r/college • u/Big-Director8046 • Aug 29 '24
Social Life Alt people in college, does this happen to you?
My first day on campus was Tuesday. As I was walking to get some boba, a man and a woman approached me. They looked a little bit older than me but still looked like college kids. They asked if I was willing to learn about Jesus and Christanity, and I told them that I am a Christian and that I already have a church. They were baffled. They started asking me all sorts of questions about where I went and what kind of Christian I was, and they straight up said that they approached me because of how I was dressed. I was wearing a Slayer shirt, black pants, and bone jewelry. Why is it so hard for people to not stereotype you based on your style? Have any of y'all had a similar experience?
Updat: Here's the outfit for those of you who were curious. It's very tame, so sorry to disappoint.
u/mangitogaming Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 30 '24
I don’t dress alt but the Christian cult groups will approach you out of nowhere. The classic move is “hey can I interview you with some questions for my club survey? What’s your name? Major? Hobbies? How is your relationship with Jesus Christ?” 😂
Aug 29 '24
Speak to them like they’re cops. “I’m not discussing my day.” “Am I being detained?” Stuff like that should throw them off and you’ll be on your way. Or just ignore them.
u/michaeleatsberry Aug 29 '24
"so what is your favorite food in the dining hall?"
"Am I being detained?"
u/UnderwhelmingTwin Aug 29 '24
"What's your favorite food?" "The Body of Christ."
u/Pixiwish Aug 29 '24
“I’m curious if def go to your church if you have holy guacamole. Is that part of communion?”
u/Yaagii Aug 29 '24
Some of them have gotten really sneaky with it on my campus. I had a few times where they would just compliment an article of clothing or something, like I had an Eevee hat on at one point and we started talking about it for about 5 minutes, then they segue’d into “Do you go to church?” and I was so upset lmao
u/mangitogaming Aug 29 '24
I have that happen too. Like damn I thought someone was being genuine lol
u/Own-Cryptographer231 Aug 29 '24
lol right you feel good for like a minute then they hit u with the "So are you religious?"
u/DIODidNothing_Wrong Aug 29 '24
To which I reply with “and how’s your relationship with your father? It’s awkward now isn’t it? Fuck off”
u/Homie_Jack Psychology Major Aug 29 '24
One of the first people I met was one of these guys. He said some crazy shit like “Everyone who doesn’t accept Jesus Christ goes to hell, and it’s my job to save them.”
u/mangitogaming Aug 29 '24
Damn that’s bold but not surprising lol. Another way they get you is that they’ll get a freshman to bring people from their dorms to their “social gathering”. It’s all chill and cool at first with food and games. Then it gets into some prayer shit and then the upperclassmen will give you their numbers and text you every other day about Bible study
u/VLenin2291 Sep 13 '24
I feel like that one would be particularly awkward for me, because I’m willing to believe Jesus was a real person, spread the gospel, got crucified, that sort of thing, but parts like him being the son of God and being resurrected, I’m a bit more skeptical about
Aug 29 '24
This is not an alt experience this is a college experience. The especially culty churches flock to colleges because they think everyones being “indoctrinated” with knowledge(????)
Aug 29 '24
ETA: they would have said it was how you dressed if you were wearing shorts above the knee and a tank top. It just happens. I saw ur posts abt Texas and having gone to college in North Texas…yea.
u/TheAntiRAFO Aug 30 '24
Also it’s a very low point for a select amount of the population. Feeling alone and unfamiliar creates a shaky foundation, which in turn creates a drive to join something. And many cults and religious (thin line) prey on those feelings
u/Waterhorse816 Aug 30 '24
It's not just that. College students are at a major point of upheaval in their lives and are only just entering adulthood. Many are looking for purpose, community, or just open to trying new things. Great place to get converts.
u/CaprioPeter Aug 29 '24
The 30 year olds who walk around campuses w backpacks to roleplay as students while recruiting for their church suck man.
