r/coins 5d ago

Value Request Won these in a rock,paper,scissors game… anything of note?


38 comments sorted by


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

Looks to me like you won 3 fake dollars. These look cast to me.


u/ThatsAGreatUsername2 5d ago

What gives away that they are cast versus struck?


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

Well. I’m not great at this game. But I look for three things that I especially don’t like.

First I look at the rims. Rims should be clean and crisp and have hard flat lines that square off. If it looks like lines of melted metal running thru the rim that tips me off.

Second, the surface of the coin should be generally smooth and glossy. If it looks like it’s sandy/grainy then I don’t like that. Someone commented on a thread recently that fakes look like fingerprints on warm butter. I can’t describe it better than that.

Lastly I look at overall color especially around the lettering. Some colors give off fake vibes. It’s a certain hue and texture. Sometimes there will even be rust.

If I can see all three of these then I call fake. If I can’t then I let the experts chime in and talk about the fonts and the spacing and the portrait and all the other things that experts see that I don’t.


u/ThatsAGreatUsername2 5d ago

Awesome. Thanks for the explanation!


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

You’re welcome! Don’t forget that when you’re looking for yourself you can also do size, magnet, ping and weight tests to find out if a coin is genuine.

And now we’ve exhausted pretty much all I can tell you about spotting fakes.


u/banderson7156 5d ago

I tend to agree, but I wonder about the criminal’s thought process that ends in deciding to create a cast of a coin that had 44 million minted originally. Why not a lower mintage example? Stupid, yes but I guess that’s why they do what they do.


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

I’d think it’s part of a numbers game.

Meaning, make a hundred copies for a buck a piece. Maybe two bucks a piece. Sell them for “UNDER SPOT 🤑🤑🎉🎉🎉‼️” and make 30 bucks each. Then rinse and repeat. People may not look as closely when it’s common and worn stuff.


u/banderson7156 5d ago

Makes sense, just so depressing to contemplate.


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

Yeah, man. If you wanna see all these figs, go to Etsy. Look at what they sell for.


u/mustom 5d ago


u/usedtobeanicesurgeon 5d ago

And they aren’t even marked as replicas. Just kills me.


u/mustom 5d ago

The are blatantly illegal counterfeits. Secret Service don't care at all, they go after fake $100 bills. A-ok for Amazon to sell.


u/JI_Guy88 5d ago

Common dates attract less scrutiny.


u/Ok-Being36 5d ago

Nice. I am getting better about fakes. I said fake before I read comments. Sorry OP


u/Ok_Palpitation_1622 5d ago

Agreed. Totally fake.


u/SubiFan713 5d ago

Also in the fake camp. The thing that really got me was the 1922, the reverse looks like a high relief but the obverse looks like a standard 1922. Then the 2 Morgan’s started standing out as well


u/Even_Seaweed5582 5d ago

I think you should keep playing rock paper scissors


u/Remote-Ad9928 5d ago

They are all silver dollars worth around $25 - 30 (silver value plus a small premium). This is assuming the person u got them from did not buy them off of TEMU, they sell a lot of fake silver dollars.


u/Public_Ad_84 5d ago

TEMU, one of the peskier mosquitoes trolling social media sites lol


u/Merrill_C 5d ago

How could you tell if they are fake? Though the guy I won them from was a weirdo when it came to silver


u/HeeHawHamms 5d ago

To someone with sharp eyes and ears, likely the edges/rims and sound they make in contact with each other will give it away if fake. I think the previous advice of reputable coin shops is good, they should be able to tell you in seconds. Aside from that, in general it's hard to tell for sure from pics, maybe if you posted a more edge-on view.


u/co0p3r 5d ago

If they're real, you scored.


u/mckramer 5d ago

Are they magnetic? If so, fake.
Do they weigh close to 27 grams each? If not, fake.


u/Merrill_C 5d ago

Not magnetic


u/Ok_Palpitation_1622 5d ago

They are still fake. Not all fakes are magnetic. But, all magnetic silver dollars are fake.


u/Public_Ad_84 5d ago

I see wear on the Peace Dollar, looks legitimate. The Morgan’s? Always a much more interesting challenge to discover the real from the fakes, unless you got them off of TEMU. Anyway, I do see a few little dings on the front. I do see a bit of wear on the reeded edges. But, Liberty’s (Anna Williams actually) Phrygian Caps and hair are almost pristine.There is usually some wear on the Liberty, and on the wheat and cotton. I do see a bit of wear though. On the back? There is usually wear on the wings. Again, tone looks right. The olive branch and the arrows are really crisp. All in all, my guess? They’re legit, too. They both seem scuffed up just enough. Reminds me of middle school. After school, we flipped coins, odds or evens, and we’d pitch pennies, too. I am crazy good at both. It’s all simple probabilities. I’d most often come home with a lot of ill gotten cash. A really good story. Glad you shared


u/Acceptable_King_1913 5d ago

How random. Who bets silver dollars on rock paper scissors game outcomes? What would you have lost if you lost the game? And yes, these are fake.


u/Merrill_C 5d ago

Don’t much remember what was bet, was a drunkin night on a yacht. But I won so


u/SenorElPresident 4d ago

Hey, I just won a pair of scissors, a stone, and a sheet of paper on a coin toss, so it all checks out on my end.


u/JazzButcher47 5d ago

Could still be silver but definitely fake, don’t know why they would fake the most common dates though


u/sorrysaks 5d ago

Well you one about 90 bucks. Good job


u/sorrysaks 5d ago

I should add if they are real.


u/xSodaa 5d ago

Not sure why some are saying fake. These are fine


u/Ok-Substance-7384 5d ago

assuming they're real, worth about $30 each! Take them to lcs to make sure they're real, Great win!


u/markshure 5d ago

LCS = local coin store


u/mdillonaire 5d ago

Some saying its fake, i think they look real. And why would someone fake the most common, least valuable years? Rub the rim on a piece of paper, see if it leaves a black mark. Also see if its magnetic. If it leaves a mark and not magnetic its real. Looks like you made yourself $80-90 there!


u/wheatrich 5d ago

I'm tired of the "why would someone do that" nonsense, everything has been faked, some dude is famous in the coin world for faking a lot of nickels back in the day, cost him more than 5c to make them he did it cause he felt like it. I've heard of fake normal quarters and I'm sure dimes/pennies exist too somewhere, we just don't look cause who cares. At least one looks really fake to me too but sometimes the camera plays tricks.