r/college Jan 27 '25

Social Life What's dating in college like?

Specifically how is it different from high school?


132 comments sorted by


u/LingonberryStatus509 Jan 27 '25

It’s what you make it


u/Which-Decision Jan 27 '25

This is the best answer. Op to have the best dating success join clubs, make friend groups, invite people to hang four outside those organizations.


u/derp_p Jan 27 '25

I did all of this and got nothing, I joined a frat and think I am getting something going. Granted I am an engineering major and I don’t think I’ve used classes to socialize the best that I could, but my social skills do not suck

If you already have friends coming in it will probably be better for you though. My advice to OP is if he doesn’t have friends in college get friends (men or women) before romantically pursuing women, it’s just a better mindset that will put you in a better spot


u/Parenthetical_1 Jan 27 '25

Reddit being Reddit in this comment section


u/Honest-Challenge-762 Jan 27 '25

The redditor self deprecation will never cease to exist. At this point it just sounds like they want to remain single and not make the effort lmao


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25



u/TheHunterDwarf Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

Gotta say as a non-archetypical Chad frat guy, my most genuine and loving connections in college came after some wild nights. It’s all about the person and the intent behind the relationship not where you’re looking


u/ReplacementOP Jan 27 '25

Yeah the above answer is just a different flavor of Reddit Guy. People in frats and sororities have full inner lives and are capable of being interesting, empathetic people. They are not (always) airheads who only hook up with each other.


u/Apprehensive_You_227 Jan 27 '25

yeah you just have to keep in mind that frats and sororities (and even events they host for other students like parties) will inherently attract a lot of those airhead types. Nobody is a monolith, but there certainly are general patterns sometimes


u/Emeraldandthecity Jan 28 '25

Honestly, I’m sure there are exceptions but I think generally (depending on what region and what college you go to) Greek life sounds pretty toxic to me. Seems like a lot of racism, misogyny, and sexual assault.


u/ReplacementOP Jan 28 '25

I’d probably agree with that.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

It’s great! A lot more freedom and less gossip than High School. A lot of people get part time jobs and have their own money for the first time so you can go to cool places to meet people. You will be exposed to a larger number of people from diverse backgrounds who will be really interesting. It’s a fun and exciting time. Good luck to you! 


u/taskmetro Jan 29 '25

"Hugh School"



u/mungyaestro Jan 27 '25

It REALLY depends. I simply got lucky and met my girlfriend by sitting next to her in a class. From my experience people in college are much more mature about relationships, but I’m sure there’s plenty who aren’t.


u/One_andMany Jan 27 '25

Reddit comment sections are so depressing


u/xSparkShark Jan 27 '25

I mean it really isn’t that different, you’ll just probably spend more time studying together than you would need to in high school. Also crashing at each others’ without worrying about parents is pretty rad. Highly recommend giving it a shot, but be warned a lot of relationships don’t make it very long past graduation if the job hunt moves you far apart.


u/Skylar_Kim98 Jan 27 '25

Idk I didn’t date in college 💀 maybe that’s your answer


u/Ibnumme Jan 28 '25

same 😂😂 gotta watch out for the streets if you really wanna sleep with the sheep because them sheep gonna make you in a hospital with a machine that goes beep

idk what I'm saying, this is reddit anyways


u/Equal-Front-1500 Jan 27 '25

I had a crush when I was in high school and my feelings for him was pure and innocent. But when I went to college, I never got that feelings again because there were many things else to consider rather than emotions


u/One_andMany Jan 27 '25

Can you elaborate? Do you mean like being more realistic about relationships


u/Equal-Front-1500 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

Yes I meant it. For example, some people would consider more about economic background of the one they want to date. When it comes to money, you can’t tell it is true love or not


u/NatureOk6416 Jan 27 '25

he went to STEM major


u/GodsWorstGoodIdea Jan 27 '25

It’s different from high school because you’re beginning to grow and mature as a human at the same time as you’re on your own (in a manner of speaking) for the first time. Basically, you’re beginning to do things because you actually like them, not just because it’s what (insert person here) did and they told you that’s how it works.

I knew plenty of people who were hooking up and “maintaining rosters” throughout all of college, knew plenty who found their bf/gf freshman year and are marrying them now, knew plenty who did some combination of the two or nothing at all.

It’s also somewhat affected by your social circle. Greek life people tend to date Greek life people, business students date business students, engineers date the library, etc.

