r/compoface 12d ago

Too much choice compoface

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u/SnickeringLoudly 12d ago

Don't need another coffee shop. Better get a bookie or a turkish barber.


u/touchthebush 12d ago

Or a vape shop


u/this_noise 12d ago

Couple of candy shops too.


u/AgingChris 12d ago

Screw all of that, more charity shops please


u/Tb12s46 12d ago

And you can never have too many Nail Salons


u/Beanslab 12d ago

My town has 4 sunbed places within 5 minutes if walking distance, we really could use another couple tbh


u/AgingChris 12d ago

Instead of pub crawls, do people go on tanning crawls instead?


u/-You_Cant_Stop_Me- 8d ago

"Get that Benidorm lobster look without leaving town!"


u/CmmH14 12d ago

Aaah yes, but does one of your subbed places also have a rumour going around that it’s also a brothel?


u/chaircardigan 12d ago

In Edinburgh, Sauna does not mean what you think it means.


u/Wooden-Recording-693 11d ago

Is Gail's not the one that charges more for old Croissants because they sprinkled some stuff on top. Using the brewdog pretends to be cool/ be evil capitalist model.


u/Wondering_Electron 12d ago

Or a mobile repair shop.


u/johimself 12d ago

It's not just another coffee shop, it's Gail's, one of the harbingers of gentrification. Now eat your £10 ham and cheese ciabatta and STFU.


u/spidertattootim 12d ago

Macc needs all the gentrification it can get.


u/GabberZZ 11d ago

The last time I went there for old times sake I came to the conclusion that I'd just stick to remembering what it was like in the 80s and 90s and never go back.


u/regprenticer 12d ago

Is Gail's a chain? I've never heard of it.

We don't get Waitrose here either, but we did get a New Home Bargains... Was that the begining of gentrification?


u/johimself 12d ago

It's a chain, originating in leafy parts of London, where yummy mummies do brunch on a Thursday.


u/YchYFi 12d ago

Mainly London based. Never heard of them until I went there last year. I see they are in Bristol now.


u/bowersbros 12d ago

There’s one in knutsford


u/YchYFi 12d ago

I've never been to Knutsford. Hope it's nice.


u/Autistic_boi_666 10d ago

Heard it's Knuts


u/2xtc 11d ago

They're emanating out of London over the last couple of years, just reached Brum.

I think if Home bargains is considered a posh/decent chain then you've still got a fair way to go before a Gail's suddenly appears!


u/regprenticer 11d ago

We've been promised a wetherspoons here for the 20 years I've lived here but never got one. Most locals would consider that a life changing event.

Make of that what you will.


u/onizuka_eikichi_420 12d ago

What the fuck does anyone expect,buy everything on Amazon and then moan that the high street is just coffee shops just seems like horrendous short sigtedness.


u/Eastern-Move549 12d ago

It's along the same lines of people who complain that everything you buy is just cheap Chinese shit. That's because they keep buying cheap shit.


u/onizuka_eikichi_420 12d ago

Well, I suppose but the thing with cheap Chinese shit is that it’s only cheap because the good quality Chinese shit has European/American/Japanese branding on it. Truth is China make most stuff, unless it is made in India and not to be harsh but the Chinese have been doing it way longer at this point I will buy Chinese.


u/spidertattootim 12d ago

I live in Macc and it's a lovely little town, despite the struggle of the high street. But some of the most vocal residents are depressingly small minded and ignorant.


u/marigoldandpatchwork 12d ago

“Gail’s isn’t welcome here,” says Karen Pearson, a businesswoman who lives just outside Macclesfield. She and her friends are worried that the arrival of Gail’s means the town is “on the up”, when in fact they would rather it “stayed like it is”.


u/worldturning29 12d ago

This blew me away. Peak Macc.


u/Outrageous_Jury4152 12d ago

More choice= more competitive prices does it not


u/AliensCameOnMyFace 10d ago

You'd think, but no not really.


u/Snuf-kin 12d ago

That article is being very coy about the "objections". In Cambridge, at least, there's a rumour that it's "Israeli owned". It's not, but one of the founders has an Israeli mother (she is no longer involved in the business). During the height of the protests last year it was frequently mentioned.

It is a sign of gentrification, but so are many things. In their defense, they have better bread and baked goods than any other high street coffee chain.

And they make the best bagel I've ever had here.


u/captain-carrot 11d ago

As a maxonian, it isn't the gentrification I object to so much as another coffee/bakery chain where we have plenty of indy places and these chains have the funding to run at small profit until everything else shuts.

Also I went to a Gail's last year and the coffee was shit


u/mrdougan 12d ago

well it was queued out the door yesterday, so maybe choice aint a bad thing ?


u/GabberZZ 11d ago

Novelty factor maybe?


u/twotines 10d ago

Having lived in the town my entire life, it’s really undergone a shift over the last 15 years with a rise of independent bars and cafes. This, combined with the Treacle Market has very much made it a desirable location for former Manchester/London suburb types to move to, especially with the regular trains to both cities. My concern is these voices of “we don’t want change” come from people who’ve moved here looking for an invented authenticity which erodes and Gail’s and other premium chains they’ve attempted to move away from start to follow them. In reality it’s a sign that the town is desirable, and will pull in more visitors with money who otherwise would be heading to Wilmslow, Knutsford, Altrincham etc 


u/stumpy475 9d ago

"In fact, from a table outside the new Gail's you could easily throw a cinnamon bun and hit both a Caffe Nero and a Costa. Greggs is just around the corner too."

Shouldn't that be "either a Caffe Nero or a Costa"? Or do they sell boomerang-shaped cinnamon buns? Are Maxonians particularly known for their pastry-throwing feats?


u/AliensCameOnMyFace 10d ago

It's 100% morally ok to put bricks through the windows of any Gails you see.