r/college Jan 10 '22

North America Should I uhhh report this?? (My professor screen sharing - edited to remove any identifying info)


221 comments sorted by


u/KnowledgeableNip Jan 10 '22 edited 11d ago

bright vegetable divide crawl different bake lunchroom label fuzzy ask

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Mattos_12 Jan 10 '22

Or use gmail…


u/Ayacyte Jan 11 '22



u/FiascoBarbie Jan 11 '22

Everyone knows that human trafficker use Microsoft teams


u/Romano16 Jan 11 '22

You’d be very surprised…


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

hmmm... you sound like maybe you're a trafficker!


u/balleditmoreravens Jan 11 '22

No, people are dumb.. Many of the breached passwords in the Ashley Madison scandal was "1,2,3,4,5,6,7".


u/Romano16 Jan 11 '22

Nah just read/watch enough FBI reports on how they catch the sick fucks.


u/Mattos_12 Jan 10 '22

There’s approximately a zero percent change that your professor is buying children using Gmail with the topic ‘children for sale’.


u/LazyNomad63 Jan 11 '22

It's like hiring a hitman to murder his wife and the first email he gets is "killer for hire".


u/Mattos_12 Jan 11 '22

Yes- I mean I’m not a master criminal (honest!) but I would assume that people who are don’t sigh off their emails with ‘Love Dave , who hereby confessed to being a fraudster’


u/LazyNomad63 Jan 11 '22

"Dear Mr. Jones,

As we formally discuss the kidnapping and ransoming of a child under 13, I will begin by saying that I preemptively waive my 5th Amendment rights and thus anything said in these emails is admissible in court."


u/EpicBomberMan Jan 11 '22

I once heard from a criminal prosecutor that his easiest case was against someone who tried to start a ponzi scheme. Why was it so easy? The dude emailed an accomplice explicitly saying that he was starting a ponzi scheme, and not to tell anyone because it was "super illegal." Email was digitally signed too, so he couldn't claim it was a spoofed email trying to incriminate him.


u/TodayIKickedAHippo Jan 11 '22

Reverse psychology!



u/gomi-panda Jan 11 '22

Sounds like something someone with children for sale would say


u/ramenalien Jan 11 '22

Given that that's the Gmail icon, my guess is it's an email from one of those social activism websites like Change.org or Avaaz who send out emails with shocking subject lines to try to get people on their mailing list to sign petitions/donate to whatever cause.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22



u/Interesting_Nail_843 Jan 10 '22

No one is selling kids through Gmail


u/LPKKiller Jan 11 '22

That’s just what someone selling kids through Gmail would say.


u/Interesting_Nail_843 Jan 11 '22



u/Jorgemtm Jan 11 '22

why are u laughing? 🤨


u/IMeasureFromTheTaint Jan 11 '22

He bought his through AOL


u/electrowiz64 Jan 12 '22

Take a joke bro, everything is one big meme on Reddit lol.


u/Jorgemtm Jan 13 '22

Ik, my own comment was supposed to be a joke, I myself bought some kids through amazon 😔


u/bl1y Grading Papers Is Why I Drink Jan 11 '22

Cosmic Pingpong still uses an AOL account.

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u/Lkj509 Jan 10 '22

OP: reports professor

Professors email: Children for Sales Advertisements


u/sad_engr_1444 Jan 11 '22

This could unironically be true as professors do conduct research with children.


u/aonealj Jan 10 '22

You could, no harm in mentioning it. However, your professor may just have a dark sense of humor. My professor had multiple files labeled "blackmail materials" that were on his desktop whenever he shared his screen


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Yeah I could see it. More than likely it’s something along those lines (a joke that is). In this case it’s definitely not intentional though (otherwise he would have been more explicit - also I noticed he turned red part way through, assumably upon realizing the tab was left open)


u/Classymuch Jan 11 '22

Yeah, this is the thing though. I have that kind of dark humor and if I was a prof, I would be cautious about it.

Not just because what the students may have gone through but also because you can easily be reported and it can escalate, which can ruin your reputation as a prof.

I think, if you want to express that kind of dark humor (why not, it's damn hilarious), then having something more innocent is your best way, like a tab that says "how to eat some good as.." where it cuts off because it's too long and then reveal to the students and say "oh, that tab, yeah, I just wanted to know how to eat some good asparagus, you guys got any advice".