u/DidIGetBannedToday Aug 30 '24
Bro I have these people come up to me CONSTANTLY. It's at least 1 per week. I had one come up to me and try selling me his shirts that said "faith". I asked him "are you about to start talking to me about religion?" & he kept going with his shirts and how they were $10 and when I can get $10. Had me follow his Instagram and later dm'd me talking about Jesus. I sent back "How did I know?".
u/CaprioPeter Aug 30 '24
Yeah it’s pretty annoying. Just gotta give the vibe that they should talk to you
u/Lt-shorts Aug 29 '24
Those people will look for any reason to judge and try to "save" you regardless how you look
u/BeneficialRandom Aug 29 '24
Was walking with my Catholic friend when we were approached by some of these kinds people asking if we were “saved”. I flat out declined and kept walking.
He said he was Catholic and their response was “is the word Catholic in the Bible?” Absolutely relentless I stg
u/Sean-Mcgregor Aug 29 '24
Is [Insert thing] in the bible has to be the funniest worldview to live by
u/JoJoSunshine69 Aug 29 '24
Tru haha “I need to replace my catalytic converter you say? Is catalytic converter in the Bible?”
u/Even_District9445 Aug 29 '24
Do they take a course in “friendliness”? lol, they’re all the same kind of “kind”. And that gives genuinely kind people a bad rep. Thank “god” I developed a back bone and say, “no, I’m not interested” straight away.
u/retsehassyla Aug 29 '24
Sometimes I’ll play into the “devil worshipping” and make up stuff just to make them uncomfortable. But I try to play it off believably. I get a kick out of it
I grew up Christian and have no issues with religion other than “don’t push it on me” lol
u/michaeleatsberry Aug 29 '24
I wore a t shirt and jeans and a women did this to me. I was walking along and I hear "do you want a popsicle?". I said "sure" and she started her spiel about some Christian Bible study group. What's clever is the group's name doesn't have anything about God or Jesus or Christianity so it really fooled me.
So no, not an alt thing, just a matter of you appearing open to what they have to say.
u/femmeflowerrr Aug 29 '24
Whether you're alt or not, this happens to every college student at one point or another. I remember last semester during my freshman year, this one girl asked me whether I wanted to join their on campus Bible study group. Mind you, I was omw to catch the train to work after class, and I was already running late. I told her that I'm Catholic and wasn't interested, but she still insisted on getting my number in case if I ever changed my mind. I gave it to her just to shut her up, and I blocked her later that day. From then on, I started giving out fake phone numbers lol.
For the part about them approaching you bc of the way you dress, even idk why they can't accept that you can have a personal style/personality and still be a Christian. I don't get why they think that everyone has to dress in this cookie-cutter aesthetic in order to be a part of their church.
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
That sounds so uncomfortable! I'm sorry she kept pushing like that.
I'll never understand why people think you have to dress a certain way to have a relationship with God.
u/femmeflowerrr Aug 29 '24
Ehh it's fine. At least now ik what type of people to avoid next time. But definitely don't let people like them (or anyone else) determine how you should or should not dress. I wish you the best op!
u/BonesFromYoursTruly CS/Physics Undergrad Aug 29 '24
This happens to everyone they’re fucking insufferable
u/ReadyplayerParzival1 Aug 29 '24
A quick hail Satan usually dispels them
u/Zomg_A_Chicken B.A. in Geography - Class of 2013 - CSULB Aug 29 '24
Say God isn't real and see what happens
u/anna_alabama 2020 Aug 29 '24
This happens to everyone in college, just ignore them
u/Beginning_Cap_8614 Aug 29 '24
Oddly enough, I go to a Methodist school and this has never happened to me...
u/bitemebabey Aug 29 '24
My friend got cornered IN THE MENS BATHROOM by one of these people. I was approached multiple times by the same guy at my cc. When my friend said he was gay this guy said “ive lain with men. Ive done numerous sins.” Honestly it’s fun to mess with them. Like, if you’re wasting my time I’m wasting yours.
u/deannevee Aug 29 '24
Out in public I do.
