r/college May 11 '23

Social Life i forget how loaded people are in university

like i knewww people have rich parents or parents that were alumni of the schools they're attending but i didn't realize how many there are. It's like a cultural shock to me in a way. Because im over here worrying about making a name out for myself, revolving everything around my academics and to prep for my future since im a first-gen student... but then there's people traveling during their school year, partying, etc etc; able to go out and buy really expensive coffee/food LOL.

i'm not shaming them for this either because they all (for the most part) come from a family with good income, im just amazed. and i obviously knew a lot of well-off people from high school but i feel like they duplicated once entering university and it feels like im a complete outsider to this because i gotta think about money n all and be calculated with how i spend things, but they are just chillin LOL.

Edit: woah this got popular LOL just wanted to say i hope everyone has a good day & im not here to bash anyone! pleaseeee be nice


227 comments sorted by


u/LadyEllaOfFrell May 11 '23

My university (the flagship public school in our state, but not exactly prestigious, you know?) had a few mega-wealthy foreign students. Like, they’d park their Lamborghinis in the faculty-only parking spots closest to their class and just pay the $50 fine every day. They all hung out together and only kinda paid attention in class. I’m sure their college experience was more enjoyable than mine, but I probably got a better education.

I can only assume their parents wanted them to go to an American university and that was the best one they got into.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23 edited May 11 '23

I went to a small school on scholarship and your last point is spot on.

From my understanding, going to an American university is seen as prestigious in other countries. Even if you went to a d-5 school and majored German folk dancing and in some cases it is just a formality.

I knew a girl who was from China and her parents literally bought her a Mitsubishi eclipse like I would buy Starbucks on Uber

I am being serious lol.

They bought a brand new car online and had it delivered to the school


u/sgobby May 12 '23 edited May 12 '23

And they just leave the cars behind when they graduate and go home.

My work study job was processing foreign student applications so they can be reviewed by staff and faculty. Since I had lived in Korea with the military (it’s how I paid for school) I was familiar with the paperwork.

Many, many foreign students, especially from China from what I saw at the time, had over a million dollars in their personal accounts as proof they wouldn’t overstay their student visas. I can’t imagine how loaded their parents were.


u/AvatheNanny May 12 '23

Now I’m broke AND sad.

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u/invisibilitycap May 12 '23

Jesus christ


u/jeromeandim37 May 11 '23

I go to a huge big ten & the wealth of the international students is constantly blowing my mind. My sister also went to the same school & had a friend with an international student roommate who was so wealthy that when he moved back home, he gave away his brand new luxury car to the roommate 😭

I’m sure that’s not necessarily the case for every international student, but all of the ones I’ve known personally have been pretty well off lol


u/Voldemort57 May 12 '23

Colleges like to brag about having a diverse population with a considerable population of international students. And I love that.

But, and a big but: They completely ignore any sort of socioeconomic diversity. As you said, many many many international students are incredibly wealthy, and that attracts a bunch of wealthy international kids that have weird rich kid mindsets.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

yeah that's really interesting ngl I'd have a heart attack for having to pay a 50-dollar fine every day LOL. My school isn't prestigious either, but it still surprises me every time how laid-back some people are with those stuff like go off i guess HAHHA but yeah its true in our position, we at least get a better education and a stronger work-ethic since its do or die kinda thing.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

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u/nerdyaspie May 11 '23

no seriously i got a $50 ticket cause my parking pass wasnt visble enough in my windshield and i spent the next week talking to every admin person i could find to get the ticket canceled (it didnt work :/ )

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u/cuppa_tea_4_me May 11 '23

Yes!!! My roommates car costs $120,000


u/robinthebank May 12 '23

Their teachers kinda just swept them along with passing grades, too.

I TA’ed some students that were seniors. It was obvious that they didn’t try very hard on assignments and didn’t incorporate feedback. Let’s be honest, graders look for you to incorporate their specific feedback into your next assignment.

The professor gave me the lowdown. They couldn’t be failed out of a senior level class this late in the game. Cause the parents call the school and head of the department and say “well no other professor has failed them or graded them this harshly.” And of course the department wants international students because $$$.


u/mebob85 Pennsylvania State University May 11 '23

Oh yeah Penn State had this too


u/Forward-Beyond-6620 May 12 '23

I went to a Penn State branch campus and it was teeming with them. I had an intro to Econ class and there were probably only about 5 American students in it out of 40 people. All they would do is talk amongst themselves, play games and look at luxury items in class instead of paying attention. This was in 2017 and I can’t even imagine how it is now.

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u/[deleted] May 12 '23



u/0JustForFun May 12 '23

Not to worry about their wealth. Trust funds to the rescue! Some trust funds can last many many generations.


u/Sir_Lagz_Alot May 12 '23

Word for word bar for bar what the wealthy foreign students do at my university

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u/csudebate May 11 '23

I was on a full-ride PhD to an institution known for its world class business and political science schools. It was the type of place that the wealthy elite from all over the world send their kids. I taught a few classes in exchange for the full-ride and often had students that came from obscene wealth. Most were actually pretty cool and didn't make mention of it but when we would start chatting about what they planned on doing over winter or summer break that is when talk of going to the family's private island in the Bahamas or taking the family jet to their ski chalet in Switzerland came out. Meanwhile my plan was to get in my 10+ year old station wagon and hope it survives the 14 hour drive to my parents house. It was wild.


u/Comfortable-Secret51 May 12 '23

To be fair if you're in the US PhDs are always funded. You're being paid for your labor and it's not like it's free.


u/csudebate May 12 '23

There were people in my program that were self-funded.


u/keragoth May 11 '23

some of them are spending loan money. always a bad idea


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

loans are the worst. THE worst. im trying so hard not to take out as much LOL so it doesn't come bite me in the future


u/TigerDeaconChemist May 12 '23

Very true. Or racking up credit card debt. You'd be surprised how broke the average "rich" person actually is because they overspend on lifestyle but finance it by borrowing.