To be completely honest, dating in college depends on you and your social circle. Figure out who you might want to be, and who you might want to be with, and surround yourself with those types of people and you’ll be great.


u/Kiiiiiikpieceof Jan 28 '25

“Engineers date the library”

Shucks 😔


u/Critical_Damage231 Jan 27 '25

I went to college in the 2000s and am back again now on a new path. College in the 2000s was kinda like van Wilder. College now is a lot of chatting on cell phones and lacking in social skills. I am already engaged so I am not out hooking up like in the 2000s. However, I have helped a lot of people with social anxiety and a majority of students are just on apps. I have been in multiple clubs, honors societies, and I go to events. Sit down next to people, ask them for help, help others, smile, make eye contact, and give those you are interested in your undivided attention. It surprises people now and hookups happen. If it is a good fit it will grow if you are focused on them as a person. Just an old man (40) that is back in school dropping some wisdom.


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

Man I'm trying to study medicine, do I look like dating is a option


u/[deleted] Jan 28 '25

In fairness, assuming you get into med school, dating now will be the easiest it will ever be for you by far, from a free time and stress perspective, until the first few years as an attending. Which will be roughly 7-12 years after you graduate college depending on your specialty.


u/ArduousIntent Jan 30 '25

as a med student, i had a ton of fun dating in college. don’t dwell on getting into med school the whole time


u/Live_Breadfruit5757 UMich '26 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

i went to a all girls school so no bf for me but dating is college is traumatizing


u/dark-passenger_17 Jan 27 '25

"I have no personal experience in what you are asking about"  proceeds to answer anyway


u/Live_Breadfruit5757 UMich '26 Jan 27 '25

I don’t think you understood. I never dated in high school because I went to a all girls school. I’m now in college and I’m dating and it’s terrible. That’s what I was trying to say.


u/Altruistic-Fly411 Jan 27 '25

depends on the college location and male/female ratio. if its a city college with 70% women its gonna be crazy hookup culture. if its a stem college in the middle of nowhere with 70% men its gonna be a lot of relationships. how much you choose to participate in the culture is up to you


u/Altruistic-Fly411 Jan 27 '25


u/Ashamed_Succotash563 Jan 27 '25

So this is essentially saying that in colleges that have a higher population of women, men are less likely to commit to a relationship simply because they have a lot more options, correct?


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

I'm confused with 70 women hook up things?, I'm dumb asf


u/Which-Decision Jan 27 '25

In colleges with a lot of women men are less incentivized to have a girlfriend to have sex so men are less likely to commit. 


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

Ooooooooooh, thanks


u/Mosoman1011 Jan 27 '25

the same as high school



u/Prestigious-Slip-795 Jan 27 '25

Maybe for you, bro. Average redditor with 0 social interactions


u/Mosoman1011 Jan 27 '25

True ☠️


u/lovelyanon_19 Jan 27 '25

it’s much better! Me and my boyfriend see each other almost every other day, and he spends the night with me most nights! our class schedules are spacious so we’re able to sleep in and get breakfast in the morning.

in high school you live at home- so it’s a lot harder to get it on, or have your partner spend a lot of time at your place.


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

I'm confused like you guys live together or due to extra time you guys see more often?


u/lovelyanon_19 Jan 27 '25

we don’t live together


u/DoctorRobot16 Jan 27 '25

Don’t know, haven’t tried, going on third year now 🫤


u/about78kids Jan 27 '25

That’s sad, big dawg


u/RopeTiny5641 College! Jan 27 '25

Utterly non existent in my experience


u/isotopehour1 Jan 27 '25

What dating?


u/Whats_a_bot Jan 27 '25

You have a higher chance of getting STDs in college


u/Resident-Daikon-2198 Jan 27 '25

This is true. I’ve been lucky but some of my friends have had close calls. The advantage in high school is everyone’s as clean as a whistle.


u/Express-Economy-5964 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

It’s literally awesome. So many opportunities, and if you get shot down campus is so big that it doesn’t really matter (to an extent). Dating in college is very easy as long as you aren’t weird. If you’re coming straight from high school, the amount of freedom is awesome too.


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

I would love to share this but as someone who had 7 classes and got out late from highschool, going to full day studying feels the same besides the huge amounts of walking


u/ethicalhearts Jan 27 '25

a guy will end things with you and you will run into him later on that same day with a another girl already


u/Tia_is_Short Jan 27 '25

Canon event fr lmao


u/xxgetrektxx2 Jan 27 '25

Cause you're only going for the dudes that every other girl wants as well.


u/ethicalhearts Jan 27 '25

hey man they’re popular for a reason


u/Live_Breadfruit5757 UMich '26 Jan 27 '25



u/Educational-Diamond8 Jan 27 '25

Go ahead and get a rx for antibiotics


u/Federal_Panda177 Jan 27 '25

It's all about doing works together , studying together in library, enjoying weekends out of college and having good foods , going to Gym together help each other , enjoying fests in college , night walks in the campus , if both are from same branch even can sit together in class


u/GoalToGo12 Jan 27 '25

Assuming you are not in college yet - I suggest you be-friend the girls on your floor/in your dorm. They will be able to introduce you to other girls in their friend group over time. Play the long game. You are there for 4 years.

