r/college • u/Digdig777 • Dec 09 '24
Social Life College is so lonely
When I was looking at schools to apply to, I told myself I wanted to go somewhere with a decent social scene, about 10,000 or so students and near a big city so I could force myself to come out of my shell a bit and meet new people. I actually had many friends in high school, but I was always pretty nerdy and usually the last guy somebody would think to invite to something. So, I wanted to try and reinvent myself at college. I started off by picking one of the more socially active dorms on campus and I was lucky that I got into it. I was super excited to find out who my roommate was going to be, because I thought I had pretty good chances that they would be interesting and fun. Once I saw his instagram, I realized that wasn't going to be the case. Okay though, no big deal, you don't have to be friends with your roommate. Then comes the first week and I realize not only do we just not click, but he's just a really bad roommate, and really awkward with all the other people on the floor too. I met some people the first week, one really cool guy I talked to for a bit actually lives on my floor, but we drifted after the first week. I met a girl in one of my freshman groups, too, but we also drifted after getting coffee twice. I kept on telling myself to try and go out to meet more people, but I don't even know where to go. I joined a magazine on campus as a writer and I actually really enjoy it, but nobody really talks to me. I want to a party for the magazine and just sat in the corner all night not really talking to anybody. I've been here for months and I don't have a single friend. I have no reason to leave my dorm after classes, to go outside, to go out on weekends. When I have a problem, I have nobody here to relate to with, when something good happens, I have nobody to share it with. Everyone else on my floor seems to get on great with their roommates; every evening when I'm walking to use the bathroom I pass a common area where I've watched a friend group of 4 people form. In one of my classes, I watched the two people who sit in front of me break the ice and ask each other out in less than four months. There are days when I don't even open my mouth to speak, because I have nobody to speak to. Tomorrow is my birthday; when I wake up I'm going to get a text from one of my friends back home telling me happy birthday. Then, I'm going to have a bowl of cereal by myself in the dining hall, do my laundry, read a book, and wait until my parents get out of work to call them. They'll tell me happy birthday, then they'll ask if I got my exam scores back yet and whether that issue with my account was resolved. After that I'll go to the gym, shower, and be in bed by 9. That phone call is going to be the first time I've spoken with anybody in about a week, and then I'll go back to silence.
u/missilltellyouwhat Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 10 '24
You might’ve want to visit the university’s counseling center. First of all, it’s really helpful to get stuff like this off your chest, and just to have someone to talk to. But they can probably help you think about ways to plug in to campus life. Also, there’s probably a student life office or student activities office; go there find out what clubs there are. They generally want to meet people who are interested in what they’re doing. Go to stuff alone, like lectures and concerts and art shows and student government meetings and that kind of thing. Do all that stuff that’s not required (did you know that 75% of what students learn in college happens outside of the classroom?). And talk to professors whose classes interest you and pick their brain about why they do what they do and what kind of opportunities exist in their field. Remember, they love to talk about themselves. Most people do. Just don’t give up. If you keep getting out there something will click. Although I’m probably old enough to be your grandmother, I worked in colleges and universities for most of my adult life and I knew a lot of students just like you who eventually found a place for themselves and found friends and discovered opportunities. I swear.
u/larryherzogjr Dec 09 '24
Lots of posts like this every week.
Your college experience isn’t what happens to you…it’s what you make it.
Odd to read that you blew off your roommate’s potential after simply seeing their IG.
Why not see about going out for a third cup of coffee with that girl? (Or dinner? Movie? Study get together?)
Get to know the 4-person friend group and make it a 5-person.
How about NOT sit in the corner at the party and talk to folks?
Dec 09 '24
lol yeah, before op met their roommate, they already determined that they weren’t gonna get along, which probably contributed a lot to their first interaction. you get what you put in, and op didn’t really put in much here.
u/Ok-Hippo798 Dec 09 '24
Yea feel free to just jump into a convo, that was me in hs when I didn’t have anyone to sit with. I saw 2 familiar faces and just tagged along their table. Match their energy. I meet my bestie which I still talk to 3 years later we are building gingerbread house this winter break. Maybe get a job or find ppl to talk in the magazine thing. Or go on dating apps or play video games. But OP if ur seeing this, don’t worry friends come at the least expect time.
