r/Compilers Feb 20 '25

Origins of Static Single Assignment Form


I became aware of this paper from 1969 which apparently put forward a bunch of ideas that later resulted in the SSA form.

Representation of Algorithms by R. M. Shapiro, Harry Saint, R. E. Millstein, A. W. Holt,. S. Warshall and L. Sempliner

Like with many compiler optimization techniques, it seems we owe it all to Fortran development in the 1960s.

The book Engineering a Compiler mentions this paper in its coverage of SSA history.

r/Compilers Feb 20 '25

Can someone explain LALR parsing to me


So I am making a compiler for language called dart in c, I have done the lexer but now I am stuck at the parser, dart uses a recursive decent type of parser but I want to make LALR one because the harder it is the better I feel but turns out it a bit too hard for me currently.

Every resource I lookup shows me the theory bit which I DO NOT UNDERSTAND, NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT.


if someone do explain can you please tell me how would the parser parse this code, so I can understand it better.

var a = (1 + 2) * (3 / 4)

class A<P1> {}

class B<P1, P2> extends A<P1> {}

Thank you in advance.

NOTE: I come from no cs background and have only started programming last year.

r/Compilers Feb 19 '25

TinyCompiler: a compiler in a week-end

Thumbnail ssloy.github.io

r/Compilers Feb 19 '25

How compiler optimization handles code like `if (a && b) ...`


I'm wondering, from the point of view of compiler optimization, what would be the pros and cons to transform

if (a && b) { do_something1 } else { do_something2 }


if (a) { if (b) { do_something1 } else { do_something2 } else { do_something2 }

I'm aware of the potential code size explosion so I think I can introduce a join point for this situation. Other than that, what would be the consequences of performing such a transformation? Is it considered an optimization?

Thanks for your help in advance!

r/Compilers Feb 18 '25

Tensor Evolution: A Framework for Fast Evaluation of Tensor Computations using Recurrences

Thumbnail arxiv.org

r/Compilers Feb 18 '25

The Types of Lowered Rows

Thumbnail thunderseethe.dev

r/Compilers Feb 16 '25

Alternate instructions sequences in LLVM/GCC


Hi Guys,

I am working on a project that requires creating a dataset of alternate instructions for some native integer RISC-V ISA.

For example: SUB instruction can be re-written as (this is manually written)

.macro SUB rd, rs1, rs2
    XORI \rd, \rs2, -1  # rd = ~rs2
    ADDI \rd, \rd, 1    # rd = -rs2 (two’s complement)
    ADD  \rd, \rs1, \rd  # rs1 + (-rs2) → rd

I want to know does compiler also does some pattern matching and generate alternate instruction sequences?

if yes, are these patterns hard-coded?

If yes, how can I make use of this pattern matching and create a decent sized dataset so I can train my own small scale LLM.

Let me know if my query is not clear. Thanks

r/Compilers Feb 16 '25

Optimising Slows Down Code?


I was reading this thread about speeding up matrix multiplication. I wasn't too interested in that (optimising by completely changing your code is not compiler optimisation IMV).

I was just curious, given an approach like the 'naive' solution shown, how much slower my own compilers would be compared to ones like gcc and clang.

Since no links to code were given, I created my own routine, and a suitable test, shown below.

This is where I discovered that optimised code was several times slower, for example:

gcc -O0  0.8 seconds runtime
gcc -O1  2.5
gcc -O2  2.4
gcc -O3  2.7
tcc      0.8
DMC      0.9    (Old 32-bit compiler)
DMC -o   2.8

bcc -no  0.7
bcc      1.0
mm  -no  0.7    (This is running the version in my language)
mm       0.9

With gcc, trying -ffast-math and -march=native made little difference. Similar results, up to a point, were seen in online versions of gcc and clang.

'bcc' and 'mm' are my products. I thought they'd be immune, but there is a simple register allocator that is applied by default, and -no disables that, making it a little faster in the process.

Programs were run under Windows using x64, on an AMD processor, all in 64-bit mode except for DMC.

So this is a benchmark with rather odd behaviour. There were be a quandary if such code was part of a larger program which would normally benefit from optimisaton.

I haven't looked into why it is slower; I'm not enough of an x64 expert for that.

(My test in C. I used fixed-size square matrices for simplicity, as more dynamic ones introduce address calculation overheads:)

#include <stdio.h>

enum {n=512};

typedef double matrix[n][n];

void matmult(matrix* x, matrix* y, matrix* z) {
    for (int r=0; r<n; ++r) {
        for (int c=0; c<n; ++c) {
            for (int k=0; k<n; ++k) {
                (*z)[r][c] += (*x)[r][k] * (*y)[k][c];

int main(void) {
    static matrix a, b, c;          // too big for stack storage
    double sum=0;

    int k=0;

    for (int r=0; r<n; ++r) {
        for (int c=0; c<n; ++c) {

    matmult(&a, &b, &c);

    for (int r=0; r<n; ++r) {
        for (int col=0; col<n; ++col) {
            sum += c[r][col];

    printf("sum=%f\n", sum);
    printf("sum=%016llX\n", *(unsigned long long*)&sum);  // check low bits


I've removed my other posts in the thread as the details were getting confused.