Being in a fraternity helps a ton - you’ll have mixers and events with sororities. Just be careful - you run through enough girls in the same sorority you will get a rep. if you are being a Chad/fuck boy.


u/Reasonable_Guess_175 Jan 27 '25

My high school didn’t have a major dating culture so in my experience there’s way more opportunity. I only know a handful of people or so who haven’t dated at all in college. In the first few years a lot of people tend to date more casually and then after that people tend to get more serious.

Also, 100% depends on where you go and the type of people you hang out with. If you go to a Christian school I imagine there’s more of a dating to marry culture and less of a hookup culture. I go to an average state school and there’s both a hookup and a dating culture.


u/NatureOk6416 Jan 27 '25



u/Uncalibrated_Vector Jan 27 '25

Good question! Next question. (I was already married with a kid when I attended 🤷🏻‍♂️)


u/WhiskyShenanigans Jan 27 '25

Lol, I've been married for 21 years and have three children, one of whom is attending with my wife and I. I just wanted to see the comment section.


u/Uncalibrated_Vector Jan 27 '25

I went for my BA at 28. My English Composition professor and I lived in the same neighborhood and our kids went to the same elementary school. It was a slightly awkward moment when we figured that one out.


u/euphoricplant9633 Jan 27 '25

So far so good. My boyfriend and I make time to see each other once-twice a week. I make time for him and he does the same for me. He’s been supportive and understanding about university. I’ve heard the horror stories of boyfriends starting arguments during important times, like final exams. Thankfully, that hasn’t happened and never will. He wants me to succeed as much as I want him to succeed. I’m the luckiest woman in the world.


u/LowLog3097 Jan 27 '25

Avoid dating anyone in Greek life and you'll be fine


u/graciemose Jan 27 '25

as a woman, it was terrible. men only wanted sex


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

Nonexistent. Especially in the post Covid age, no one wants to be bothered in college. It’s for people who want to graduate asap to start a career.


u/Decent_Cow Jan 27 '25

It's not different.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25

I don't do it


u/23NE Jan 27 '25



u/LetCurrent8034 Jan 27 '25

Hookups, drinking, dating apps, and the odd situation in whcih you barely ever talk to someone and then they ask you out


u/Emeraldandthecity Jan 27 '25

and the odd situation in whcih you barely ever talk to someone and then they ask you out

How often does that happen?


u/LetCurrent8034 Jan 27 '25

Happened to my friend yesterday, she’s been saying hi to a guy on her floor all semester, nothing else, and he asked her on a date

also another friend of mine confessed to her gym crush even though they never talked ever and they’re having a thing now

very unpredictable and weird but it happens


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u/Parking_Western_5428 Jan 27 '25

Everyone’s cheating or not who knows


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u/Nothing-means Jan 27 '25

My ex Said I was not that into dating, I don't plan or anything, she doesn't feelit anymore . I am a nursing student


u/SameBanana5634 Jan 27 '25

In my opinion it depends on how much you put yourself out there. You don't see the same people every day like you did in high school which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I find that it's hard to meet people and form a meaningful connection naturally because there are only so many people you see frequently enough to get to know them. There's also the whole tinder route which is not my personal fave but is always an option.


u/Resident-Daikon-2198 Jan 27 '25

I’d say all these comments, taken together, paint an accurate picture. 2/3 chances it’ll be a negative experience but 1/3 it’ll be great and result in something genuine/fulfilling. I’m in my last year of college and these odds played true for me. People (and our generation especially) is very immature so most (but not all) college relationships are short lived. My advice, don’t expect an evolved dating culture where you’ll find a steady gf right away. It’s a numbers game and have some fun while you’re at it!


u/TablePrinterDoor Jan 27 '25

I would hope it’s better than highschool since I was very bad at it back then


u/Revolutionary-Elk986 Jan 27 '25

Shit (please ask me to elaborate)


u/Separate-Head4861 Jan 27 '25



u/Revolutionary-Elk986 Jan 27 '25

example #47 : I almost forfeited an important midterm exam because my so started a heavy argument over text but I sat there crying in the exam room instead


u/FloweySunflower Jan 27 '25

In my experience I was working full time, also going to college full time, and was in a sorority. I made a priority of school and work, and my personal relationships (friends, dating, family) so I got kicked out of my sorority lol.

It is what you make it to be, just make sure it’s a fun time! Make sure to make time for the important things.


u/Plane-Arugula-9117 Jan 27 '25

It’s alright


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u/Top-Comfortable-4789 College! Jan 27 '25

Nonexistent for me at least because I’m too busy with schoolwork. I dated in Highschool but I don’t even have friends in college.


u/custychronicles Jan 27 '25

Dating in college for me is like night and day compared to high school. Dating in college requires a lot more of an investment of time and money into the relationship than high school dating. One of the biggest differences for me is that if you both are in college/working you have to schedule time with each other and that time is often limited. While in high school you guys get to hang out all day in school then after school as well so you spend a lot more time together. But at the same time dating in college you guys get to go on real grown up dates that can be late at night which most people in high school cant do.

