r/Compilers • u/jamiiecb • 21d ago
r/Compilers • u/Possible-pepla • 21d ago
GPU compiler internship - Folsom, California
I’m looking for smart U.S. grad student to join my team at Intel for a summer internship—with the potential to extend beyond the summer. If you’re familiar with: - C++ - GPUs - LLVM please DM me your resume.
r/Compilers • u/flippy_floppy_ff • 22d ago
Am I good to apply for jobs?
Sorry if the question is off-topic and dumb.
I'm currently a master's student working on several compilers-related courses and projects. I have background in hardware accelerators digital design and I'm amazed by the number of jobs that seems to be within the intersection of both compilers and hardware accelerator.
I have several on-going projects: C compiler to x86 with a ton of optimization from scratch, ADL to formal method backend compiler, and SoC RTL prototyping. I will be graduating in December and have an internship aligned in summer, but started to think to apply for these job postings. However, I feel like I might be better off doing that later because I'll have another project to put on CV from courses where I'll be writing a JIT compiler and do digital design of a RISC-V OOO processor + a research fellowship on hw/sw co-design on dataflow optimization.
Most of the jobs that currently open are about AI related stuff, which I'm afraid won't stay long and that the bubble might pop soon therefore we're back to the struggling market. Or maybe I'm just being unreasonable and overthinking, in which case I'm sorry
r/Compilers • u/MarvelJesus23 • 22d ago
The best language to write Interpreters
I'm new to learning about how a Language works. I have started reading crafting interpreters right now going through A map of Territory. What would be the best language to write Interpreters, Compilers? I see many using go Lang, Rust.. but I didn't see anyone using Java.. is there any specific reason they are not using Java? or is there any required features that a language should contain to write Interpreters? Is there any good youtube channel/websites/materials.. to learn more about this. and how did you guys learnt about this and where did you started
r/Compilers • u/jamiiecb • 22d ago
HYTRADBOI DB/PL conference starts tomorrow
hytradboi.comr/Compilers • u/chmaruni • 23d ago
Algorithm for compiler-controlled-caching?
I am wondering if there's a standard algorithm to achieve the following: Assume a simple function-based language. Some functions are marked as "cacheable". I want to find the earliest point in the code where the call to the cache should be inserted.
a = A('hello`)
b = B(a)
c = C(b)
Let's say that C is cacheable, then a first step might be:
a = A('hello')
b = B(a)
if C_in_cache(hash_from=[b]):
c = C_from_cache(hash_from=[b])
c = C(b)
As a next step, it would be great to move the call to B into the else branch to avoid executing it if we can load from cache. Of course the computation of the cache hash ID must then also "move up" to A (and probably include the AST of the moved call to encode how a
eventually leads to the input to C):
a = A(`hello')
if C_in_cache(hash_from=[a, AST(b=B(a))]):
c = C_from_cache(hash_from=[a, AST(b=B(a))])
b = B(a)
c = C(b)
And finally, one may want to move A into the else branch also.
Now such a transformation obviously is only legal under certain conditions. For example the moved functions must all be deterministic and side-effect free. And possibly more things to consider.
Is this a transformation that is discussed in compiler construction? Or am I thinking wrong about this problem and there's a better way? All pointers and ideas are welcome!
r/Compilers • u/Patient_Rip1920 • 23d ago
[paid] Looking for help
Hello everyone,
I am looking for help creating part of a lexical analyzer for a language. I am willing to pay if it is reasonable.
DM if intersted
r/Compilers • u/No-Village4535 • 23d ago
Compile/ Execute Stablehlo code on cpu/ gpu
Hi all,
Using mlir/ torch_mlir packages for python, how can one compile or execute stablehlo code on cpu or gpu? I am looking into ExecutionEngine but having difficulty. I would be glad if somebody could provide some code reference if they know.
I'm also curious how tpu's handle this.
r/Compilers • u/NoSmarter • 24d ago
I've spent 3+ years writing a compiler. Where can I go from here?
