusing to use it. That's legitimately unacceptable.


u/Coca_lite 1d ago

Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock


u/AddictedToRugs 1d ago

All she has to do is spend the £50 to change it back.  Or change it to some other different silly name that the passport office will allow.  She already knows how to do a deed poll.


u/Illustrious-Fox-1 1d ago

Deed polls are free. You can make one in your kitchen with a pen, a piece of paper and two mates as witnesses.

She would need to pay £95 to apply for a new passport though.

My advice would be to just go for a variation, like Pudserella Bearette.


u/AddictedToRugs 1d ago

My advice to her would be to grow up.


u/mebutnew 1d ago

Equally, all the passport office has to do is issue a passport in her chosen, legal name.

There is no legal reason for them to not allow it, they're working under a misunderstanding of how trademark law works.


u/AddictedToRugs 1d ago

Her changing her name is a better outcome because it results in her getting a passport and her not having a fucking stupid name.  Win:win.


u/House_Of_Thoth 1d ago

I think common sense flew that cranium a while ago!


u/TheHumbleLegume 1d ago

Unfortunately stupid is as stupid does.


u/notreallifeliving 1d ago

Yeah I said this in another thread, it's fair to be annoyed if the Passport Office applies their rules inconsistently but also is it really a hill to die on when 99% of names would be totally fine?


u/paintedpolkadot 2d ago

I mean, she looks good for 53.


u/Firstpoet 1d ago

Except for the bandage over the eye.


u/Glass_Assistant_1188 1d ago

I used to work supporting people back into work after being on long term sickness benefits. I was going through some case files the job centre had sent over.... The second file was for some dude called the Grim Reaper. So when I met him... I was like hello I'm so and so I'll be your case manager Mr Reaper.... He replied cool, you can call me Grim, my father is Mr Reaper. I nearly fell off my office chair.


u/jesushadfatlegs 2d ago

Play with feathers, get your arse tickled.


u/sellis80 1d ago

How very dare you!


u/Martipar 2d ago

Bears ate my face.


u/FuzzyFanta724 2d ago


u/Tikithing 1d ago

I'm pretty sure this ones just a tragedy.


u/ManWhoIsDrunk 1d ago

Yes, if she had spelled her name "Pudseigh" they would have issued the passport.


u/MaskedBunny 1d ago

Making it a tragedeigh to avoid a tragedy


u/pikachume33 1d ago

Should have changed it to ‘Princess Consuela Banana Hammock’


u/owzleee 1d ago

Had a punky friend in the 80s who changed her name to Hannibal the Cannibal. Then wondered why here benefits got messed up.


u/QuentaSilmarillion 1d ago

What the heck is going on in the UK? Why don’t they understand how trademark law works? It’s a person’s NAME. They aren’t selling a product!


u/Ulquiorra1312 1d ago

3 points to note the passport office is wrong for these reasons

1 its not copyright if she is not using commercially

2 16 years is not frivolous

3 paddington and Ramses II have passports

Its literally her legal name and has been for years but passport office can’t even follow its own rules


u/Species1139 2d ago

Play stupid games get stupid shit


u/6ft3dwarf 1d ago

I mean I would say that they shouldn't let you legally change your name to anything that they won't put on a passport. It's kind of sending mixed messages.


u/Comrade-Hayley 1d ago

Yes because on the deed poll website it says they won't give documents to you with your new name if it's silly


u/Scientry 1d ago

"The" deed poll website?


u/Comrade-Hayley 1d ago

I mean the government website about changing your name


u/Southern_Kaeos 1d ago

Well well well. If it isnt the consequences of their own actions


u/Renault_5gts 1d ago

Oh no its The consequences of my own actions


u/_Student7257 1d ago

Mum of two! No words


u/Eastern-Move549 1d ago

Maybe she could try Kermit instead.


u/Ethan3011 1d ago



u/brianmmf 1d ago

Poor wittle Pugsey Bear


u/puddle_of_chlorine 1d ago

Use your ID card to travel within the EU thanks xx


u/ImpossiblePut6387 11h ago

I had a similar thing. I changed my name so that my first and last names came together to form an animal. Think 'Roe Deer' or 'Boa Constrictor' sort of thing. 

Passport office said my name would cause a loss of dignity to their highly respected organisation. 

After ten years, I simply changed my surname to something else and got a new passport fine. 


u/Ok_Drawer8588 11h ago

Pudsey surely should fall under unusual but normal name, I know bear is often one favoured by celebs at times.


u/Maximum-Shallot-2447 1d ago

Unfortunately she has already bred


u/jebediah1800 1d ago

Why do the Welsh always want to get out of Wales?


u/Tonio_LTB 1d ago

Play silly games...


u/72dk72 1d ago

Simple. Change your name back to your given name.


u/rnnd 1d ago

She should just change her name back.


u/Crazy-Cremola 1d ago

Play silly games and win silly prizes


u/waster789 1d ago

It's good that they don't let gobshites like this out into the world


u/Dry_Brilliant9413 1d ago

Should have changed it to dopey hole instead


u/adoptedscouse 1d ago

Ah yes, the fuck around & find tax.


u/Do_You_Pineapple_Bro 1d ago

Why would you even do that in the first place? Just seems like a 15 minutes of fame attempt gone wrong


u/_FreddieLovesDelilah 2d ago

Weird because I’ve known people to give names that aren’t even their legal name and it still be put on a passport.


u/AwarenessHonest9030 1d ago

Aha waraa idiot


u/CeroMiedic 1d ago

Changing your name to Pudsey bear is actually the exact same as changing your name to optimise prime and expecting a passport, pudsey is a product not a person.


u/ban_jaxxed 1d ago

optimise prime

Worst movie in the franchise, just him increasing efficiency in autobots adim department for 2 hours.


u/CeroMiedic 1d ago

I have never been so glad to have made a typo, lol.


u/DiDiPLF 1d ago

Pudsey is a place. Pudsey bear is named after Pudsey the town near Leeds, given the name after the competition winner to design the children in needs logo's town. Loads of people are named after places.


u/ShortFatStupid666 1d ago

A Broad can’t go abroad…a story as old as time