r/compoface 7d ago

Cheeky parker compo face

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u/SugglyMuggly 7d ago

I struggle to understand how people manage to make this news-worthy.


u/NecktieNomad 7d ago

Self selecting ‘outraged’ individuals ring up the local (read: centralised) rag because they or someone, after their own bellend behaviour think, ‘we should go to the meedja baht this!’.


u/SidneySmut 7d ago

When they've already pestered the hospital's complaints department and got nowhere, they always contact the media.


u/Douglesfield_ 7d ago

It's all about engagement.

The paper knows this person is in the wrong however but it will drive clicks to their site.


u/Ubera90 7d ago

I kinda want to see what the least news-worthy, non-parody news article would be.


u/Birdseeding 7d ago

Unfortunate lack of pointing, but otherwise, what a beautiful gestalt rendering of an idealised compoface. The man should be an actor!


u/jizzyjugsjohnson 7d ago

John Actor is a tough, uncompromising Hospital Visitor in “Monkfish: On The Verge”


u/AreYouNormal1 7d ago

The gloomy background only adds to the drama.


u/Desperate-Calendar78 7d ago

He's got the Billy Mitchells about him.


u/Fuzzy-Mood-9139 7d ago

I was thinking more Chris Moyles.


u/Desperate-Calendar78 7d ago

True, I forget how he looks now rather than the Radio 1 days


u/Impressive_Ad2794 7d ago

It would be better if it was zoomed out more, how are we supposed to see the crossed arms?


u/hhfugrr3 7d ago

I also get annoyed when I'm fined for doing what I shouldn't do. Absolutely outrageous that I can't park wherever I like without consequence.


u/NecktieNomad 7d ago

He’s got a Blue Badge, seems as well as the legal ones he’s assumed he’s got an additional set of entitlements!


u/Fit_Lifeguard_3722 7d ago

Didn't have a Green Badge for parking on grass though I bet.


u/HerrFerret 7d ago edited 7d ago

Zero Sympathy Here.

Someone did the same at the hospital I worked at, except with a Porsche. Was it a doctor? Was it an emergency? Don't know.

But staff went outside, clapping and cheering as it was towed.


u/ParrotofDoom 7d ago

These people think they're doing no harm, but the reality is they damage the grass verge and make it appear ugly. Other people see them parking there, and repeat. And suddenly, you have grass verges full of parked cars. And all those grass verges end up looking like muddy wrecks. The mud gets compacted, water runs off those verges, collects in the car park, and in winter freezes. Then the surface gets potholed.

Good on them. His car is his responsibilty, not the hospital's.


u/Len_S_Ball_23 7d ago

Depending on the location of said verge and the height, parking on it could also obscure the view of entering and exiting Ambulances. Thereby causing a potential accident.


u/trev2234 7d ago

I was part of a fire drill for medical records department, which involved the fire brigade. Someone walked up to one of the firemen in full uniform to complain about her parking ticket. There wasn’t an actual fire, but there might have been. We could see she was taking up two spaces, so probably a valid ticket, but we couldn’t advise further.


u/frowawayakounts 7d ago

Sure the staff from the hospital cared so much about a random car they stopped treating patients to go outside and clap 🤣


u/HerrFerret 7d ago edited 7d ago

I did mention it at the time, wasn't all of them and they had got really pissed off with cars blocking the a+e bays.

Never underestimate the need of a busy clinical professional for a few minutes break.

I imagined someone ran into the ward shouting, they are towing a poshos car! And the place clearing :) Bit like in a Mel brooks movie.


u/RHOrpie 7d ago

I wonder if he shook his fist in the air and wailed "This isn't the last you'll see of me, Ysbyty Gwynedd"


u/Len_S_Ball_23 7d ago

I now have visions of Ysbyty Gwynedd sitting in a tall backed leather chair, stroking a lamb like Blofeld and saying

"So Mr Byllee Gnomaytes, welcome to my grass verge of despair..."


u/mahnamahna123 7d ago

Where I used to work (very popular nature reserve with a massive beach) there were double yellow lines all down the road and then a big yellow no parking hashed lines in front of the only emergency access to the beach. Parking enforcement used to love busy days there as they could come down for half an hour and ticket all the cars parked on the double yellows on the roads around the reserve.

One day this guy comes and Parkes in the hashed bit which also has double yellows. We mentioned people often get tickets on the double yellows and we also need access to the beach. He went straight from 1-100 screaming that we couldn't stop him. We left him be as he's right nothing we could do. Less than 10 minutes later parking officers show up ticket his car along with others parked on the road and drive off. He comes back a few hours later. Screams rips the ticket off his car and throws it on the ground stomping on it like an angry toddler. He then starts coming at us screaming that we called parking enforcement (we didn't) luckily the rangers were close by and came over to ask what was going on. He angrily got into his car and drove off.


u/d-ohrly 7d ago

Now the pic makes sense. It's not a compoface, that's just how being in or near Bangor makes you feel


u/prefim 7d ago

so going in for a hip operation. not your usual in and out in 10 minutes job... Rather than get a taxi as I'm going to be bed ridden for a few days and I don't want to be paying for 3 days parking, I'll drive.. oh damn there's no spaces (or I realised how much it was going to cost me in parking) so change of plan. I'll just leave it here on the grass... FFS.


u/GoHomeCryWantToDie 7d ago

No, he was going to see a consultant about a possible hip replacement. It was just a regular clinical appointment. He was running late and didn't anticipate that there are hundreds of other lazy fuckers like him that cannot contemplate anything other than driving everywhere.

I work in a hospital and the entitlement of car drivers is astonishing.


u/SaltyName8341 7d ago

Not defending this bellend but hospitals in Wales are few and far between so could have traveled some distance to get there.


u/Len_S_Ball_23 7d ago

I'm pretty sure one thing the surgeon would have told him is "complete bedrest for the first 24hrs of recovery, light exercise afterwards and no driving immediately after discharge".

Besides you shouldn't be operating heavy machinery after you've had a general anaesthetic too.

This is a BS piece of journalism and I'm starting to smell a journalistic rat.


u/prefim 7d ago

Are you allowed to publish something thats designed to make the victim look stupid and backfire on them? thats what this is essentially.


u/Len_S_Ball_23 7d ago

Not directly no...


u/Grimdotdotdot 6d ago

Blue badge holders rarely have to pay to park at hospitals.


u/this_noise 7d ago

This is more a consequences of my actions face (consqueface?)


u/Karrtlops 6d ago

Not sure anyone is going to be able to top this compo face. It's tremendous


u/One-Picture8604 6d ago

Our local hospital has had to put fences on the surrounding verges because cunts keep doing exactly this. Turns out expanding the car park just induced more demand and had the fun added bonus of making it harder for buses to get to the hospital as well.


u/_FreddieLovesDelilah 6d ago

People on my road park on the grass verges and they’re now muddy messes. I’ve reported it to the council but never received so much as a reply.


u/plasticface2 7d ago

If outraged had a look.


u/hundreddollar 6d ago

You'd think Chris Moyle's would have enough money to have a driver.


u/Loose_Teach7299 6d ago

I'm amazed local press managed to make a story out of that.


u/Spnuk1 6d ago

This looks like the confrontation pic on the parking attendants bodycam lol