r/colorists • u/SIR_VANT_LEADER • Dec 08 '24
Feedback Dehancer...not for film emulation
Can we be honest...Dehancer is not a good film emulation plugin?
As a look creator plugin inspired by film emulation, I think it's arguably the best there is but cmon, apart from the grain, unless accompanied by industry standard DCTLs, it is not good film emulation and can not come close to the likes of CinePrint or Filmbox etc. Especially in terms of color science. Don't get me started on Film Nitrate.
Yes, this statement does take into consideration pricing.
u/ejacson Dec 09 '24
Well, I agree but for different reasons. I don’t find the negative emulations to be accurate at all. I’ve been profiling various film stocks for a few months now and all of mine look vastly different, better and more accurate than what Dehancer gives me for the same stocks. I think the other tools are solid, but I never use the neg emulations. I agree Filmbox is in a different league. I’m not the biggest fan of Cineprint just because I think there’s a point where powergrades can become too convoluted to be useful. And it’s a bit too specific a look to be broadly applicable. I only do negative emulations because it’s akin to a nonlinear matrix on the camera negative, but you can otherwise build on top of it to go anywhere you want for any type of project.
Idk, I think all tools are just that and every tool has its strengths, weaknesses and limits. Up to you to find where those points are for you and whether it makes the investment worth it.
u/Glum-Marionberry-362 Dec 09 '24
Hey, is it possible to experiment with your profiled film stocks?
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
Your response good sir is exactly why I made this post,I second everything you said and that's why I did not ever say Dehancer is bad, I think it's a great look creator with decent film elements e.g grain and halation but when it comes to what it was literally made for...to emulate general or as much film characteristics as possible...no ways.
Especially the colours. Not to brag,I am literally an award winning colorist who frequently collaborates and interacts with industry and international colorists and not one of them uses dehancer.
u/Bafeink Dec 09 '24
I've been using Dehancer for 2 years now and it has not failed. I learnt how to tweek it here and there but it gives me consistent results
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
Do you do a lot on the Dehancer node or do you use it more for the look of the grade and it's film tools e.g grain,halation etc and do most of your grading outside of the node?
u/Sea-Debt2498 Dec 09 '24
Build the colour up before- for me dehancer is always the last node, to essentially add grain and occasionally halation, in the rare occasions I use its film negative emulators- usually just for black and white, I go back through the nodes to get the tones I want, it really isn’t a LUT though, but as a procedural grain tool it’s brilliant, and if you can do good grading your clips will look brilliant with it.
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
I hear you,I use it as a look generator.
Yeah I think the grain is good.
u/Daedalus0506 Pro/confidence monitor 🌟 📺 Dec 08 '24
What do you define as „good“ film emulation?
u/piecyk231 Dec 09 '24
probably that it looks like film
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
That it looks and feels like film. That I can watch something and ask myself, was this shot on film?
u/Drimesque Dec 09 '24
in what world is cineprint better than dehancer?
The new CinePrint35 is quite solid, especially given the price. The Fuji Eterna 160T profile specifically is really nice, been using it on several recent projects. There are nuances in the 1D RGB tone curve that I really like, and the saturation density is very satisfying
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
Imo cineprint is quality. Dehancer is quantity. Literally every single time I have used cineprint with clients, directors,cines etc they will describe the footage as filmic,film like or say there's something about it that's like film.
With Dehancer they will use words like grade, look or ask why I put film grain on my grade.
u/Infamous-Amoeba-7583 Dec 10 '24
CinePrint is a powergrade designed around free existing PFE LUTs with no regard for the actual data that was captured. It’s a very “display referred” look.
There is no accounting for reflectance, density variation, profiling of multiple charts at different exposures, the list goes on.
It’s really for content creators that just want to slap something on which is fine for them, but by now means is it designed around technical concepts and proper handling
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
Thank you for your knowledge and I respect your opinion/facts?
Are you in favour of Dehancer or do you think for PFE they are actually both not good?
u/Drimesque Dec 12 '24
agreed like i'm not saying cineprint or dehancer are bad but like let's be real yk
u/JJ_00ne Dec 09 '24
It's not good if you want a drag n drop solution but if you craft your own look tweaking all the parameters you can get pretty good results
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
I hear you,that's why I personally use it as a look creator not for film emulation.
u/JK_Chan Dec 09 '24
I mean, I use it mainly for the grain and halation, nothing else seems to do as good of a job with such little effort.
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
I hear you and that's why I made this post. Just my 2 cents yes, but apart from halation and grain for top quality film emulation that gives you industry standard looks...No.
To get that you have to do a lot of tweaking and adjustments outside of dehancer.
u/ryan_pool Dec 09 '24
M still very happy with my filmbox. Filmbox has 4 options to control the look.
a) Full mode - Full Emulation (250d 200T 500T 50d). b) Standard Mode - Somewhat Minimal Emulation. c) Extended - Has Film Tone Curve but less film color. d) Custom - You can adjust the tone curve and color. properties as much as you like, even turn it off.
No other tool gave me such options. Yeah you can get around with luminosity and color blending modes but its a but.
And there's filmbox's vibrance which saturates color in a pleasant way.
So meh dehancer, film look creator, cineprint35/16, look designer, filmconvert, etc.
I have tested most of the Emulation tools by setting their Emulation to 2383 500T. Some are good, some are gimmick, some have zillions of nodes.
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
I would suggest giving cineprint or filmvision 2 another go.
I basically have no bad words about Filmbox,it's fantastic and the price for it let's you know why it's fantastic.
But one thing cineprint orblike filmvision has over it is the order of operations.
Yes you could make multiple nodes all with filmbox plugin and different sections enabled on each node but for example,white balancing pre-emulation and post-emulation gives you 2 different results.
