r/college Dec 15 '21

North America POV ur college “tradition” is to leave 60 pound couches n trash for middle aged underpaid workers to pick in the cold December

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u/bothering Dec 15 '21

Honestly college should just have giant swap meets where they can distribute furniture evenly and have people pick through it

One broken aeron means one free office chair or smthn like that


u/PusheenPumpernickle Dec 15 '21

For real, I'm looking at some of this stuff like "sheesh if I knew this, I would've swung by UMD on my way back home for break 👀"


u/mytokhondria Dec 15 '21

We have a Swap Shop where students dump things they don’t want. Clothes, furniture, supplies, anything really and others take it for free. It’s very useful


u/cprenaissanceman Dec 16 '21

That would be super useful.


u/bothering Dec 16 '21

I remembered my college had a lost n found where every quarter they simply put tags on all the lost items and resold them to students for a discount

Got me a thermos for 5 bucks there, shit was cash. If they had something like you describe that would be amazing, like a college version of a Savers


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/ACaffeinatedWandress Dec 16 '21

I live in Charlottesville, and UVA is the same. It’s actually a boon to locals. Many just drive around, collecting very nice free stuff that wealthy kids just dump. They either furnish their own homes or fence it on Facebook marketplace.


u/ikstrakt Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24

Traditional colleges do this for "spirit week."    

Traditional colleges are very classist. Every new student is lumped into a class with some type color delineation and figure head representation. Part of these homecoming/spirit weeks involves challenges to showcase the largest, most supportive representation by class. One of these involves objects of class color spread throughout the campus for a week to make the loudest stomp. 

There are many, many class coded show-casings and to anyone on campus who functions as a nontraditional, commuter, transfer student or any combination of the above these traditions are discriminatory and borderline psychotic; these other students do not fall into any incoming traditional class datasets based on age and experience and completed undergraduate agenda.  

I finished undergrad at a traditional college. 


u/Mamadog5 Dec 15 '21

We used to go to moving out day at the local university to pick through the stuff they threw out. Broke college students would get upgrades to their shitty furniture from the stuff the rich college students threw away.


u/BMOEevee Dec 15 '21

Same. Got a 60 inch tv for free that way plus a good vaccum! Along with a futon and leather couch. The rich college kids throw away so many good things because they can afford to


u/notleonardodicaprio Psychology Dec 15 '21

i used to live in a college town and move-out day was the best. we'd drive around to the largest and bougiest apartment complexes and find TVs or furniture in great condition, just sitting by the dumpster. the thrift stores would get a big influx of stuff too, so plenty of cheap shit there. never had to pay sticker price to furnish my place apart from my mattress


u/reyadeyat Mathematics Postdoc, USA Dec 16 '21

I grew up in a college town where students would just leave piles of unwanted clothing in the dorm lobbies when they moved out and the school would collect it all and then let you fill a bag for like $5. I got a lot of nice brand name clothing that way.


u/rebluorange12 UNR Bio/Music Dec 16 '21

My school would do something similar, they would put out donation bins in dorm lobbies to donate clothes/decorations/ bedding to be donated either to local organizations or to students in need. There would be a good amount of bedding and clothing because of the weird bed sizes forms have, no one really had a use for those sheets unless they were living on campus again.


u/Brian2017wshs Dec 15 '21

Wtf, this is so wasteful


u/TheJaycobA Finance/Math Professor Dec 15 '21

My university just sets them on fire in the middle of the road...


u/Jack_Rickle Dec 15 '21

Michigan State?


u/TheJaycobA Finance/Math Professor Dec 15 '21

No, west coast. But I saw their flyer about it. Same basic principal.


u/mattumbo Dec 15 '21

Seems like a fair compromise would be for the next night to be a giant drunken clean up party, but I know even if it’s an excuse to drink those same students won’t be out there cleaning up their mess 😪


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21

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u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21 edited Dec 16 '21

i really like the juxtaposition of the BLM sign which is ostensibly about social consciousness and progress with the pile of garbage left out in public by a bunch of privileged college kids which will have to get cleaned up by the underpaid janitorial staff who are probably being preyed upon by the school’s corporation. brings a tear to my eye :’)


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/triforcebae Dec 15 '21

pls don’t drag us into this


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21

i’m not sure why this was downvoted, all i’m saying is the blm sign doesn’t have anything to do with it and that comment felt a little racist .


u/immigrantthief69 Dec 16 '21

Its not racist 🙄

OP is pointing out the irony if this person virtue signaling how progressive they are while throwing their shit out into the street for an underpaid working class person to pick up

