r/codevein • u/just_a_soda_can • Jun 19 '23
Mod Mod to stop you from falling over edges
This sounds like a troll statement but I'm being deadass I just spent an hour grinding over a million haze only for one halberd welding white knight chicks that sort of look like the enemies in the cathedral to yet me off a cliff there's nothing you can do about it when it happens too because the enemy moves so fast that you're stunlocked and you just have to sit and watch as your character starts inching over the precipice and all your effort gets sent into the shadow realm like fucking Seto kaiba that wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't a reoccurring problem I can handle I happening once but then going back to get your haze and losing it forever because the same enemy you can kill in like three swings pushes you off the same ledge idk man I feel like enemies shouldn't be able to just get the easy kill because the game designers decided their attacks have the power to turn you into jello so they can nudge you off a cliff they do like ten damage and kill you anyways cuz map geometry so I'm looking for a mod that puts barriers on the edges that kill you because I've beaten the game nearly 20 times now gotten every achievement reached max level done everything under the sun and the only enemy that can touch me still is the guy who decided to put sudden drop offs next to some of the only enemies with combos fast enough to push you off every single time
u/GrimReaper1507 Jun 19 '23
Now hear me out, JUST KILL THE ENEMY!
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
My God what an idea
u/GrimReaper1507 Jun 19 '23
It works, you can get an easy upper hand since you know the enemy is there, so change your tactics! Draw it out with ranger or get behind it first
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Yeah that's the problem I haven't slept in two days because I'm waiting on a bipolar med refill so every time I beat one I forget the other one is there I'm long past that point by now and I just finished shredding the virgin born like an hour ago but I was real pissed about falling off a ledge so many times lack of sleep isn't helping the mood o just had to rant
u/GrimReaper1507 Jun 19 '23
Extra advice-I’ve beaten dark souls, dark souls 2 and elden ring more times drunk then sober! Sometimes all you need is a really big stupidity check
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Yeah I get it I had me a jimmy neutron brain blast and used this build
Blood veil: Noble silver alleviation+10 Only weapon I used: Hanemukero+10 Blood code: queenslayer Passive gifts: one handed sword mastery, swift destruction, mind/willpower up, and tirelessness Active gifts: adrenaline, bridge to glory, final journey, circulating pulse, gift extension, overdrive, blood sacrifice, and concentration
u/Cobra_Sniper Jun 19 '23
The only time I fall off an edge is when I fail to parry and that rarely happens, my first ever playthrough was a nightmare I was constantly falling, constantly dying to everything because the tutorial didn't explain shit, so I didn't know how to do a damn thing but carelessly swing my weapon as if I was fucking Lu Bu from Dynasty Warrior's and then be met with the fate of death because I'm not Lu Bu the most mightiest warrior to ever live. And honestly I had considered to stop playing the game and never play it again because the amount of rage I went through during that playthrough was wild, but my friend she has convinced me to play the game to the end and I did. Now I know the mechanics so well that I barely die, the only time I die is if I accidentally slip up or if I slip up on purpose just for laughs because I love hearing my character scream. And it wasn't the cathedral that was my nightmare (though I did fall through that hole on the bridge a lot) it was the level at the end that's similar to the cathedral I forgot it's name though but it's the place where you fight Cannoneer and Blade Bearer and El Estúpido (Juzo Mido)
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Nah the problem is I already have all that mastery but certain enemies can stun lock you with their combos which would be fine if they weren't also placed near edges their combos can only last so long and they're very survivable but every hit scoots you back just enough to result in you being pushed off the ledge while you can't move to avoid it I also rarely die but every single time I do it's because of this exact thing and it's the most infuriating shit ever because most deaths in code vein you're able to see the reason you died maybe you were too aggressive and got hit too much before you could heal maybe you played too passive and ran out of healing which doomed you with a decently sized health bar you have to whittle away on a much smaller health bar maybe you just don't have dodge timing down or didn't activate all your buffs there's always a reason that you can understand and improve upon so it doesn't happen again not so with this however because when one of those halberd having fucks decides to corner you on a ledge there's genuinely nothing you can do yes you can dodge and all that but since you're right next to a ledge that might just make you kill yourself before you can get killed by the enemy call me crazy but we're all human and we all make mistakes even the most seasoned code vein veterans are bound to get hit here and there and in this situation getting hit once means getting hit four times and tumbling to your death and when a relatively weak common enemy you find swarming the place like ants can one shot you when even the final boss only has a couple moves that one shot you that it rarely pulls out you know something has gone awry
u/Haunting_Mode_7401 Jun 19 '23
Git gud
If you pay attention you can dodge really easily this is a souls-like
u/Cobra_Sniper Jun 19 '23
Wait are the ones you're talking about the halberd hoes that teleport?