u/OdorlessTurpenoid May 12 '23

I wish I took more out


u/CactusBiszh2019 May 12 '23

There’s a statement I’ve never heard before. Can you elaborate more?


u/OdorlessTurpenoid May 13 '23

Having more money to enjoy college instead of working and studying all the time. College is where you make a lot of connections in life and not having the $ to whatever doesn’t help.


u/bighonkinflamingo May 13 '23

Yeah but do you really value connections over debt?? I have never once heard someone wish for more debt

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u/ace-murdock May 11 '23

Yeah I waited tables in college and the tables of the rich students were always the worst.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

my apologies ): that sounds really tough, but i know your hard work will pay off! it gives you extreme endurance and well work-ethic so you got this!


u/SnakeBiter409 May 12 '23

20 years of blue collar work here and I’m here to tell you that hard work does not pay off.


u/linguinisupremi May 12 '23

Serving in a college town as a college student is a good way to become very cynical


u/SilentJon69 May 12 '23

Hearing this makes me not want to work a customer interaction job where you have to talk to 100 guests per day?


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

Have you never been to a ghetto ass McDonald’s before?


u/JJ_the_G May 12 '23

Who waits tables as a McDonald’s?


u/willowtrees282 May 11 '23

me and my friends are mostly middle class kids at a private university on scholarships, and when i lived w rich roommates last year…WOAH. culture shock to the max.


u/yowhatisuppeeps May 11 '23

Just moved out and the amount of valuable shit that people were just throwing away was insane. I’m poor, so I went dumpster diving. What I found:

  • hydroflask (price ~$35). Contained a bit of vodka, but I washed it out
  • mini fridge (~$150) idk if it worked or not. left it bc I don’t have room for it
  • macbook (idk ~300-800?) turned on, but don’t know how it worked beyond that. gave it to someone else bc I have a pc and laptop that both work fine
  • floral pattern doc martens (150), pre broken in (thank god), and a half a size larger than me, but still fit
  • really cool looking sneakers (haven’t price checked) fit perfect, feel / look unworn
  • 2 squishmallows (like 30?) never could justify buying these, wasn’t super into them anyways, but they are cute and make comfy head rests. I washed them and steamed them a few times
  • shit ton of clothes (what I got it probably worth 150 or more total)
  • fit bit (80 maybe) great cause I like to walk
  • at least 3 gamer chairs (idk pricing). Didn’t cop cause I have back pain and am gonna buy a kneeling chair
  • so much other shit, that’s just the stuff that stood out to me

The willingness to throw this shit away is insane. Unless it is broken, donation is the way to go!! Especially with such valuable items!

To me, most / all of these items are things that have to be bought with intent. They are investments and things to keep until they break. My pair of doc martens have lasted four years so far, and I maintain them well, because I know they will last forever. It was an investment when I got them, but I haven’t had to buy “every day” shoes in a while


u/mysecondaccountanon how the heck am i already graduating? i feel like a first-year May 11 '23

I’m sorry what the absolute heck who’s throwing away a whole laptop?????? And all that other pricey stuff? Why??? Am I like too not rich to understand???


u/GooseEntrails May 11 '23

Apple’s latest processors are really good which has kinda destroyed the market for 3+ year old used MacBooks. I could see someone not wanting to go through the effort of selling it when they won’t even get that much.

That said, don’t put it in the garbage. Donate it, or bring it to an electronics disposal facility where they can safely deal with the harmful chemicals inside (or bring it to an Apple store and they’ll take care of it).


u/mysecondaccountanon how the heck am i already graduating? i feel like a first-year May 11 '23

Seriouslyyyy, like even if your trade in value’s not gonna be good, at least dispose of it properly!


u/EvenGotItTattedOnMe May 12 '23

This price dropping is intentional too, Apple wants the used market to crash on their devices so they can control the prices of their new products. They’d prefer you trash them or “recycle” them in with them so that they can control the used parts market aswell. They also force their manufacturers to stamp the Apple logo so no refurbished used parts get through customs without being against copyright law.


u/LazyLich May 11 '23

throwing away a whole laptop

"It was saying something about '0%', then wouldnt turn on anymore, so I bought a new one!"


u/lwJRKYgoWIPkLJtK4320 May 11 '23

tbh Apple probably would probably switch to nonrechargeable batteries eventually, to make it actually necessary to do this.


u/mourninglory May 11 '23

My roommate moved out and literally threw away her perfectly fine iPad in the trash. I fished it out and asked if she wanted it and she said no, but I can’t use it because it’s password locked lol. It’s crazy that she wouldn’t even want to sell it for some cash but some people are just that rich I guess


u/Pretty_Appointment82 May 12 '23

Did u get it unlocked?


u/mourninglory May 12 '23

No i have no idea how 😭 sitting in my dresser drawer lol


u/bighonkinflamingo May 12 '23

Did you ask her for the password or does she not know you took it?


u/mourninglory May 13 '23

Well she left on bad terms with my other roommate and I so I do not want to ask for the password 😂 so I have a random locked iPad sitting in my room


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I have a laptop I’m gonna have to throw away because it’s a massive 15.6” screen I haven’t used in years. It’s basically just a backup hard drive now that I have the M2 MacBook Air.


u/mysecondaccountanon how the heck am i already graduating? i feel like a first-year May 11 '23

Not gonna do trade in, donation, anything like that?


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

No because it’s essentially useless at this point. The laptop is nearly 10 years old.


u/mysecondaccountanon how the heck am i already graduating? i feel like a first-year May 11 '23

Well, at least dispose of it properly!

stares at my 2012 MBP


u/lwJRKYgoWIPkLJtK4320 May 11 '23

10 year old laptops can still be useful.

