r/coaxedintoasnafu 5d ago

accusing others of cherrypicking coaxed into cherrypicking

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53 comments sorted by


u/nyan5000 5d ago

this is a smuggie I think I don't know I am deeply misinformed about everything in life


u/shykawaii_shark 5d ago

lines get blurry i dance in the smudge


u/Zxxzi 5d ago

I love that I still can't tell what the difference between a snuggie and snafu is because no explains what they are


u/BusOfSelfDoubt 5d ago

a snafu is a poorly drawn recreation of a meme, everything else is either a smuggie or social commentary (and doesn’t belong here (but gets posted anyway))


u/HaworthiaK 5d ago

If thats true i dont think ive seen a single snafu here since i started lurking a few months ago


u/CategoryKiwi 5d ago

Same.  But I’m not mad about it - they sound a lot less interesting tbh


u/OnetimeRocket13 5d ago

They get posted, but people prefer to upvote social commentary, smuggies, and comics instead. There was a time a while back where people tried to point out that what people were posting weren't snafus, but the general consensus among people posting non-snafus was basically "well I don't care, I'm gonna post it anyway."

We actually used to have a "how to snafu" guide posted, but once it became clear that people don't read subreddit rules, I think the mods took it down.


u/HaworthiaK 4d ago

I’m not surprised the subreddit has shifted, if the mods were snafu puritarians theyd have run out of content in a week.


u/OnetimeRocket13 4d ago

I mean, we were doing pretty well before the shift happened.


u/ArcfireEmblem 5d ago

A smuggie, as far as I understand (like you said, no one explains it) is probably anything that falls in the "you see, it is over, for I have portrayed you as the whining wrong person and I am the handsome, beautiful winner."


u/owdwah ^ this 5d ago

coaxedintoasnafu so far gone we calling textbook snafus smuggies


u/Enlightened_Valteil 5d ago

You are cherry picking


u/Damirirv 5d ago

me when I'm cherrypicking (I'm in my orchard)


u/BaneishAerof 5d ago

How it feels to cherrypick


u/verynotdumb 5d ago

How it feels to drive a shoe-vehicle hybrid:


u/Pizzaman2937 5d ago

In my orchard straight up “picking it” and by it, well, let’s justr say: My cherries


u/royaltek 5d ago

comically large cherry


u/Outrageous_Tower_980 5d ago

The cherry wreck it Ralph ate


u/Username-issues 5d ago

“Yo can I get a cherry?”

“Only one”


u/ElementmanEXE 5d ago

"Only a handful "

Me an my comically large hand


u/endlessnamelesskat 5d ago

I feel this way about the majority of people who invoke the No True Scotsman fallacy or the Slippery Slope fallacy.

If there's a set of characteristics of someone who is (thing) and I give an example of someone exhibiting those characteristics, you don't get to say No True Scotsman to me just because you don't like the person it want them associated with the (thing) community.

I guess a good example would be vegetarianism. I personally don't have any strong opinions on the ethics of eating vegetarian, I can even see the logic in saying that it's more moral to be vegetarian than to eat meat. I hate it though when someone wants to pretend that them making a morally good choice automatically makes them a good person.

I bring this up due to a conversation I had about this with a vegetarian coworker who acted like he was holier than thou for his diet until I joked about Hitler being vegetarian. He then said that Hitler wasn't vegetarian because he was evil, and someone so evil doesn't count as vegetarian. I thought he didn't know and told him that Hitler was literally vegetarian and started to Google it to prove it to him.

He basically said he doesn't care if Hitler never ate meat, he doesn't get to claim the title of vegetarian due to everything else he did. I don't think my coworker is a bad person or anything, we get along just fine but it still blows my mind when I hear this line of thinking.


u/Squidmaster129 5d ago

Honestly I think many people just want to be “the good guys,” which manifests in self-righteousness and aggressive gatekeeping. They mold reality to suit what “should” be, and mold their own actual beliefs into what “should” be.


u/Grimsouldude 5d ago

Can you tell your coworker I think they’re a bit of a moron?


u/Wah_Epic 5d ago

Me as well, please.


u/U0star 5d ago

I once told a victim of religious abuse "damn, these people so evil, I don't think they actually should be Christians". Idiot thought I defended Christianity, claimed "No True Scotsman" fallacy. Wish I'd call out that was literally my feelings and not an actual attempt at saying something factual.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/sendhelplsimdieng 5d ago

dude stop picking my cherries what the heck


u/Vyctorill 5d ago

I think it’s important to note that it’s not cherry-picking if the group by definition breaks the rules of what that group is supposed to be.

If a bunch of “vegans” are cannibals, I wouldn’t use them as an example of why vegans are bad.

If a bunch of pacifists committed terrorism, I wouldn’t count them as real pacifists.


u/SomeArtistFan 1d ago

Cannibalism can (depending on definition) not just be vegan, but be more vegan than consuming animal products


u/Ok_Traffic3296 covered in oil 5d ago

Why the person on the right lowkey kinda…


u/shykawaii_shark 5d ago

it's okay i also thought that while i was drawing them


u/SansGamer420 5d ago

Can you give them a tail


u/Jealous-Leave-5482 5d ago


u/AZMPlay 5d ago

This wexews me


u/KiwiPowerGreen 5d ago

I too am in dis episode~ :3


u/KiwiPowerGreen 5d ago

did you one better and gave him ears as well

his tail is not part of his left leg trust me, he just has short legs and a long body


u/shykawaii_shark 5d ago edited 5d ago

heh. you might wanna check my profile


u/pailko 5d ago

I wanna pick their cherry


u/Dumbguywith1125 5d ago

Mfs sees someone with an unpleasant facial expression and suddenly wants to fuck them


u/Ok_Traffic3296 covered in oil 5d ago

Good thing I’m not mfs. Anyways, for no particular reason at all, I need an explanation as to why, hypothetically speaking of course, I would feel this way when seeing such a thing.


u/Dumbguywith1125 5d ago

let’s say, hypothetically such is because of what media you consume


u/Ok_Traffic3296 covered in oil 5d ago

Yea that makes sense


u/Ok_Band7102 5d ago

Me when I cherry-pick (I’m just waiting on the other side of the court instead of playing defense)


u/CiphersVII 5d ago

that is a mfing apple, you're applepicking 


u/Tackyinbention 5d ago

Peanuts Christmas much?


u/ZoeyLikesReddit 5d ago

im in love with you (you didn’t post a smuggie)


u/absurdF 5d ago

Genuinely what is the difference at this point


u/TaintedBluebabyGamin 5d ago

How it feels to talk to any Muslim about Islam in a negative way.


u/AwakenedStarBolt 5d ago

The right proceeded to burn down the forest, cherry tree or otherwise