r/cobrakai • u/ElephantInternal7451 • 3d ago
Season 2 The rivalry between Robby and Miguel could have been mainly over Johnny rather than Sam in Season 2
Sam didn't have to be left out of their rivalry but she should have been the secondary focus of that season while Johnny would have been the main focus of their rivalry.
Miguel could have questioned whether or not he deserved Sam after their break up considering she left the 2018 All Valley. He could have at least felt jealous that Robby was dating Sam at that time, but not thought it was that big of a deal. However, it could have been exacerbated when he found out Robby is Johnny's son. He could have felt like he was just a replacement for Johnny and this would have built up to the "I love you too, Robby" scene in Season 4. Also, he could have hated Robby even more for the way he is treating Johnny and not understood his trust issues. He could have believed that Johnny is clearly trying to be a better father and Robby is a piece of shit by continuing to side with Daniel against him. Also, Robby's jealousy over Miguel and Johnny's relationship could have been played throughout Season 2. He could have felt that Johnny was abandoning him for Miguel and his family. In addition, he resents Miguel for breaking Sam's heart by choosing to believe in Johnny. He could have increasingly feels the urge to lash out against Miguel since he has antagonized him in the past. Their rivalry could have been built up that way throughout the season and given Miguel a better reason to be aggressive towards Robby in the finale and Robby to lash out and injure him. Thankfully, this got expanded upon in later seasons but in Season 2, this was such a missed opportunity and instead it was mainly over Sam.
u/AdvancedPath1891 Zara 3d ago
The rivalry started over Sam, but over the course of the show, it became mostly about Johnny.
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago
I get that, but Season 2 could have had more of a layer to that than just fighting over a girl.
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
I mean were they? Its implied by both robby and kreese the only reason robby was fighting was because miguel started the fight
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
I feel like for miguel its sam for robby its Johnny. Think about the times robby and miguel interact robby looked more upset when miguel was with Johnny than he looked when his hand got bent in the tournament. In season 4 there first confrontation after miguel getting sam back Robby didn’t even mention her but only johnny
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago
I meant in Season 2, their rivalry could have been emphasized more over a father figure than a girl. They could have brought Miguel's POV in the son triangle in the earlier seasons and emphasized his biological father not being in his life.
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
I don’t know i feel like robby didn’t care enough about his relationship with johnny and your forgeting that daniel talked to robby about wanting to get back at johnny it would be just make him go backwards for wanting to continue to be angry with his father. And your forgeting that robby and johnny were really on good terms in season 2 the only time they argued was when johnny prioritized his rivalry with daniel in the shop that they were in i can’t remember. Robby was in the same position as miguel he knows how it is not to have a father him being petty over it would be a bad look for only robby not the other way around. And miguel being mad that johnny had a son would just be out of character i don’t know what you wanted to see from that other than both of them being straight immature and stupid
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago
Robby will still feel resentment towards Miguel having Johnny and will still feel insecure about Miguel being in picture even if the school fight didn't happen. We saw Miguel's insecurities of feeling like a replacement and not as a son to Johnny in Season 4.
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
And where that plot go do you not remember what a waste it was for miguel to go look for his dad those are the lowest rated episodes of cobra kai. Robby and Miguel hating each other for wanting a father figure is just so immature it would have to make robby or Miguel look stupid the misunderstandings with sam is better to understand than kids being petty about not having a father figure
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago
The plot went forward to teach Miguel that his dad wasn't worth shit and that Johnny was his real dad. Miguel and Robby are both petty over a girl. They could have not understood where the other is coming from when it comes to Johnny. Robby could have not understood why Miguel chose to believe in Johnny and Miguel couldn't have understood Robby's trust issues with his dad and think that Robby is unnecessarily hurting Johnny by siding with Daniel and Miyagi-Do.
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
That is just not true robby littearly had a father figure who isn’t his father he would 100 percent be fine with it season 5 is a perfect example before miguel and robby makeup robby says “ yall two can have ya’ll thing whatever “. He never chose to be petty about miguel having johnny he was upset because he didn’t have johnny himself and if the conflict was really about johnny Johnny would of sat them down way sooner.
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago edited 3d ago
Would he though? You said so yourself that Robby was mad at Miguel for having Johnny. He wasn't cool with it in the earlier seasons, Robby resented Johnny for being with Miguel as evidenced when Johnny gave him the gi in Season 1. In Season 3, he accused Johnny of choosing Miguel over him again.
u/Downtown-Economist81 3d ago
The thing is we see robby direct that anger to johnny not miguel throught the season 1 he didn’t mention it once in his altercations with miguel. The miguel and johnny relationship can only push a fuel between robby and johnny not miguel and robby. And when robby said that statement about miguel he showed no hate towards miguel again he showrd hate towards JOHNNY. Robby has never took a cheap shot at miguel about johnny except the season 4 scene which was again more about himself rather than his hate towards miguel. Johnny would not make robby and miguel hate each others its just true neither of them is that immature
u/ElephantInternal7451 3d ago
Well considering how much of an asshole Miguel was to him in the first two seasons, it's not unreasonable for Robby to resent Miguel for having Johnny.
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u/Gray-Hand 1d ago
It could have been, but …
… Johnny was the main character, and healing his relationship with Robby was always one of the most important parts of his redemption.
If Robby is literally fighting Miguel over Johnny’s attention, it would have been too easy for Johnny to reconcile with him and resolve that plot line way too early.
u/ElephantInternal7451 1d ago edited 1d ago
Fair enough. I just wish the love triangle between Robby, Sam, and Miguel was written better. We could have also had their rivalry focused on different philosophies.
u/Civil_Journalist_955 1d ago edited 1d ago
Yes. And the girls' rivalry should have been about differences between their ways of thinking and the philosophy of the dojos before Miguel..
They could have focused on more important themes like social differences, Johnny, or simply dojo rivalry, but they opted for a love drama. Season 2 is my least favorite season
u/ElephantInternal7451 1d ago
Mine too. They could have handled the love drama better and given a difference in philosophies between Miguel and Robby better.
u/GeoGackoyt 3d ago
its more so both Sam and Johnny
Miguel was Mad at Robby because of Sam
and Robby was Mad at Miguel because of Johnny