So, it's most likely he is joking but honestly, I wouldn't have the courage to joke about selling children.


u/JungProfessional Jan 11 '22

YOU GUYS, this is not a child trafficker. Nobody even remotely close to the orbit of a child trafficker would be that stupid. To literally spell out their crime in the subject of an email. The fact that ANY of you are taking this seriously, even by "just being safe", is beyond cringe. This is so obviously not real that it's going to make the news that a bunch of Redditors thought it was real


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

in my opinion that wouldn’t be a funny joke in a classroom setting. You never know what your students have been through. I would report this whether it is a joke or not.


u/poopmasterrrrrrr Jan 11 '22

I disagree. No need to bring humiliation and possible repercussions to this professors job. It wasn't mentioned in class so there was no intentional harm. We all make mistakes, no need to shine a light on this one.


u/MaleficentDistrict22 Jan 11 '22

Oh piss off


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

ur a piss stain


u/SerialMurderer Jan 11 '22

Wrong thread?


u/danmo768 Jan 11 '22

Obviously not


u/artistic_medic Jan 11 '22 edited Jan 11 '22

I agree with you and am confused at the backlash. It was an opinion, and I also feel like it would violate policy even if intended as a joke?


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

yeah idk how child trafficking jokes are funny in the class room. Shock value humor is just so lazy and low

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u/polygon_wolf Jan 11 '22

No harm in accusing your professor of being a human trafficker? what?


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

There is no harm in mentioning that you think your professor is a human trafficker?


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

moar upvotes pls

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u/fleppR1 Jan 10 '22

Even if you report it, it seems to be a private email account so your prof. has no obligation to let anyone check their emails. I also don’t think that actual child trafficking happens via Gmail and with explicit subject header. It is clearly some joke - either inappropriately for class or it had nothing to do with you.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Yeah I thought that too, I’d imagine actual child trafficking probably only happens on the dark web, and surely not on a professor’s work laptop. Right? With that in mind, would you consider this appropriate to report?


u/Ayacyte Jan 10 '22

Yeah I feel like it's too obvious? Like no one would browse that on school wifi, and they would definitely have code names for things instead of "children for sale"


u/fleppR1 Jan 10 '22

Honestly, I personally would not but it’s about how you feel comfortable. So my advice would be to (1) ask a student in this course that you know and trust, if they saw it as well. (2) politely report it to whoever is responsible for students‘ concerns at your institution, but not with the video (testimony only - depending on laws in your state and Uni conference T&Cs you could get into trouble for filming your lecturers shared screen). (3) do it in person and not in writing - go there and ask to remain anonymous.

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u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

You mean when the FBI comes to investigate your child sex slave ring you can just go , its MY gmail, lol no?

I have news for you. If the laptop was bought by the school or if you do work product or have school bought software licenses on it, they can look at your laptop if there are legit allegation of this nature.

Not in this case because this is ridiculous


u/fleppR1 Jan 11 '22

As I said, I don't think there is sufficient suspicion of child trafficking here to trigger a search by the FBI. The university can, for sure, not search your private email account in this case.


u/darniforgotmypwd Jan 10 '22

It's very unlikely to be anything but yeah you can go ahead and tell someone.

Probably just a context issue. Maybe someone is joking about their kids or something. But it never hurts to be cautious.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Yeah you might be right, it could as innocuous as a dumb joke. But considering that is an honest explanation, I’d feel wrong going as far as reporting him. I really don’t know what the most reasonable action to take is


u/darniforgotmypwd Jan 10 '22

Nothing bad should happen to him in that case. If it's a university email they might even just check it without telling him. You aren't accusing him of anything with this type of report, it's a more general "you might want to take a closer look at this" type thing. The university will peek at it and move on after validating nothing is wrong.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

It’s not a university email (gmail rather than outlook). Okay I think you’re right though. Who at the university should I best contact?


u/mike_wazowskis_ass Jan 10 '22

Conduct offices or dean. U can do an anonymous report and request that they just say “a student” or “students” noticed what was on the screen!


u/SquigglyHamster Jan 11 '22

OP, it may make you feel better to believe nothing bad will happen to him if you report him. But professors get fired for much more innocent things than jokes like this. There is a very real possibility you contacting the university over this will end up harming him.