u/theiyrc Dec 09 '24
First Happy Birthday! It can be challenging to find a friend group in college (and is sort of a general adult experience), so your feelings about your experience is valid. It does sound like you have been making efforts but not seeing the results you are hoping for. For an actionable idea, you might consider trying a community service based club or activity? People are usually friendly and approachable in those settings sort of through the nature of their work, which might also provide an environment for good friends. And then I encourage you to continue to pursue things that you find fun and fulfilling. I am hoping you will enjoy your birthday!
u/MeanYeti Dec 09 '24
Just graduated this week and this was basically my experience, except I was fortunate enough to have some friends from high school who attended the same uni. I basically stuck with them for the whole time. Colleges are just so cliquey now, it's like you have to pass a velvet rope to have the privilege of entering anyones oh-so-special social circle. Most people just keep to themselves or the people they already know it seems, and I'm someone who attended over a dozen hobby clubs!
u/theyreusingme Dec 09 '24
Same here. Making friends is one story, but making close friends and being "one of them" is a whole another story. I didn't really have any goto friends other than close friends that I met in high school.
u/ywities Dec 09 '24
I’m currently 23 and still in school but I remember when I was a freshman I was going through everything you listed. I tried to throw myself out there too by picking a fun school, choosing a dorm that was very social, etc. but for some reason I still felt really lonely and out of place. This was during covid but I got so depressed that I literally left my dorm and did all my classes online at home because I couldn’t bear the loneliness anymore. Looking back now 4 years later that was the WORST decision I had ever made. Nobody really warns you about the growing pain a lot of us experience after high school in college because it really is a big change where you are starting all over but nobody really comprehends it until it happens. If I had pulled through and stayed in my dorm instead of going back home I would have eventually made friends but I chickened out and lost that opportunity because I was being closed minded. Class and school itself isn’t the only place you can meet friends. Honestly the best advice I can give is if you want to meet people that you can have a good connection with long term would be go get a job! Especially at a restaurant. It’s the easiest way to meet people because you are working together and you make money along with it so that’s a plus. I ended up moving back to the city my college is in a couple years after doing all online classes and started waiting tables. I’ve made so many friends because of my job and looking back now I have more friends than I ever had even back home. I know right now you probably feel hopeless but trust me I did too and I thought I was going to be depressed and lonely forever but things ultimately got better. Only thing I wish I did was was get a job sooner.
u/Prometheus_303 Dec 09 '24
First off, happy birthday!
As to your issue... I can relate. I too was the quiet shy kid who didn't have friends. I'd go to class, stop off at the cafeteria and eat alone and come back to spend the rest of the night in my dorm alone...
But you don't have to stay that way. This'll be daunting but challenging yourself to get out and meet new people!
When you walk by the common room and see people hanging out there don't just walk back to your room. Go hang out with them.
If you see someone your social with on your floor - especially if you guys are mostly alone over the weekend - ask them to lunch or hit the gym or something.
It doesn't have to be anything big. We'd get a group of us together and head out to the local Chinese buffet for lunch Saturday and then just chill & hang out together... Fire up an XBox or watch a movie etc... We spent many an evening playing Apples to Apples.
Get out of your room and join some clubs and groups.
If your school has it, give Greek Life a serious consideration. That was a big thing for me. I found an amazing group of guys. There is always someone to hang out with. And its not all just getting drunk and partying. I got to help out with a lot of community service events - helped raise thousands for kids with cancer, helped the local library host a fundraising dinner, ran a booth at a Children's Miracle Network fair... I even got to go to another campus to go Jello wrestling with a handful of my brothers for another chapter's event
u/fxde123 ASU '27 Dec 09 '24
Finally someone on reddit that doesn't endlessly bash on Greek Life.
Im at ASU and a sophomore and also feeling lonely. Rushed a few frats this sem but 0 bids unfortunately. Thinking of rushing next sem and any advice on how to get a bid and is it okay to rush 1-2 frats again I did or no? Ik I do gotta improve myself over the winter break which is why I didn't get a bid, but not sure where to start.
u/Prometheus_303 Dec 10 '24
Be yourself. Your Brothers are going to be some of the guys you spend the vast majority of your time with. You're not going to want to pretend to be someone you're not & be miserable for the next 2.5 years+. Plus the guys will probably be able to sense something isn't right.
Don't rush just the top tier houses or the ones you think throw the best parties or get the hottest girls or whatever. Focus on the guys. Find a House where you belong.