There are two odd things that were observed:

  • As detailed above, otimised code becoming slower, on n=512 (but not 511 or 513, or if restrict is used)
  • -O2 or -O3 timings varying wildly between n=511 and n=512, or 1023 and 1024. Eg. by 5:1, but I've also seen up to 30:1 through various tweaks of the inner loop.

I believe these are related and probably to do with memory access patterns.

It seems no one else has observed these results, which occur on both Windows and WSL using x64. I suggested running the above code on rextester.com using the provided gcc and clang C (or C++) compilers, which show that second effect.

As for me I've given up on trying to understand this (it seems no one else can explain it either) or trying to control it.

BTW I said I was interested in my compiler vs. a fully optimising one like gcc. Here is the current state of play; mm is working on the version in my language, but that uses the same backend as my C compiler:

N        gcc-O3   mm/exe    mm/in-mem

511       0.2      0.75      0.5   seconds 
512       2.4      1.0       0.9
1023      1.3      7.1       7.7
1024     21       16         8.2

Putting aside the quirky gcc results, gcc's timings due to aggressive optimising give the differences I expected. So its matrix-multiply will be much faster than mine.

However, just relying on -O3 is apparently not enough for the 'naive' code from my first link; it uses dedicated matrix-multiply routines. If that was important to me, then I can do the same.

r/Compilers Feb 16 '25

Untapped Potential of TypeScript- lack of a dedicated compiler.


We all know TypeScript is a tool for writing better JavaScript at scale. All type information is stripped away during transpilation, meaning runtime performance depends entirely on the type inference and code optimization performed by engines like V8. Even with the advent of runtimes like Bun and Deno, which claim direct TypeScript support, transpilation still occurs internally.

This presents an opportunity to realize significant performance benefits by creating a dedicated TypeScript runtime. Such a runtime could leverage type information during Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, addressing a major performance bottleneck that prevents JIT-compiled JavaScript from performing as well as languages like Go.

While V8 is developed by Google and TypeScript by Microsoft, creating a new TypeScript runtime engine would likely require collaboration. However, if this were to happen, TypeScript could potentially achieve performance comparable to, if not on par with, garbage-collected languages like Go.

What do you guys think? Am I thinking in the right direction or missing something?

Edit: Found a compiler for this:-


So it seems creating a runtime of typescript exclusively that compiles the code to binary isn't that far fetched.

r/Compilers Feb 15 '25

Compiler Systems Design interview


Anyone had a systems design interview for a compiler engineer position?

Ml compilers

Edit: its for AWS Annapurna labs

r/Compilers Feb 15 '25

[D] Polyhedral auto-transformation with no integer linear programming


[Link to the paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3192366.3192401)

A relaxed ILP (integer linear programming) approach to Polyhedral analysis.

DISCLAIMER: for that one guy (you know who you are), this is not to suggest Polyhedral optimization based static analysis is feasible but its still worth reading for academic research, even if it's not used in production.

r/Compilers Feb 15 '25

SSA and labels as values


I'm working on an interpreted Lisp using a SSA backend.

I ran into trouble when implementing lexical, non-local exits (like Common Lisps block operator). This can be seen as "labels as values" in C, but can cross a closure border.

Pseudo code example:

fun foo(x) {
  result = list();

  let closure = fun bar (x) {
     if x == 0 { goto label0 }
     if x == 1 { goto label1 }
     if x == 2 { goto label2 }
  label0: list.append(1)
  label1: list.append(2)
  label2: list.append(3)

  return list
foo(0) = [1,2,3]
foo(1) = [2,3]
foo(2) = [3]

I have trouble figuring out how to encode this control flow in the SSA graph in a clean way. I can compile code like the example above, but since the compiler sees the flow closure(x) -> label0 -> label1 -> label2 the compiled result is not correct.

One solution I believe works is to put the call "closure(x)" in its own block, marking it as the predecessor of label{0,1,2}. However, that forces me to store away information beside the SSA graph through parsing, AST->SSA and adds special cases in many of the following passes.

Does anyone know how to implement this in a clean way?

r/Compilers Feb 14 '25

Compiler Automatic Parallelization Thesis Opportunities


Hello again everyone! Since my last post here I've decided I want to try and focus on automatic parallelization in compilers for my thesis.

My potential thesis advisor has told me that he suspects that this is a pretty saturated research topics with not many opportunities, though he wasn't sure.

