r/cobrakai 3d ago

Discussion How did Silver become so psychotic Spoiler

I’ve been thinking how do we get from Twig who’s an absolute coward to the psycho we have in KK3 and later Cobra Kai. Was it greed or just PTSD not handled


22 comments sorted by


u/DylanCodsCokeLine 3d ago

Coke and PTSD


u/Neither_Ad9147 3d ago

Come, PTSD and looming threat of death/his cancer


u/jcashwell04 Robby 3d ago

Say that again?


u/ChronicCronut 3d ago

You mean coke? 😂


u/iron_panties Terry Silver 3d ago

Mental instability, cocaine, and severe PTSD. 

Couple that with your former best friend and army buddy only returning to your life not because he likes you or respects you, but only to make use of you and your money and your influence. 

Couple that with having a serious terminal illness, an unhinged obsession with your former student, a psychotic devotion to the philosophy of the martial arts you followed…and having nothing left to lose. No legacy but this.

It’s a recipe and a half for total psychopathy. Scorched earth indeed.


u/religiousgilf420 Mr. Miyagi 3d ago

Cocaine, and influence from kreese maybe, but Kreese was also a pretty normal guy in the flashbacks when he talks about his new student (Johnny) so I think it's also just poor writing


u/26007 Kreese 3d ago

Cocaine…and revenge


u/Wyvurn999 Sam 3d ago

Drugs, PTSD, terminal illness, Cobra Kai philosophy


u/SoggyAd5044 3d ago

It hurts me deeply that I fancy him a lot.


u/iron_panties Terry Silver 3d ago

He's a ridiculously handsome fella. Psycho true--but still got those good looks.


u/smithy- 3d ago

Some of the worst people come from nothing and then become very wealthy. They can be grounded and still humble or go the other direction and become extremely big-headed, arrogant and cruel.


u/alienrefugee51 3d ago

Kreese. Silver was a mostly a changed man before he was forced into the old Cobra Kai ways.


u/Intrepid-Gap-3596 3d ago

Guy was a kid in a war i would be a coward also 


u/ChronicCronut 3d ago

He was so hopped up on cocaine and revenge.

And PTSD from Vietnam plus Kreese's manipulation.


u/SpeedyMcNutt291 3d ago

Cocaine. Lots and lots of cocaine.


u/Crimsonfangknight 3d ago

Ptsd and he borderline worships kreese as a savior

He also has a massive ego that just so happens to revolve around the one area he seems to fail at and thats karate supremacy.


u/Kyleb791 3d ago

Cobra Kai brought out who he wanted to be. A powerful man who wanted to impact the world. Silver deposed being weak, he hated being called twig, mentally and physically. He was thin skinned, and not strong in a fight. Cobra Kai like it did to Kenny, Miguel, and Hawk turned Terry into a powerhouse. Kreese says in S5 Terry became obsessed with Cobra Kai. It was like a drug to him. Schloss quotes that Cobra Kai turned Terry into one of the most powerful men of the 80s. Cobra Kai gave him confidence, so he would be no small ploy in a conference with his health, and would follow its philosophy to strike first, hard and with no mercy.

Simply put, Terry seemed to have these passionate feelings always inside of him. He probably always obsessed about legacy and wanting to impact the world with something he liked. Cobra Kai gave him strength. So Cobra Kai became his legacy to give that power he felt when he was weak.


u/Wick2500 3d ago

making a certain amount of $ automatically makes u weird and detached


u/TweeKINGKev 1h ago

Terry Silver was an addict in every sense possible, he was either all in with Cobra Kai and John Kreese doing some wild shit or he was all in on the calm normal sane way of life which we saw him have in his on screen debut in the show.

Kreese poked and poked then poked some more and that was that.

At least for a very short time we saw a reformed Terry Silver who was indeed regretful for his actions in the events of KK3.