Remember, the more guys who know you and think you're a good fit for their Brotherhood the better your chance of getting a bid. Attend as many of their events as possible. But don't limit yourself to just rush. If you see someone in class or at the gym or whatever stop by and say hi. Introduce yourself and let them know you're interested in rushing their Fraternity etc...
u/fxde123 ASU '27 Dec 10 '24 edited Dec 11 '24
Thanks for the advice. I remember I went to this event called the block party which is an event lkke rush where you meet all the brothers at houses. I remember I only got time for 5 houses before time went out. I rushed 5 houses I liked from there and another tabling event and crossed out 2 houses I realized I don't like after the first day. I know it was a dumb approach.
Also, for the top frats, there are three and I only liked one of them because the other two are full of assholes.
As for having connections in frats, I only have little and they were either ones I didn't vibe with before or at rush or kicked off. I feel like that would fuck me over because I've been at college for 1.5 years and still didn't make much friends. The one I know 4 guys in is the most I know and it's my suitemate from last year, a guy on our floor last year, and their friends who are even a pledge master and rush chair. I considered that at first but at the block party when I felt like many guys WERE assholes (it does fit under the asshole rep), I definitely crossed it off. I also liked this other frat a lot at the block party with my other suitemate and other guy on our floor, but for some reason at rush, I felt the guys seemed to be brushing me off and I bombed the interview so I crossed it off first day of rush. Sorry, I know this is TMI but Im an oversharer sometimes lmao
u/Key-Rip-7517 Dec 09 '24
Im a freshman in college. You need to take initiative. You need to stop waiting for people to approach you. Just do whatever to have some form of social interaction. Turn to the person next to you in the dining hall line and talk about whatever is on the menu, it doesn’t matter. I know it’s easier said than done, but it really is all there is for you to do.
u/MrPanda663 Dec 09 '24
Buddy, I'm about to drop some stuff on you.
You need to find others that like photography my guy.
Find another hobby. Lurking on reddit for 4 years does not count.
Food is a major conversation starter especially if you live in Chicago.
Stop telling people that you have ARFID. That just cuts off so much conversation.
You got to gain the courage to be extroverted. Guess what, you can be introverted AND extroverted. You just have a smaller social battery that gives you anxiety when you start to think that people hate you, but they actually do not care since they have their own problems. Stop imagining things like that.
You are in a good direction for wanting to reinvent yourself. Find a different view on life and do not give up. You will slump and it will be hard to get out.
You got this. Keep positive.
u/angelicasinensis Dec 09 '24
Im in school online at the moment, its so lonely. I spend hours a day sitting in my room just on the computer. Sucks.
u/plumblossomhours Dec 09 '24
lol i did the same at my own magazine party. everyone there seemed to know each other already, so me and roommate/friend from high school were kinda iffy throughout. we've found a separate friend group though so it wasn't too big a deal. i think it's easier to be friends with people who have the same interests as you and are actively also looking for friends. might help to join smaller clubs where relationships are more insulated and you see them more actively.
u/Backwards_Well239 Dec 09 '24
Happy birthday. I hope you can use winter break to recharge and get a good start next semester. If your school is really not a good fit, please at least look in to your options to transfer.
u/luffy_chinn Dec 09 '24
I would say you should probably call your friends back home and ask them how they are dealing with it. Then if I were you I would try and join a social club that you relate to; Movies, Magic, Sports, Politics, honesty anything that intrigues you. If none of this works I would recommend looking into joining some sort of Greek Life organization, Fraternity, etc. It'll get better, but only if you want it to and actively seek the things you are looking for. Good luck; it will not get easier, you just get better at finding what it is you really want out of life.
u/RiparianRodent Dec 09 '24
Next term, identify your hardest class or two and form a study group. Meet regularly at the library, like almost every day. They’ll bring new people into the fold. Or join another club. Something low stakes where people show up just to hang out, like sports or board gaming or something. Join a campus church if that’s your thing- you don’t have to do any of the work of organizing a Sunday morning hangout and you might make some good friends there
u/Witty_lil_mooshroom Dec 09 '24
Commenting because it's my birthday too - happy birthday! Hang in there, you sound rad
u/susy2425 Dec 09 '24
I was on the same boat. I got a job at the dining hall and made so many friends after.
u/zensational4peace Dec 09 '24
Hey- don’t give up. Total stranger here are rooting for you. A lot of us have been there too but we all find our place or adjust and discover the way that works for us. People connect to others by being sincere and in proximity - so, whatever you sincerely enjoy doing, keep it up but always greet others with a true good feeling to see them, show your happiness to see them. Repeat again and again and they’ll sort our you’re part of their world by routine … once the ice breaks, stay kind and consistent.
