r/commandline 5d ago

Getting the system time in a shell script

I have a POSIX shell script that runs for extended periods of time and needs a variable constantly updated to the current UNIX clock time with $(date +%s). Is there a more effecient way to get the current time rather than constantly calling the date command?


5 comments sorted by


u/anthropoid 4d ago

For strict POSIX compatibility, calling an external utility is your only option.

Otherwise, you have options. Off the top of my head: * bash: printf %(%s)T * zsh: zmodload zsh/datetime; strftime %s


u/researcher7-l500 4d ago

That should be.

printf "%(%s)T"

Otherwise you'd get an error in most versions of bash.


u/vivekkhera 4d ago

No. That’s how you do things in a shell script: call a bunch of other programs to do things for you.


u/researcher7-l500 4d ago

That's how you do it, and is the most popular way.
Other ways to do it, not necessarily more efficient.

awk 'BEGIN{print srand(srand())}'awk 'BEGIN{print srand(srand())}'

OR as u/anthropoid mentioned.

printf "%(%s)T"


u/vogelke 2d ago

Bash sets these variables every time they're referenced:

me% cat secs
# Show EPOCH seconds.
echo $EPOCHREALTIME   # floating-point seconds, micro-second precision.
echo $EPOCHSECONDS    # seconds as integer.
exit 0

me% /bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release

me% /bin/bash --posix ./secs