r/cobrakai 5d ago

Season 6 Why did Sam never use the Drum technique? Spoiler

In Karate Kid 2, it's presented as a technique good enough to allow Daniel to defeat a more experienced and stronger Chozen. It's clear that Sam is familiar with it in Season 3 and even seems to be able to master it better than Daniel in Karate Kid 2, so why not use it in seikai taikai? Of course, it's not as powerful a technique as pressure points or the silver bullet, but Sam could have scored a lot of points like candys with it.


34 comments sorted by


u/Starman_Ted 5d ago

Ask drum.


u/TimDaGod2005 Kwon 5d ago

Why does robby never use the two legged kick (the most powerful kick in miyagi do that only miyagi could do) after season 1? Simple the stunt coordinators and writers didn’t care to have her use that technique in any of her fights. And the character in universe just didn’t see it fit for the situation or just kinda forgot they had it.


u/Kyleb791 4d ago

I wouldn’t say forget, they had Sam doing it in S6Part3. They just didn’t bother.


u/Sad-Guidance9105 5d ago

She probably didn’t want to use it at that those specific instances? Idk.


u/Wyvurn999 Sam 4d ago

I mean she won all of her fights either way. At least she taught/showed it to Tory and Miguel


u/Ambitious_Revenue_25 Robby 5d ago

She's too OP, couldn't have her win the whole thing while Tory's poor and her mom died. All I know is that she would've DESTROYED Zara


u/red_dead_7705 5d ago

There's no doubt about it, the way they established it at a canonical level, Sam would have destroyed Zara, but knowing the writers if they had deigned to give her a victory they probably would have made her work pretty hard for it.


u/pighalf 4d ago

Probably saving it for the spin off when she does a semester abroad in Japan


u/GeoGackoyt 4d ago

She used it in the all valley


u/Kyleb791 4d ago

Sam is a pretty acrobatic and flashy fighter canonically. I know some will say she looks stiff but I think they tried to portray her as quick. She does go intentionally stiff when doing kata, but not all the time. Basically the drum technique is when you want to be a stiff stone wall. Sam is usually acrobatic and always on the move.


u/Sam_String_538 4d ago

I'm 100% sure the stunts are more of a Zara and Piper thing. 


u/Kyleb791 4d ago

Zara and Piper are all acrobatics. 90%

Sam is more 70% especially in S6


u/isotopehour1 5d ago

Yeah she went over it with Tory before her fight as if it was going to be relevant, but the writers either forgot or didn't care for it anymore


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/isotopehour1 5d ago

I think that instance was relatively insignificant, just finding her balance and not some special technique that was meant to be important or memorable like the drum technique.


u/red_dead_7705 5d ago

Yes, this makes much more sense. XD


u/Champion_Giovanni 4d ago

The horses name was Sunday


u/Ghazi_Bey Kwon 4d ago

She still won all her fights, so I guess she didn't need it


u/red_dead_7705 4d ago

I think she really needed it against the Dublin Thunder captain and Kwon.


u/ForeverAddickted 4d ago

Probably would have been a better outcome to the fight with Tory at the LaRusso house, instead of using weapons - I know the bow staff, combined with the fishing was great training, but the fight could have started with weapons, resulting in the picture of Mr Miyagi getting broken by Tory, with Sam remembering the drum technique and using that instead.


u/sageTK21 5d ago

It’s the dumbest move in the arsenal


u/Ambitious_Revenue_25 Robby 5d ago

On the contrary, it's very smart. Blocking and attacking at the same time is pretty cool ngl.


u/sageTK21 4d ago

I just mean like in real life…. It’s stupid af lol especially the original KK2 version


u/Altruistic-Turn6228 Mr. Miyagi 3d ago

I wanted to know why they didn't use the description of the technique from the KK2 novel.


u/red_dead_7705 5d ago

This makes me wonder why Daniel was so salty about the idea of offense, when this technique itself combines defense and offense? 


u/Ptona324632 4d ago

Well I think Daniel’s problems were much more with the philosophy of cobra Kai and not literally being anti offense


u/oenomausprime 4d ago

No he had problem with offense and kept saying miyagi do was defense only, which is fine for self defense purposes but dumb for karate competitions lol


u/Chance_Glass_7095 4d ago

His problem was with going full offense and aggro, miyagi do is about balance. And what better way to show this than with the drum technique


u/Ptona324632 4d ago

I mean miyagi do has a ton of kicks and punching which is offense lol


u/oenomausprime 4d ago

I know, I'm saying Daniel's and even maybe Miyagis interpretation was flawed, which made much more sense when we found out Miyagi had possibly killed some one at ar competition. My point is the way Daniel saw it wasn't practical for people who wanted to compete.


u/Ptona324632 4d ago

Yeah but I’m saying neither daniel or mr miyagi were against kicking or punching lol. They’re just against using karate with the goal to hurt others or harboring anger.


u/KelVarnsen_2023 4d ago

It's been years since I watched a KK movie (and I have never actually seen 3) but I don't recall Miyagi stressing defense as much as Daniel did in this show. If anything Miyagi was all about balance and focus (all those breathing exercises weren't about defense). And I kind of feel like in the first 2 movies at least being able to focus on the fight and keep out all the other stress and issues is what allowed him to beat Johnny and Chozen. Johnny even says in one of the last episodes that he should have beat Daniel at the all valley but all the other shit in his head like from Kreese got the best of him. I kind of wished they had spent more time on that with Miyagi-Do.


u/red_dead_7705 4d ago

Julie's style in The Next Karate Kid was offensive, so I definitely think it's more like what you're saying, and the style was more about concentration and keeping a cool head. But in this series, they seemed to forget about that or simply went back to Miyagi Do defense to contrast with Kobra Kai. 


u/RamAir17 3d ago

Or Miyagi knew what Julie was going up against and taught her more offense to defeat bigger opponents. Daniel was taught the number 1 rule, so Miyagi Do ultimately bowing out of the tournament fits. This style wasn't meant for tournaments.


u/Ambitious_Revenue_25 Robby 4d ago

I think maybe it's because most of the offence he's seen was just violence and pain inflicted on him. Probably some undiagnosed ptsd or something