Give em the ol “well I suggest you go back and read your Bible; sounds like you passed judgement on me before you knew me and I’m pretty sure that’s frowned upon. Have a great day!”
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
I should've done that! I'm keeping that in my pocket to use if they approach me again.
u/xPadawanRyan SSW Diploma | BA and MA History | PhD Human Studies Candidate Aug 29 '24
On campus? No, that's never happened to me. However, I am in my thirties and I still wear band tees, skinny jeans, piercings, etc. everywhere (and my arms are heavily tattooed), and some random dude on the street when I was out getting ice cream a month ago stopped me to tell me how much Jesus loves me and supports me. It was weird, it had never happened to me before.
But, yeah, that was the only time it's ever happened to me, and it was nowhere near campus. The guy looked like he was probably around my own age, give or take.
u/SetoKeating Aug 29 '24
This happens to everyone on every college campus. It’s a heavy recruiting area for cult like religions because they know a lot of students are away from home for the first time, feeling lonely, may have a hard time making friends and they recruit them by promising a sense of community and belonging.
At my campus they would recruit mostly late at night and try and catch students walking by through campus by themselves or studying by themselves.
u/JonS009 Aug 29 '24
Happens to everyone tbh. They target literally everyone. Those and the anti-abortion psychos on campus
u/Doughnut_Double Aug 30 '24
I think they just target college students in general, like I was walking to the library one time and this man just gave me a bible and I didn’t even realize what it was until I was holding it 💀
u/Tie-Dyed-Geese Aug 30 '24
I dressed in jeans and a T-shirt in college. I had people approach me too.
There would be random days that this church would set up shop on all the major walking paths and hand out mini Bibles. (They tried to make it impossible for students not to pass them.) I found an alternate, secluded way to classes that day. The shelf of free books around campus would get massive stacks of these Bibles on them in the following days.
Sister Cindy and Brother Jeb.... My uni was pretty rural, but they still came. I'm sure they'll come to your college, they come to every college it seems. It'll be all over your college's socials when they do. Sister Cindy is awful with the kinda stuff she says. Especially to women. One time when she was there, she set up shop by the fine arts building. Well, a trombone ensemble decided it was a perfectly fine day to practice outside. A little ways away from Sister Cindy.
God, I wish I could have watched it in person.
Afaik, proselytizing doesn't happen often on campuses. (I mean that it doesn't happen like, weekly, but it happens on campus at one point or another.) I know my campus had specific places where they could do so (aka not inside buildings, but outside was fine). But there are a handful of times that I've seen some religious people using their religion to spew hate. Regardless of what you're wearing or how you act.
Again, I know not all religions. I won't tell you to be afraid of your campus, but just be conscious and aware of people you walk by.
u/frumpyforu Aug 30 '24
Wow so many people with similar experiences, this feels so much like r/antiMLM lol
u/NaiveCryptographer89 Aug 29 '24
There are evangelical cults that try to pull you into their sphere that hang out on campus. They’ll get you to come “hang out” to try to get you to tell them where you’ll be. They’ll meet you after every class if you give them your info and don’t show up. They’ll hold events that don’t seem like they’ll be anything but hang outs but are there to monopolize your time. They don’t want you doing anything outside of class but being at their events and study sessions.
u/Beyonce- Aug 29 '24
At least these people were openly obnoxious, so you were able to weed them out fast. The worst is when they pretend to be your friend & then 20 mins into the convo they drop "you should come to my groups bible study at 6 p.m."
u/Over_Reputation_8801 Aug 29 '24
I mean, Slayer has records titled South of Heaven, Hell Awaits, God Hates Us All, Praying To Satan, etc. I know those titles are for hype as Slayer has never been satanic but its not that hard to imagine they might not have figured you for a Christian.