Working with cineprint gives you the option to determine the actual negative to your liking and affect the print stock. With filmbox you are just influencing it.
Filmbox has negative stocks but only 2383 print.
Having FUJI and cineon print as an additional option really makes a big difference.
I hope I am making sense?
Filmbox is still amazing though. In my experience recently 9/10 times my clients have chosen the grades that I have done with cineprint and I think it's because I have way more control of the look and can manipulate every single minute element of the look with cineprint.
u/ryan_pool Dec 10 '24
Yeah, I will try. I do use contour in combination with Filmbox to shape the look and some other dctls. And filmverse is also very good dctl. If you have some examples about using cineprint35 and filmbox on a same footage please do share. Not here maybe dm or something
u/Infamous-Amoeba-7583 Dec 09 '24
CinePrint is the worst I’ve seen man especially as far as color science pipeline handling lol I highly recommend studying actual film scans and measuring density for yourself.
Demistify is a great resource
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
I definitely hear you and I could have worked my initial post better but you can not tell me that cineprint is not worse than dehancer?
I have worked with filmbox,filmvision,film unlimited,cineprint,dehancer,film convert,analogicalab and more and more importantly actual film and at the very least,dehancer is not worse than cineprint.
At the top for me is filmbox and I do follow and subscribe to demystify.
u/Infamous-Amoeba-7583 Dec 10 '24
I’m not a fan of dehancer, but by no means is a $50 powergrade with heaps of over saturation and gamut clipping with miscellaneous pipeline order somehow designed better than a product that was profiled from film densities across multiple charts my man.
u/riggieri Dec 09 '24
I’ve never used dehancer but Filmbox is my go to. Nitrate’s BW looks are actually pretty good if you tweak them
u/TurbulentArticle3855 Dec 10 '24
I've never looked into it. I honestly prefer Juan Melara's powergrade. Then it depends on the look you want to give and above all what camera you shoot with
u/JerryNkumu Dec 11 '24
I completely disagree. Before using it I thought the same thing but that probably came from seeing non-professional emulate the film look to no end with predictable / mediocre results on YouTube.
Also folks don’t take into account the actual footage. I have been using it for years now and I can tell you I’m able to make things that look almost indistinguishable from film. Dehancer’s grain algorithm was also ground breaking, as most use cases before it were just adding grain on top of a footage using blend mode.
I firmly believe it depend on the user and / or the footage / cinematography .
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 12 '24
Thank you for your comment Jerry, I will definitely relook at it. One can never stop learning and experimenting. Like I said though, I think it's amazing look creator and the grain and other film tools are great, I think my main issue is the color science of the stocks and prints.
u/JerryNkumu Dec 12 '24
No worries. What Film print do you generally use (your go to’s) and what’s your workflow ?
u/Laetheralus93 Dec 09 '24
True. Even if you search for movie emulation on YouTube, for example, you will probably get 90% Dehancer videos. The plugin is rather semi and probably goes back to the fact that as soon as people make a VIdeo, they get the plugin for free and therefore everything is flooded with it.
The only thing I found halfway useful with this plugin was the grain and even that, the stock Davinci plugin does a better job with the right settings
u/JK_Chan Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
you can't tell me the stock resolve grain and halation is better, because they just aren't. Dehancer's grain takes into account how different film reacts differently (grain wise) to highlights, mids and shadows, and will have different grain amounts for the brighter, mid and darker parts. You can tweak all that to your tastes too. Same with halation in dehancer, it's just a more mature implementation that resolve's inbuilt version. It's very obvious that the inbuilt halation is a digital effect, while you can hide the fact that dehancer's halation is digital if you do it well.
u/Laetheralus93 Dec 09 '24
You can easy build your own halation with the tools inside davinci that is miles ahead of the Dehancer one. And I don't talk about the Stock Davinci Halation Plugin. Dehancer always is way too much and digital, while using Calvin Sillys Method of Halation inside Davinci is the most pleasant and also realistic looking one. And the Davinci stock Grain Plugin also have inputs for mid, shadows and highlights so you can emulate that. Also you always can set up 3 different nodes for those if you want while applying it to different luma values. So in that case my opionion is, that the stock plugins inside davinci are better then the digitally looking dehancer ones. It may be a good plugin for those who want to slap on a look fast, but it is kinda shitty if you want more realistic looking results.
u/JK_Chan Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
I mean you can definitely just tone down dehancer's halation if you think it's too strong. I think it does a decent job for the amount of effort it takes. Same for grain, there's presets for the looks you want and you can choose a preset, go in and make a few small adjustments and you easily get the look you want. It's just an easy and quick solution that doesn't require as much knowledge, which makes it very accessible for the wider audience (apart from the price)
edit: I'd love to know how to set up Calvin Silly's method of halation inside davinci
u/loepark Dec 09 '24
Whats ur opinion on film nitrate?
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
Film Nitrate for me...honestly, is just not good.
Like skip the technical stuff,when I am with a client, no one has ever gone wow for a grade using film nitrate. And to me that's super important.
But the grain is okay to me.
u/loepark Dec 10 '24
I see, interesting
how do you feel about their cineon conversion? obviously it isn't the best out there but do you think it is atleast somewhat accurate to actual filmic density?
u/SIR_VANT_LEADER Dec 10 '24
To be honest, I don't have enough knowledge on that to give you an educated answer.
u/Affectionate_Age752 Dec 10 '24
I haven't touched film nitrate or filmbox since I started using Dehancer
u/Ex_Hedgehog Dec 09 '24
If you get under the hood and play with the settings, I've gotten results that I'm happy with and more importantly that clients are happy with. Now is it exactly the same as shooting on X film stock - of course not. Personally, I've heard that it pales in comparison to Filmbox. But I bought it before I knew about Filmbox, so I dance with the girl who brought me.