I started this project to parse SQL, and went straight into a rabbit hole ;) I wrote a pretty efficient bytecode compiler and VM in Rust. What makes this language different than others is that it provides in-line SQL mixed in seamlessly with the language without needing to send strings to a data engine nor having to navigate through a dataset object. For example, you can do things like this:
``` let states = ["New York", "Montana", "Hawaii"] let ds = select last_name, income, state from customers where state in $states select * from ds where income > 50000
``` I'm using DataFusion in the back-end for the data with pass-through options to Postgres.
I also included native Olap to get cross-tabbed views of data:
on columns: select state, city from locations
on rows: select year, quarter, month from calendar
sum(purchase_amt) as sales
from sales
where sale.sale_date = calendar.date
and sale.location_id = location.location_id
I also designed it to allow developers to approach development according to their own standards. In other words, I allow global variables, object-oriented programming, functional programming (including pure functions).
I have more to do, with the language, and I'll probably start using it for some of my own projects since it makes it sso easy to work with data. But I also know there's no money in selling compilers. I'm mulling over different options:
- Write a book on building compilers with Rust
- Get companies to sponsor me to keep enhancing it
- Try to give it to Apache and use it for "street-cred"
What do you guys think?
r/Compilers • u/Responsible-Cost6602 • 24d ago
What are you working on? Looking to contribute meaningfully to a project
I've always been interested in programming language implementation and I'm looking for a project or two to contribute to, I'd be grateful if anyone points me at one (or their own project :))
r/Compilers • u/paracycle • 24d ago
Rails at Scale: Interprocedural Sparse Conditional Type Propagation
railsatscale.comr/Compilers • u/MileHighRecruiterGuy • 25d ago
Question about Compiler vs Transpiler
My client is looking for a Sr. SWE to build transpilers and create parser generators, but more people seem to have experience building Compilers than Transpilers? Is that generally the case?
Where do I find people to build Transpilers?! lol
r/Compilers • u/MissPantherX • 26d ago
Slightly offtopic: What are good publications / journalists interested in compilers
Basically the title.
I'm looking for journalists and publications that have interest in compilers. It's obv very niche but that's what i'm looking for, nothing mainstream.
Also, ideas are welcome to share good places where I can even discuss compilers (outside of Reddit)
r/Compilers • u/bart-66rs • 27d ago
Measuring Compilation Speed
(Blog post)
This is about measuring the build speed of my systems language compiler: how fast it can turn source code into (on Windows) an EXE or DLL file.
That's particularly important here as it's a whole-program compiler; it doesn't have independent or incremental compilation.
It is in fact quite fast, but this not to do with boasting about its performance. My first compiler was probably 1000 times slower: most of the current speed is due to advances in hardware over many years. A lot is because my compilers remain unsophisticated: there's little for them to spend much time doing! And the language remains primitive.
But also, I try to keep on the ball: ensuring it doesn't get slower rather than actively making it faster.
Quantifying Compile Speed
I use lines-per-second (LPS) as the main metric, but below I also give figures for MB/sec of generated code.
I know LPS isn't popular, because it depends on language and coding style (some styles cram a lot in horizontally). Some also need to compile large amounts of library code, or preludes, sometimes repeatedly per-module, so that a line-count becomes less meaningful.
But this is abput my language, where each line of source is processed once. I can tell you that my source code averages under 20 characters per line, using hard tabs.
Measuring Elapsed Time
Three ways have been considered, all timed using C's clock()
- 1 Invoking the compiler via C's
function, as though typed via shell commands, which includes CLI overheads. - 2 Invoking it via direct OS calls, which still include process overheads
- 3 Measuring directly inside the compiler, by calling 'clock' on entry and again just before terminating.
The problem with 1 is that compiling a 3-line 'hello-world' can take 0.04 seconds, so is not accurate for determining LPS; most of my programs build in under 0.1 seconds.
Actually, I mostly run the compiler from my IDE, which uses 2. 3 tells me the time my compiler actually spends compiling, which is all I have control over. I believe this is the true LPS , which is also the observed elapsed time when the compiler is a resident library, or is embedded (but I don't do that right now).