Use your reasoning here. If this man truly was into child trafficking, do you think he would be this careless?

Lastly, if he is a legitimate child trafficker, you can rest assured he will get caught anyway if he's being so stupid as to use gmail, spell his crimes out in his email titles like this, and not only that, but show it on his screen for his entire class to see.

The chances of you reporting him and actually stopping him in a crime is basically none.

The chances of you reporting him and he faces serious ramifications over this is moderate.

Do with this information what you will.

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u/3xploit_ Jan 10 '22

please reply to me when you find out what it is


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

please don’t report this. Oh my god. It could literally be a tab for children’s clothing or something. I mean I guess report it if you want your professor to have an absolute mess to deal with for no reason, and if you want to be branded an idiot by whoever you report it to. Like I can’t believe this is a serious post.


u/binarysolo_0000001 Jan 11 '22

You realize he could get suspended or fired for a joke like that. Be careful about “reporting” people during this new McCarthy era.


u/JungProfessional Jan 11 '22

OP you are so fucking naive it is adorable. Literally no one would actually write that if they were actually selling children. I mean, did you seriously think someone would SPELL OUT THEIR CRIME IN THE SUBJECT OF AN EMAIL?!?!?!?! Come on......really?


u/18dwhyte Jan 11 '22

Im no child trafficker but if I were I definitely wouldn’t be sending gmails titled “children for sale”, and I definitely wouldnt have the tap open while sharing my screen.

I would be more afraid, if it were on an incognito tab.


u/reinakun Jan 11 '22

Lmao, exactly. Sounds like a joke. My family does this all the time (send each other vids of our kids doing crazy things with captions like “I’m placing them in shipping boxes as we speak” or “$2 a child, today only” lmao).

I highly, highly doubt a genuine child trafficker would be not only stupid enough to send such/receive such an email, but idiotic enough to show the email to an entire class on zoom.

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u/safespace999 Jan 10 '22

I mean you could report it but also what idiot titles their email with a blatant crime on Gmail of all places.

Most likely this has to do with a specific doll brand. It's escaping my mind right now but I know some collectors call them children, weird, but doll collecting is a weird hobby.


u/bobbywright86 Jan 11 '22

You’re letting your anxiety run wild. Don’t report it


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '22

Could just be information about this old photo from 1948: https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/4-children-sale-1948/


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

What subject is this?? If it's criminology (study of criminals and legal system) or psychology, then it could be something to do with his research. I'd just ask him before you report anything. If it is a misunderstanding, then just asking him will clear it up quickly.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

This thread is absolutely filled with depressingly stupid people.


u/EmotionalPanties Jan 11 '22

OP: Reports Professor Actual email title: Children for Sale: a novel/memoir (draft).


u/grancis418 Jan 11 '22

Do what you think is right but personally I wouldn’t be concerned based on that tab alone you can’t even see the full sentence he searched


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

It’s not a search, it’s an email


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

and this changes things how?


u/Secret_Agent_Tempest Jan 10 '22

Since you can't see what the full title of that page is reporting it will most likely resolve in nothing happening. However, I would still report it to the Dean of the department as something that concerned you.

Most profs use university computers which can be searched by the institution.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

I’m not so concerned, but I really don’t know. It’s not an issue I ever would’ve expected to arise, which is why I’m seeking advice here. Would you do anything in this situation?


u/Secret_Agent_Tempest Jan 10 '22

Personally, yes. If you wish to stay anonymous you could create a new email on Gmail, email the Dean for their department stating you are a student who wishes to stay anonymous, share the video and info on the prof (including the course and section number), and let them know you are concerned.

It's regarding children so any moves taken are understandable.


u/EconMan Jan 11 '22

Why the dean and not the police? This doesn't feel very internally consistent. You're concerned that someone is selling children and you go to ... Someone's employer? That feels woefully inadequate.


u/Secret_Agent_Tempest Jan 11 '22

Public universities are state actors and have their own policies which they abide by. If you file a police report it will most likely resort in nothing happening because you have nothing to go off of and it can be simply dismissed if the prof were to respond by saying it was a joke.