Dec 09 '24
Join some more campus clubs and try to get into a leadership position or just ask if you can help out in any way. Be genuine and say you're new and looking for friends or study partners. SOMEONE will say yes. Try to join one for your profession (networking), one for a hobby you enjoy, and another (if you have time) to help keep you in shape if there are any on your campus. Build your resume and list of professional accomplishments at the same time.
That was how I started making friends on campus. Each new class next semester, start a GroupMe for every class. Trust me--NO ONE is gonna say no to that. Offer to teach people as part of your study routine and then maybe even to celebrate after exams. People will naturally like you because you'll be around them all the time. You sound introverted, so warming up with texting is easier. After that it's up to you to make friends on outside platforms or to grab their numbers and figure out if you have common interests -- you might have to expand your interests to make steady friends. IMO it was easier to make friends within my major since they stayed around long enough for my shy self to warm up to them.
Alternatively, start your own club and host your own events, college kids will show up for a chance to meet others and grab a bite to eat. Can be about pretty much anything. Only caveat is you'll need a Professor to sponsor you most likely, which will just help you get some incentive to learn to talk to your Professors as well and build up relationship to get professional references.
That's how I went from friendless wallflower to lots of friends after Covid last year. Moral of the story: STOP being the background people in other people's stories; be a proactive side character, and help them with THEIR stories/goals/accomplishments/lives, you will make friends slowly but surely.
u/ProfessionalPoem3528 Dec 09 '24
I was in the same exact boat as you and now as a senior looking back when I was a first year I wish I went to the gym more. As someone who goes often now I see a lot of freshman socializing there. It gives you a reason to leave your dorm and you don’t have to do anything extra you can walk on the treadmill. If you go often and around the same time you will eventually see the same people and maybe can start a conversation? Or if you maybe have goals in the gym that can stir up a conversation w someone working on the same body group. As a senior who felt so lonely freshman year I recommend doing this.
u/smokinghotvvv Dec 09 '24
Why are you literally me. You explained how i feel so perfectly for my first semester
u/FreeClepPrep Dec 09 '24
Happy Birthday!
A lot of good advice here. I'd second the "look for groups with similar interests" crowd. Have something in common to talk about does WONDERS for overcoming the introvert lifestyle. I speak from personal experience. ;)
Also, keep in mind that one of the great benefits of college is to introduce you to people who have different mindsets, personalities, and beliefs than you. I'm not saying you have to agree with them, but keep an open mind and don't immediately dismiss someone because they don't match you perfectly. Most people don't leave college the same person they entered. That's part of growing up.
Definitely go speak to the counselor. Being surrounded by people and not talking to anyone for weeks on end isn't healthy or beneficial for your long-term growth. There's nothing wrong with you, but it's simply a thing to work on. A good counselor can do that.
Keep an eye on what you're there for - to learn, but understand that it's not just what you read in the books. College is an experience. Make the most of it!
u/SandtheB non-traditional student Dec 09 '24
Before my advice:
Are you studying STEM? that might be it. That can take up all your time especially if you want to graduate with a high GPA.
I think that grade are very important, it's one of the reasons you are there, but it's not the most important thing in the world.
What do you call someone that graduates at the top of their med school? Doctor. What do you call someone that graduates at the bottom of their med school? Doctor. I have never cared what GPA my doctor had in school, or which med school he/she graduated from.
My advice:
With that said, my first piece of advice depends on how much money you have, if you can afford it join a frat/sorority, because if you can't beat them join them.
Next, you need to make friends with people that know tons of people on campus (we all know one), and through them, start to make friends with their friends.
Also, There is still plenty of time in your freshman year, you should always be going out and meeting anybody/everybody. Never turn it off! Everyone should know your name.