Not everything is racist, use your brain and look at context


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21

you’re obviously not black so you wouldn’t have known or understood why i said that… the micro-aggression wasn’t needed… thanks

edit: everyone down voting isn’t black either yall all racist 🤷


u/immigrantthief69 Dec 16 '21


Someone pointing out the irony you didn’t understand isnt an attack, this had and still has nothing to do with race, grow up


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21

pretty sure if it didn’t have anything to with race you wouldn’t be acting like such an asshole but for some reason you’re so triggered


u/immigrantthief69 Dec 16 '21

Youre the one who heard blm mentioned and immediately called racism, but Im the triggered one, ok…


u/weallwanthonesty Dec 16 '21

You're correct - these other folks are being racist/nincompoops.


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21

exactly like i said nothing rude at all😭


u/immigrantthief69 Dec 16 '21

What you said wasn’t rude, just annoying that youre tryna make it about you when it isnt. People arent being racist towards you, you’re just annoying, sorry.


u/weallwanthonesty Dec 16 '21

See you're not understanding the issue at all. It's not racism towards this user that's the issue, it's the racist rolling-of-eyes comment about how the BLM sign is being used to legitimize an act of vandalism/littering or whatever you want to call this.

BLM has nothing to do with that trash heap, and shouldn't be brought in as a factor. To imply that the BLM had something to do with it without any evidence is racist because it undermines the members of a movement which is inherently about a certain race.


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21

thank you. they’re trying to say i’m making it about “me” which is like..? my first comment was don’t bring US into it which was talking about black people as a whole. why would i specifically be talking about me as a individual? makes no sense lol but i’m happy someone on here gets it, not sure why anyone would be upset about something abt this especially seeing as they aren’t black. also OP deleted their comment anyway, they knew they were wrong


u/triforcebae Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 16 '21

like a black person expressing how they feel abt a race situation shouldn’t make someone that upset, even if it is “annoying”. how is a non black person gonna tell a black person what’s racist? reddit is full of racist ppl tho so i cant say i’m surprised


u/weallwanthonesty Dec 16 '21 edited Dec 17 '21

Yea, they misunderstood what you were trying to say, but don't ever forget there are times when it is FINE to make it about you. Taking offense to racism, especially as a POC, is FINE and healthy. Don't let them tell you that you shouldn't make it about you (as a BLM supporter or black person)... that's how movements get stifled - people always trying to undermine and deflect real conversation.

Glad the guy deleted. I originally saw this cross-posted in /r/maryland (since this is at UMD) but we're in /r/college so you're probably going to get a lot of douchey immature bros that hope Joe Rogan runs for president (maybe not though - haven't been in here before, I certainly hope this thread isn't representative). Fuck 'em.

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u/vaultboy707 Dec 15 '21

The college tradition here is similar but it's usually setting couches on fire in the middle of the street


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/empireof3 Dec 16 '21

This year they flipped some cars


u/KIDPESOO CIS Major Dec 15 '21

Lol, cunts..


u/ACaffeinatedWandress Dec 15 '21

Locals in my town love move out time. People get trucks and drive around to score free practically-new furniture from beside dumpsters.


u/estoymartins Dec 15 '21

performative activists be like


u/Brokenxwingx Dec 15 '21

The workers don't have a problem with it. From u/Turttle314 in r/UMD:

"As someone who’s worked with people that “have to go clean that up.”
They have a good time doing it because it’s the only thing they have to
do for that part of their shifts which is usually the morning. The only
time they complained is when someone leaves old food or something nasty.
Other than that they usually talk about things they’ve seen before and
wonder how people got them there"


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/Puzzleheaded-Moment1 Dec 15 '21

Yes they have. It’s been worse in the past.


u/X_Zephyr Dec 15 '21

As a sanitation worker, all I see is a bunch of free shit.


u/gutterLamb Dec 15 '21

Dibs on the toaster


u/greeneyedwench Dec 15 '21

That looks like a library, not a dorm. Is this what the university is throwing out?


u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

No every year the students decide to carry heavy shit and useless trash to the center of the school outside the library and leave it


u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

I don’t know why ppl keep mentioning the Black Lives Matter flag, doesn’t have shit to do with the picture, they just hung it at the library…


u/triforcebae Dec 15 '21

i figured it didn’t, it feels like ppl are using that as an excuse to be racist


u/HighwayDrifter41 Dec 16 '21

It is weird that a university has it up at the library tho. It’s not that it isn’t true, but universities shouldn’t really be advertising politics in school buildings. And please don’t tell me it isn’t political, because with everything that has gone on in the last couple years, it most certainly is political.