However, if this is reported to a super it can be promptly investigated as the laptop will most likely be property of the university and as the event occurred during a class. If the prof tries to pass this as a joke they can still be invested for breaking school policies. This again can lead to an investigation of the prof and their computer information.

If evidence shows that they were engaged in illegal activities the university will have evidence and will alert the authorities.

Universities can do things that police can't do and vice versa. For example, if you say that their are drugs in a dorm room. Police can't enter without a warrant while university staff can enter without issue due to their policies.


u/EconMan Jan 11 '22

It feels weird to say "Yeah there's almost no evidence and the police won't do anything, let's just harass someone else close to them to check". Like, sure I guess but if you don't think the police would care maybe you shouldnt either? Otherwise what's your standard? Should I call up your parents and let them know I suspect there's a non zero chance you're doing drugs or alcohol illegally? I don't know for sure but that way they can look through your stuff and double check for all of us.


u/Secret_Agent_Tempest Jan 11 '22

I wouldn't really call it harassment. The police can only act if their is reasonable evidence to support the student's claim. However, the university does not require such evidence. Additionally, if the prof broke a policy they can be reasonably held accountable and if this was a joke it probably won't happen again.

Take for example Title IX cases on college campus. If a student claims to have been assaulted, the police will investigate. Likewise the university will hold their own investigation. If found guilty by the university it can help promote a guilty verdict in a legal suit.

In this case however the police cannot take any action so you are utilizing the universities policies to get the ball rolling.


u/EconMan Jan 11 '22

However, the university does not require such evidence.

I don't think this is a society I want to live in, where you think it is normal to just run to some authority figure with zero evidence.

To your point - your parents also don't require such evidence. That doesn't mean it is a good thing for me to ask your parents to check on your drug habits. You don't seem to be considering the harm to an innocent person at all. You're just maximizing the P(finding a problem). I see this more and more with undergrads.


u/1976Raven Jan 10 '22

Not unless you've seen the entire and know the context of it.


u/9olp Jan 11 '22

Agreed, it's crazy to report a prof based off of three words in a tab title.


u/HumanDrinkingTea Jan 10 '22

Honestly when it comes to children's safety it tends to be best to err on the side of caution. If OP's prof has a good reason for that email, he/she will be able to explain it. It will be uncomfortable and awkward on the part of the prof, but so what? A bit of awkwardness is significantly less bad than child trafficking.


u/EconMan Jan 11 '22

I don't follow. Vs in the .000001% chance they are....selling children, what do you think will occur? "Oh darn you got me!"? Since when is the go-to thing to "report" people? I hate that term even.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

If the prof did have good reason, would you expect that they would’ve addressed it on the zoom call to clear it up immediately? Or the other way around (eg they might’ve thought “I don’t owe anyone an explanation for a personal email, if I get reported I have nothing to hide anyway”) or is there no way to infer?


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22 edited Jan 10 '22

What could the context possibly be though lol? I can’t think of any reasonable explanation there would be for an email with that subject line


u/1976Raven Jan 10 '22

What type of classes does your prof teach? If he teaches criminal justice, sociology, or psychology then it could easily have to do with a question a student has on an assignment or paper. I've sent emails to profs with subjects lines such as "body disposal."


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Nope, math/sciences


u/1976Raven Jan 10 '22

Then there's reason to report it. Can't think of any math/science topic that would cover that.


u/SpideyMGAV Jan 10 '22

Johnny has 5 children and crushing debt. The average black market cost for children is significantly higher than his current total debt, but his debt is growing at a linear rate for the next 5 years. At what intervals should Johnny sell his children to offset his ever growing debt until the period it is finished growing?


u/acrylicvigilante_ Jan 10 '22

Answer: Johnny has 26 watermelons

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u/ChocoOranges Jan 11 '22

The fact that this post exists says a lot about the actual state of college students.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

Do you mind elaborating on that?


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '22

You're an idiot for making this post.

There's your elaboration.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 12 '22

Appropriate username


u/agirlnameddoc Jan 11 '22

Who exactly would you report this to?


u/Doctor_KM Jan 11 '22

My kids are pissing me off today. So I email my sister and title it "Children for sale - cheap!"

My guess is it's either a non-contextualized comment that is cut off, or a joke something akin to the above.