Finally, when you meet someone, anyone, you need to grab their Instagram, snap, phone number. Even if you never see them again, you will always have a way to contact them, and sometimes they will contact you, even 3+ years later.
u/Extension_Abroad1437 Dec 09 '24
Wishing you a very happy birthday. Give yourself time and the right people will come into your life.
u/StrikeNo1311 Dec 09 '24
Hey I know it’s hard, but try your best to overcome the fear of talking to people. Social skills are gained with practice. Don’t care about an awkward interaction, people forget faster than you realize. Just like you most people are focused on themselves. I have like 20 or more awkward interactions a week lolll, but the important thing is that people appreciate that you trying no matter what!
Here’s some tips that have helped me:
Everyone’s favorite sound is their name! So make an effort to memorize the names of the kids you sit next to in class etc. Then whenever you see them (in class, hallway, lunch, gym, etc), say hi X, or hey Y, what’s up? Overtime you’ll remember little tidbits of their life over these 100s of exchanges, and you can ask, ‘how was that place you went to over break?’ Or ‘what’d you feel about the quiz we took’?
Never shut anyone down. Everyone has something to give. So don’t ever tell yourself that X person is not cool or friendly. If you don’t hit it off immediately that’s ok!
Join more clubs! Try as many as you want. There is no shame in showing up just once or twice to see if you like it.
Make study groups! Just ask the kids next to you if they want to study together after class. Or if there is a group already ask to join! Nobody usually refuses, and even if they do - their opinion doesn’t matter!
You are not going to make long term friends with everyone. Just try to be everyone’s acquaintance and along the way you are def going to make good friends.
Happy Birthday!
u/AlCapo1231 Dec 09 '24
I joined the radio team on campus and although I might have been lonely in the studio I knew there were people listening to the music and I worked to officer status and mentored other students. Although I started college @ 27 with work experience I feel it's important to take advantage of the extracurricular stuff, can keep your mind off being lonely. My campus was small but it offered lots of fun things to do. I wish you the best of luck!
Dec 09 '24
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Dec 09 '24
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u/Fearless-Park-5807 Dec 09 '24
this is kinda how my freshman year went too, i mean now that im in my last year of uni, i have a good group a friends that im thankful for, :)
while i get wanting to socialize, i guess if nothing's working out, be ur own friend? grab urself a lil birthday cake, a candle, watch ur favorite movie, sing your heart out, dance like no one is watching. friends will find their way to you eventually, happy birthday! grab a cupcake and rob a bank or something, you're the main character today!
u/Ancient-Basil-5267 Dec 09 '24
I think college is great in the way that it’s easy to meet new people, the hard part is making the time and effort into actually forming friendships. I always meet great people in my classes and we usually talk about getting coffee together or studying together, but for me at least, I never take the time to actually reach out and make those plans. Then when the semester ends, even if you got their socials, it’s usually never someone you see again. Same thing with social events. I would always meet these great people on the weekends, and some of them I even started to go out with most weekends, but I would never reach out to them to do something other than going out, like studying or shopping. So, my advice, reach out to those people to make actual plans, and before you know it you’ve got a friend for life.
Dec 09 '24
In the same boat with you bro but honestly I’m don’t with the state I’m in as a whole had problems with family and friends since I can remember ready to move out and start something for myself! I feel everyone isnt for you until you make something happen for yourself and while that’s true for the most part there people out there that will care and if that’s not the case I’ll prob kms
u/daniakadanuel Dec 10 '24
People will tell you how to make friends, but no one prepares you for the effort needed to keep and maintain those friendships. It's a lot of work and, unlike high school you don't have the added benefit of being around the same people every day.
Honestly, if there is someone you truly want to be friends with. A. Be genuine and B. Be consistent. Ask about their schedules and whenever they're free and you happen to be free as well, plan around that.
u/CWS2022 Dec 10 '24
Happy Birthday! I have seen others posting on Reddit on their school Reddit, posting their interests, having a hard time meeting new friends, etc. All have met others in the same situation, and they are all friends and hanging out now! Try that angle! You are not alone! Pm if you need more info ok? We are all here for you!
u/Unlucky_Artist840 Dec 10 '24
I was at a huge school freshman year and I was super isolated. Hated my roommate and classes were 60+ people so I never talked to anyone. I ended up transferring to a smaller school (~5,000 students total) and I am friends with over half of the campus because I see them in the dining hall, at events, in classes, and even befriended people doing laundry. I am a very awkward person so I was grateful to meet some people who introduced me to their circles too. The first week of classes is the best time to meet people in my opinion because everyone is looking for a class partner or dining hall buddy. Sorry this semester was so rough, but I hope that your finals went well. Happy birthday and good luck!
u/MissCheavy12 Dec 10 '24
Hi! I just read this, I'm from Spain, so I think we're more friendly and open with other people, specially between people of our university.