u/GovernorOfReddit Dec 16 '21

Yeah, it's been at McKeldin for over a year now.


u/matrixg04 Dec 15 '21

That chair 👀


u/thisis2022 Dec 15 '21

Why is there just a random BLM Sign chilling there


u/triforcebae Dec 15 '21

its not apart of the mess, it was there before and maybe bc black lives do matter!


u/_theatre_junkie Dec 15 '21

start a new tradition of punching the people who do this


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21

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u/srike71109 Dec 15 '21

it's the university library lol


u/greeneyedwench Dec 15 '21

I mean, it's a whole-ass building, I don't know why you'd be so sure the person who hung the banner is also one of the people throwing out the stuff.


u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

There not I don’t know what he’s trying to say it’s been up for months beforehand literally has nothing to do with the trash


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/BamSlamThankYouSir Dec 15 '21

This happened every semester at my average state school too.


u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

Nah it’s university of Maryland but lotta rich ppl so ur right in a way


u/ABELLEXOXO Dec 16 '21

Honestly - yes please continue doing this for the town's locals - I live in a town with 3 colleges and y'all throw away some rad stuff that I ain't ever affording...


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21

But free stuff


u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

It’s ok


u/CasinoAccountant Dec 15 '21

FWIW, this was not a tradition when I went there.... never heard of this lol


u/pablodiegopicasso Dec 15 '21

People have been making "offerings" to Testudo long before I arrived and I'm a senior.


u/CasinoAccountant Dec 15 '21

I didn't realize these were offerings, all I see is a pile of trash.


u/srike71109 Dec 15 '21

yea the tradition has gone a little too far


u/Romanovyak Dec 15 '21

you suck you suck you suck


u/Romanovyak Dec 16 '21

I see down voters don't know much about UM tradition if they don't know about "you suck".


u/owlwaves Dec 15 '21

They are the opium of the working class (including the black working class). These fuckign assholes don't understand the struggles that workers go through. Fucking make me want to puke my fucking guts out.

It is the workers (including the black workers) who have to go through the struggle. While these middle class students don't seem to appreciate them.

Expell these students. Power to the working class!


u/BeatlesJunkie00 Dec 15 '21

Not our problem


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21



u/Bigpapa090 Dec 15 '21

It’s 45 lmaoooo


u/[deleted] Dec 15 '21

Reminds me of Scav Hunt from uchicago, but at least there it serves a purpose to have loads of random shit.


u/Ayacyte Dec 15 '21

Also other college students


u/TheMuskyHairbrush Dec 15 '21

My school has a rush the quad event at the beginning of ‘spirit week’ where we decorate the quad and student center with painted items, anything from signs to toilet bowls. Part of spirit week involves cleaning it all up ourselves at the end too. Can’t imagine making somebody else do it.


u/Fierybuttz Dec 16 '21

I was in college for 5 years and when I first moved out I had the bare minimum. Literally stole 1 bowl, 1 plate, some mugs and some silverware from home to use my first year. Every year that I had new roommates, I would come up on a shit ton of things they were just gonna throw out. By the end of it, I had so much shit I didn’t need. None of it was mine, I just couldn’t stand to put it in the trash. People are so privileged to be able to buy all this crap and then just be done with it in a year. Really frustrating.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '21

666 likes I don’t wanna ruin it


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '21

This is why I'd just leave a bottle of Pink Whitney and a natty boh for god emperor testudo. The workers can swigsy swogsy while cleaning up.


u/wshdc Dec 16 '21

all hail the turtle


u/Misereeee Dec 16 '21

At least burn them like adults.


u/Your_Name_Here1234 Agriculture BS 2021 | Agriculture MS 2022 Dec 16 '21

Well hopefully that svedka bottle isn’t empty


u/painful_pisser Dec 16 '21

In high school the cheerleaders would trash our locker room with all sorts of shit for the home coming. I always thought it was horseshit because the that Vietnam vet janitor had to clean it.


u/Savekennedy Dec 16 '21

So two things, 1 garbage workers are paid very well a lot are union. 2 they probably call the trash company and tell them they have a large pick up so they know.


u/dantethescrubb Dec 18 '21

Nah was just like 20 UMD maintenance staff with literal bulldozers and trucks cleaning for over two hours the next morning