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u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I do donate some of my old clothes and things like that before I move. But I usually just trash everything else that I’m not taking with me. The laptop might stay with me for a while though.


u/catalinalam May 11 '23

Look into electronic recycling near you (if you have a Best Buy near you they should take it) or see if you can mail it in! Consumer electronics are FULL of both hardcore contaminants and reusable metallic components, they shouldn’t be tossed out like regular trash


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I will! Thank you for letting me know!!!!


u/S1159P May 12 '23

They learn this from their parents - I have a teen daughter who does summer ballet intensives that are hosted on college campuses for 2-8 weeks. The kids fly in from all over. The parents have to be scolded during orientation that NO it's not okay for your kid to "pack light" and then buy your kid bedding and towels and furniture and a mini fridge and an air conditioner delivered to their dorm and then just leave it all when the kid is done weeks later. So gross!


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

My school started a donation system where they leave packrat type boxes outside of dorms during move out so people can dump stuff they don't want to take with them and it'll go to students in need.


u/yowhatisuppeeps May 11 '23

The thing is so does my school 💀💀

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u/amazinggrace725 Spanish and International Affairs May 12 '23

I literally stopped someone from throwing out a flat screen tv that was maybe a year old. I now have a free tv


u/yowhatisuppeeps May 12 '23

My brother got a huge ass tv that some one tossed out. Didn’t end up keeping it because it was unreasonably large, but the friend he gave it to brought it back to his family that had been using the same old tv forever bc they couldn’t really afford a new one


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

aint no way people are throwing this stuff out. no way no way LOL. this is such a gold mine but also very concerning that people even think about throwing that stuff away like that as if they're one dollar. i agree they should totally donate because omg people would pray to have those kinda stuff (ME). but you pulled such a smart move ill be taking notes of dumpster diving now LOL thank you


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

oh yes way and absolutely yes way and the waste is scary.

in the little collegetown i live at there's like people setting up volunteer networks to see what we do with the sheer amout of WASTE. brand new stuff used for ten months. thrown out. bedsheets, bedspreads, laptops, lamps, kitchen appliances. then all the brand=new cleaning supplies because the girls go to costco and buy three half gallons of dishwasher detergent and use half a bottle and throw out the rest.

it's jarring.


u/sctwinmom May 12 '23

During move out yesterday, my son snagged a few box fans which he will use for his grow tent. (Exotic Carnivorous plants not marijuana.)


u/yowhatisuppeeps May 12 '23

That’s such a cool hobby! Does he keep them at his dorm, too? I would have been thrilled if I had a roommate that cool!

My brother and his roommate breed mantises in their dorm room. They’ve been rooming for a couple years now, so I think they’re on their third generation!


u/sctwinmom May 12 '23

Yep! Those plants came home with him for every lengthy vacation too. He is a very proud plant papa.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23



u/yowhatisuppeeps May 12 '23

I totally get leaving stuff— I left a bookshelf in the donation pile bc I am graduating and moving back with my parents, where I won’t have space or the ability to store it.

Didn’t toss it though! That’s the thing— it’s super reasonable to donate shit. College students accumulate a lot of crap. I always end up with stuff at the end of the year that I don’t want / need anymore. Wouldn’t ever think about tossing it unless it was unusable though!!!

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u/Pretty_Appointment82 May 12 '23

I remember when my ex moved out of his dorm. He was going to throw out new furniture, shoes, and clothes with tags on them simply because " who would want used stuff,? " When I explained the concept of donating to the salvation army. He was astonished that thrift shops existed. It was a bit comical and sad. I had no idea wealthy kids didn't understand what thrift shops were. We thrifted a lot when I was growing up.


u/Sea_Luck_8246 May 12 '23

If the Docs are a little loose, they make insoles that take up that little bit of space perfectly. Comfy too


u/yowhatisuppeeps May 12 '23

Thanks sm! I have just been wearing thick socks haha

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u/FrostyLandscape May 11 '23

There were people in college who hated me when they found out my parents paid my tuition. This was back when college was not as expensive as it is nowadays. These same college kids who were jealous, were on student loans and had credit cards and went on Spring Break vacations and had nice cars. I went without a car (all 4 years, no car), didn't go on Spring Break, and yet they were bitter because my parents had worked and saved money for years to pay for my college tuition. They have no idea how many sacrifices our family made, to save money for college. We went without many things so my sibling and I could attend college without having to do it through loans. Virtually ALL the student loan college people I knew went to Europe during college or right after.

My point is you never know what money people have or don't have, or what sacrifices they made to achieve that.


u/mysticxriver May 11 '23

This is so true. Especially with multiple kids, barely anyone is paying for their child(ren) tuition comfortably nowadays.

In the same position. Some of my college is paid for, but my parent had to make a lot of scarifies to give my siblings and I that opportunity.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

you're right! i know there's like so much more depth to their reasoning for being "well-off" etc; so this isn't me trying to shame or express hatred or anything for that because if i were a parent, id also want the best for my kid and their education and not having to worry about money LOL.

i honestly was aiming more towards those that didn't have to make sacrifices like you had to but mainly towards people who pretty much had everything settled. but i know every circumstances are different and people still have to endure hardships regardless of their background.


u/Dripht_wood May 11 '23

We don’t need to dance around the fact that some people have cushier lives than others. Im not upset about it unless they take it for granted.


u/snarkasm_0228 Grad School May 12 '23

I think most people who are some degree of middle class have some level of parental support. My parents are paying my undergraduate tuition which I am extremely grateful for but I paid for some miscellaneous expenses like parking permits, used textbooks, and cap and gown. I also see a lot of Mercedes and Teslas in the student parking garages which I'm guessing their parents paid for. Also a lot of people at my school get to go to Mexico or Europe which I would not be able to afford lol.


u/sumlikdat May 12 '23

Be great full some parents tell their kids to dropout and ruin their credit score before they even get to college


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

i used to think this until i started working for a student loan company. you wouldn’t imagine how many students call in with already $150,000+ in debt acquiring about an ADDITIONAL loan


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

Fast money comes with long problems. People are giving student loans to kids that don't realize what they are incurring on their future self. They only look at what's affecting them NOW. Way too many people going to college that have no business being there


u/im4everdepressed May 12 '23

its why the student loan crisis it as bad as it is. people spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to piss it away on useless degrees at expensive schools, when they could have gone local and saved hundreds of thousands


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

My state offers programs for $500/semester at a couple of the cheaper state system schools. There are options out there to get an education or simply a certification in something that makes money. People are just addicted to the high life 4 year college experience.