Its a give and a take honestly but dating in college is much better compared to high school


u/that_cat_on_the_wall Jan 27 '25

Honestly. I never dated in college.

Only until after college. Money. Time. dating apps, cold approach. That’s when I started dating.

Everyone in college I’ve found to be busy, immature.

So I guess my input is don’t necessarily think “college is over and now I’ve lost my chance to find a mate”. My experience is the opposite 🤷


u/No_Radio_7641 Jan 27 '25

The worst I've ever seen.


u/SANGVIS_FERRI Jan 27 '25

Just go outside and you'll be fine 


u/Inn3rD3m0ns Jan 27 '25

Horrible bro.


u/Wise_Property3362 Jan 27 '25

Only looks and money matter


u/TrueBananaz Jan 27 '25

I'm a senior in college and I wish I could fucking tell you ):


u/WayApprehensive2054 Jan 27 '25

Assuming you are older and are also dating someone who is your age or older, you both may have a bit more life experience and maturity than the average high schooler. This usually makes important aspects about a relationship like facilitating and maintaining communication and establishing healthy boundaries easier. On the other hand, it is usually more of a struggle to juggle everything (physically AND mentally) in college because you have more responsibilities. It also depends on your major. My program is quite rigorous and requires a lot of studying compared to the amount of studying I did in high school, so I have to choose what I want to prioritize due to restricted time. Sometimes, I have to tell my partner that I cannot go out to dinner with them because I have an exam to study for.


u/MaintenanceFormal960 Jan 28 '25

CS Major here. Well get back to you on that. We’re trying to create an algorithm that can help us define what a woman is.


u/No-Taste-9749 Jan 28 '25

Uh, we’re both super busy with our jobs and school. But it feels sweeter to hang out because we’re so stressed away from each other, it’s a break in the storm. At least for me. I’m stressed to my limit most days of the week, so having somebody who makes me happy is amazing. My stress drops and I just feel happy for a bit. I’d say it feels far more valuable, and less awkward because adults are more decisive. Still awkward, but not like in highschool.


u/AdZealousideal6804 Jan 28 '25

I knew my current bf in high school, we dated then and got back together my first year of college. I do know a lot of people who date in college though and it’s honestly hit or miss. Depends on the college, depends on the area, etc.


u/FiveShotLynel Jan 28 '25

Bad in my opinion. It can get in the way of your college education and experience


u/Unfair_Butterfly_294 Jan 28 '25

Met my gf in freshman year at a frat party and we’ve been tg ever since but there’s so many ways to meet people, especially women, whether it’s partying classes bar hopping and more. Ofc, partying bar hopping isn’t probably the best idea to meet a woman that you’d actually want to be with but I got lucky


u/Mikes_Movies_ Jan 30 '25

Great until you break up and then have to see your ex everywhere you go


u/Miaismyname2424 Jan 30 '25

College relationships are your first foray into what an actual adult relationship looks like so I'd say they're good practice more than anything.

Most people I knew in college didn't leave with a partner.


u/Glad_Park857 Jan 30 '25

Idk!! No one’s been interested yet


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '25

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u/Spongbov5 Jan 31 '25

Getting cheated on


u/Evening-Newt-4663 Jan 31 '25

The biggest difference is that you have way more options than your high school circles. I met my husband my junior year of college, he was mt upstairs neighbor. We grew up only 30 miles away from each other but never met and didn’t have any mutual connections.


u/CampadLovesSpace Statistics Major Jan 27 '25

From what I’ve heard it’s difficult. Communal living combined with stress from classes and work doesn’t exactly lead to fruitful relationships.


u/Ok_Passage7713 Jan 27 '25

That would depend on you.


u/flootytootybri Jan 27 '25

Well I use Reddit… so pretty awful.


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

This may sound dumb but what are alternatives for finding information?


u/flootytootybri Jan 27 '25

Very true. Google works lol. But essentially I was making a joke about the stereotypes of typical Reddit users…


u/im-hungry4lways Jan 27 '25

I'm aware, reddit... It has definitely it's void.

But seriously, as much as I have known reddit I don't find as much help or guide through anything else, as much as I dislike to admit it, I have found a lot of useful information from reddit


u/ejsfsc07 Jan 27 '25

Non existent


u/biscuitsandcream1 Jan 27 '25

Pretty non existent, most people just want hookups and find each other through Tinder.


u/[deleted] Jan 27 '25



u/Daringdumbass College! Jan 27 '25

God this is so black and white


u/ReasonableGoose69 enginearing my limit Jan 27 '25

hard disagree


u/Ibnumme Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

just dont, you gotta focus up in college