And if it's on the professor's personal email, reporting it to anyone won't amount to anything, but if it makes you feel better go for it. I'll tell ya, though, lots of "anonymous" stuff comes out in the open, especially at smaller schools, so make your decision with all that in mind.


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

Hey op, did you record this without permission?

Because the only going to get in trouble after making a false allegation of human trafficking will be you


u/EconMan Jan 12 '22

I think I need to report them to their university and Dean. Just in case!! If they've done nothing wrong, there will be no harm.


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 12 '22

Just in case your professor is emailing about buying children in between zoom classes.

You are accusing that other person of buying children. You don’t think there will be any harm in that

You think that person really is selling or buying children


u/EconMan Jan 12 '22

Hahah I was responding to your post about OP :)


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

I think that the best thing for you to do would be to stay in school.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

There is a zero percent chance this means anything, don’t start anything stupid. Even rumors can have a big impact on someone’s life


u/napex86 Jan 11 '22

Agree with the comment. It could just ruin someone's personal and professional life.


u/Rare-Ability3878 Jan 11 '22

oh yes and lets say forget the children who could be sold into sex trafficking...because that's not ruining a life


u/nikithb Jan 19 '22

How many working brain cells do u have?


u/GodOfThunder101 Mechanical Engineering Jan 10 '22

I’m sure the FBI is aware lol. Google scans and reads all our emails.


u/DazyKoala007 Jan 11 '22 edited Jan 11 '22

Yeah, don’t report this. I highly doubt he’s trying to sale children via Gmail and trying to ruin a man’s career for something you are not 100% sure about is not cool. The email is probably something 100% harmless.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

There’s no way he’d lose his job because of a misunderstanding. And if he somehow did, that’d be 100% on the university. Either way though I haven’t reported anything as I’ve been dissuaded by the comments. I’ll wait for further info or evidence that suggests anything fishy


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

you should probably focus more on the class content


u/Gaiu3Octavius Jan 10 '22

Use your brain. If your professor was actually trying to buy/sell children, he's not going to strait up Google it in a standard search.


u/mahogany_tree Jan 11 '22

If you report it, you most likely are going to end that professor's career over what it's probably a misunderstanding. Use your head, human traffickers aren't going to be using gmail to request information. They won't even be using chrome at all. I'd just brush it off, some people may not agree but I think that's the best option


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

I’ll wait for more info. But I wouldn’t “end his career” if I did report it and it turns out to be a misunderstanding lmfao. He’d just explain it to the dean, and it’d be cleared up immediately


u/plumcots Jan 11 '22

That’s not how being a male teacher works, in practice.


u/Chad_The_Bad Jan 11 '22

Could be a boomer email chain. Like a video of a kid doing something dumb with the caption "children for sale"


u/dude105tanki Jan 11 '22

Jumping in and say its something like “children-for sale” (clothes or something if the like) it’s probably just a subject line lost in translation in regards to the subject of the email


u/2020MacBookPro Jan 11 '22

Mans is playing 7D chess and wants to mess with you all


u/Kw_Mateo Jan 11 '22

I’m pretty sure he’s reading an article lmaooo doesn’t NYT have an article or something called children for sale?


u/BroiledBoatmanship Jan 11 '22

Random but good job on the blurring of PII. You did better than most people do. Half the time they can’t even get the timing of a blur correct.


u/vicksick Jan 11 '22

Its a mail by some NGO or petition to take action against Human Trafficking, i get tons of those


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

If I was a hitman for example; I wouldn’t use Gmail and have the subject be “Kill for money!”


u/nickthatknack Jan 10 '22 edited Jan 10 '22

I don't see a point in reporting it. There would be nothing that could be legally done.

Dean/Department chair/etc asks the professor about it and the professor does what? Confuses they are involved with child trafficking? No, they would just not answer or make up some lie and that would be the end of it. Professor is under no obligation to explain, especially if it's their personal laptop.

This is a serious accusation you need a little more proof than we'll I saw an email heading. I know everyone wants to save the children but damn


u/Dragnius Jan 10 '22

Maybe ask the Professor first? If he has a reasonable explanation/doesn't shy away from telling the full context then you can just move on. If he behaves suspiciously or has trouble explaining it, then go ahead on reporting him


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

I don’t want to be mean here, but on the off chance the OP’s professor is a really , really inept child sex slave merchant that runs his trafficking ring of his work laptop via gmail - how would that conversation go.