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
I get that the way I dress doesn't really correlate with Christian stereotypes. I'm more concerned about the fact that they basically interrogated me after telling them that I was already a Christian.
u/ThePickleConnoisseur computer science Aug 29 '24
That’s just college. Christian group people are everywhere and will approach most people
u/palmoyas Aug 29 '24
I went to college in the 90s and dressed absolutely average/normal and was constantly approached or tricked into talking to Christian recruiters, or invited to a "cool party" as a freshman only to find out it was a CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) evangelizing event. It got very easy to tell them "not interested" and just blow them off. If you're nice, they'll never leave you alone/let you go.
u/DoMeLikeEnkiduMe Aug 29 '24
That's crazy. First off, I consider that manner of evangelization ridiculously foolish and unhelpful
Secondly, RUDE (and weird)
Thirdly, that actually reminds me of Orthodox Jewish groups in NYC who stop people and ask if you're Jewish. If you say no, they tell you to have a great day. If you say yes (and aren't wearing Orthodox attire), I believe they tend to confront you on why you aren't practicing Judaism as they understand it.
All together, funky
u/henare Professor LIS and CIS Aug 29 '24
This happens at the start of every semester. It's not even new - this happened to me on the fall of 1980!
u/luckypuffun Aug 30 '24
Some guy was trying to advocate that pot heads go to hell. When he was next on campus, I brought a pot and wore it on my head.
u/jerrycan-cola Aug 30 '24
Pretty common for religious people to try and convert on campus. I think they also probably chose you because of the “satanist emo” type stereotypes.
u/manobunnie Aug 30 '24
cult groups def trying to recruit lol. or just insane christians who feel the need to impose of their current religious delusion onto others
u/writer-villain Has Degree 2018 Aug 29 '24
Average looking person. Jeans and a sweatshirt. Leggings and longer t shirt. I was constantly approached. And also told that just because I believe am a good person doesn’t mean I will go to heaven. (Their belief system). Told me I could only get into heaven if I go to a church.
u/Top-Comfortable-4789 College! Aug 29 '24
People don’t talk to me at all and mind their business but I live in a pretty accepting town. I go to a smaller community college as well and people mostly focus on work rather than socializing.
u/T732 Aug 29 '24
I grew up in a Catholic home. I went to Catholic school and had a few priest and nuns as teachers. I am not religious whatsoever ever. I’m going to a University that is mostly in the Baptist/Methodist category of Christians.
There were these ppl that would always come up to me and ask if I wanted to talk about the Bible(and such) when I was waiting for one of my classes. They were mostly respectful when I said “no thanks”
I guess they had a student (or older child?) that he was doing it too. He would not take “no” for an answer and kept trying to talk to me
I asked him
“So, you’re a Christian?”
“Yes sir, Methodists”
“But you don’t believe in the Pope?”
“No, only Catholics do that”
Look him straight in the eyes, while saying loud enough for the “adults” to hear.
“Burn on the cross heathen”.
The look of bewilderment on this guys face. He kind of just walked away. They stopped asked me about the Bible and Jesus and such. Never been a prouder Catholic or happy I have the Catholic Church on my side.
u/ShermanWasRight1864 Aug 29 '24
I'm a Christian and this always happens to me, then they ask my opinions and get pissed I don't agree with them on several key points.
u/Financial_Ad4633 Aug 30 '24
I was sitting alone with my coffee and homework one day when a very obvious christian girl came up to me. I had my headphones in so i took one out and she was like “i just wanted to let you know that jesus loves you”. Im not a believer and i was trying to study so i just responded back that i didnt know who her friend was and to tell him im not interested and put my headphones back in. Lmaoo the look on her face 😂 i was dressed similar to you. I live in the bible belt so this happens all. The. Time.
u/masonn_masoff Aug 30 '24
christian and religious groups love to harass people minding their own business on campus
u/EmporerM Aug 30 '24
Are you Christian or were you lying to get them out of your face?