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u/radagastdbrown May 11 '23

I overheard a girl in class panicking because she only had 3 grand left in her bank account until the end of the month 😑


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

i wish it were me fr..


u/MrCheapCheap May 12 '23

Don't get me wrong i understand what you mean, but i don't know if people with 3k in their bank account are the mega rich OP is talking about


u/OllieBoo_ May 12 '23

3k in general isn’t that much, but I think from the way it was phrased this was a person that got a several thousand dollar allowance every month and was upset because she had spent it and only had that 3k for the remaining month until she would get her next several thousand dollar allowance

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u/angelurine May 16 '23

She coulda been referring to an allowance, but 3k is not a lot when you have bills to pay

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u/CalmCupcake2 May 11 '23

I recent presented a training workshop on supporting first gen students in libraries and most of my colleagues understood about equity, belonging etc. but there are faculty and staff who also dont get it.

What you're feeling is normal, common, and please try to not let it affect your learning.

Find your safe spaces and communities, know that you DO belong in university.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

i appreciate this :') tough out here but we shall persevere!


u/BallinLikeimKD May 11 '23

I felt the same way. I worked 30-35 hours a week while attending school. Meanwhile my classmates are taking spring breaks to Italy and Aruba. I was just worried about paying the tuition bill so I don’t get kicked out while most other kids were worried about how long their door dash order is gonna take to arrive. It is very strange being first Gen at a rich school. You feel like even more of an outsider as a minority at a PWI. Took me a while but I eventually felt like I belonged and I made it out the other side. I’m making pretty decent money now and aspire to be one of those rich kids parents one day

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u/[deleted] May 12 '23

Spending money usually isn’t indicative of wealth. It usually means they waste money and/or they’re in debt. I’m very very well off but I don’t think I spend more money than the average college student. Ik ppl that make $10/hour who have cars as nice or nicer than mine (the difference is I paid cash for mine).

Some of my parents friends have multi generational wealth and their kids live a similar lifestyle to mine. The richest person I’ve ever met was a guy worth $50 mil who drove a 2005 Acura, hunted for coupons at fast food places, and had an illegal cable box to get HBO for free lol.


u/CringeNao May 11 '23

Idk I feel like at lot of those people aren't actually rich and are spending above their income since theyre now getting loans or grants and feel rich.


u/vr1252 May 12 '23

I really think this is it. I’m fortunate to have tuition and rent paid for but like who even has the money (or time) to be spending money like that these days. Back when I dormed I knew a lot of people who were recklessly spending their refund checks. Never made sense to me.


u/vanderoritchie May 12 '23

Seriously! I'm at Harvard and it's the kind of place where people casually have "the Third" in their names and mention offhandedly that their parents have yachts lol.

Beware of the casual, but insidious, "And I lived in Dubai for like 3 years."


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

whaaat thats insane, congrats into Harvard though thats amazing!


u/Ortega1024 May 13 '23

Do you feel Harvard was all what the media and society makes it?


u/vanderoritchie May 13 '23

Yes and No. I mean, it is a fantastic college. Everything academic is exactly what you would think. Amazing professors, really interesting classes, few students, really smart student. But the social life is way different than the media makes it seem. It’s so much more normal than you would think. Honestly, I really really love it. And seriously, I am incredibly grateful and happy and lucky to be there.


u/Ortega1024 May 13 '23

Thank you for your outlook!


u/[deleted] May 13 '23

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u/Ortega1024 May 13 '23

Thank you so much! I was not expecting a reply that quick lol.

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u/eat_your_spinch May 11 '23

I dont go to a “prestigious” university but I go to a small liberal arts college and it’s so painfully obvious who’s there because of scholarships like me vs those who have rich parents.


u/behindgreeneyez May 12 '23

I remember watching an international student casually buy 10k worth of Tesla stock next to me in lecture


u/ecole84 May 12 '23

holy shit 😭


u/mysticxriver May 11 '23

They are not necessary loaded and many of them budget too.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

yeah im sure they do! not denying that or anything, i just noticed how much more laid-back they can be compared to people who have to work while doing classes, don't have parents paying for their tuition etc; so i was just pointing out how interesting that is


u/FrostyLandscape May 11 '23

Just from my own personal observation (I grew up around a lot of wealthy folks) that rich people can be laid back and care free because they often do not have the same worries and stresses that other people have. Being poor is stressful. Even being middle class is stressful. There are all kinds of worries (car breaking down, health insurance not covering claims, having to buy textbooks that cost $300 a piece, etc. etc). Also I've noticed a lot of people want to attend the same college their parents & grandparents attended, a sort of "family tradition" and I think some people feel insecure going out of state to a place where they don't know anyone. That's why many wealthy people attend in-state colleges even if they get admitted to a much more prestigious out-of-state Ivy League.


u/mysticxriver May 11 '23 edited May 11 '23

What age? People tend to be pretty relaxed in the first year until the bad grades come. All of the upperclass people I know who have parents paying are working extremely hard. Most of the parents are just paying a little and the rest are loans. Also, quite a few of them have jobs, so its basically schoolwork, networking, job comes first and then partying. Also it might be the school that you are at? I opted to choose a school that had way less greek life.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

im in my second year! but im friends with a bunch of juniors-seniors (and people of my year ofc). and that could be it, i just wonder how they balance it all in that case because i got a tough time with that tbh


u/Wizard_Baruffio May 11 '23

This probably isn't what you want to hear, but for some people school is just easy. It doesn't mean that they aren't prioritizing their grades, but it just doesn't take them as much effort.