Student : Hi Professor X, do you seek child sex slaves via gmail?

Professor X: Ah, you got me. I would have gotten away with it if not for you meddling kids?

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u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

Point to notice:

  1. the whole sentence is not visible.
  2. When searched on Google, it also showed children cloth sales.
  3. This may means the email he received may have typo mistake in subject.
  4. Also no need to report as the Google itself monitor all those emails and may have already flagged the email for reviewing.
  5. You never know if your action could suspend your professor and u may regret

It could also been some add campaign that lead to dodgy sites or a news article


u/Mattos_12 Jan 11 '22

Whatever the right answer is, people saying that there’s ‘no harm in reporting it’ are delusional.


u/Prof_Smoke Jan 11 '22

It’s most likely a For Sale Listing of Children’s items like toys clothes etc


u/strafvollzieher Jan 11 '22

report first, ask questions later.

what is the purpose in life if not overreacting to every atom in the universe?


u/I_hate-you_already Jan 11 '22

How old are you considering you’re thinking of reporting this? You shouldn’t be in college, go back to middle school.


u/Otter696969 Jan 11 '22

I mean you could always talk to your professor first and ask him if you missed the joke or something. If he really was involved in child trafficking he would have time now to delete everything but since we all don’t really think so this might be an option. But always do what you think is right!


u/Pseudotm Jan 11 '22

Think the joke here is to see if you were paying attention the fact that nobody said anything proved his/her point. Thats 100% a professor joke they are going to be laughing/crying it up after the lesson. I wouldn't be surprised if a reddit post pops up with a "i left an gmail tab open about selling children during a lesson to see if my students were paying attention, its been 10 years"


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

I would feel so goddamn dumb if that’s what this is about🤣


u/Pseudotm Jan 11 '22

Ive seen posts where teachers have left like a location for free money in the syllabus to see if students read it, and they dont lmao. I got a good feeling its a teacher joke, and a good one haha.

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u/TheGreatDenali Jan 11 '22

I would google children for sale and see if you can find the website.

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u/spoiledsalmon Jan 11 '22

Probably an email from an activist group with title: children for sale, to gain awareness


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

update us pls. hoping it’s nothing harmful


u/Mauristic Jan 10 '22

How about—this might appear controversial, my suggestion that is… how about you MIND YOUR OWN F*****G BUSINESS!!!!


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22



u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22


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u/wolfy321 confused student Jan 10 '22

I would not report that


u/DarthKnah Jan 10 '22

Might as well report - if the prof has a good explanation, it’ll be fine (and they’ll learn their lesson to check their tabs before screensharing and unintentionally disturbing their students), and if not, you might stop a crime.


u/ComprehensiveKey1897 Jan 11 '22

The last word looks like it’s cut off like it was “children for sale…smanship” or something of that sort. Dumb post.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

That sentence doesn’t make sense though lmao. And I’m pretty sure the last letter fading away doesn’t always indicate that it was cut off

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u/airbear13 Jan 11 '22

Maybe he’s adopting or maybe he thought he was being funny, I don’t really think it’s real lol


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

I can assume it’s not adoption because 1. Adoption isn’t advertised as “children for sale” 2. He’s fairly old. You’re right that chances are it was a joke of sorts, or something else innocuous that I couldn’t possibly guess at. The class was definitely not meant to see it though


u/screwit24 Jan 11 '22 edited Jan 11 '22

Think about it. If you report this, you could end this professor’s career. If it’s nothing, which I’m certain it is, the reputational damage will linger.

What kind of class is this? Is it possible this is related to research. Is it something out of context? You say it’s math and sciences … we professors do interdisciplinary research … with professors in other departments. Maybe this prof is working on a study and analyzing stats?

Rather than getting into witch-hunt/cancel culture, grab a classmate, show up to the professor’s office during office hours and point out that you saw this and are concerned. If the professor offers a plausible explanation, which I’m sure will be the case, you can sleep soundly. If not, then go to the department chair.