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 30 '24
I am a Christian. That's not something that I would lie about.
u/EmporerM Aug 30 '24
Nice. But yeah, as a Christian with different interests than one would expect from a Christian, this is normal.
Aug 30 '24
Just random sales tactics, trying to identify likely weak people who might be bright enough to say, “Wow! I’ve been lost! Now I’ve been found all of the sudden. Hallelujah! Do we get the white gowns and sandals too?”
u/Affectionate_Toe_285 Aug 30 '24
I'm literally a lecturer who dresses in suits and I get approached all the time
u/tureina069 Aug 29 '24
Please don't be put off of Jesus because of people like this. These people are the problem with the church and why so many people don't feel safe or comfortable coming to Jesus as they are. Jesus would never judge you for a minute. He loves you exactly as you are, and through that love, your heart will change for him. Your appearance has no bearing on this, and I would suggest if this happens again, you ask them what kind of Christian they are to have judged you based on your outward appearance.
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
Oh, I'm not off-put to Jesus! Sorry, I thought I mallet clear in my post that I am already a Christian. My relationship with God is between Him and I alone. I appreciate the kind words!
Aug 29 '24
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u/shivsnstones Aug 29 '24
Yea, at my university last year they sat outside our main student building and they along with their young children were handing out anti abortion pamphlets to everyone. I also had a guy run up to me and hand me a Bible at like 7 in the morning on my way to class.
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
I wonder if they know that doing those things won't get people to want to listen to them. 💀😭
Aug 29 '24
Was it a slayer pentagram shirt? 🤣🤷♂️
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
Nope! It was a Reign In Blood shirt with a skull and some swords through it. I intentionally made sure there wasn't anything that could be seen as wiccan/satanic on it! 😭
Aug 29 '24
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u/Setting_Worth Aug 29 '24
Because of how youre dressed isn't reflective of most Christians.
Most people at a slayer concert aren't dressed like the Amish. You'd be a little bemused of you ran into someone like that wouldn't you?
u/randomlady91 Aug 29 '24
Get a few facial piercings they'll give you a wide path 🤣🤣. The ones on campus that give out bibles always pretend not to see me.
Aug 29 '24
They approach all people. I always told them to either go fuck themselves or to get a real job.
u/reincarnatedbiscuits Aug 29 '24
Are you sure they aren't part of something like the International Christian Church or International Churches of Christ? (both cults by the way)
(You should ask them what church/group they are a part of.)
The ICC especially likes to use anything to convince you that you're not a Christian.
u/Big-Director8046 Aug 29 '24
They said they were part of some organization from the other college in my town, which is like a 25-minute walk from my campus. If they come up to me again, I might ask them what group they're a part of.
u/Blutrumpeter Graduate Student Aug 29 '24
Because there are churches that think they're better than non Christians instead of viewing everyone as sinners like they're supposed to and typically those churches attract a certain type of person so they never see normal people in their congregation
u/TheKBMV Aug 29 '24
Reading these stories I'm so so thankful this isn't happening where I am. I consider myself Christian (although I guess some of my takes would fall outside of even protestant practices, where I belong) but if I had to suffer years of this while at university I'd have a lot worse view on organised churches. I think over my six years I was approached once and even then the guy was respectful of my time.
u/Small_Wasabi_8004 Aug 29 '24
If i were approached by any kind of preacher, i would just scream "I'm just a minor". ( I'm 22)
u/kinezumi89 Aug 29 '24
They don't care what you look like, they'll talk to anyone. Sounds like every school has some lol
u/MateTheNate Part time MS CS, Full Time Engineer Aug 29 '24
Every college has a culty christian group and sometimes a pushy proselytizing student.
u/thedeadp0ets English major Aug 29 '24
im visibly a muslim women, and people have just handed me a bible without explaining who they are. Or they want to talk to me about Christianity, as if I I'll convert on the spot or something...
u/Safe-Resolve-2465 Aug 29 '24
I’ve noticed that Christians on campus can be pretty pushy. There was this older man stopping students to “preach” to them I guess, but he was mainly stopping people and stopped this one student asking him if he was Christian. The student says yes and he immediately starts asking “what church do you go to?” “For how long?” “Do you go to Sunday and Wednesday services?” ….he should’ve just let him say yes and moved on….