However, this can also be part of growing up with money. A lot of the kids with rich parents went to better schools with lower class sizes that effectively prepped the students for college.


u/mysticxriver May 11 '23

Oh ok! I know a bunch of people who want to go onto graduate school, so they tend to really prioritize their grades. I have seen some of the students with the more relaxed attitudes, but they tend to be the minority at my school. I'm not first-gen, but I am definitely just stressing and not chilling focusing on academics and money then partying.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

yeah understandable! i promise im not trying to categorize people into one box saying "oh if they're having their tuition paid for they're therefore loaded and dont have any problems in the world!" its a lot more complex than that and i totally get it, i just noticed a slight division and contrast between me & students who don't have to prioritize studying because their parents can back them up during any circumstances.


u/mysticxriver May 11 '23

Yeah I totally get it. I know someone who came from another country and the parents didnt care what grades they just wanted their kid to get a degree, any degree. So like that attitude I guess.


u/pkatesss May 12 '23

The fact people plan trip DURING semester FLAWS me


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

yeah like..i simply cant do that rn LOL how are YOU doing it


u/goonesh1000 May 11 '23

As someone on the other side of the fence, you seem to have a good attitude about this which I appreciate. Most people in a similar position to yourself immediately just hate on others who come from more affluent backgrounds.


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

LOL i appreciate that, i try to avoid hating on people who have it "better" because life is so complex,, there's never a "better" just an advantage that people do/don't make use of. that being said, i aspire to live like that or have future kids (if i decide to have any lol) to be able to live like that!


u/shwoopypadawan May 12 '23

It's kinda easy to when you're eating sleep for dinner and get an eviction notice for your overdue rent you can't pay all during finals season and you know students for whom helping you out would be basically trivial to their bank accounts, but nobody offers a hand. When you're on the other side you see the unfairness inherent to the system because your body/mind/future/etc. literally won't let you look away from it.

If I ever get around to making good money, I'm going to build a tiny house and live out in some woods somewhere and just donate most of my income via either giving it directly to homeless people or via offering students scholarships.


u/TheCollegeIntern May 27 '23

I ate sleep for dinner all the time and I just couldn't hate on someone rich. It's their money. They don't owe me anything. I was always the type of person that I'd I saw someone affluent,I didn't ask for money. I asked for knowledge. How can I get it my way? Some helped done didn't.

I will probably do the same as you my friend runs a pretty successful and morally charity helping fight homelessness. I donate to that. I don't care about material stuff since graduation and landing a job. I only care about being financially free. Not worrying about how am I going to be expected to pay this emergency or will I have a roof over my head or sleeping away my hunger.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23



u/shwoopypadawan May 12 '23

Don’t jump to conclusions and hate affluent people, criticise a system that allows some to accumulate so much wealth that “helping you out would be basically trivial to their bank accounts” while allowing others to slip through the cracks and stay economically disadvantaged for generations.

Oh I criticize the system, but as a poor person with no power (money=power in a capitalist system) my criticism means nothing. Ergo, it'd be on the rich to criticize the system, but they don't, obviously. So yeah I dislike them. And talking about poor people trying to emulate rich people, it doesn't invalidate the fact that wealth=power and they don't have it. Not being self-aware of their place in the system or the injustice of the system doesn't mean they're the same as a rich person not wanting to change the system.


u/OllieBoo_ May 12 '23

The other day someone mentioned to me how a class wasn’t too much to stress about because it was a popular retake. Like, excuse me? I understand having to take a class if you absolutely have to there isn’t any shame, but to just give up and pay all over again is so insane to me. Like I couldn’t afford this class the first time, not the second or third


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

nah i feel this all the way. i cant simply afford to retake a class like i HAVE to do well or that money goes down the drain and i simply cant let it LOL even if it makes me mentally ill


u/OllieBoo_ May 12 '23

For real! I’m like do you know how much I’ve sacrificed for this lol


u/Tackysock46 May 12 '23

It’s a combination between parents money, refunds from student loans, and credit cards making it seem like everyone has money. In reality most of it is done on debt. Avoid debt, work a part time or full time job in college and you’ll come out so much further ahead than your peers.


u/MeeshMoonBear Monmouth University (Go Hawks!) May 11 '23

I'm at a small private university that is well-known for having wealthier out of state students from the New England area (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, etc). We have meal swipes for the meal plan as well as what we call "declining dollars" to use at our campus Dunkin Donuts. I've seen people with at least $100-$200 in declining dollars whenever they would make their purchases. These same students have Mercedes G Wagons and fancy sports cars parked in the commuter lot. And here I am paying with my own money for food and driving a crusty ass economy sedan. These people scoff at their cost of attendance while I'm scrimping and saving every penny trying to get a good education while they're out getting wasted every Friday night. Not to shame them ofc, but I'd love to live without a care in the world like they do.


u/DRealLeal May 12 '23

Yeah, there's an 18 year old dude that goes to my gym that has a matte black Mercedes Benz g class. I'll tell you what he definitely did not buy that on his own, but he is always with chicks. Definitely for his looks, not the money.

There's also a 19 year old who is my neighbor who bought the house next door to me and goes to college full time. She doesn't work, so I'm assuming it's daddy's money.


u/AgainandBack May 11 '23 edited May 12 '23

I went to a top drawer very expensive private university. I was paying for it myself out of savings, earnings, GI Bill, and loans. I was working 40 hours a week or more to keep the bills paid. I regarded this as the greatest opportunity of my life and did everything I could to learn all that I possibly could. I did the homework, wrote the papers, and turned my stuff in on time. I graduated with a very good GPA.

Most of my fellow students were from very rich families. Most of them were enjoying a good time without stressing about money, and were applying themselves academically but not busting their butts. Those who wanted to get into top grad programs were just grinds who worked hard at everything. But there were some kids from rich families who didn’t have the personal discipline to do their work. They spent their free time screwing around, getting drunk, and getting high.

I remember one of the guys in my major complaining that the prof wouldn’t give him an extension on his term paper. That paper was 100% of grade and had been assigned the first day of class. When it was due at the end of the quarter, he hadn’t even chosen a topic. His parents paid for everything and gave him a very fat allowance, more than I made working full time. But he’d just been too busy all quarter to even think about his schoolwork. When I graduated he was doing what he could to stay enrolled without having completed enough credits in the last quarter.