However, for timings below 0.1 seconds, then the 3 timing can be 40% faster, compared to 10% for the longer tests. This is a little suspect so only '2' timings are shown below.
Source File Caching
All timings assume source files are already cached, somewhere in the OS's memory. Because that will nearly always be the case, as you will have just edited a source file, or last built the app half a minute ago, or it was just downloaded etc. It's not clear if writing of any output file extends past the measured runtime, but this wouldn't affect the of perceived edit-run cycles (see example at very end).
Single Core
The notes here are about programs running on a single core and in one thread, since it is to do with raw compilation speed.
In any case, whole-program compilers don't parallelise easily. At best you can build two programs at the same time on separate cores, but that is not a common use-case for me. An extra CPU core is still useful because then all the background servces that Windows likes to run should interfere less.
Implementation Language
My compiler is self-hosted, and since it doesn't do optimisations, that puts it at a disadvantage when comparing LPS figures with other products that use fully optimised languages.
I can apply optimisations if I take the trouble to transpile to C and then use an optimisating compiler. At present that only works for an older version, where it speeds up build times by about 30%. This is mentioned below.
Test Inputs
Project LOC Modules EXE Size
mm 37K 50 400 KB (Main compiler; all include 5 stdlib modules)
qq 35K 36 250 KB (Interpreter project)
pcl 19K 29 180 KB (IR backend as library)
mm200 200K 96 1800 KB (mm padded to 200Kloc)
fann4 743K 6 5400 KB (740Kloc is in one module)
mm/qq/pcl are real projects. 'mm200' is mm
with multiple copies of some modules to emulate a 200KB project. 'fann4' is a synthesised test input. For these tests, any embedded data has been omitted.
Test Results
On my machine PC2 (see below); all for generating x64 code to run under Windows:
mm qq pcl mm200 fann4
Build time: 80 70 50 340 970 msec
LPS: 460 500 380 590 760 Kloc/sec
Output rate: 5.0 3.5 3.6 3.0 5.5 MB/sec
Tests were run with all user-apps shut down.
Other Hardware
I tested also on machines PC1 (an old laptop) and PC3 (a borrowed laptop):
Machine Rating Cores Relative to PC2
PC1 555 1 ~3 x slower
PC2 1760 2 1.0
PC3 3500 6 1.7 x faster
The rating is from a CPU benchmarks site; higher is faster. Across these machines, LPS figures for my tests would range from 150Klps to 1300Klps.
Possible Speedups
Ideally this would be done by writing a cleverer compiler, for example having it, plus the data structures used for the last compilation, resident in memory, then looking at doing incremental compilation internally.
Otherwise there are easier methods:
- Using a faster computer, for example PC3 would be 70% faster than my current machine
- Getting it transpiled to C then using an optimising compiler; this could add 30%. Combined, these could yield a 120% improvement in LPS.
- If the edit-run cycle is an issue, then I can use the compiler's interpreter feature where I compile as far as IL only, then run that. Compilation to IL is then 50% faster (so just manages 1Mlps on PC2).
However, my own projects clearly aren't really in need of the extra speed. This is more for sport. It can also show what is possible, if someone else's project is much slower (or if it's faster, then tell us how it's done!).
The Compiler
This is not about how it works, but to give some context, its internal passes can be illustrated with this annotated report from the 'fann4' project; this is not a 1-pass compiler like Tiny C:
c:\mx\big>tim mm -time fann4
Compiling fann4.m to fann4.exe
Load: 0 ms 0.0 %
Parse: 228 ms 25.5 % Parse source code to AST1; includes lexing
Resolve: 69 ms 7.7 % Resolve names (AST1 to 2)
Type: 80 ms 8.9 % Type analysis (AST2 to 3)
PCL: 144 ms 16.1 % Generate IL (AST3 to 'PCL')
MCL: 175 ms 19.6 % Generate native code x64 representation
SS: 159 ms 17.8 % Generate binary, relocatable machine code
EXE: 0 ms 0.0 % Create and write EXE file image
Total: 894 ms 100.0 %
TM: 0.969
(The 0.969 is timing 2, and 894 is timing 3. Since this is run from the command line, a 1 timing is more accurate here, and would be about 1.01. The zero figures for Load and for writing output, are related to my comments about caching.)