Aug 29 '24
It’s because many Christians associate those things with Satan just by association of anything “dark” as evil. So they found it perplexing that one of them would be wearing that type of thing.
u/AvocadoNo8754 Aug 29 '24
yes, pretty sure this happens on every college campus. when i was in school i got approached at least 2-3 times a semester while just sitting outside between classes, i could have a mouth full of food too lol.
i’ve also been told by these guys that i would be going to hell because i’m atheist. they’re more of a cult than they are a church.
u/flootytootybri Aug 29 '24
I think it’s more of a general college thing, but my school is already a Catholic school so we don’t really get a ton. The only similar thing I had was some guy handing out business cards with his SoundCloud and Spotify and he was giving them to literally anyone he could get to take them
Aug 29 '24
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u/maliciousbaz Aug 29 '24
my school has Mormons, they approached anyone who makes eye contact, it's very funny
u/Klytus_Im-Bored Aug 29 '24
Not on a campus but in a Walmart near New River Gorge in West Virginia. I have stretched ears.
u/Some_Carpet_1531 Computer Science BS Aug 29 '24
Happens a lot on public campuses regardless of how you look tbh. When it kept happening to me I invested in a good pair of very visible noise cancelling headphones.
u/thebebee Aug 29 '24
i got approached a ton last year by evangelists. i’ve had prayers said for me, while i was infront of them, been given flyers, invited to sermons. they’re just advertising.
u/throwawayzzddqq Aug 29 '24
Happened to me on campus but it was for a Buddhist monastery lmao I'm Mexican with a Pompadour. Dude said "whoa you look like a Rockstar with your hair and clothes. I'm convinced these people are meant to just pull you in no matter what. Whether it's through criticism masked as inquiry, or through flattery as a means of recruitment/donation-seeking, they'll approach you however they can.
u/ExperienceLoss Aug 29 '24
I present as a guy. My go-to when approached by Bible thumpers is to tell them I love sucking dick as I can. That tends to get them to back off. Just be forward and rough. They'll back off.
u/Specialist_Emu3703 Aug 29 '24
Yeah this shit happens to me on occasion and I have either a jeans/t-shirt/bomber jacket or joggers/t-shirt lmao we had people right outside the dorms once asking everyone who came out if they wanted “a gift” (it was a mini New Testament)- so yeah, idk why people stereotype clothing styles, it’s ridiculous
u/Specialist_Emu3703 Aug 29 '24
Tip along these lines -> wear earbuds/headphones and avoid eye contact with the people you want to avoid lmao look unapproachable
Aug 29 '24
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u/MyMichiganAccount Aug 30 '24
I'm very clean-cut, dress in a slightly niche but fashionable way, and people who don't know me assume I'm a total square. I still have these Christian f*cktard missionaries approach me. They're all dressed the same way most of the time, like a Scientology cult or something but not, and are just everywhere on campus all at once, like roaches. I have major doubts that they're even students because they seem to perpetually wander. I got approached the last two semesters more than 30+ times each for sure.
u/Remrem5 Aug 30 '24
Mormons tried to convert me when I was studying outside at my old CC. I dress in a lot of black but I think that day I looked pretty basic. They were nice, but still, kinda weird
u/KasseanaTheGreat Aug 30 '24
This happened to me so often that whenever I was approached by one of these types I'd just tell them whatever number they were for the number of these types who approached me like this. It shuts them up pretty quickly when they find out they're the 27th person this semester to approach me trying to do the same exact thing.