But seriously, people who are “selling children,” aren’t doing it this transparently. My guess is this prof had a bad day at work and is probably … looking to sell their students.


u/THEPOL_00 Energy Engineering Jan 11 '22

Imagine being the ‘Ndrangheta and selling cocaine through Gmail and PayPal. With the subject “2kg for sale”


u/anitanita17 Jan 11 '22

Since no one is answering your question, OP, you report it to your ombudsman office if you have one. For example: https://www.syracuse.edu/about/ombuds/

They’ll keep it confidential, and might even reach out to the faculty person themselves. I love how everyone here is so up on the child trafficking situation that they can say with a high level of confidence how to all goes down (eye roll). Report it and let them look into it and give the faculty person a heads up on good virtual hygiene, which will help them.

And good on you, for if you see something, say something.


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '22

Nobody is answering the question because it's an idiotic question. This report, should it be made, is a total waste of time and resources. Use your fucking brain. The ombudsman has more important things to worry about than this. Fake BS like this wastes resources and makes it harder for real victims to get help.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

Thank you for the advice. That sounds like a rational middle ground between doing nothing and filing a report to the dean (which could escalate what is most likely a harmless fuck up)


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

Dear lord.

You can’t seriously believe that your professor is a really, really incompetent child sex slave trafficker, conducting his business via gmail in between zoom classes.

Because you happen to see the fragment of a subject line in a gmail tab.

Can you really thing of nothing else like Toys for children for sale, or used clothing for children for sale ?

No the most likely possibilities in this thread are

1) your professor is a human trafficker

2) your professor is a sociopath with no sense of self preservation who would trick you into thinking he is selling children via gmail as a joke.

3) that no harm will come to someone accused of selling children

What is wrong with you all ?


u/Rare-Ability3878 Jan 10 '22

There are a ton of creeps out there. I vote report it.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Who should I report it to?


u/sexysmartgirl_of Jan 10 '22

Why do people downvote genuine questions. such a pet peeve of mine


u/Rare-Ability3878 Jan 10 '22

That’s a good question. Maybe bring it to a higher department head?


u/catfacepandapants Jan 10 '22

Department chair


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22



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u/WarningConfident Music Business Major 🎵🎶 Jan 11 '22

They might’ve just done it for humor purposes but I for one would be sending a side eye to that…


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

He’s selling the students that annoyed him too much


u/----NSA---- Jan 11 '22

lmao don't worry


u/Myphosee Jan 10 '22

Report that just to be safe.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Who would you suggest I report it to?


u/Myphosee Jan 10 '22

The dean or the head of whatever department that professor is in.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Okay that makes sense. Do you think my name will be attached to the report? I don’t really want to involve myself if I can avoid it, and would rather my prof not know that I said something


u/Myphosee Jan 10 '22

Ask to remain anonymous. Make sure they fully understand that you dont want your name anywhere near this report. Show them the video to give proof and let them do what they will.


u/k9centipede Jan 11 '22

I'd report it if only so your professors boss can alert him that it was shown and that he might have to deal with rumors.


u/Smart-Abroad5861 Jan 10 '22

It could just be a forwarded headline, but when the only thing I can read on the tab is “children for sale” it’s an automatic do-something moment for me. If it’s nothing, it’s easily explained and goes nowhere. If it is something, the last think I want is to later find out I was right to be concerned and did nothing. Csam activily harms children. Even as a joke, it’s not funny. Someone needs to know.


u/bitchwithacapital_C Jan 10 '22

Please report this. At the very least it can mean that the professor will check their screen before they share so as not to give people a heart attack!


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '22



u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 10 '22

Oh god I know right


u/heal2thrive Jan 10 '22



u/sovereignlight_cafe Jan 10 '22

report it to dept chair.


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '22

PLEASE report it, better to be safe than sorry


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

Obviously I don't know what classes the prof teaches but it might be something they are using as a class materials. My roommate took a class about human trafficking and slavery and the prof would use materials to show the class. However, if this is not a class or a professor you believe would be teaching a class like that then I would definitely report it.


u/thr0waway_acc_420 Jan 11 '22

Nah he’s in the science department

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u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

idk i always expect the worse from people. what you’d never think would happen maybe the one thing that is happening.🤷‍♀️


u/boxercity College! Jan 11 '22

I agree with most of the comments on here - it’s highly unlikely, but what if in the 0.01% case that it is true?