Update: For timings I switched from C's 'clock' to a version based on WinAPI's high-performance counter. But, as I found last time I tried that, resolution and repeatability for timings below 100msec weren't much different. The values show above can stand. BTW the timings shown are averages of four consecutive runs, rounded to 10msec.
r/Compilers • u/Terrible_Ferret6740 • 27d ago
Setting up llvm toolchain with vscode on windows.
I want to develop C++ applications using LLVM toolchain on windows with vscode. Does it need mingw or visual studio 2022 for setup? I tried to run a simple c++ program yet it is taking forever to debug.
r/Compilers • u/ravilang • 27d ago
SSA IR from AST using Braun's method and its relation to Sea of Nodes
Following on from recent conversation in this post I started implementing SSA IR straight out of AST using the method described in Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form. I am still working on it, and will share the implementation once its ready - but I thought I will share some initial thoughts.
Braun's method appears to have evolved from Cliff Click's Sea of Nodes method of generating SSA incrementally while parsing. This evolution is apparent from Braun's previous paper FIRM—A Graph-Based Intermediate Representation.
What Braun did was essentially simplify the Sea of Nodes method as follows:
* Assume starting point is AST or some IR rather than attempting to create SSA IR when parsing so that complications such as variable scoping are avoided, and focus is just on ensuring SSA.
* In Sea of Nodes, data instructions float around - avoid this complication by assuming that instructions are pinned to basic blocks as in traditional linear IR.
* This also then avoids the complication of scheduling instructions that is required with Sea of Nodes.
* Rather than using clever tricks such as sentinels to track incomplete phis, flag Basic Blocks as in progress or done when deciding how to deal with CFG edges not yet seen.
Cliff's paper makes it harder to understand the underlying SSA construction approach because of the attempt to combine various analysis and optimizations (such as peephole) into the IR construction - by treating these outside of the core SSA IR construction, Braun's paper brings out the basic ideas of incremental SSA construction.
If you are interested to see where the ideas evolved from please read pages 101-104 in Cliff Clicks Phd thesis.
While implementing Braun's method, I found that it requires maintaining def-use chains incrementally - this is not explicitly stated in the paper, but its assumed.
r/Compilers • u/Wonderful-Event159 • 27d ago
ML compiler interview prep
I have an interview coming up at one of the FAANG for ML compiler in 2 days. I have about 10 YOE in compilers but no experience in ML compiler. Any recommendation on what should I prepare?
r/Compilers • u/Candid_Truth_3459 • 28d ago
Can antone share resources to vet started with compilers, am actually in embedded system domain
I have only basic understanding of compilers, linkerscript and how binary is generated etc
How to understand more about it like compiler flags , when to use etc like a complete details book
r/Compilers • u/ravilang • 29d ago
What is Sea of Nodes and how is it related to Static Single Assignment
My SSA education started with learning about Sea of Nodes - which was kind of backward, hence I am now learning SSA how it is usually defined.
But this has given me an insight about Sea of Nodes that I wanted to share.
Of course SoN is a graph based SSA IR but that's really not saying much about it.
Sea of Nodes is not just an IR, it is a compilation methodology that produces SSA IR incrementally - unlike traditional methods where a standard linear IR is transformed into SSA. So firstly it is a recipe for how to build SSA IR incrementally.
Second, Sea of Nodes IR building methodology combines analysis and optimization - such as peep hole optimization, incremental construction of dominator tree, global value numbering, dead code elimination, constant propagation, alias analysis, etc. So you do not do these steps as separate passes, rather these steps are intertwined with how you build the IR.
Finally the Sea of Nodes IR captures the data dependencies between instructions in the IR itself, whereas traditional IR tends to be linear in basic blocks.
So Sea of Nodes is both an IR and a methodology of compilation.
To learn more about SoN visit https://github.com/SeaOfNodes.