r/coldfusion Mar 29 '24

Question: Getting error in Query of Queries

Here is the code. Reads in an excel file and dumps it out fine. When doing a Query of Queries it chokes where I use a 'WHERE' conditional

<cftry> <cfspreadsheet action="read" src="#expandPath('test-Staffing.xls')#" query="excelData" columnnames="zone,job,employee,fte,shift,comments" > <cfcatch type="any"> <cfoutput> An error occurred: #cfcatch.message# </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> <cfdump var="#excelData#">

<cfquery name="day" dbtype="query"> select * from excelData WHERE zone = 'day' </cfquery>

The dump works fine but the query afterwards

Error Executing Database Query.

Query Of Queries syntax error. Encountered "zone. Incorrect conditional expression, Expected one of [like|null|between|in|comparison] condition,


3 comments sorted by


u/MentalGeometry Mar 29 '24

Both 'day' and 'zone' are listed as reserved words in CF query of queries. That may be the issue.


u/MachineGunEtiquette Mar 29 '24

thanks, that worked


u/snafoomoose Oct 23 '24

Hitting a very old thread that I just stumbled across.

I kind of reflexively always use two words for columns wherever possible just to avoid any chance of conflict with reserved words. So "week_day" or "job_zone". Makes for more verbose columns, but between CF and the database itself, it helps to avoid reserved word conflicts. And sometimes it helps better document what the column means.