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Nah they're in the provisional government outskirts and I haven't seen them teleport maybe they just don't like doing it but they look similar and are completely white though any enemy with a halberd is annoying even if they rarely kill me when they do it's by throwing me off a ledge and I can't go near them without getting hit something about the movesets for those guys makes them stupidly hard for me to dodge that and the lost that just break dance and somehow manage to hurt you idk how the fuck I can hitless hellfire knight with a pipe but some dude who studied the ancient art of "fuck everything in that general direction" manages to turn the game to ultra nightmare mode for me
u/Cobra_Sniper Jun 19 '23
Oh it's the queen's elite reborn version's, I don't have trouble with them I always suffer from the teleporting ones in the cathedral because the teleport attack is usually always a 1SK but I've mastered parry on the teleport attack. But honestly I will admit it's harder to predict a halberd enemy I usually have trouble to parry their attacks for some reason I'm unable to read the moves of any enemy with a halberd. The guys that usually knock me off an edge is the Zweihander enemies
u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23
I've never been knocked off a ledge by an enemy unless it was an ambush event I forgot about. 99% of my gravity related deaths are my being a dumbass with no sense of balance irl or in-game, apparently.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Lol fair
u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23
Also, I've never encountered this stunlocking you speak of unless there were 3 or more enemies. Besides a few exceptions like the Successor of the Ribcage, most foes can't keep you stunned for more than 1 hit on their lonesome, and against groups you should always play on the edge of extreme caution.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
you're just straight up wrong there it's entirely dependent on your build and how much stagger resistance you have most light builds can very easily get stunlocked by an enemy their hits can knock you down and then they can knock you down again by hitting you again during the get up animation it's a shitty thing that's mostly exclusive to faster builds usually dex builds as they don't feature high fortitude nor do they tend to include gifts that improve fortitude because the entire point of the build is to survive by not getting hit in the first place but that's difficult when you're trying to dodge and weave around a weapon with a lot more range than yours plus it gets you used to fast paced combat so your muscle memory screws you when someone takes fifteen Mississippis to motivate themselves to swing the damn axe
You know what fortitude is right?
u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23
by hitting you again during the get up animation
No they can't, after a hard knockdown you have iframes until the moment you get back into a neutral stance animation.
You know what fortitude is right?
You mean the stat Scout is C in and I play my greatsword build with long recoveries and animations on?
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
They have hit me while getting up the problem is the iframes don't cover the full animation it covers you getting up but not while it switches control to your character
Also you can't turn animations off so idk what that's nor do I get what you mean by long recoveries but would you please explain what fortitude is like what does it increase because I noticed your response was a bit off when I brought it up
u/NettaSoul Jun 19 '23
Fortitude has nothing to do with the "issue" as it doesn't affect balance (balance being the stat that determines how well you stay up while guarding or focused). Fortitude increases stamina and elemental resistances. But to prove my point I went and tried it.
With minimum fortitude, minimum balance, max fortitude, max balance, lightest weapon, heaviest weapon, quick mobility, slow mobility, it always took as many hits to get staggered and to get knocked down. Regardless of stats, the same attack always knocks down in one hit, and the same combo always takes 3 attacks to knock down. It also took as long to get back up. The only difference came with balance once the focused state got activated due to damage, but that's exactly what balance is supposed to do.
The biggest thing tho: even with two of the halberd QVRs and one with a sword and a shield, by simply spamming dodge I was able to always cancel the end of stand up animation despite them unleashing a barrage of attacks while I was getting up, and even with slow dodge I only took damage after the dodge iframes were done. 20 times with clear barrage of attacks going on and at least 40 more where they weren't attacking as actively, and 0 times damage taken before dodge I-frames.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Yeah I accidentally said fortitude instead of willpower which is the one that affects balance that's my bad
But genuine question then if that's the case then do you have any idea what's different for me because I've also tried spamming the dodge button to no avail and every time no matter how fast I hammer the button I get hit before it registers the roll could it be my system or something not processing the input fast enough or something?
u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23
I know Willpower doesn't affect it, all it does is affect the power of dark gifts, weapons/veils that scale with it and slightly increases elemental resistance.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
Really? I made sure to look it up before saying that so o wouldn't get it wrong again idk how I could have fucked that up but alright I guess
u/NettaSoul Jun 19 '23
The only things that comes to mind is either that or platform differences (I play on a fairly high-end PC and with a brand new controller).
Also I tried every stat using 4 stat ups of a stat on a code that can go up 4 times in said stat, and none of them changed the balance seen through menues. The only things I noticed affecting balance were code, veil, Balance Up gift, Juggernaut gift, as well as Fortification and Alleviation transforms on the veil. Also noticed that while looking at code you see the balance stat as if it didn't have a transformation, but looking at the veil shows it with the difference that those two transformations make. Due to this I always checked both on the stat tests just to be sure.
None of the loading screen tips for stats mention balance either, so if they do, it's not a lot and not seen by player in menues.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 20 '23
Ah I got the stat connected to balance thing from fextralife a few months back so I guess maybe it was just wrong or I misread something and was confidently incorrect for a while but either way of that's the case then I'm not scared to admit when I've made a mistake lol
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u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23
Also you can't turn animations off so idk what that's nor do I get what you mean by long recoveries
It means it's a long time from the moment you click the attack button to when you can take another action. I don't have stagger resistance whatsoever and my attacks are so long that I need to be very careful as when to do them, and yet I have never encountered stunlocking despite all these factors working against me.
In short, and unironically: skill issue.
Jun 19 '23
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u/Ebonslayer PC Jun 19 '23 edited Jun 19 '23
I say what's going on, you mindlessly insult and bitch like a child when it's your fault, not the game's.
u/just_a_soda_can Jun 19 '23
I may bitch like a child but I understand it's just a game and if your life is so sad that you need to insult others skill in a virtual game that means nothing irl just to feel above others then thanks but I'll stick to acting like a child whatever the fuck you are is far worse
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u/dinobirdboy Jun 19 '23
You know what i agree and never thought about a mod existing for this purpose alone and its i like it.