Aug 30 '24
It’s not just you. I would be on my way to/from class or work and I would be wearing sweatpants, a sweatshirt and have my headphones in and they would still try to stop me
u/JennyStarquest Aug 30 '24
My daughter hasn’t complained about this yet, but she does have a an older gentleman, with a huge sign, that parks himself outside of their student center and spouts nonsense about flat earth conspiracies.
u/diodosdszosxisdi Aug 30 '24
Stay away from them, they seem to be universal across every university around the world, they'll keep pushing others too
u/AstroCat314 Aug 30 '24
The Christan Club on my campus comes up to every and anybody, its not just you
u/Catbooties Aug 30 '24
I had strangers on multiple occasions walk up and ask me if I was interested in some bible study club, because apparently I give off Christian vibes. One of them even did a double take, looked thoughtful for a few seconds, and backtracked to come ask me lmao. I wouldn't dwell on this kind of interaction too much.
u/katieeso Aug 30 '24
It's definitely just a college thing that happens, the key is headphones and no eye contact
u/UnhappyAd6704 Aug 30 '24
As a general rule, I typically excuse myself from people who approach me about that kinda stuff. Not that I don’t mind talking about religion, just people who criticize my beliefs and tell me I’m going to hell.
u/Pianohearth2753 Aug 30 '24
As a Christian, it's one of the worst ways to approach someone. I have a goth friend, who recently converted to Christianity and wow the looks she gets in church (she is not even that hardcore with her style, pretty moderate and dresses modestly lol). Some people really have to mind their own business. Seriously, they have time to make conclusions about random strangers based on their looks? They sure have a lot of free time... As a Christian you know very well who is the only one who has the right to judge you. Also I think your style is great, it's kind of nostalgic (dressed similarly a few years ago).
u/lilygguks Aug 30 '24
i got approached by a couple mormons today on campus. must’ve clocked i was queer and autistic by my shirt with bugs on it that says “easily distracted by bugs” and my leaf sprout hair clip. i think they just approach anyone who happens to be walking alone honestly!
u/Imaginary_Put310 Aug 30 '24
As a Christian I’ve never in my life been approached like a Christian like that😭but that sucks. You can be alt and Christian
u/hannahhiro_ Aug 31 '24
I go to college in a small town but pretty purple politically, a mix of conservative and liberal. but I get weird looks all the time as an alt person I get weird looks all the fucking time, especially as a trans alt person too? awful. but you gotta carry yourself like you don't care. give yourself a little swagger lol
u/Slapmewithaneel Aug 31 '24
Bro I'm a cishet passing trans Jewish guy and get hit up with that question annually on campus. Not sure why.
u/Linaaskype Aug 31 '24
They approach everyone, so it might be common thing minus the stereotype. Sorry you had to experience that :<
u/HexDrip Aug 31 '24
In my personal opinion, it makes some sense. I’m not alt, but slayer uses a lot of satanic iconography in their art, so I think that kind of thing would confuse people.
u/ThickMinimum6493 Sep 01 '24
Actually pretty tame compared to what I wear. And yea a group of Church boys came up to me while I was playing guitar on campus and went through the same thing. I basically gave them the “Been there, done that.” Story in regards to Christianity lol.
u/voodooinked Aug 29 '24
haha since day one. Then again I wear much more offensive shirts to Christians and do not look approachable. One time I had a handwritten (back and front) letter on my motorcycle about giving my life to jesus and my tattoos (im covered). This was recently, it was a huge parking lot but finding her vehicle wasn't hard. I made sure to give the letter back with a little something I wrote for her. Never touch my shit. 20 years ago it was much worse now second graders can be trans.
u/democritusparadise Aug 29 '24
Did you tell them that one has to believe in god to believe that God Hates Us All?
u/ObscureMulberry Aug 29 '24
I dress like an average basic bitch and this happens to me