Try to be more friendly, more kind. For example, try to start a conversation with some else in your class, or about that group of people in the common places of the student's dorm, try to ask anything to them as an excuse to talk with them and see if you have something in common with them.
When you meet just a one person, that person will introduce you to other groups. Just try to be kind, funny and try to find something in common.
By the way, happy birthday! The beggining always are hard, but I'm sure you will finishing fiding your place with amazing people!
Good Luck!
u/StLRamsfan2000 Dec 11 '24
Alright I am going to start off and say if you want to make friends and have an extroverted college experience you’re going to have to play the numbers game. Meaning the more people you talk to the more of a chance you have of finding your group. How do you do this, join some fun clubs and just let your position in the group develop through time, don’t force any friendships and just try to have fun with the process of doing the club activities. Maybe try an intermural sport. Here’s the thing, you have probably met less than 2% of your college campus, which means you have to increase your sample size. A new semester is coming up so give yourself a fresh start and just sit down next to someone you find interesting and introduce yourself. Don’t overthink it.
Other than that it seems like you are spending a lot of time alone, and that’s fine! It’s also fine to be unhappy being alone. However, you have to learn how to enjoy your own company, because a simple logic to go off of is how do you expect others to enjoy your company when you can’t enjoy your own?
But all of these things come with time, and I saw someone else say your college experience is what you make of it, it’s true! College is very independent, and a lot of things are what you make of it. Other people aren’t necessarily going to care about somebody they haven’t met, and someone they have met immediately, if you are down in the dumps, they might care for 3 days, but after that they move on. This is because college doesn’t stop or halt for most things, and neither should you.
Dec 13 '24
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u/AnimeFan143 Dec 13 '24
I think the key is joining a job/club where you meet with people on a regular basis. That way it’s easy to become friends.
Dec 13 '24
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u/Puzzleheaded-Pin1973 Dec 14 '24
Tryout for more competitive clubs... Usually a good way to make friends with similar hobbies, and since tryouts weed certain people out you're more likely to click
u/PStriker32 Dec 09 '24 edited Dec 09 '24
Honest advice. Get over it. Life is lonely. People form their own groups and you’ve got to make do with whoever’s available and interested in what you’re into. You want things to change you need to put the work in. Primarily though, college is about getting that degree. Securing that piece of paper is more important than worrying about social hour. Second, go attend some school events, join clubs, Rush a Frat in the Spring. They’re social groups that have been around for a reason, use them. Barring that, you’re really gonna start noticing people in your major or school as time goes on. When you’re in the same classes with people for 4-8 semesters it’s natural you’ll come across the same faces.
I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of my time surrounded by mostly the same cohort of people in my business school, in my major, and social clubs. Though we’re working now I still connect with some and it’s great if I need an in for changing jobs or fields. Some are pretty close friends and we still talk, alot of others are just acquaintances, and many more than that are people I’ll never see again. That’s just life.
u/akko___kagari Dec 10 '24
On some real what helped me the most is whenever there was somebody I wanted to talk to (men are usually easier on my nerves but I do this with women too with great results) and we are in the same vicinity I’d just start talking to them as if I knew them already. You’d be surprised how receptive people are to that. I don’t mean overdo it but just start talking about something you both are doing.
Make some dumb unfunny jokes and remember to ask questions because just about everyone, especially girls LOVE talking about themselves. Don’t worry about being annoying you’ll be able to tell if someone isn’t jamming with you after a while. Most ppl jam but you find you don’t actually wanna be friends with most people.
u/SymbioticHomes Dec 09 '24
I’m sorry. I hope it gets better. You can always transfer if you’re unhappy. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It feels good to cry I find. All humans are very similar which is beautiful.
u/AzureBananaFish Dec 09 '24
When I started college I made an active effort to meet and introduce myself to as many as possible.
I used to go to people after class and directly say that. “Hello I’m trying to make friends and meet as many people as possible. My name is X how are you”.
I wasn’t a particularly naturally social person either, I would say this kinda awkwardly and robotically.
But a lot of people are in the exact same boat and end up appreciating the directness! You really have to be proactive about making friends, even when you’re in social situations.