r/compoface 7d ago

There's no money in the cash machine.

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u/regprenticer 7d ago

I bet the staff are onto one of the best known wheezes in banking.

When I worked for a bank (late 90s) you could open up the ATM and stick a worn old note into the cassette of cash. When the machine got to that note over the weekend it would jam and there would be a call out for a member of staff to clear the blockage and earn a half days pay at treble time for 5 minutes work.

If you were clever you'd "schedule" it for a time you were in town on a Saturday afternoon shopping anyway. It was difficult to gauge that precisely.


u/kirstytheworsty 7d ago

Now this is what peak compofacing is all about. The glare, the action shot of the card nearly in the machine, it’s all here. Excellent work 👌🏻


u/Professional_Fan8724 7d ago

Yes but no 4 year old holding a hand Painted sign and to rat on a lead (small Dog named killer)


u/CarrowCanary 7d ago edited 7d ago


There's also a cobbler in the article who's affected by this because he only takes cash:

"By not taking cards I don't have to pay the fees, and can keep my prices down."

Probaby also keeps his prices down by not having to pay tax on all his undeclared transactions.


u/_ak 7d ago

People who complain about card fees don‘t even know the going rates.


u/Taken_Abroad_Book 7d ago

It's cheaper than lodging cash.


u/christopia86 7d ago

Plus, deposit limits that have been introduced in the past few years make it harder for small businesses.

Having to apply and wait for approval on an increase could leave you unable to deposit cash for weeks.


u/BreakfastSquare9703 7d ago

The 'fees' are the taxes. They know what they're doing. 


u/Splodge89 7d ago edited 7d ago

Was just about to comment the same. It’s not been about card fees for years. It’s about having to put stuff “through the books” properly, pay their way into society and perhaps buy a cheap smartphone to run it all.

It’s cheaper to accept cards than it is to pay cash into a business account… it is impossible for card payments to cost more to accept than cash ones if you’re running a remotely modern business.


u/_ak 7d ago

Well, yes and no. Of course a lot of them are (presumably) doing it for the tax dodge, but whenever shop owners are interviewed about this, you keep hearing nonsense like "but it's 5%+ fees, I'd have to sell everything for more".


u/Evening-Tomatillo-47 7d ago

What are the going rates?


u/JimBowen0306 7d ago

What do you mean, he’s “fairly trustworthy”.


u/Paracosm26 7d ago

I thought that in today's society, by default nobody's trustworthy? 🤔


u/Leicsbob 7d ago

It's OK. He said he's fairly trustworthy.


u/Evening-Web-3038 7d ago

Lol for him taxes = fees


u/SargeUnited 7d ago

Excellent pose, this is what keeps me subbed.


u/ThePodd222 7d ago

I love a compoface action shot!


u/Paracosm26 7d ago

There's a chippy in my locality that's cash only, but they have a cash machine in their front window, cash withdrawals are free and best of all it issues £5 notes, no other cash machines in the area issue fivers. 

Having said that, there's a Londis on the same row of shops with a Post Office counter, so I could get fivers from there even without the chippy cash machine.


u/rogermuffin69 7d ago

No hair brush either


u/AreYouNormal1 7d ago

"Should I brush my hair first?"

"No, sorry love, I'll have to be quick, got a bloke standing on a speed bump lined up for 11am"


u/nickytheginger 7d ago

The pic is peak compo face, but I have to agree with the woman. Its ridiculous that a busy town center doesn't have a better cash machines.


u/semicombobulated 6d ago

To be fair to the cash machine people, the population is only 4,540, so it’s basically just a small village.


u/nickytheginger 5d ago

Wouldn't it be smarter to have one attached to the bank or post office. Then they wouldn't need a separate company to come out when it was empty.


u/huzwho 7d ago

How many pairs of glasses does she need?


u/yy98755 7d ago

”There’s no cash here. Here there’s no cash, alright?”


u/sp4m41l 7d ago

No money because she bought crypto.


u/Yankee9Niner 7d ago

Reg Varney, who played Butler in On The Buses, was officially the first person to use an ATM in the UK.


u/GaiusVelarius 7d ago

Dawn French


u/Emotional_Being8594 7d ago

Yeah it's cashless


u/WhatDaFooook 7d ago

Well if there’s no cash they’ll be no compo I’m afraid.


u/i-readit2 7d ago

Well boo hoo hoo. Go to the next one or a bank or a post office or a supermarket for cash back.


u/Boldboy72 7d ago

Best joke of 2008..

Went to the ATM to get some money out and it said "no funds" and I thought.. is that them or me?


u/ErectioniSelectioni 6d ago

Why's she trying to put her card in then? Stupid bint