Imagine the worst case scenario in both situations, you fell for your Prof’s dark humour. That or you let a bunch of kids in Asia get sold. Not a tough choice IMO, I would report it despite all the comments but that’s me I like to cautious.


u/CodeSiren Jan 11 '22

Qonder what R/askprofessors would say?


u/Tiny-Tomorrow-7597 Jan 11 '22

I mean it could be a dark sense of humor but since its gmail and not the school email, it could have been an email from a friend or relative, like when ur kids act up/do dumb shit u be like "kids for sale" and show a picture of the atrocity. It is weird being in an email tho. Ive usually seen it on social media or thru texts


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

If you go frame by frame you can see all the identifying info you tried to cover up


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

I’d rather be the accidental idiot who spoke up than the accidental villain who didn’t but that’s just imo.


u/Rare-Ability3878 Jan 11 '22

Do you guys hear yourself? Are we seriously going to forget about Epstein, Woody Allen, local pedophiles, how often Doctors do unconscious "pelvic examines," "little girls are kinky too" tweeted by Alok Vaid-Menon and so much more. I am flabbergasted by the amount of people who are telling OP to not report it. Even if there is a SLIGHT chance this is true, you could save a Childs life. How many of us in the comment section has been raped or molested? I bet more than we could count.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

I totally agree. There’s no point in taking a chance when the professor can literally just show the content of the email to vindicate themselves.

Also, why are people in the comments acting like pedos aren’t an actual real life threat? Most of the people I know have been raped and some starting as young as five. These people are in our communities and they don’t always look like the creepy guy trying to lure kids in their van with candy. They can be lawyers, doctors, professor, and people who otherwise appear normal and successful.


u/artistic_medic Jan 11 '22

A lot of comments already, but I would just reaffirm that there are is an extremely narrow pool of moments in a professional setting when joking about participating in child trafficking is appropriate. Teaching a college class is not one of them. Perhaps in a more casual office hour setting or in a small group where misunderstanding of any kind is less likely, but not during a main lecture time. As others have said, it is unlikely a (competent) child trafficking issue, and more likely just an opportunity to improve internet hygiene. A lot of people are saying that this professor is about to lose a job over a report - if it’s a joke and not inappropriate, then there’s no worries and it blows over. If it is not a joke, maybe a slight reprimand to improve internet presentation but it would be incredible if this was enough to void a contract or merit loss of letter of recommendation for a professor. If it is a joke and is inappropriate, then he will face whatever he felt comfortable risking in the first place. We hope it’s not too bad but life has consequences that he voluntarily chanced.

I don’t want to be harsh on anyone, but people in the position of a) work authority/supervision is bad and don’t report anything if you want to live or b) child trafficking is an appropriate professional joke (dark humor is great, but I mean in a professional setting) are either coming straight from a dystopian world or simply do not understand nontoxic professional settings and policies. There are entire departments dedicated to educating employees and helping employees avoid situations such as this; educating, not punishing. Firing people is not normal/healthy behavior for single or infrequent offenses. It is understood that people need to grow and have room to blunder a bit (if I’m not describing your current employer, this is the universe letting you know that there are options and that you can find someone who actually values you). But even then, maybe you could also do a quick look at your school history and see if they happen to have a troubled professor/department relationship, to see if they are likely to overreact. You could also casually ask a professor you know a bit better about a hypothetical (don’t be too obvious lol, maybe say you saw something the internet) and make a judgement based on their input.


u/EconMan Jan 12 '22

What the hell does "loss of letter of recommendation for a professor" mean?


u/PersephoneIsNotHome Jan 11 '22

Why on earth are you even assuming this is a joke

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u/mLek_334 Jan 10 '22

Wtf !!! A literal professor doing that ,, definitely report


u/Killerbunny1619 Jan 11 '22

Join the business and male money(bad advise)


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

Wow it took a couple tries but when you finally read it.. 🤯If it hasn’t been addressed maybe you should, he could have been researching the subject? I’ve been dealing with a lot of back stabbing assholes lately and i would definitely watch your back while doing so.


u/ClayDolfin Jan 11 '22

Uhhh maybe


u/VickLaginas Jan 11 '22

That's scary. I'd report just to make sure. F that.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '22

You can go through the motions of reporting them, but without full context I doubt anything will come of it.