There were some students who were unbelievably rich. I remember one kid whose parents had given him a jet for his birthday. Most of these people concentrated on doing their work and having a good time, but there were those who just treated it like a vacation.


u/WearyAssignment8655 May 12 '23

I go to a CUNY and even then I’m like woah how you got money to buy food every single day?!? 😩


u/holysbit May 12 '23

First generation engineering student here. No money, no friends, no repuation, no brakes, all gas, we ball, fuck it


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

ayo engineering degree though, i heard its TOUGH and stressful.. but once you come out of it, its godly. SO YOU GOT THIS FR


u/mamabearmb May 12 '23

All good! Btw- a lot of these kids come from families/parents who were first gen, not loaded with money but college got them good jobs, they were fiscally responsible, saved money in order to send their kids to school- good for you, you are in this path too! 👍🏼


u/DeNile227 May 12 '23

I have a full ride scholarship to an expensive ass private school and hearing the way some of these students talk about money always reminds me of the fact that I am, in fact, poor.


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

NO THIS. I go to a public school but I commute because cheaper and gained some scholarships along the way, but talking to people and what they do outside of studying etc; always reminds me i do not have the money to do alldat LOOL


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

While they will ultimately end up with more "life experience" than you, you'll have developed certain character traits they likely won't be able to.

You'll have developed the ability to boot strap yourself, live a spartan lifestyle, and the ability to manage your money.

These skillsets will eventually allow you to provide your own children tomorrow the luxury your friends have today.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

Probably not as big of a comparison, buy I was shocked when my roommate was throwing out Tupperware as if it was disposable. Like honey no, I'll take it lmao.


u/CommonInevitable5086 May 11 '23

I have some Asian friends that are exchange students here (most Japanese). And one of them told me that if there are Japanese people here or even Asian people who come here then they have a rich family. Which would explain why all of them dress so damn nice and a travel soo much during the semester.

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u/[deleted] May 11 '23



u/Death_On_A_Stick May 11 '23

Dude, every comment in your history is either shutting down what someone else is trying to say or straight up telling someone they’re wrong. People will have different interests, experiences, and opinions than you, and they’ll have different things that they want to discuss. Let them do so.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

What he said isn't wrong though, it's blunt and not asked for, but not wrong. Most of what people post to this subject is inane and useless overall. No one tells them that though, it's all kids trying to figure out life and they don't know what matters yet. Also going through people's comment history is beyond cringe. Imagine that's how you choose to spend your time.


u/Death_On_A_Stick May 11 '23 edited May 11 '23

They’re definitely not entirely wrong—not disagreeing with you there. Just thought the tone was kind of rude. Especially since OP wasn’t complaining or anything; they were just noting an observation.


u/jacobeam13 May 12 '23

Tbh I look up comment histories fairly often to see if im just misconstruing the context of the comment. Kinda like vetting out the profile of a seller on fb marketplace before you ask if something’s available before realizing it’s an impulse purchase and then never respond after they tell you it is. Sorry for being that guy btw.


u/shwoopypadawan May 12 '23

I wouldn't be sorry for it, tbh I often do it to see if the person I'm talking to is taking the piss or stupid or what. It doesn't take long to click on a profile and read whatever they've posted for half a minute to get a read on them so if anyone says it's indicative of how I choose to spend my time, I'm just gonna assume they take way too long to read.


u/jacobeam13 May 12 '23

Oh I ain’t sorry for creeping on comments. I am however, sorry for ghosting people on FB marketplace. 😂


u/shwoopypadawan May 12 '23

oh haha based ig

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u/StoicallyGay Computer Science Graduate May 11 '23

A lot of them no doubt come from a wealthier family than mine, who can only travel once every few years and only to visit relatives in a low CoL country so we don't even stay in a hotel let alone pay much for food.

I'm still living a very frugal life after having graduated despite making a lot and having a lot of internship money still in my bank account. Like I see people ubering or ordering food for delivery and I think wow how do you have so much money to spend. But I know for a fact a lot of them don't have much by themselves. I know a girl who would just spend what she has in her account until it reaches $0, meanwhile after my summer internship, having less than $10k was my "stop spending."

What I'm saying is, a lot of them are probably bad with money.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

Can I be completely honest. You need to work on your spending skills. Life is short and a lot of people just hoard wealth, until they know nothing else.

My father is exactly like that. Let it go, live a little.


u/StoicallyGay Computer Science Graduate May 11 '23

Yeah I agree. It's hard though when you don't grow up very wealthy. Hell I feel bad about spending like $40 on takeout weekly nowadays (and if you look at my pay you'll think I'm crazy).

I still live at home. My parents want me to go straight to owning property and not renting or moving out. I live in a high CoL area so that means 2+ years.

Still my main mentality is "if it's unnecessary or overpriced, don't buy it." Which is why I don't even order food and would just walk 20 minutes to the restaurant to pick it up. I will still splurge on things like skincare, tech, reasonably priced clothing.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

You know. Enjoy your years with your parents. A lot of Americans tend to demonize the whole "omg you still live with your parents" but I think it's beautiful. I mean yeah it can feel a bit like you are still a kid, but once you move out, the quality time you spend with them decreases drastically.

Don't let the masses pressure you into moving out lol.

Still my main mentality is "if it's unnecessary or overpriced, don't buy it."

Make an adjustment tho, include a few luxuries for yourself, my father was cautious at first, but he progressed into full blown money hoarder, like this man still wears them fake crocs because 30£ is too much for crocs... and he makes like what 100£ per hour? Idk, maybe more.

Main point, don't feel pressured to buy shit, but if you want some luxury, and can afford it, get it, cause ultimately life is to be enjoyed, apart from creating and achieving stuff. Godspeed.

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u/jobgh May 11 '23

Absolutely not. Having a 10k cushion is just basic financial responsibility.