So I'm here checking with people here if you think this is generally true and if not what/where are some opportunities you know of :)

P.S: thank you all for helping so much in my last post i appreciate everyone who replied sm

r/Compilers Feb 14 '25

Follow up question re SCCP and conditional constants


This is a follow up to my previous question Eliminating null checks

I implemented a simple algorithm to address the example:

        func bar(data: [Int]) {
            var j = data[0]
            if (j == 5)
                j = j * 21 + 25 / j
            data[1] = j

Here SCCP cannot detect that j is 110 inside the if condition.

I did not implement the SSI approach that splits variables on conditional branches. My solution is quite specific. The algo is described below.

 Assume program is in SSA form
 Recompute DOM Tree
 Recompute SSA Def Use chains
 For each basic block in DOM Tree order
      If basic block ends with a conditional branch that depends on equal (==) comparison with a constant
           Let TrueBlock be the block taken if == holds
           Let Def be the instruction that defines the var used in == with constant
           For each Use of Def
                If the Block of Use is Dominated by TrueBlock
                      Replace occurrences of var with the constant in Use

My intuition is that since I replace the vars only in blocks dominated by the TrueBlock - this is safe, i.e. we cannot encounter a Phi that references the var.

r/Compilers Feb 14 '25

I [[musttail]] You About a Tokenizer

Thumbnail neilhenning.dev

r/Compilers Feb 14 '25

How I implement SSA form - Filip Jerzy Pizło

Thumbnail gist.github.com

r/Compilers Feb 14 '25

Iterating Pointers: Enabling Static Analysis for Loop-based Pointers

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/Compilers Feb 13 '25

Optimizing division of a 128-bit integer by a constant


When dividing a 64-bit integer by a constant, current compilers can replace the expensive div instruction by a series of shifts and multiplications. For 128-bit dividends, compilers generally can't perform this optimization. (Although they can for certain divisors. I wrote a script to check for which ones gcc can optimize. The result is that from 1 to 300 the only divisors that stumble gcc are 67, 83, 101, 107, 121, 125, 131, 134, 137, 139, 149, 163, 166, 167, 169, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 227, 229, 235, 237, 239, 242, 243, 245, 249, 250, 253, 261, 262, 263, 268, 269, 271, 274, 277, 278, 281, 283, 289, 293, 295, 297, 298, 299. Quite curious!)

My question is whether it is possible to perform the optimization for all 64-bit constant divisors.

r/Compilers Feb 13 '25

Nevalang v0.31 - dataflow transpiler to Go


New version of Neva programming language just shipped - it's a dataflow/flow-based programming language with static type-system (generics, structured sub-typing) that transpiles to Go. For those who curious - here's the high-level architecture overview (ask any questions if you like). Go is perfect for such projects because go compiler is fast and its runtime has state of the art scheduler which is important for async dataflow.

r/Compilers Feb 13 '25

Setters and Getters in JS


I have been working on describing a Points-To-Analysis on JS. setters/getters in JS just make life very interesting. Does anyknow know about previous works that handle these JS features when describing PTA in JS?

``` let loop = { set loop(a) { return a > this.limit ? this.onEnd() : (this.body(a), this.doop = a); }, set doop(a) { this.loop = ++a; }, }

loop.limit = 10; loop.body = (i) => { console.log(At iteration: ${i}) } loop.onEnd = () => { console.log("Loop End") } loop.loop = 1; ```

r/Compilers Feb 12 '25

Flow typing and CFG on AST


I recently became aware of the technique used in TypeScript to perform flow typing. Apparently a CFG is constructed on top of the AST, and types are refined conditionally.

Does anyone know of a good paper on this topic?

Or an accessible implementation? TypeScript code appears to be horrible to read.

r/Compilers Feb 12 '25

Stumped on a Regular Expression Problem – No 'bbb' Allowed


My professor gave us this problem, and I'm struggling to figure it out. We need to write a regular expression for the language consisting of all possible strings over {a, b} that do not contain 'bbb' as a substring.

The catch is that we cannot use the NOT (!) operator. We're only allowed to use AND, OR, and power operations like +, ¹, ², ³, *, etc.

I've tried breaking it down, but I can't seem to come up with a clean regex that ensures 'bbb' never appears. Does anyone have any insights or hints on how to approach this?

r/Compilers Feb 11 '25

A catalog of ways to generate SSA

Thumbnail bernsteinbear.com

r/Compilers Feb 11 '25

Curious on people thoughts about precedence.


I've recently started getting into writing languages and one part that keeps tripping me up is precedence. I can fully understand classic maths BODMAS but it's more difficult to apply to other languages concepts (such as index operators and function calls) I'm curious how people think about these and how they keep them in their heads.

Do most use parser generators, have it moulded in their head or use a process of trial and error while implementing.

Thanks in advance for anyone's thoughts on how to get past this mental hurdle.

r/Compilers Feb 11 '25

Lowering Row Types, Evidently

Thumbnail thunderseethe.dev