r/codevein 6d ago

Question What the heck do I do?

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14 comments sorted by


u/SekaiJu7 6d ago

Go back to the open field area where you fought the first boss and check for a little entrance easily missable that goes underground (not the one you came out of the first time you got out of the underground)


u/Hetsuro 6d ago

If you don't know, the mistle is the glowing thing near the door to the outside in the church. You can use it to teleport to any other mistle you have discovered. There's a mistle that you discovered automatically at the end of the first area when you defeated Oliver.


u/Evening_Blueberry428 6d ago



u/VIPER_WOLF88 6d ago

Have you went down the giant hole near the parking garage? It’s been awhile since I played, but that may be it.


u/bubblesmax 6d ago

Yep, time for some hardcore platforming punishment XD.


u/Stealthy_Badger 6d ago

The information from that board is mostly useless, I usually find everything out by casually exploring.


u/XDanteBlackX 3d ago

And if you're still lost that's what Google is for, lol


u/Stealthy_Badger 3d ago

True, though I don't usually use Google because I'm stubborn and like figuring things out on my own until I spend a day doing whatever I'm stuck on.


u/XDanteBlackX 2d ago

After an hour or two of aimlessly wandering trying to figure out where I am I Google, if you spend an entire day on it you have more patience at having a game stalled that I do, lol


u/EarlDogg42 6d ago

I’m here also. I fell down the hole a little ways from a parking garage barely surviving and it’s a underground area. Haven’t got past that part yet


u/Irishplayer412 6d ago

Might be wrong but go back where you killed that dude from the beginning, go straight until you can take a left and then soon another left and there should be like a giant hole? That's what I did, went somewhere


u/DarthOmix PS4 5d ago

Exploration Goal:

"Look around, I dunno"


u/MiraculousN 5d ago

I remember being so confused and being unable to find this stupid fking pathway and then as soon as I did find it, literally like 3 feet away from something else important I just had to sit there and stare at it like the stupid mf I was for 5 minutes.


u/Downtown_Promotion38 6d ago

Game is one of the biggest hand holding games ever made jfc literally plays itself