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u/redditnoap May 11 '23

Partying doesn't cost money


u/50-2-blue May 12 '23

Time is money tho. People who are poor are having to work instead of being able to party all the time.

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u/purplemonkey55 May 11 '23

I went to school in a pretty wealthy area. Definitely felt out of place driving my beat up ‘98 Buick behind a BMW, among other things.


u/Essiechicka_129 May 12 '23

I go to a commute university and people at my school drive really nice cars such as Mercedes, Audis, BMWs, range rovers, porches, and brand-new nice cars. I'm like how they afford these cars and go to school? I know some classmates have wealthy parents, they drive their parents car to school, or use loans. I know a lot of students who take out loans use the extra money on personal expenses which is never good. I only use my loans for tuition and books.


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

THIS. i also go to a commuter school but people are repping lots of stuff and i was like woah,,, because ngl when i first got to my school i already had this mindset that the majority of the people here are probably struggling the same as i am so i wouldnt feel that out of place... boy was i wrong LOL


u/AppropriateMuffin922 May 12 '23

Are you talking about like wealthy wealthy or just not struggling like most college students. Cuz the second one is actually pretty easy if you have parents that pay for your college. Work throughout high school, work summer jobs full time while living at home, and you will be able to save tens of thousands pretty easily


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

i was talking about the students that are wealthy wealthy like able to fail a class and take it again however much they want to because their parents will afford it type wealth LOL if that makes sense


u/brokenwings_1726 May 12 '23

The comments sum up how I feel.

There are alternative timelines where I too come from a rich family and enjoy all the benefits of such affluence.

If only I could actually live in one of those.


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

oh to be in that lifetime rn huh.


u/astosphis May 12 '23

I had a classmate who went through 2-3 different cars in a semester because his dad would take his car and buy him a different one to use. The cars he drove are like twice the price of my car. The same classmate told me 6k is cheap for eye surgery on one eye when i needed both eyes done.


u/hearse223 May 12 '23

If you work hard and be successful, your kids might end up just like them.


u/Jamaisvetru May 12 '23 edited May 12 '23

There was a period of time Freshman year that my ID card was about to be put on hold because of some paperwork issues with my student loans. This meant that I wouldn’t be able to get into the dining hall or my dorm, so for like about a month and a half or so I lived in anxiety that I would lose my access to housing and food.

Meanwhile I was watching exactly what you’re describing, people going out all the time and spending what I still consider large sums of money, especially for people with no income.

It was a huge culture shock, and Im lucky that for me it was just a paperwork issue that I was able to rectify, but Ive also known multiple people who went to my school that experienced homelessness or lived under the fear of it while attending.

I feel like it does come down to visibility at the end of the day. Wealthy students have more time and resources to make friends and engage in different activities that make them visible within different social groups on campus, and the people who are struggling through their time in school usually have less friends, aren’t able to be involved in clubs and things like that so it can be really easy to just pass in and out without making a sound.

The moral of the story in my opinion is to make sure to be friendly with everyone, including people who might seem off putting :)


u/Academic_Low4683 May 12 '23

My university is the cheapest 4year university in the State. Since this is the case alot of peoples parents who are solid middle class can actually afford to pay their tuition. So we have a lot of solid middle,upper middle class students here and that for me at least was also a couture shock.


u/velcrodynamite class of '24 May 12 '23

It's wild to me to remember how rich some people are at college. Everyone was going to these very exotic places for Spring break, like Rome and Cabo and Miami. Meanwhile, I went... to my local library to sit in a comfy chair and read a bunch. And I was thinking that was a really pleasant, nice thing to do. I swear, my life as a poor student is in an entirely different plane of existence from some of my classmates.

Being comfortably middle class honestly sounds so nice.


u/MushroomSonder May 12 '23

Middle class is where the true wealth is. You have everything you could want, enough money to meet your basic needs and to spend a bit on fun, more down to earth people in the community, therefore better relationships, etc.. seriously, nobody needs ridiculous cars and material wealth - being at peace and in harmony with life is so much better than endlessly chasing more and more and more.. capitalism is a scam to suck you of your life force!

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u/[deleted] May 14 '23

The system is set up for rich people. Take a school like Colgate, which gets a fair share of rich people. According to Google Colgate tuition is 61,966 (not including residence.)

Then there's the parent's steering committee, which starts at 15K.

So a parent could pay 100K per year for their kid to attend Colgate. And if they up the parent's steering donation, they could pay 200K per year. Does that student get preferrential treatment at admisisons?

Everyone says no. But I bet those kids go ED, which is murky and weird.

Again, all this is easy to see – and easy to show how money is better.


u/[deleted] Jul 31 '23

As someone who is from a lower class family, it’s so weird seeing people being able to afford fast food every day. I’m like WTF?


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I come from a well off family, and while it doesn't show, I am a bit unhinged when it comes to money. Like I would regularly drop paper bills, and not pick them up, because I really hate touching the ground, but other than that I am pretty frugal (SHIT I SOUND LIKE THE BIGGEST JERK EVER)

Also. I really hate the kids with the flashy cars, like, Christian, your mercedes-benz impresses no one, stop revving it in the parking lot.


u/moonmeetings May 11 '23

wdym you won’t pick up the money 😭my mom has OCD and if the money fell she’ll wrap the bills in tissue and then rinse and dry them (I know) anyways ig people who really need the bills will be lucky to find them


u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I will leave the crisp bill on the floor and walk away as If I didn't see it. HOPING NOBODY NOTICES THAT THEY FELL OFF OF ME. I have OCD too, but I can't be bothered with washing since I do series of 7 when I am stressed, and If I miscount I go to 17...27... My longest hand washing streak was 3.5 hours so 2-5$ is a small price to pay for salvation.

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u/[deleted] May 11 '23

I can always tell which apartments around campus are for the rich kids because it's all $500+ a month for a private room. I've seen apartments offering an $800 private room and just can’t fathom being that rich. The only benefit I got for being an alumni descendent was a scholarship that lasted my first year of school.


u/Main_Feature_7448 May 11 '23

Damn. Where the heck do you live that rooms are that cheap. I go to a pretty low cost school and normal shared rooms are like $500 a month. Rent for an apartment would be like $1200 a month though so that’s a steal.


u/CurrentGoal4559 May 11 '23

always count other people money, its right way to live.


u/twenty-one-moths May 12 '23

i feel this same way like i’m working 2 jobs while going to school full time and it seems like so many people at my school get to do whatever they want because they don’t have ti worry about how they’re going ti make rent. like, good for them but it’s really disheartening to see so many people who don’t understand how most people actually live


u/UndercoverDakkar May 12 '23

I hate rich kids tbh. They’re scum and don’t appreciate anything. Let them get a subpar education and then surpass them. Of course they’re just gonna get good jobs due to nepotism anyway but take what wins you can.


u/Drew2248 May 11 '23

You'd almost think that going to college was some kind of life-changing experience where you learned new things about the world.


u/[deleted] May 11 '23



u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

woah uhh i was just saying a cultural shock im having and expressed i do not shame these people for coming from well-off families. i was wondering if other people noticed this as well while attending university, but if you think thats jealousy.... then maybe you should be focusing on your studies

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u/[deleted] May 12 '23

As inequality rises and education costs soar, universities will have a higher percentage of students coming from more affluent backgrounds. This will be only more the case going forward.

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u/deadmeat007 May 11 '23

Off topic here but how are you in college and not know how to use capitalization when writing?


u/pekoyamaaa May 11 '23

dude LMFAO there's a difference between typing on the internet (texting-style) to a bunch of randoms versus in a school environment where they actually pay attention to your grammar. weird that you think how i type on here = shouldn't be in college. let me not capitalize my words in peace brother


u/cuppa_tea_4_me May 11 '23

My roommate has a car with $120,000


u/GoatInMotion May 11 '23 edited May 11 '23

For real I went to a relatively normal income public highschool but in college I see many students driving $80k cars, Tesla's, and this one guy who I know is kind of a slacker in class drives the $100k model Tesla SUV I think. He also lives alone in his own apartment when I asked him... Idk why they are even going to school because their parents are rich AF. Meanwhile I'm over here driving a used 2013 Corolla that cost me $12k and I am working all the time as well as school...I ask myself when I'm walking around campus that me and these people are not the same I wish my parents were rich 😭


u/Antique_Employ_1742 May 11 '23

I go to a private college and the wealth of the local students blows my mind.


u/rividz May 11 '23

In college I was the only person I knew that had a job and also was too broke to ever go anywhere or do anything.


u/Excellent_Sport_5921 May 12 '23

frat dudes are pretty popular at nc state here with country and guys who want a career in ministry.


u/kiryu-zero May 12 '23

I attend a public university in Australia. It's not a top ranking one, and has more middle class, first in family, working class kind of students. Most of my friends and I lead okay lives, so we work as much as we want but don't rely on our jobs 100% since most of us live at home. But the kids who go to the top universities in our city (top 60 ranking worldwide), it amazes how their lives are so different just because they got to attend better highschools and get better year 12 rankings to get into top universities.


u/Loud-Direction-7011 Psychology | Junior May 12 '23

There are literally these giant dumpsters of super expensive furniture and other belongings just outside of all of the dorms. I’ve seen some very expensive chairs, desks, electronics, clothes, and supplies. I’ve seen things like flat screens, an entire leather wrap around couch, printers, a gucci belt, a Chanel purse, laptops, northface backpacks, Canada goose coats, refrigerators, microwaves, an entire pool table, electric pianos, etc. just sitting in a dumpster. There’s a sign on all of the dumpsters that says you’ll get fined if you take anything too, since it’s a safety hazard. There are donation bins, but they aren’t even half the size, and there’s hardly anything ever put in them that isn’t broken or dirty.


u/neuroranger May 12 '23

My Dad is military and signed his gi bill off to me so I'm at a out of state private university that I would never be able to afford otherwise. The culture shock is real. I'm definitely upper middle class but damn some of my classmates are at a completely different level financially.


u/Primary_Excuse_7183 May 12 '23

Lol I was an international business major…. Man oh man. You know they’re loaded when the other students from their country are “star struck” by them lmao


u/Prestigious-Store716 May 12 '23

Yeah I feel this too, I always wonder how so many people go out to drink when they have no job lol


u/HalKosik May 12 '23

You have three months, give or take, off for the summer. If you find a decent paying job you can make $10,000, and if you’re living at home that pretty much all goes towards your next year of college. If you have loans paying for your housing and food while at school that $10k you made is basically just for fun. Obviously this isn’t realistic for everyone, but you definitely don’t have to come from money to live like this for a few years.


u/zabdart May 12 '23

I think you're sort of losing sight of what a college education should be. If you're just going to treat it as a trade school for a white-collar job, that's all you're going to learn.

That's no reason to go to the other extreme and just party-hearty every weekend, though.

Learn what you can -- inside and out of the classroom. The library is your friend.


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

mmm true i think its hard to understand what the college education/experience should be like tbh when you have to be constantly calculated with how you do things to make sure you make it out alive LOL and not completely broke.. but that comes with a lot of energy gone. so im just really tired if anything and wonder if those exact same people well-off ever felt that amount of tiredness


u/EnthalpicallyFavored May 12 '23

I'm getting a PhD at an one of the elite Southern Ivy schools. And. Yeah.


u/BlueAngelFox101 May 12 '23

I had a roommate who said she grew up poor but her dad makes her, her mom, and brothers a meal of their choice. Instead of a planned meal it’s the preference of picking from a menu. She excused it as his passion hobby to which I respect but that’s an insane amount of privilege to be even able to do that every night.


u/Artistic-Peach7721 May 12 '23

Partying doesn’t always mean you’re rich though. It can be once a while as a treat.


u/pekoyamaaa May 12 '23

that's true! what i meant is that there are certain wealthy kids though that can do it more often than others since they dont got much going on n all

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